"Pay off Debt - Your Birth Certificate is Worth Millions" - Busting Myths

I have been telling people the truth about their Birth Certificate being a one stock share in their country of birth and How to Accept for Value and the ONUS clause represented by the #96 which is on all govt bills in the bottom right corner and means its already prepaid by gov it's "on us" literally and then you pay it again Now you know where CEOs get their outrageous Xmas bonuses. I have been called crazy nut insane wacko you name it, I've been called it over the span of 25 years or so. No matter what though it never bothered me because being called names and put down in public for simply speaking the TRUTH is more of an honor than an insult to me, and no matter what I know that I've lit a spark of Truth and Wonderment in most of those closed minded ignorant peoples subconscious minds, That can not be dismissed or forgotten as I found out when I ran into one of my old friends who though I'd gone completely wacko and even told me my ideas were "conspiracy tin foil hat shit" were his exact words that was in 2009 or 2010. I didn't see him again until last winter 2018. We reminisce for a while then he said to me that he never forgot what I told him way way back when and how wrong he thought I was at the time and that really I was spot on about everything we talked about then he apologized and thanked me for opening up his eyes to the lies and deception all around us. All I felt was a deep sense of joy and satisfaction and gratitude It was a great feeling, indeed

Note: IRS: Internal Revenue Service or better yet Infernal Robbery Service in the US. CRA: Canada Revenue Association or better yet Canadian Robbery Association in Canada ... Neither the IRS or the CRA are NOT branches of their respective countries Government but rather a private corporation of the British Crown Corporation and that is where there allegiances are. ARE YOU FEELING DEFRAUDED YET SUCKERED OR JUST PLAIN HOODWINKED AND ROBBED!!! I hope so because that is exactly what is really happening on a daily basis to you and all your fellow countrymen, It's HIGH TREASON of the most Deceitful Satanic kind...end

We're busting myths and today, and discussing an unusual way people are trying to pay their bills and other debts - using popular conspiracy theories to access "secret" Treasury Direct Accounts.


▶︎Brief history / Asserts the federal government granted a birth certificate (name in all caps - the "straw man" - also on social security, taxes, etc) and that the US government has "secret" trust accounts linked to each citizen. (Been used to avoid taxes; taxpayer claims they're not responsible for tax obligation of "straw man")

▶︎Asserts the birth certificate "bond" created when you were born that prepays all of your debts. (US government declared bankruptcy in 1933 when the country went off the gold standard. Claims that the bankrupt country, in an effort to prevent foreclosure, pledged all Americans to “International Bankers” as collateral for the national debt. As a result, we are all slaves, and our birth certificates are traded on the markets as bonds worth millions.)
▶︎The IRS has categorized "redemption", "strawman", and "Bond Fraud" under Scams and Safety.

▶︎Acceptance for Value
▶︎Sight Drafts / Bills of Exchange / Promissory Bonds
▶︎"Drawing such drafts on the U.S. Treasury is fraudulent and violation of federal law." - Treasury Dept.
▶︎"It is a violation to Federal Law to misuse the Treasury seal or the words, titles, symbols, or emblems of the Treasury Department, or any service, bureau, office or Treasury subdivision; see 31 U.S.C. 333."

▶︎Claims you can access your "secret trust" aka your "TDA" or Treasury Direct Account using your social security number and Federal Reserve routing number.
▶︎"Individuals do not have accounts at the Federal Reserve.The Federal Reserve provides banking services only for banks. Individuals do not have accounts at the Federal Reserve." - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
▶︎"Law enforcement, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), is aware of this scheme, and the Federal Reserve Banks, including the New York Fed, have been cooperating with law enforcement in their investigations. Individuals who participate in such schemes could face criminal charges." - Federal Reserve Bank of New York

▶︎Those who have already tried these fraudulent forms of paying debt have already learned that it does not work. Federal Reserve Banks do not hold individual accounts, so your "payment" will be reversed or rejected and when it is, you will not only still owe the debt, but likely have incurred additional fees and may even have been sued, making yourself a candidate for wage garnishment or levy.
▶︎You will see claims that it worked in comment threads and such, but no real, long-term proof has ever been shown, to my knowledge.
▶︎In addition, you may find yourself slapped with hefty fees, fines and penalties, under FBI investigation, arrested and/or charged with a crime.




US Dept. of the Treasury -

Treasury Direct

US Dept. of the Treasury -

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta -

Federal Reserve Bank of New York -

IRS (See #8) -

IRS (See Rev. Rul. 2005-21) -



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