Canada is in Deep need of its Political Swamp being Drained and Exterminated...  Canada is  completely Corrupted by Blackmailed Elite Pedophiles and Pervert Politician, Judges and Lawyers at the highest levels of Governmental Power in Canada 

Canada's is and has been Completely Corrupted by its Government Justice System and the Elite Political Criminals at the very top of Canada's Political and Justice Systems ...This Conspiracy was started by corrupt Pedophiles Pierre Elliot Trudeau and his personal bum buddy Pedophile Jean Chretien and has continued on with every PM after  Trudeau right up to today and his perverted racist Blackfaced son PM Justin Trudeau still covering up daddy's past and ongoing crimes in this giant Water War Conspiracy perpetrated by Canada's top Elite and  Political Families against us all the Canadian Public Citizen

Here's the story of two Canadians who are trying to bring this all out into the public eye but are facing Blackmailed puppet Judges, Justices and lawyers at every level of  Government even at the Federal level  Here's Karen and John's story so far:

Karen and John's Federal Court Case against 76 people and organizations in a nutshell.

Faced with corruption by the judiciary in the Court systems of British Columbia and Alberta, we filed a lawsuit in Canada's re-constituted Federal Court.

Our filing in Federal Court, # T-95-08,
Click the "Court Number" tab, then choose "Federal Court and Appeal Court" on drop down menu, then enter our file number, T-95-08.

See last document below, on this page, as well.
The below cases are ours too, in relation to T-95-08.

NOTE:  Keep in mind the judgements to all our filings are ONLY the crooked opinions of those writing them!

Related Cases:
Court Number                       Style of Cause                        Nature of Proceeding

Others - Crown (v. Queen) [Actions]
Others - Crown (v. Queen) [Actions]

Under Canadian law, the Federal Court has clear unfettered jurisdiction to hear "proceedings in which relief is sought against any person for anything done or omitted to be done in the performance of the duties of that person as an officer, servant, or agent of the Crown against Canada's federal government, its employees, servants and agents" [See Federal Court Act, section 17 (5) (b)]. 

But, for reasons that are linked to the political nature of Canada's judiciary, Canada's Federal Court stalled for one and one half years and, when pressed for a decision, stated falsely, that it had no jurisdiction to hear the case and the case was dismissed without going to trial.  No fair hearing, no due process, no discovery, no pre-trial disclosure, it was rigged, fixed, and determined by a politically appointed prothonotary/court clerk who reports to the Department of Justice, lacks basic judicial independence, and who has developed a reputation for corruption in other cases.        

This Federal Court was then under the leadership of Chief Justice Allan Lutfy,  who was appointed to his position by, and was a former close adviser to Prime Minister Jean Chretien.  Lutfy assigned Mr. Lafreniere (another Chretien appointed official - a Prothonotary (not a judge) - to hear the case, as if he were a judge, which he is not.  After 18 months of stalling and delay (and three more dead judges), Mr. Lafreniere, who is not a judge, dismissed our lawsuit just like we expected he would due to his allegiances to Jean Chretien. 
Click here to Go to Reasons for Dismissal By Mr. Lafreniere.

We then filed an appeal asking for a "real judge" of the Federal Court to review the deliberately delayed decision of the Prothonotary "de novo" which basically means a complete re-hearing of the applications by the Governments to hear our case. 

The appeal was heard on April 20, 2010, and Chief Justice Lutfy, who was appointed by Mr. Chretien, assigned another Chretien appointed official, Madam Justice Johanne Gauthier to hear our appeal of the decision of Lafreniere, the Chretien appointed Prothonotary, who is not a judge.  

At this stage, it would be understandable if the reader were thinking that "you people are nuts to continue because "the fix is in" with all of these Chretien appointed judges doing their best to protect Mr. Chretien. 

Well, we were prepared to reserve judgment on Madam Justice Gauther, who readily acknowledged that she was appointed to her job by Mr. Chretien, and, who assured us that her connection to Mr. Chretien would have no bearing on her decision.  Her assurances were naive on her part at this point.

