THE ORACLE: Ancient Prophecy Foretelling Trump & End Times | Jonathan Cahn

1Thessalonians 4:16 King James Bible For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: The Jubilee Years of Israel (1917 Liberation of Jerusalem from Ottoman Turks and Balfour Declaration Establishing a Homeland for Israel, then 50 year Jubilee to 1967 Six Day War Israel Regains Jerusalem) and the Bible have been Fulfilled with the December 6, 2017 TRUMP OF GOD (President Trump) Confirmation (Daniel 9:27) of “THE JERUSALEM EMBASSY ACT OF 1995,” which effectively “Gave Jerusalem Back to Israel.” Israel became a Nation (again after 2000 years) on May 14, !948. The 1948 generation is the generation that will not pass till all things prophesied by Jesus in Mathew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 be fulfilled. Biblical QuotePsalms 90:10The days of our lives are seventy yearsand if by reason of strength they be eighty years, yet is their labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off (My Note: Cut Short of Eighty Year Generation), and we fly away (My Note: Rapture). I am desperately trying to show you that Jerusalem (NOT A PEACE TREATY) is the Most Important Event in Israeli, the World, and Biblical History. Try to Grasp what I’m saying, as “All Churches and so called Prophets & Teachers have ‘Brain Washed the Public and Christians into believing it is a Peace Plan’ that Kicks off the Daniel 9:27 final 7 Years which is Totally Wrong.” Why is this so Important? Simply put, “Tribulation started on December 6, 2017 (within the 70 year final Generation).” What’s more important is, “1260 Days (31/2 Years) from December 6, 2017 Starts ‘THE GREAT TRIBULATION (also known as Wrath of God),’ on May 19, 2021.” People are You so far gone in Sin that You can’t see the Democratic Party is Stuped in Satanism, Spirit Cooking (eating little kids), Witch Craft (Hillary is a 3rd Degree Witch), and just PURE EVIL. And  Why has this Happened? Because (Satan shall indwell soon), “Obama a Democrat (who is The Anti Christ) with Hilerion (Prophecy of 1947 birth of a woman named Hillary would help Anti Christ rise to Global Power) would set the World on a Path to Armageddon.” How? On December 23, 2016 while still President, “Obama Created HIS United Nations’ Resolution 2334 which effectively gives Jerusalem back to Islam.” Think? “This Totally Opposes The Trump of God (President Trump) December 6, 2017 Confirmation (Daniel 9:27) with many (Israelis) giving Jerusalem effectively to The Nation of Israel.” Hence, “We are on the Path created by the Anti Christ (Obama) that leds to an ‘All Out Global Nuclear World War 3,’ that Shall Destroy Most of Humanity.” The Fact is, “The Rapture and World War 3 could actually start at any moment,” because “Revelation 13:5 Only States he (Anti Christ Obama with False Prophet Pope Francis) shall have Power 42 months during The Great Tribulation (Known as The Wrath of God).” This is when Revelation 13:16-17 (King James Version 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.) Takes Effect.” What do I mean? “The ‘Hidden Component in Obamacare’ is the RFID Chip.” This is why Senator John McCain went against his Republican Party voting to keep Obamacare (Need a glass of ice water John?). “Folks, if You have not been evacuated in the Rapture (it is not appointed that Holy Ghost Filled Christians face God’s Wrath – Read 1Thessalonians 5:9&10), then You shall be ‘FORCED TO TAKE’ this ‘RFID CHIP’ found in OBAMACARE,” being “THE MARK OF HIS NAME.” You shall be put into a Horrible Position. Why? Revelation 14:9&10 states, “The Unpardonable Sin is Taking this Mark,” without exception, “Sends You” to “HELL FOREVER.” Everything is in place (Bible Prophecies Fulfilled) for “The 7 (now less then) YEAR FINAL CONCLUSION OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION.” I say to You this Day, “Make a Decision to Repent of Your Sins, Accept Jesus Christ into Your Life, Get Baptized (if there is time) in Water (Fully Submerged) for the Remission of Sins, then be Baptized in The Holy Ghost for Power within Your Holy Temple (Body).” You are running out of time and excuses. Now, “You know the Truth,” and have “NO EXCUSE AT THE WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT.”


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