Early and Ancient History of the Khazars, also known as "Edomites" Today known as the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN

Early and Ancient History of the Khazars, also known as "Edomites".

Vatic Note: Without a doubt, this is a MUST READ and no doubt about it, The historical perspective is astonishing, and revealing, and frankly, SHOCKING. I had no idea. These pagan gods solicited child sacrifice,  cannibalism, and more.... no wonder God forbade the Israeli's from worshipping Molech.  Then we find out the pharisees, sadducees etc, were those worshipping these gods.  This is the most educational piece I have ever found on this subject and while it's not a FAST FOOD information piece, its definitely for those who truly want to "know" and its weird to see these same people practicing these acts in today's world.  
When I started to read this, a whole lot of holes in the history I had found,  were filled by this information.  Example:  The "so-called" Syrian Rebels practising Cannibalism on "Christians" during the Syrian "so called revolt" , is explained below and makes it clear they are not semites.   These are Khazars pretending to be rebels.  As we subsequently found out these rebels were recruited, funded and trained by Mossad, and the CIA and Saudi Intel people.  Yes, they are khazars and told us by their cannibalism. 

Who are the khazars in that area?  They are the khazars that settled into Israel and Saudi Arabia, in the royal family, and the immigrant settlements in Palestine territory are for the Russian "Khazars".    These immigrants are the ones that were beating up the real semitic Jews who had to seek asylum in London and New York.  This also explains what may well have caused the Mongolians to kick the Khazars out of Mongolia.  It's all starting to come together.... edomites that had no soul, no humanity, and no conscience.  Pure perfect psychopaths. 

Remember, I questioned how that could be since Mongolia was a safe haven for criminals.  But cannibalism is way beyond criminal... its satanic and barbaric and I bet that is why they were kicked out.   It was the one thing I could see that would cause the Mongolians to do that.  They must have been petrified of that act.  I know I could not imagine being able to be around such actions.

There is information in here, that I, a student of the Bible, did not know.  For instance the  

Esau, Edomites, Phoenicians, Canaanites & Jews 
by Bible Believers, admin 

In a time when "children" are the big focus in the country, the historical pagan sacrifice of children to Baal becomes relevant.
Baal was the power worshipped by the Canaanites as God. He is the bull god and is represented by a bull. He is half man and half bull, the god of fertility (the Sun God). In Egypt he was known as the Son of the Nile or Ra. He possessed Akhnaton (i.e. he who is pleasing to Aton), the husband of Nefertiti (i.e. possessed by Ashtaroth). Nefertiti was the originator of the Rosicrucians and the Masons. Baal promotes false religion and religious prostitution (as well as shrine prostitutes). J. P. Timmons, Mysterious Secrets of the Dark Kingdom p. 114 (1991). 

Moloc was a Canaanite deity associated with human sacrifices. Mainly, child sacrifices. A bronze statue with the head of an ox and body of a man was erected, and infants would be placed in it to burn. Moloch may have been the Baal-Hammon worshiped in the cities of Tyre and Carthage. His name means "the lord of the altar of incense." 

He was usually shown as an old man with ram's horns, holding a scythe. Moloch was also thought to be the Adrammelech of Jewish legend. An idol form of the sun-god worshipped by the inhabitants of Sepharvaim (2 Kings 17:31), and brought by their colonists into Samaria, Adrammelech was turned into one of the ten archdemons, who appeared in animal forms such as a peacock, mule, horse, or lion. 

In Milton's Paradise Lost, Uriel and Raphael vanquish Adrammelech in Book 6, line 3. "Touch of Evil" 

Touch of evil 
On the faithful bestowed 
Burn for Moloch 
Sacrificial inferno 
Submitting the offspring 
Swallowed in flames 
Baptismal immolation 
Another soul claimed 
Hell on earth 
The pagan returns 
To please the deity 
Children shall burn 
"Your children are mine 
Placate me with them 
You worshipped before 
You will kneel again." 
As the young are scorched 
We welcome the end 
The lord of the altar of incense unleashed 
Apocalypse begins 

Ham was persuaded by his consort Naamah, to practice ritual murder and cannibalism. The word "cannibalism" comes from Canaan and the demon god Baal. Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan p. 12 (1987). By eating fair-skinned persons, he was told, his descendants would regain their superior qualities. Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan p. 11 (1987). 

