Will there be a sudden earth shattering event like so many predict Benja...

Benjamin Fulford: Will There Be a Sudden, Earth-Shattering “Event” Like So Many Predict? (Video)
August -12-19
For thousands of years, monotheism has predicted some sort of earth-changing event. Some call it the end times, others a rapture, and others the return (or arrival) of the Messiah. These days there are New Age versions talking about things like #motherships from the #galaxy coming to introduce us to a whole new universe.
As a reality-based reporter gathering information from the real world, religious beliefs (be they ancient or New Age) fall out of my purview. Nonetheless, over three decades of reporting from the highest levels of world power have left me with enough hard evidence to be convinced that we, at the very least, are entering a new age. —
Will there be a sudden, earth-shattering “event” like so many predict?
By Benjamin Fulford DISCLAIMER: This Contributor does not necessarily agree with some of these views or comments.
Special “X” Report
Let me start with some of the weirder stuff I have encountered, before getting down to here-and-now confirmable evidence for this. There’s a shelf I keep in my brain where I store information that does not fit into my worldview and I’m not sure what to do with.
For example, there is a Japanese gentleman who sometimes comes to my public speaking engagements who claims he has been working on Mars, terraforming. Apart from making these claims, he seems to be a very sane Japanese government official. He says that recently all access to Mars has been cut off.
There are also people who claim they have come from the Pleiades and have detailed memories of their homes there. They say they are now marooned on this planet and cannot return home. Other than this, they are functional, apparently sane people.
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The famous arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi once sent a honey trap my way (she got naked in front of me, tried to tempt me into sex, and then said no at the last minute in the apparent hope I would cross the line into rape and get entrapped). After she failed in this mission, she told me that giant humanoid beings, similar in description to the Anunnaki, had experimented with her womb.
Japanese gangsters and professional assassins have also told me they have memories of being experimented with. One professional North Korean assassin once told me he had killed his “Jewish handler,” only to have the same person re-appear a few months later.
These are people I have personally met. I don’t know what to make of their testimony other than to say they didn’t have other, let’s say, mental health issues, and believe me, I’ve been approached by a lot of people with such issues.
That’s some of the first-hand testimony I’ve received. There is also a lot of testimony by multiple public figures talking about aliens and a “secret space program.” There are over a dozen former U.S. astronauts, for example, who have gone on the record to say they have seen aliens and that our planet is under their observation.
The most notable alien disclosure public figure is probably Paul Hellyer, the former Canadian defense minister who says aliens have been visiting our planet for thousands of years.
‘Aliens could share more tech with us, if we warmonger less’ – Former Canada Defense Minister
RT He was Canadian minister of Defense in 1960s, ruling over the country’s armed forces during the time of the Cold War — and when he retired he publicly stated that we are not alone in the universe, and some guests from outer space actually live here, on planet Earth. Is this fantasy? Is someone actually watching us? Today we ask the man who says UFOs are a serious business — Paul Hellyer.
This is exactly what I was told when I visited the P2 Freemasons in the Vatican. They told me they had been in contact with these aliens for millennia and knew them as “angels, devils, djin, sprites, etc.” The P2 told me the aliens were going to fire Pope Benedict (maledict) XVI and they did demonstrate this by forcing him to resign, thus proving they truly are powerful.

Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights and top P2 agent, showed me pictures of entities they reported as being depicted on the walls of the Cathedral in Milan. Here is a (blurry) picture of some of the depictions:
What is most interesting from my point of view is that I subsequently met these entities personally. I wouldn’t mention this if I had not taken photographs of them.


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