Fox News Live: Bogus Trump impeachment hearing Day 3

This has got to be the most two faced Impeachment Hearing in the United States History as the Criminals are prosecuting the Innocent. This proves that the Deep State Scumbags are running scared trying to impeach Trump on baseless accusation of who know what now first it was the Russian witch hunt, now its this Ukraine shit which is really about Pedo Joe Biden and his son corruption in the Ukraine  not Trumps. As the Bible State there will come a time that Bad is Good and Good is Bad and everything is upside down and twisted around corruptly and no need to look any further than the Fake News MSM Alphabet Daily News casts to see it in right in your Face... This is the Satanic Agenda we are all enslaved in since the expulsion from the Garden of Eden right up to present day. This is why this Impeachment is so ridiculous because truth is We The People know the TRUTH, We know who the Real Deep State Criminals are but the problem is We The People have no real voice to represent our real values just these Satanic Evil Deep State Operatives called our members of Congress who have been $$Co-opted$$ long long ago by LUCIFER

Watch this waste of time Impeachment for yourself


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