The lands of Israel and southern Syria once formed the empire of the Canaanites and the early Phoenicians: "Archeologists have found evidence of a definite connection between the Canaanites and the Phoenicians, linking them to the Egyptians. The Canaanite pantheon of gods is similar to that of the Egyptians, the Hindus and the Builders." Norman Paulsen, Christ Consciousness p. 354 (1984). 

Cain, "who was of that wicked one" (I John 3:12) was the first to use his inherent ability to do evil by killing His half-brother Abel, who was a servant of God. Likewise, the synagogue of Satan uses all manner of evil to harm the people of God, in their quest to take from Israel their God-given birthright. Why do they want this birthright? Because one of their Adamic forefathers sold his birthright to Jacob/Israel for a bowl of soup. Malachi 1:2-3 and Romans 9:13 tell us, "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated."  

We read how Esau grieved his parents by marrying into the Canaanite line: "Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite: which were a grief of mind to Isaac and to Rebekah . . . and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah the daughter of Zibeon the Hivite; and Bashemath Ishmael's daughter, sister of Nebajoth" (Genesis 26:34-35; 36:2-3). 

Esau was quite the mongrelizer. Though he was of the Adamic race and the blood of Abraham, "A little leaven leavens the whole lump" and he commited genocide by marrying into the bloodline of Canaan, "leavening" his progeny, the Edomites. Gensis 36:8, "Esau is Edom." 

The Jewish Encyclopedia tells us that "Edom is in Modern Jewry". This witness from the 1905 edition records the connection between modern day Jews and the race of Edom: "Some anthropologists are inclined to associate the racial origins of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls and curved noses they appear to have inherited (Vol. X, p. 284). Thus Esau/Edom was now absorbed into the Canaanite people by means of his Hittite and Hivite wives. According to Strong's Concordance the word Canaan means "trader or merchant" and the Phoenicians, as Canaanites, are derived from Ham's incestuous relationship with Naamah the sister of Tubalcain, the wife Noah took with him in the Ark (Genesis 9:18-27; 10:6, 15-19).

Owing to the intermarriage of their forefathers with Canaanites, there were probably few Israelites without Phoenician, that is, Serpent's seed blood in their veins. Judges 3:5-6, "The children of Israel dwelt among the Canaanites, Hittites, and Amorites, and Perizzites, and Hivites, and Jebusites: and they took their daughters to be their wives, and gave their daughters to their sons, and served their gods". The Jews claimed to be the children of Abraham however that they were not true children of Abraham is certain when they say that they were never in bondage (John 8:32-33). 

"Phoenician" is a Greek word connoting "palm tree" and as such does not appear in the Old Testament where the locals call themselves "Canaanites." The name Kennan is preserved on a coin of Laodicea, of the time of Antiochus Epiphanes, whereon Laodicea is styled, "a mother city in Canaan." The Phoenicians or Canaanites were the most powerful of all tribes in Palestine at the time of its invasion by Joshua. In speaking of their own territory as it was before the conquest the Israelites called it, "the land of Canaan." After the conquest the tendency developed to call only the coastal strip and the Jordan Valley the land of Canaan. As late as the second century AD the descendants of the Carthaginians in North Africa called themselves Canaanites. The term "Canaanite" came to denote the member of a Jewish sect who was a zealot or fanatic (Matthew 10:4).

The Phoenicians were the great maritime and commercial people of the ancient world, and pre-eminent in colonization. The Romans transcribed the Greek "phoenix" to "poenus", thus calling the emigres to Carthage "punic." Augustine of Hippo stated that the peasants in his part of Africa, if asked their race, would answer, in Punic or Phoenician, "Canaanites." In Hebrew "canaan" means, "merchant" or "trafficker," "to bend the knee," "bring down low," "humiliate" or "vanquish." Genesis 10:18, "the families of the Canaanites (would be scattered, vanquished, or) spread abroad". 

Canaanite, Khazar and Edomite are all names that accurately refer to the majority of people who call themselves "Jews." The name Jew originally meant a resident of Judea regardless of religion or race, and has long since lost any association with a true Judahite. Jesus made this clear in Revelation 2:9, "I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not but are a synagogue of Satan." And 3:9, "I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie; indeed I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you". 

The Phoenicians spoke a form of Aramaic. It was a Semitic language in common with the Israelites, Tyre, Sidon, Byblos and neighboring towns, and in other areas of the Mediterranean colonized by Phoenician people known as Aramaeans. It was most closely related to Hebrew, Syriac and Moabite which were written in a script derived from the Phoenician alphabet. The earliest Phoenician inscription deciphered dates probably from the 11th century BC; the latest inscription from Phoenicia proper is from the 1st century BC, when the language was already being superseded by Aramaic proper. 

