Alex Jones Invades Hillary Clinton Rally In A Tank

Only the left could come up with such a ridiculous propaganda stunt and only Alex Jones could pull it off with such Hollywood bravado I wonder who paid for this Armored vehicle at $500000+ per vehicle.This is pure showmanship Bullshit anti propaganda being pulled of by co-Intel-operative Alex Jones. I would not be surprised one bit if in the future we all find out Alex Jones was really CIA all along??? Its a perfect fit. Everything thing about Jones is Questionable From the early Bill Hicks stuff right up to his present day character of Alex Jones who and what is he really. I also have to give Jones some credit because in my own early truther years I did follow his channel and must give him some credit for my own awakening, but I did notice over time that he and his channel never really broke any breaking story that was not already out in the news already. Then he tried to steal the credit from William Cooper for being first to warn about 911 A Big Fkn Lie by Jones. William Bill Cooper was fisrt to warn of the lie bullshit about 911 and he was MURDERED GUNNED DOWN for it by Government Agents on the front lawn of his own house. Alex Jones is a Liar and Dis-info Agent provocateur probably for the CIA . But for now we will have to wait and see, Speculation and all we will just have to wait and see period...But I'll bet on it... 


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