On August 27, 2010, Madam Justice Gauthier, proved her new bias and tossed our case out of court, directly contrary to provisions of the Federal Court Act, an act of Parliament - not judge made law - that gives unfettered jurisdiction to the Federal Court to hear claims against the "Crown and officers, servants or agents of the Crown ".  She said or was coerced into saying, incorrectly, she did not have jurisdiction to hear a case against agents of the Crown.  The decision was pure doublespeak nonsense. There is good reason to believe the judgment was ghost written by a crooked civil servant or external law firm and that Gauthier simply rubber stamped her signature upon it.
Madam Justice Gauthier, a politically appointed judge, was so ignorant of the law she did not even know that judges were considered "officers" of the Crown when commonly used English law dictionaries define a judge to be "an officer of the Crown who administers justice in accordance with the law" .

(We have since come to know that "the Crown" is NOT the Queen of England, Her Majesty, it is a corporation in the city of London, called "The City of London", a square mile district that is not part of the country of England or Britian, but rather a large corporation imbedded in the city of London and who operates outside the confines of any country, legally, just like "Vatican City", and "Washington DC. Corporate entities not part of the counties in which they are incorporated in.)   

On February 8, 2011, Madam Justice Layden-Stevenson of the Federal Court of Appeal, another Chretien appointed judge, knowing we did not have the funds, attempted to block the appeal by making the extraordinarily rare order that we post $10,000.00 in security for costs if we wished the Federal Court of Appeal to hear our appeal of the decision of the Federal Court. 

That decision was then the subject of an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada where two judges, Ian Binnie and Beverley McLaughlin have conflicts of  interest.  Ian Binnie suddenly resigned when his conflict of interest was put on the record.

In June 2012, Madam Justice Layden-Stevenson suddenly died and, a few weeks later, a lawyer with Canada's Federal Department of Justice, Eric Noel, allegedly, committed suicide.  There is good reason to believe that both deaths were murders and that both murders are connected to the Federal Court lawsuit.  

Click here to review the "interactive" Notice Of Appeal we filed detailing 57 errors in the judgement of Madam Justice Gauthier.

Here is John's personal site about his personal troubles after he started exposing the Cabal!

Last document!

File page:  You may have to type in Case # T-95-98 to search for it, then click the Search "Q" on the right of the line where our case appears.  Yes, they make it difficult to link to our page.  Please understand that there are some deliberate 'errors' in the notes below and decisions they gave due to cover up by the 'just-us' system to cover their corrupt tracks.

Recorded Entry Information :   T-95-08
Type :  Federal Court
Nature of Cause :  Others - Crown (v. Queen) [Actions]
Office :  Ottawa     Language :  English
Type of Action :  Federal Court
Filing Date :  2008-01-21
Recorded Entry Summary Information
249 records found
Doc Date              Filed Office Recorded                           Entry Summary
134. 2018-12-11 Ottawa Certified French language Translation of Reasons for Judgment and Judgment rendered on 27-AUG-2010 by The Honourable Madam Justice Gauthier filed on 11-DEC-2018 pursuant to s. 20 of the Official Languages Act. Certificate of Translation of Judgment entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1394 page(s) 287 - 287 and copy placed on file.

133 2015-03-20 Ottawa****** CANCELLED ****** Certified French language Translation of Reasons for Decision and Decision rendered on 05-FEB-2015 by The Honourable Madam Justice Mactavish filed on 20-MAR-2015 pursuant to s. 20 of the Official Languages Act. Copy of Translation of Reasons for Order and Reasons entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1261 page(s) 352 - 364

132. 2014-03-11 Ottawa Certified French language Translation of Reasons for Order and Order rendered on 01-DEC-2009 by Roger Lafrenière, Esq., Prothonotary filed on 11-MAR-2014 pursuant to s. 20 of the Official Languages Act. Certificate of Translation of Order entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1222 page(s) 338 - 339 and copy placed on file.

