You've NEVER SEEN Anything Like This Before

The general public has no idea what’s about to happen..

“Aliens “are demonic entities

God almighty Defend us all from Lucifer and his fallen Angels and The ROTHSCHILDS and FREEMASONS who worship The Devil and his New World order 🙏😐

Great observation. We are the Sons of Adam and when Adam fell….we all fell…if God did not put his law into our hearts we would be pure evil. Most Christians think there is some good in all of us….but that is not Biblical..When men become rich they no longer have any restrictions, or consequences for their actions..We now see how evil they have become.. our generation is watching pure evil where good is call bad and bad good. Our governments reward evil doers.

Fallen Angels have Technology. And I think they are the culprits behind the secret society of the New World Order (illuminati). We all know that Angels have bodies, and since nobody knows who runs the illuminati, I think it’s Satan’s Angels alongside with him planning their full control over the earth… No wonder celebrities are so tuned with Satanic crap.. I also believe that some of the politicians, rulers, and commanders may in fact be fallen Angels. And if you read the Hindu Vedas, it says that these “gods that fell from heaven” gave knowledge to men, and they rode vimana aircraft.

When you say ‘The public has no idea what’s about to happen’, I’d like to re-write that if I may…… The public has not got a freakin’ CLUE what’s about to happen. What’s more, a great percentage of them would never understand it even if you gave them a college-course. The Bible talks about ‘men’s hearts failing them’, and I think that’s a pretty good description. Furthermore, millions upon millions of people are going to, literally, suicide their soul. Time to ‘wake-up’ before it’s too late…….oops….too late already, methinks….

One of the best explanations of the fallen angels and the nephilim that I’ve ever seen, thank you@End Times Productions for sharing this video (may our Heavenly Father continue to guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus


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