They Mixed Themselves With the Offspring of the Fallen Ones... Now They Rule Our World!

They Mixed Themselves With the Offspring of the Fallen Ones... Now They Rule Our World!

They Mixed Themselves With The

Offspring Of The Fallen Ones …… Now

They Rule Our Our World !

(Note :The tag along video player and/or randomly inserted ad blocks or statements/links are not part of this article. They are aggravating and a hindrance to the continuity of the article.  I apologize for the aggravation. I have no control over their placement in the body of this article.)
Published on Aug 22, 2019
Naum the Prophet Prophesied of the Pharisees and how they would deceive the Gentiles and be the downfall of Israel.

These people are bringing about the destruction of our

nation !

These people are not our friends !

The rebellious, revolutionary spirit within

the hearts and minds of these

Pharisedic/Pharaonic/Nephilim bloodlines has

created chaos and destruction wherever they go.

The Enemy Within !

Published on Aug 11, 2012
OCTOGON is the name of a highly secretive Nazi organisation, who by the end of the war got all their fortune of Nazi Gold and looted goods into Octogon or Switzerland, in order to use it for future wars and illegal actions in time to come as the german scandal in the 90`s of the black funds with which the political election campaign of Helmut Kohl and the CDU were financed using Nazi Gold, laundered in Switzerland and organised by the OCTOGON secret Nazi organisation named by the secret code word for Templars and Switzerland; just another Templar`s Treasure so to speak.
Published on Jul 14, 2017
Youtube took this video down a few years ago for no reason at all, and many more of my videos have been taken down lately; I fear, the end of my channels is near (other channel GIUREH). So please download and copy all my videos for mankind, before they’re gone. 
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Ron Wyatt Noahide laws at 13:08 mark about 2 minutes…
End of article.

I do not necessarily endorse any products or services mentioned in these videos, on this web site or in any subsequent written material by the original authors of the presented material or this web site. I do not condone the use of any type of “inserted” advertising or p/u players into the body of an article, that is the site owner’s practice, not mine.  I do not intend to, nor do I, derive any profits or income from posting this material.
I may not agree with everything presented in this material , however I have probably found that there is sufficient valuable information to justify bringing it forward for you to sift through in order to expand your awareness and to trigger your desire to dig deeper to learn more about the subject matter presented. 
My posts are not meant to be polished works, they are more utilitarian, meant to be a gathering of data/info loosely pulled together to become a starting point for further investigation and research. Consider it more like semi-processed mined dirt, something still requiring further sifting to extract it’s wealth.
I do not make any claims of being the original creator or owner of the material that I generally post. My sole intent is to share and pass on information that has contributed to my awakening process.  I will normally print my two cents worth in green so as to distinguish it from the original author/creator of the posted material.
I present this material for informational, research and educational purposes only. It is not my intent to maliciously attack nor offend anybody (unless you are a Luciferian Swamp Dweller), so please develop a thicker skin, realize it is not my intent to insult, forgive me, shed it like water off a duck’s back and move on, a better person.   The material is presented for your edification, you filter it as you see fit according to your perspective. May God’s blessings and wisdom be upon you.


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