The language spread to its colonies. In the North African city of Carthage, a later stage of the language, known as Pun (Latin—punica, poenica, Phoenician) which was influenced by the Berber, became the language of the Carthaginian empire. Phoenician survived in use as a vernacular in some of the smaller cities of North Africa at least until the time of St. Augustine, bishop of Hippo (5th century AD) and continued to be used by North African peasants until the 6th century AD. Phoenician words are found in Greek and Latin classical literature as well as in Egyptian, Accadian, and Hebrew writings. The language written in the 22-character alphabet adopted by the Hebrews does not indicate vowels. 

In the Babylonian inscriptions the Acadians are called "the black heads" and "the black faces," in contrast to "the white race" of Semitic descent. They lived in southern Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq), and worshipped the Trinity as El (or ilu, the father god), Ea (god of the earth and creator of man) and Enlil (the god of the air). The early ilu can be seen as the Canaanite and Assyrian "El" for God, and also in Hebrew such as elohim and "El Shadai." 

The Sumerians who lived in the same region and date to the same period invented cuneiform writing, but were distinct from the Semitic Akkadians, and spoke an unrelated language. Ea was known the Sumerians as "Enki." In Sumerian, En- denotes kingship the way we use "lord" in English. Enki means literally "lord of the earth." The Sumerian word lil can mean "air," "breath," or "spirit." The similarity between this Sumerian and Akkadian Trinity and the Holy Spirit of the Roman Catholic form of the same Trinity should be obvious. 

The pantheistic religion of the Phoenicians was a constant temptation to polytheism and idolatry. As a great commercial people, the Phoenicians were more generally intelligent and civilized than the inland agricultural population of Palestine. When simple-minded Jews without a revelation, came in contact with this more versatile and, apparently more enlightened people, some would tend to regard their exclusive devotion to the one God somewhat unsocial and morose. 

In some such way we must account for the astonishing fact that Solomon himself, the wisest man, to whom Jehovah is expressly stated to have appeared twice—once, not long after his marriage with an Egyptian princess, on the night after his sacrificing 1,000 burnt offerings on the high place of Gibeon, and the second time, after the consecration of the Temple—should have been so far beguiled by his wives in his old age as to become a polytheist, worshipping, among other deities, the Phoenician or Sidonian goddess Ashtaroth (I Kings 3:1-5; 9:2; 11:1-5). 

And probably, according to his own erroneous conceptions, he never ceased to regard himself as a loyal worshipper of Jehovah, but at the same time he deemed this not incompatible with sacrificing at the altars of other gods likewise. Still the fact remains, that Solomon, who by his Temple in its ultimate results did so much for establishing the doctrine of one God, died himself a practical polytheist. And if this was the case with him, Polytheism in other sovereigns of inferior excellence can excite no surprise. With such an example before him, it is no wonder that Ahab, an essentially bad man, should after his marriage with a Sidonian princess not only openly tolerate, but encourage, the worship of Baal. 

Jezebel, built a great temple with three altars, one for each of the Trinity, Baal, Astarte and Molock. And although, before the reformation of Josiah (II Kings 23), polytheism prevailed in Judah as well as Israel, yet it seems to have been more intense and universal in Israel, as might have been expected from its closer proximity to Phoenicia: and Israel is sometimes spoken of as if it had set the bad example to Judah (II Kings 17:19; Jeremiah 3:8).

The Phoenician religion sanctioned the dreadful superstition of burning children as sacrifices to their god. Jeremiah 19:5, "They have also built in the name of the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings to Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind." (Also see Jeremiah 32:35). More than 250 years after the death of Jeremiah, the Carthaginians, when their city was besieged by Agathocles, offered as burnt sacrifices to the planet Saturn, at the public expense, 200 boys of the highest aristocracy; and, subsequently, when they had obtained a victory, sacrificed the most beautiful captives in the like manner. 

Furthermore, parts of the Phoenician religion, especially the worship of Astarte, tended to encourage dissoluteness in the relations of the sexes. Connected with her temples and images there were male and female prostitutes, whose polluted gains formed part of the sacred fund appropriated to the service of the goddess. And, notwithstanding positive prohibitions and the repeated denunciations of the Hebrew prophets, previous to the reformation of Josiah, this class of persons was allowed to have houses or tents close to the temple of Jehovah, whose treasury was perhaps even replenished by their gains (II Kings 23:7; Deuteronomy 23:17-18; I Kings 14:24; 15:12; 21:46; Hosea 4:14).