2011-10-19 Ottawa Copy of Reasons for Order (emailed copy to CMT-Van) dated 19-OCT-2011 rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Nadon The Honourable Madam Justice Sharlow The Honourable Madam Justice Dawson placed on file.
Original filed on Court File No. A-343-10

2011-10-19 Ottawa Copy of Order (emailed copy to CMT-Van) dated 19-OCT-2011 rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Nadon The Honourable Madam Justice Sharlow The Honourable Madam Justice Dawson placed on file. Original filed on Court File No. A-343-10

2010-10-04 Ottawa Copy of Notice of Appeal (Appeal Court File No. A-343-10 ) appealing the Order of Gauthier, J. rendered August 27, 2010 filed in the Court of Appeal on 27-SEP-2010 on behalf of Appellant placed on file on 04-OCT-2010

2010-09-27 Vancouver Copy of Notice of Appeal (Appeal Court File No. A-343-10 ) appealing the decision of Justice Gauthier dated 27-AUG-2010 in file T-95-08 filed in the Court of Appeal on 27-SEP-2010 on behalf of Appellant placed on file on 27-SEP-2010

2010-08-30 Ottawa Memorandum to file from Ottawa dated 30-AUG-2010 A copy of the Reasons for Judgment and Judgment have been forwarded to Prothonotary Lafrenière and his CM Team via e-mail. placed on file.

1312010-08-27 Ottawa Reasons for Judgment and Judgment dated 27-AUG-2010 rendered by The Honourable Madam Justice Gauthier Matter considered with personal appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Motion Doc. No. 94 Result: dismissed with costs. Each defendant shall be entitled to a lump sum of $750,00 (all inclusive) Filed on 27-AUG-2010 certified copies sent to parties Transmittal Letters placed on file. Interlocutory Decision Certificate of Judgment entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1098 page(s) 340 - 340

2010-06-29 Ottawa Oral directions received from the Court: The Honourable Madam Justice Gauthier dated 29-JUN-2010 directing that "Considering the Court's heavy schedule, it is unlikely that a decision will be rendered before the end of August" placed on file on 29-JUN-2010 Confirmed in writing to the party(ies)

2010-05-04 Vancouver Transcript of hearing held at Vancouver on 20-APR-2010 received on 04-MAY-2010 Sent directly to presiding Judge 144 pages (including covering pages). Diskette received.

2010-04-21 Vancouver Letter from Plaintiff to the Court dated 21-APR-2010 providing a reference to the Court that was used in the hearing 20-APR-2010 received on 21-APR-2010

2010-04-20 Vancouver Vancouver 20-APR-2010 BEFORE The Honourable Madam Justice Gauthier Language: E Before the Court: Motion Doc. No. 94 on behalf of Plaintiff Result of Hearing: Matter reserved held in Court with the Defendants appearing by teleconference Senior Usher: Marie Pryce Duration per day: 20-APR-2010 from 09:35 to 12:50 Courtroom : Examination for Discovery Room 816 - Vancouver Court Registrar: Amanda Dunn Total Duration: 3h 15min Appearances: Mr. John Frederick Carten / Ms. Karen Gibbs*, self represented 509-590-1400 representing Plaintiff.  Mr. Bruce Comba / Emery Jamieson LLP 780-426-5220 representing the Defendants Law Society of Alberta Mr. Michael G. Armstrong / Armstrong Simpson 604-633-4282 representing the Defendants Law Society of BC and McCarthy Tetrault Ms. Lisa Riddle / DOJ 604-775-7479 representing the Federal Crown Defendants Ms. Jaye Hooper / Williams McEnery 613-237-0520 representing the Defendants Lang Michener LLP Mr. Martin W. Mason / Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP 613-786-0159 representing the Defendants the Canadian Judicial Council and the Judicial Defendants Mr. Hugh Gwillim / Ministry of the AG (BC) 250-356-8893 representing the Provincial Defendants Ms. Laura Cundari / Blake Cassels & Graydon LLP 604-631-4220 representing the Defendants Themis Program Mananagement and Consulting Ltd Court Reporter: Keith Bemister 604-683-4771 20-APR-2010 Transcript requested Minutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 822 page(s) 158 - 174 Abstract of Hearing placed on file

2010-04-14 Vancouver Communication to the Court from the Registry dated
14-APR-2010 re: Plaintiffs' letter dated 14-Apr-2010 (sent to the presiding judge)

2010-04-14VancouverLetter from Plaintiffs dated 14-APR-2010 informing the Court of an editing error in their Written Representations dated 5-Jan-2010 received on 14-APR-2010

