The Exodus (Biblical Conspiracy Documentary) | Timeline

After six years of research, working with archeologists, Egyptologists, geologists and theologians, Simcha Jacobovici came to the groundbreaking conclusion that the Exodus took place hundreds of years earlier than previously thought. With this new timetable in hand, Jacobovici and his colleagues re-examined long ignored archeological artifacts and uncovered the truth about the Exodus and the Egyptian dynasty that ruled at the time.

The producers teamed up with some of the world’s most accomplished special effects designers to create a unique digital, organic experience of the Exodus. Blending archeological findings with modern eye catching effects, Jacobovici built a virtual museum to showcase his discoveries.

This Documentary just re-enforce the fact that time after time we have been totally lied to about many Biblical Truth, Biblical Proof and Biblical History have all been corrupted and changed over time to fit mostly the Vatican's ruling doctrines and Satanic hidden agendas. This is obvious today and easy to see in Egypt and Saudi Arabia hiding and cordoning off any site which proves the Biblical story as Gospel Truth.  From Egypt and hidden proof of Israelite migration to ancient Egypt to the real location of Mt Sinai in Saudi Arabia all fenced off by government security fences. This documentary covers it all. From how the Eruption of the Santorini Super Volcano around 1500 BC which can account for the occurrence of all the Egyptian Plagues of the Exodus which occurred at around that exact same time in ancient history  To the Parting of the Red(Reed)Sea its all explained scientifically and logically to Pharaoh own account of the entire event in his own words, to the a 3D depiction of the parting of the Sea in Greece, to the location of the Real Mt Sinai location in Saudi Arabia

Was the Exodus a Natural Geological Event or Divine Intervention to free a people from Slavery???


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