The Canaanites originated the practices of demon-worship, occult rites, child sacrifice and cannibalism. Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan p. 8 (1987). They sacrificed children to Molech (a Semitic god). Mike Warnke, Schemes of Satan p. 29 (1991). In Palestine numerous bodies of children were discovered in the foundations of buildings proving without doubt that oblations of this character were common among Canaanites to strengthen the walls of homes and cities. Edwin O. James, Sacrifice and Sacrament, p. 94 (1962). The priests of the Canaanites, to control the populace, claimed that the first-born children were to be sacrificed to their demon gods (Isaiah 57:3-5). They practiced their horrible rites in "groves" or "shrines" where they could "murder children without being seen and punished by the descendents of Shem" Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan, p. 24 (1987). 

Greece was first colonized by Ophites (or serpent worshippers both from Egypt and Phoenicia). Cadmus was the leader of the Canaanites who fled before the arms of the victorious Joshua (c. 1405BC). Joshua, the son of Nun, of the tribe of Ephraim was the leader of the Israelites in their conquest of the Promised Land. Cadmus was an Egyptian identical to Thoth. According to Herodotus, honey cakes were presented once a month as food to the sacred serpent in the Acropolis at Athens. A live serpent kept there was the guardian of the palace. Athena was a city specially consecrated to Minerva. 

At Hazor in Galilee (c. 1300BC) a small Canaanite shrine contained a basalt stele depicting two hands lifted in prayer to a crescent moon. II Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia, p. 1148 (Moody Press 1975). The early Canaanites worshipped the Goddess Ashtoreth (Asherah, Astarte, Attoret, Anath, Elat, Baalat) as their chief divinity. Eleanor Rae & Bernice Marie- Daly, Created In Her Image p. 69 (1990). Around the sacred stone, which represented the goddess Astarte, hundreds of skeletons of human infants were found: "She was the goddess of untrammelled sexual love and first-born children and animals were sacrificed to her." M. Esther Harding, Women's Mysteries: Ancient and Modern, p. 138 (Shambhala: Boston and Shaftesbury 1990). 

After about 1200BC the Canaanites vanished from history to reappear as the Phoenicians. As seemingly harmless merchant folk, they obtained a monopoly over purple dye (phoenikica was the Greek word for purple). Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan, p. 25 (1987). 

Under pressure from the great empires of the Assyrians, the Babylonians and the Greeks, the Phoenicians migrated to North Africa. They were great trading people, sailing immense cargo galley ships from Asia to Britain. They did not stop at the pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) but sailed as far as 2,500 miles down the coast of Africa. These rich merchants provided funds for a large army and navy which transformed Carthage from a trading post into a great empire. 

In the Iron Age, during the first Millennium BC, several small kingdoms prevailed in the area. The Edomites ruled southern Jordan; the Moabites settled in the centre of the country; the Amorites had their capital at Hisban, south of Amman; the Ammonites controlled the area around Amman; and the Kingdom of Gilead reigned in the northern region around the Zerqa River. The Arab Nabataeans established their kingdom in southern Jordan at the end of the 1st Millennium BC, with its secure capital at Petra, but finally succumbed to Roman control in the early 2nd Century AD. 

Carthage was founded in 814 or 813BC. "Under the Carthaginians it [Malta] became a semi-independent republic ruled by a high priest and magistrates." R.J.L. Wilkinson, Malta: A Short History and Guide, p. 7 (Undated). 

The descendents of Canaan settled Phoenicia or Canaan. Sidon was early celebrated for its textile fabrics and Tyre for its commerce in Purple. The people were the most emminent traders and navigators of antiquity. According to Herodotus, Cambyses ordered his fleet to sail against Carthage, "The Phoenicians, however, refused to go, because of the close bond which connected Phoenicia and Carthage, and the wickedness of making war against their own children." Cambyses did not push the point "because the Phoenicians had taken service under him of their own free will, and his whole naval power was dependent on them." 

Hezekiah, king of Judah (c. 715-687BC) led an expurgation of certain Canaanites elements in Israelite religious life (II Kings 18:1; II Chronicles 29:1) removing pagan pillars and high places of worship and destroying the fertility symbolism of the goddess Asherah. The Levites were "sons of the Great Serpent" or Leviathan "the wriggly one." Israel began to regard it as an idol and "burn incense to it." In contempt, Hezekiah called it Nehushtan—a mere piece of brass (II Kings 18:4) and disposed of the bronze serpent which Moses had made. 