2010-03-31VancouverLetter from Defendant, Lang Michener LLP, dated 31-MAR-2010 indicating that they prefer to appear at the set motion hearing on 20-Apr-2010 by telephone received on 31-MAR-2010

2010-03-30 Vancouver Letter from Defendants, BC Law Society, McCarthy Tetrault LLP and Herman Van Ommen, dated 30-MAR-2010 requesting to appear by telephone for the motions hearing on 20-Apr-2010 received on 30-MAR-2010

2010-03-30VancouverLetter from Defendant HMTQ dated 30-MAR-2010 requesting that they appear by telephone on 20-APR-2010 received on 30-MAR-2010

2010-03-30VancouverLetter from the Defendant the Canadian Judicial Council dated 30-MAR-2010 indicating that they would prefer to attend the 20-APR-2010 hearing by telephone received on 30-MAR-2010

2010-03-30VancouverLetter from solicitors for Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd. dated 30-MAR-2010 indicating that they would prefer to appear by telephone for the motion hearing for 20-Apr-2010 received on 30-MAR-2010

2010-03-29VancouverLetter from Defendant, HMTQ in Right of Canada, dated 29-MAR-2010 indicating that they prefer to appear by telephone at the motion hearing set for 20-Apr-2010 received on 29-MAR-2010

2010-03-16OttawaCommunication to the Court from the Registry dated 16-MAR-2010 re: For the Court's information: Defendants Lang Michener LLP and the Law society of Alberta wish to participate at the April 20, 2010 hearing by telephone conference.

2010-03-15OttawaLetter from Mr. Eric Williams, counsel for the Defendant, dated 15-MAR-2010 advising that he wishes to participate in the hearing scheduled for April 20, 2010, by teleconference received on 15-MAR-2010

130 2010-03-15 Vancouver Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Alexandra Smolianskaia confirming service of doc.106 upon all parties by courier and priority post on 12-MAR-2010 filed on 15-MAR-2010

2010-03-15 Vancouver Memorandum to file from VIshva Minichiello dated 15-MAR-2010 that Doc. 128 was served on all parties on 12-Mar-2010. The solicitor's certificate of service did not identify the date, however, I telephoned counsel to confirm the date, and she verbally indicated the 12-Mar-2010 placed on file.

129 2010-03-15 Vancouver Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Laura Cundari confirming service of doc.128 upon all parties (except Plaintiff and Law Society of BC) by email on consent on 12-MAR-2010 confirming service doc.128 upon Law Society of BC, McCarthy Tetrault and Her man Van Ommen by legal alternative on 12-MAR-2010 confirming service doc. 128 upon Plaintiff by mail on 12-MAR-2010 confirming service doc. 128 upon Plaintiff by emial on 12-MAR-2010 filed on 15-MAR-2010

128.  2010-03-15 Vancouver Motion Record in response to Motion Doc. No. 94 containing the following original document(s): 127 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of Themis Program Management and Consulting filed on 15-MAR-2010

127.  2010-03-15 Vancouver Written Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd concerning Motion Doc. No. 94 filed on 15-MAR-2010

126.  2010-03-12 Vancouver Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Hugh Gwillim confirming service of doc.124 upon all parties (except Plaintiffs) by email on 12-MAR-2010 filed on 12-MAR-2010 

125. 2010-03-12 Vancouver Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Hugh Gwillim confirming service of doc.124 upon Plaintiff by Canada Post Xpresspost mail on 11-MAR-2010 filed on 12-MAR-2010

2010-03-12 Vancouver Book of Authorities consisting of 1 volume(s) on behalf of The Provincial Defendants received on 12-MAR-2010

124.  2010-03-12 Vancouver Motion Record in response to Motion Doc. No. 94 containing the following original document(s): 123 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of Provincial Defendants filed on 12-MAR-2010

123.  2010-03-12 Vancouver Written Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Provincial Defendants concerning Motion Doc. No. 94 filed on 12-MAR-2010

122.  2010-03-15 Ottawa Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Martin Mason confirming service of Motion Record #121 upon the Plaintiffs by regular mail and by leaving the document at the party's address for service on 15-MAR-2010 filed on 15-MAR-2010

