The Agents of Genocide Reveal their Own Global Conspiracy (Video)

The Agents of Genocide Reveal their Own Global Conspiracy (Video)

White Genocide Is Real - In Their Own Words

Two and one half hours of activists, talking heads, and world leaders admitting: White Genocide is real and it is a crime under the UN Convention on Genocide of 1948. See what the media wont show you and hear it in their own words, then judge for yourself. Please spread this video.
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is 100% complicit with this Agenda 21 Genocide by refugee plans scam and therefore guilty of Treason for conspiring to commit Genocide against Canadians Citizen by allowing in an invading evil Religious ideology of  "Out-Breed and Take Over by Numbers" by these Muslim refugees who all know what they are migrating for because beforehand they have all been well instructed by their Mullah in there Mosque exactly why there migrating to Non Muslim White Europe and Mostly Non Muslim North American which are being allowed into Canada by the thousands under Trudeau the Blackface Prime Minister who really only got elected because he legalized POT back in 2015. They aren't Migrating to Mexico or South America NO! this is targeted migration and in North America the United States and Canada are the targeted nations 

Canada now leads the world in refugee resettlement, surpassing the U.S

Canada has to date  taken in more Muslim refugee than any other western nation...  With a small National population of 37.41 million, like Canada they definitely present a dangers to Canadians way of life in the very near future if the migration continues at this pace 


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