The worship of Adonis was of Phoenician origin (centered in Byblos and Aphaka). The records of the cult go back to 700BC. It spread to Cyprus, then to Greece. Jessie L. Weston, From Ritual to Romance, p. 42-43 (1957). 

Because Judah also followed the corrupted ways of the Edomites and Canaanites, seven years later Judah was taken. This left only a remnant of Israelites in Jerusalem by 700BC. Endnote 40: Shelton Emry, Heirs of the Promise, p.8 (Undated). 

In the ritual of exaltation, the name of the Great Architect of the Universe "is revealed as JAH-BUL-ON." JAH represents Jahweh, the God of the Hebrews. BUL is Baal, the ancient Canaanite fertility god with "licentious rites of imitative magic." ON is Osiris, the ancient Egyptian god of the underworld. 

The Canaanite political parties included the Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots, Essenes, Assassins, Herodians and Scribes. They were also divided into the Amorites, Hittites, Moabites, Midinites, Philistines, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, Sepharvaims, Perizzites and affiliated tribes. Later the Edomites (descended from Esau) intermarried with the Turks and became known as the Khazars who eventually occupied [present-day] Israel. Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan, p. 22 (1987). 

The last will and testament of Canaan read: "Love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth." The Babylonian Talmud says: "Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth" The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b. These five points have been the modus operadi of the Canaanites for three thousand years. "the Will of Canaan today remains the operating instructions of the Canaanite heirs, who presently control the World Order. At the same time, it remains unknown to the peoples whom the Canaanites continue to rob, enslave, and massacre." The instructions are a command to commit genocide against the people of Shem (Genesis 27:39-41). 

In extrabiblical sources the term "Kohen" is found in Canaanite inscriptions and in Ugaritic documents. XIII Encyclopedia Judaica, p. 1070 (1971). In the Cabirian rites, the initiates stood under specially prepared sacrificial gratings and were bathed in the blood of sacred bulls. Manly Hall, "Astrology as a Religion," The Best of the Illustrated National Astrological Journal, p.94 (1978). 

At all times and at all places the priest has been the "master of sacrifice." A priest's first responsibility is to effect and maintain the bond of communion between man and his God (gods). Edwin O. James, Sacrifice and Sacrament, p. 16 (1962). 

A "Kohen" and an Israelite possessed by demons once went to a physician. "The latter prescribed for the Israelite, because 'he was of those who spent the night at graves,' but declared that the Kohen needed no such assistance, being a man of spiritual learning." Rollo Ahmed, The Black Art, p.48-49 (Paperback Library 1968). 

The rite of consecration of the Kohen (ritual sacrifice priest) was very nearly identical with the normative ritual sacrifice. The Kohen-elect was made to enter a pit beneath the grating used for the altar of sacrifice (the altar of holocaust). Described in Exodus 27. The preferred victim was a boy of Jewish blood—yet girls were used when the supply was high. "Secrets From the Vatican Library," Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas & Hidden History, p. 220 (1993). 

Greek and Roman historians did not have much praise for the Carthaginians, considering them mercenary and dishonest. (But the historian Plutarch was a Greek, and the historian Polybius was a friend of Scipio Africanus, who burned Carthage; so there may have been some bias in this reporting). 

Carthage was expanding right to the borders of Rome (the western half of Sicily). This expansion added to its wealth the gold of Spain as well as its iron, copper, and silver. The income of Carthage at its peak was twelve times that of Athens. The gods of Carthage were Baal-Haman to whom child sacrifices were offered. Their religions had the worst features of the Canaanite worship. God eventually allowed great devastation to be brought upon Carthage at the hands of the Romans. 

480BC — Gelon, tyrant of Syracuse, defeats Carthaginian general Hamilcar, at Himera. 

260BC — Roman ships defeat Carthaginian ships at Mylae. 

The First Punic War (264BC) was fought at sea, where the Carthaginians had the advantage, being great seamen. The wealthy citizens of Rome, however, put together an army of 60,000 men and 200 ships with private funds. The dry land soldiers practiced long and hard to learn how to row the huge quinqueremes (five ranks of oars on each wide) and to conduct combat aboard ship. The Carthaginians were resting in the successes of Hamilcar Barca and did not build their forces. The Roman armada, sailing secretly, defeated the Carthaginian fleet at the Aegadian Islands off the west coast of Sicily. Carthage was forced to sue for peace and paid heavy reparations to Rome. 

256BC — Roman ships defeat Carthaginian ships at Cape Ecnomus. 