121.  2010-03-15 Ottawa Motion Record in response to Motion Doc. No. 94 containing the following original document(s): 120 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of Defendants The Canadian Judicial Council filed on 15-MAR-2010

120.  2010-03-15 Ottawa Written Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of the Judicial Defendants concerning Motion Doc. No. 94 filed on 15-MAR-2010

119.  2010-03-15 Ottawa Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Kelly P. Hart confirming service of Motion Record #118 upon Plaintiffs by regular mail and email on 15-MAR-2010 filed on 15-MAR-2010

118.  2010-03-15 Ottawa Motion Record in response to Motion Doc. No. 94 containing the following original document(s): 117 Number of copies received: 1 on behalf of Defendant/Responding Party, Lang Michener LLP filed on 15-MAR-2010

117.  2010-03-15 Ottawa Written Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendant/Responding Party, Lang Michener LLP concerning Motion Doc. No. 94 filed on 15-MAR-2010
2010-03-15 Vancouver Covering letter from Mélanie Chartier, Counsel for Federal Crown Defendants, dated 15-MAR-2010 concerning Doc. Nos. 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 placed on file on 15-MAR-2010

116.  2010-03-15 Vancouver Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Mélanie Chartier confirming service of Doc. 109, Federal Crown Defendants' Motion Record, upon James Sullivan, Counsel for Themis Management and Consulting Ltd., by courier on 12-MAR-2010 filed on 15-MAR-2010

115. 2010-03-15 Vancouver Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Mélanie Chartier confirming service of Doc. 109, Federal Crown Defendants' Motion Record, upon Martin W. Mason, Counsel for the Judicial Defendants, by courier on 12-MAR-2010 filed on 15-MAR-2010
114.  2010-03-15  Vancouver Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Mélanie Chartier confirming service of Doc. 109, Federal Crown Defendants' Motion Record, upon Eric R. Williams, Counsel for Lang Michener LLP, by courier on 12-MAR-2010 filed on 15-MAR-2010

113.  2010-03-15Vancouver Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Mélanie Chartier confirming service of Doc. 109, Federal Crown Defendants' Motion Record, upon Bruce Comba, Counsel for the Law Society of Alberta, by courier on 12-MAR-2010 filed on 15-MAR-2010

112.  2010-03-15  Vancouver Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Mélanie Chartier confirming service of Doc. 109, Federal Crown Defendants' Motion Record, upon Michael Armstrong, Counsel for the Law Society of B.C. & Herman Van Ommen, by courier on 12-MAR-2010 filed on 15-MAR-2010

111.  2010-03-15 Vancouver Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Mélanie Chartier confirming service of Doc. 109, Federal Crown Defendants' Motion Record, upon Hugh W.R. Gwillim, Counsel for the Provincial Crown Defendants by courier on 12-MAR-2010 filed on 15-MAR-2010

110.  2010-03-15 Vancouver Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Mélanie Chartier confirming service of Doc. 109, Federal Crown Defendants' Motion Record, upon the Plaintiffs by regular mail on 12-MAR-2010 filed on 15-MAR-2010

109.  2010-03-15 Vancouver Motion Record in response to Motion Doc. No. 94 containing the following original document(s): 108 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of the Defendant, Federal Crown Defendants, filed on 15-MAR-2010
1082010-03-15VancouverWritten Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of the Defendant, Federal Crown Defendants, concerning Motion Doc. No. 94 filed on 15-MAR-2010

107.  2010-03-12  Vancouver Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Alexandra Smolianskaia confirming service of doc.106 upon Plaintiff by mail on 11-MAR-2010 filed on 12-MAR-2010

106.  2010-03-12 Vancouver Motion Record in response to Motion Doc. No. 94 containing the following original document(s): 105 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of Law Society of BC filed on 12-MAR-2010

105.  2010-03-12 Vancouver Written Submissions contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Law Society of BC concerning Motion Doc. No. 94 filed on 12-MAR-2010

