Skynet - It's Always Watching Me In This Reality!

Skynet is a fictional artificial neural network-based conscious group mind and artificial general intelligence system that features centrally in the Terminator franchise and serves as the franchise's central antagonist.

No novel of the past century has had more influence than George Orwell’s 1984. The title, the adjectival form of the author’s last name, the vocabulary of the all-powerful Party that rules the superstate Oceania with the ideology of Ingsoc—doublethink, memory hole, unperson, thoughtcrime, Newspeak, Thought Police, Room 101, Big Brother—they’ve all entered the English language as instantly recognizable signs of a nightmare future. It’s almost impossible to talk about propaganda, surveillance, authoritarian politics, or perversions of truth without dropping a reference to 1984. Throughout the Cold War, the novel found avid underground readers behind the Iron Curtain who wondered, How did he know?

1984 George Orwell - Full Movie -

1984 Audiobook by George Orwell -

Is Your Smart Device Spying on You? -

Amazon, Facebook and Google don’t need to spy on your conversations to know what you’re talking about -

Revolution TV Series - Fifteen years after a permanent global blackout, a group of revolutionaries seeks to drive out an occupying force posing as the United States Government.

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Truth Stream Media -

Enterthestars -

Escape The Matrix Through Door 101 -

Cell Towers - 5G - The Truth Will Shock You! -

RFID, Blockchain, AI, Bitcoin - The Truth Will Shock You! -

The First Church of Artificial Intelligence -

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