241BC — Roman ships defeat Carthaginian ships off the Aegadian Isles. 

218BC — Second Punic War; Carthaginian general Hannibal defeats Roman armies three times in Italy; finally defeated by Scipio Africanus in North Africa in 201BC. 

219BC — Hannibal captures Saguntum in Spain. 

217BC — Hannibal crosses Alps from Gaul into Italy. Prince Cheng, founder of the Ch'in Dynasty (from which the name "China" is taken), unifies China and takes the title of Shih Hwang-ti (First Emperor). Shih Hwang-ti builds much of the Great Wall of China, and a network of roads and canals that converge on his capitol, near modern Sian, Shensi province. 

216BC — Hannibal defeats Roman army at Cannae. 

214BC — Roman General Marcus Claudius Marcellus besieges Syracuse, which is allied with Carthage. War machines designed by Greek mathematician Archimedes devastate Roman war ships. The siege fails and the blockade begins. 

212 BC — Marcellus attacks Syracuse and gains the city. He gives his soldiers one day's leave to loot the city. A Roman soldier runs Archimedes through with a sword. 

202BC — Hannibal defeated at Zama. 

149BC — Third Punic War; Carthage destroyed by Scipio Aemilianus (146). 

146BC — Roman general Scipio Africanus Minor captures and razes Carthage, enslaves inhabitants. The city ceases to exist. 

146BC — After several wars against the Macedonian kings Rome takes over Greece. Rome now unchallenged ruler of most Mediterranean countries. 

It was a member of the Edomite progeny who first sought to kill our Lord. Matthew 2:16 records how Herod the Idumean (Edomite) had all the Israelite children two years and younger slain that in so doing he might also kill the baby Messiah. Jesus would not live in Judea, "for fear of the Jews" (John 7:1). 

Luke 11:14, "Jesus was driving out a demon that was mute. When the demon left, the man who had been mute spoke, and the crowd was amazed." The Pharisees accused Jesus of casting out demons by the prince of demons, Beelzebub. Baalzebub, "lord of the flies", was the Philistine god of Accaron (Ekron), 25 miles west of Jerusalem. King Ahaziah attempted to consult its oracle in his last illness (II Kings 1:2). Beelzeboul and Beezebou preserve the name of an old Canaanite god, meaning "Baal, the Prince" or "Baal of the Exalted Abode." Joseph A. Fitzmyer, The Gospel According to Luke (X-XXIV), p. 920. When they said of Jesus that "an unclean spirit is within him. Jesus said: I tell you solemnly, all men's sins will be forgiven, all their blasphemies; but let anyone blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and he will never have forgiveness; he is guilty of an eternal sin"(Mark 3:28-30). 

Grolier's Academic American Encyclopedia tells us that the Mongols were a people who "For nearly two centuries . . . raided, invaded, conquered, and destroyed many more highly developed countries and peoples." Of the Khazars we read: "The Khazars, a Turkic people, created a commercial and political empire that dominated substantial parts of South Russia during much of the 7th through 10th centuries. During the 8th century the Khazar aristocracy and the kagan (king) were converted to Judaism . . . The Khazars controlled many of the trade routes to the Orient." The synagogue of Satan has perpetuated the traits of their forebears by maintaining control of trade which is one of the methods they use to continue in their quest to overthrow "more highly developed countries and peoples". 

That this group of people is genetically linked to the Khazars and Mongols is well-proven and even admitted by Jews themselves. Ashkenazim Jew Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe Random House, Inc. (1976) gives abundant proof of this. The 1925 edition of The Jewish Encyclopedia(Vol. 15, p. 292) has this to say about the Khazars: "CHAZARS: a people of Turkish origin whose life and history is interwoven with the very beginnings of the history of the Jews in Russia." Before it became politically incorrect to discuss such things, the 1952 edition of the American People's Encyclopedia says of the Khazar/Mongol/Turk connection to the Jews: "In the year 740 the Khazars were officially converted to Judaism. A century later they were cursed by the incoming Slavic-speaking people and scattered over central Europe where they were known as Jews". 