2010-03-15 Edmonton Memorandum to file from S. Procyk, Edmonton dated 15-MAR-2010 the local office copies of Doc.'s 103 and 104 forwarded to Vancouver today's date. Copies have not been retained in the Edmonton Local Office. placed on file.
104.  2010-03-12 Edmonton Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Bruce Comba confirming service of Doc. 103 upon all parties by regular mail or personal service on 11-MAR-2010 filed on 12-MAR-2010
103.  2010-03-12 Edmonton Motion Record in response to Motion Doc. No. 94 containing the following original document(s): 102 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of Defendant (The Law Society of Alberta) filed on 12-MAR-2010
102.  2010-03-12 Edmonton Written Submissions contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendant (The Law Society of Alberta) concerning Motion Doc. No. 94 filed on 12-MAR-2010
2010-03-12 Vancouver Copy of a Letter from the Defendant, Law Society of Alberta dated 12-MAR-2010 advising that they would like to participate in the Motion scheduled 20-APR-2010 via teleconference. The number to reach counsel is: (780) 970-6252 received on 12-MAR-2010

2010-02-18 Ottawa Written directions received from the Court: Chief Justice Lutfy dated 17-FEB-2010 directing that "In response to the plaintiff's notice of motion filed December 7, 2009 (the motion), appealing the order of Prothonotary Lafrenière dated December 1, 2009, it is hereby directed that: 1. The responding parties shall serve and file their motion materials on or before March 15, 2010. 2. The matter will be heard before this Court at the Pacific Centre - 3rd floor, 701 West Georgia Street, in the City of Vancouver, British Columbia, on Tuesday, the 20th day of April, 2010 at 9:30 in the forenoon. The duration is not to exceed three (3) hours, subject to whatever modification the presiding judge deems appropriate. Those parties who prefer to participate by telephone conference shall so indicate to the Registry in writing on or before April 1, 2010." placed on file on 18-FEB-2010 Confirmed in writing to the party(ies)

2010-01-22 Vancouver Written directions received from the Court: Roger Lafrenière, Esq., Prothonotary dated 22-JAN-2010 directing that "The Plaintiffs request for leave to file a motion for relief pursuant to Rule 467(1) of the Federal Court Rules against the Defendant, Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd, is denied as there is no longer any underlying proceeding." placed on file on 22-JAN-2010 Confirmed in writing to the party(ies)

2010-01-19Ottawa Letter from Plaintiff to the Court (Chief Justice) dated 19-JAN-2010 requesting leave of the Court to file a motion. received on 19-JAN-2010
null2010-01-21VancouverOral directions received from the Court: Chief Justice Lutfy dated 21-JAN-2010 directing that Plaintiffs' letter dated January 21, 2010 is to be referred to the attention of Prothonotary Lafrenière placed on file on 21-JAN-2010