Television programming such as Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, and others which showed Christian families as loving, caring people led by the man of the house have been replaced by shows such as Fox's Married . . . with Children and the neo-feminist Who's the Boss? Such shows feature dysfunctional families led by women, with children who are disrespectful and disobedient. The role of the father has been relegated to the trash heap as something of the past, no longer needed for the 21st century. Instead of "Father Knows Best," now it's Father is a Complete and Utter Moron, with all thanks due to Jewish media moguls who write, direct, produce, star in and market these abominable productions. Indeed, the synagogue of satan is hard at work discrediting and defaming the white Christians of this land and worldwide. It is interesting to note that the word 'mogul' which we used above to describe this people is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary as: "2. A Mongol or Mongolian. 3. mogul. A very rich or powerful person; a magnate." The very word which has come to mean someone with vast wealth and power originally meant someone of the Mongol tribes of Asia. Interestingly enough, those people today who possess the wealth and power are direct descendants of the Mongolian peoples, who later mixed with the Khazars, a branch of the Turks. 

The Khazars are Serpent's seed who converted to Judaism in AD740. The Maccabean leadership was replaced by the descendants of traditional enemies of the Jewish people, namely the converted Edomites, Herod and his family. The Ashkenazim developed the idea of Political Zionism. 

The Sephardim were forced out of Spain after the inaguuration of the inquisition in 1840.The name "Sephard" is derived from a city in Asia Minor, where exiles from Jerusalem settled after the destruction of the first temple in 586BC (Obadiah 20). They speak Ladino, a mixture of Spanish and Hebrew and settled in Spain, Portugal, the Eastern Mediterranean, Italy, the Balkans, Salonica and Macedonia. 

In Holland, where so many of the better off and the intelligentsia had fled, "the phoenix was adopted as the symbol of the elite Sephardic Jews, representing their rise from the ashes of the inquisition." On the front of the Great Seal the eagle has a small tuft at the back of the head. This indicates a hybrid combination of an eagle and the mythical phoenix. The New York Excelsior coin of 1787 shows a thin, long-necked, crested profile of the phoenix. The phoenix was one of the most familiar symbols of both the Egyptian and Atlantean cultures. It serves primarily as a symbol of Atlantis reborn in America. 

By 1600, the Dutch manned 1,000 ships, and were the world's leading power in maritime commerce. In 1609 the great Bank of Amsterdam was established, an event which probably should be considered as "ground zero" for the modern Western financial system. Deposits were guaranteed by the government. The bank's solvency was unrivalled, a welcome development after the plethora of debased and varying monetary units which had characterized the sixteenth century economy. The Bank's florin became the standard unit of European currency. Checks could be written against bank accounts. Sephardic resources and expertise certainly played a role in forming this great bank, as they did later in the seventeenth century when a group of Dutch financiers, many of them conversos, agreed to hold British bonds in return for the ability to operate a bank similar to the Bank of Amsterdam. This second great European bank, the Bank of England, was thus formed in 1694. In both banks, Sephardic investments were significant, but not exclusive. Above all, the Banks were obviously sponsored by national regimes and Christian upper-classes, which benefitted greatly. 

In 1779 Herz married "the young and dazzling" Henrietta de Lemos, daughter of a physician of Sephardic descent. Their home became "a center of Berlin high society" but Mendelssohn died before "the salon of the tragic muse stood in full bloom" Antelmann, Mendelsohn, the head of Jewish Illuminism (Haskala), p. 349. Mendelssohn cooperated with Weishaupt and other leaders of secret societies. Lady Queenborough, Occult Theocracy, p.185 (1933). Mendelssohn trained disciples for the French Revolution. Antelman, p. 72. 

On Yom Kippur Eve, 1779, Washington's soldiers, unpaid for months, were at a point of mutiny before a battle: "At last a desperate Washington sent a messanger on horseback through the night to Philadelphia with instructions to obtain, from Haym Salomon, a loan of $400,000, an enormous sum in those days, to pay and provision his troops. The messenger found Salomon in the synagogue, and a hasty whispered conference took place. Salomon rose and quickly moved about the synagogue, collecting certain friends. A small group left together, and that night the money was raised. Did Haym Salomon himself contribute $240,000 of the money? So the legend, perpetuated in many accounts, insists." [Endnote 2238: Stephen Birmingham, The Grandees, p. 152-153 (1971). Haym Salomon was in Philadelphia. Ibid. p. 145. He was a member of two Sephardic congregations (Shearith Israel in New York and later Mikveh Israel in Philidelphia). Ibid. p. 147-148. 

A planned massing of French and Spanish troops in Mexico was stopped when the Czar of Russia dispatched two fleets to the US. James Rothschild was left without his anticipated empire in Mexico: "Because of these good offices on behalf of the union, the Czar was later murdered by Rothschild agents, and Russia was condemned to be turned over to the atrocities of the demonic Canaanite revolutionaries" Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan, p. 158 (1987). 

The Baruch family was one of the great Sephardic families of New York. Our Crowd, p. 42 (1967). 

Class differences were an integral part of this new Feudal system. When the call went out to Jews all around the globe to come to Israel to help establish the country, some of the first to arrive were Jews of African and Arabic origins who are referred to as Sephardic Jews. In later years, as more of the Ashkenazic Jews (of European stock) arrived, many Sephardic Jews, who had served as Israel's pioneers, were forced to give up their homes to the Ashkenazim who consider themselves to be superior to those of Moroccan or Ethiopian heritage. 

Explosive new evidence has come to light—in part, from dozens of reopened graves—suggesting that the sort of mass atrocities Zionist propaganda has blamed on Germany since the 1940s were, in reality, planned and perpetrated, not by any of Europe's nationalist leaders, but by the government of Israel. Thousands of small children belonging to Sephardic (Oriental) Jewish immigrants were seized—often wrenched from the arms of their mothers—on arrival in the ministate in the 1950s and 1960s, a year-long investigation by international refugee administrators has reported. 

The children were bundled into trucks and driven off by armed guards. Some were subsequently used in inhuman medical experiments. Others were forcibly relocated and placed in the custody of "superior" European Jewish foster families. 

"It's a bombshell of a scandal and it has set Israeli society afire" said Jurgen Liedke, an International Red Cross refugee administrator who has returned recently from a stint in the Middle East. "At first the [Israeli] government just flatly denied the whole thing," he added. "But then a witness from their own ranks stood up and confessed. What he said was more shattering than any suicide bombing." 

The witness, identified as Ami Hovev, a former Israeli immigration inspector, told the influential Tel Aviv daily newspaper Yediot Ahronot that "hundreds, perhaps thousands" of children from immigrant Yemenite Jewish families were "taken away" by the authorities. Their parents never saw them again. 

Hovev, who also participated in a recent internal investigation into the fate of the kidnapped children, admitted that a "substantial number" of them were secretly consigned for "unmerciful" medical experiments and then buried in lime pits. "I know that they [Israeli physicians in state hospitals] conducted experiments on living [Sephardic] children, extracting phosphorus and bone marrow from the spinal cord," Hovev declared on Israeli TV. The scandals drew reactions of horror and apprehension from the ministate's neighbors. "At last we're seeing the real Israel," wrote Lebanese columnist Emanuel Khouri. "To think that a people capable of such crimes against humanity now also have atomic weapons is terrifying." 

The poor and often barely literate Sephardic Jewish immigrants from nations such as Yemen, whose young were seized, were told by Israeli officials that, under standing immigration regulations, it was necessary to hospitalize underage arrivals from the East briefly for "tests" and "examination." 

But once taken, the children never returned. All the families received was an official notice that their child had died in the hospital. Now, the Yemenite Jewish community, led by a militant rabbi of its own, is in revolt. Scores of graves dating back to the 1950s and 1960s have been recently dug up at their demand. "Most were found empty," Liedke said. 

The children supposedly buried in them had been entrusted, under false names, to European Jewish families who were, in the view of the Israeli government, "superior" to the children's own poverty-stricken parents. 

Although the scandal has generated banner headlines throughout the Middle East, in the United States, press coverage has been almost nil. (The Spotlight, April 1st 1996. * 300 Independence Ave SE., Washington, DC. 20003. USA). 

Thousands of unauthorised and often illegal experiments on small children and geriatric and psychiatric patients in Israeli hospitals were still being conducted as recently as 2001. See the film, The Ringworm Children

S.C.J. FAQ Section 13.3. 

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on Soc.Culture.Jewish 

Section 13. Jews as a Nation 

Where did the Beita Yisrael (Falashas) come from? First off, know that "Falasha" (Amharic for "stranger") is considered very derogatory. Just say "Ethiopian Jew" if you can't remember "Beita Yisrael." Older reference books will probably list them under "Falasha," i.e. the 1972 article in the Encyclopaedia Judaica. 

Their own legends date them back to Shlomo ha-melech [King Solomon], and ascribe their origin to the tribe of Dan. Rappoport, The Lost Jews. 

Researchers also think some of the defeated Yemenite Jews from the Abu Duwas Jewish Kingdom came to Ethiopia, and that some Elephantine Jews migrated south from Egypt. Another Ethiopian legend has one of Moses' sons migrating South and establishing a Hebrew community before King Solomon. © 1993-1995 Daniel P. Faigin . edomites.htm

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


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