2010-01-21 Vancouver Letter from Plaintiff to the Court (cc'd to the other parties) dated 21-JAN-2010 requesting leave of the Court to file documents (3 copies of a motion record and 2 copies of an affidavit of service)...and to proceed on Monday, 25-JAN-2010... received on 21-JAN-2010
null2010-01-18VancouverOral directions received from the Court: Roger Lafrenière, Esq., Prothonotary dated 18-JAN-2010 directing that further to the Order dated 11-APR-2008, no motions shall be served or accepted for filing pending disposition of the Plaintiffs' motion to appeal the Order (Lafrenière, P) 1-DEC-2009, unless leave is first sought & granted by the Court. The Registry is directed to forward the recent correspondence received from the parties to the Judicial Administrator for a determination by the CJ whether the Plaintiffs' appeal should be scheduled for an oral hearing or referred to a judge for disposition in writing placed on file on 18-JAN-2010 Confirmed in writing to the party(ies)
null2010-01-14VancouverCopy of a Letter from Plaintiff dated 14-JAN-2010 advising availability for hearing of the R. 51 Appeal in this matter and other submissions received on 14-JAN-2010
null2010-01-14VancouverCopy of a Letter from the Defendants, Canadian Judicial Council dated 14-JAN-2010 pursuant to the direction of Prothonotary Lafrenière dated 7-DEC-2009 and advise that they concur with the filing deadline suggested, confirming their availability for an oral hearing and supporting the request that this be dealt with in writing received on 14-JAN-2010
null2010-01-14VancouverCopy of a Letter from the Defendants, Law Society of BC, McCarthy Tetrault LLP & H. Van Ommen dated 14-JAN-2010 pursuant to the directions of Prothonotary Lafrenière dated 7-DEC-2009 advising that he concurs with the deadline proposed by Fed Crown, confirming his availability for an oral hearing and estimated duration and advising that their position is that possibily this matter be dealt with in writing received on 14-JAN-2010
null2010-01-14VancouverCopy of a Letter from the BC Provincial Crown Defendants dated 14-JAN-2010 pursuant to the directions of Prothonotary Lafrenière dated 7-DEC-2009 and confirming their position on the filing deadlines for motion materials, a request that the matter be dealt with in writing and if an oral hearing is necessary their availability and duration of argument received on 14-JAN-2010
null2010-01-13VancouverCopy of a Letter from Plaintiff dated 13-JAN-2010 pursuant to the Direction of Prothonotary Lafrenière dated 7-DEC-2009 advising the proposed Motion for contempt to be heard 25-JAN-2010 and numerous other submissions. *** the letter does not address availability*** received on 13-JAN-2010
null2010-01-13VancouverCopy of a Letter from the Defendant, Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd dated 13-JAN-2010 pursuant to the direction of Prothonotary Lafrenière dated 7-DEC-2009 advising their position on the previous correspondence and confirming their availability for an oral hearing. In addition Themis Defendant seeks directions on a Motion served 12-JAN-2010 and whether the matter will proceed on 25-JAN-2010 received on 13-JAN-2010
null2010-01-13VancouverCopy of a Letter from the Defendant, Law Society of Alberta dated 13-JAN-2010 pursuant to the directions of Prothonotary Lafrenière dated 7-DEC-2009 advising their position on the outstanding motions and providing their availability for an oral hearing received on 13-JAN-2010
null2010-01-12VancouverCopy of a Letter from the Federal Crown Defendants dated 12-JAN-2010 outlining the Federal Crown's position on the filing deadlines in this matter pursuant to Prothonotary Lafrenière's direction 7-DEC-2009 received on 12-JAN-2010
1012010-01-07VancouverAffidavit of service of John Frederick Carten sworn on 07-JAN-2010 on behalf of Plaintiffs confirming service of Doc. No. 100 upon Defendants, HMTQ, AGC and David Emerson, by delivery on 07-JAN-2010 confirming service Doc. No. 100 upon the Provincial Crown and the remaining Provincial Defendants by mail on 07-JAN-2010 confirming service Doc. No. 100 upon Defendant, Lang Michener LLP, by mail on 07-JAN-2010 confirming service Doc. No. 100 upon Defendant, Law Society of Alberta, by mail on 07-JAN-2010 confirming service Doc. No. 100 upon Defendants, Law Society of BC, Herman Van Ommen, and McCarthy Tetrault, by delivery on 07-JAN-2010 confirming service Doc. No. 100 upon the Defendants collectively known as Judicial Defendants by mail on 07-JAN-2010 confirming service Doc. No. 100 upon Defendant, Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd., by delivery on 07-JAN-2010 filed on 07-JAN-2010
1002010-01-07VancouverMotion Record containing the following original document(s): 96 97 98 99 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of Plaintiffs filed on 07-JAN-2010
992010-01-07VancouverWritten Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiffs concerning Motion Doc. No. 94 filed on 07-JAN-2010
982010-01-07VancouverAffidavit of John Frederick Carten sworn on 04-JAN-2010 contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiffs in support of Motion Doc. No. 94 with Exhibits "1" - "9" filed on 07-JAN-2010
972010-01-07VancouverAffidavit of John Frederick Carten sworn on 07-DEC-2009 contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiffs in support of Motion Doc. No. 94 with Exhibits "1" - "5" filed on 07-JAN-2010
962010-01-07VancouverAffidavit of Karen Audrey Gibbs sworn on 07-DEC-2009 contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiffs in support of Motion Doc. No. 94 filed on 07-JAN-2010
null2009-12-10VancouverLetter from Plaintiff dated 10-DEC-2009 We write to advise that, in our opinion the Defendants have no status to make a request pursuant to Rule 369...... received on 10-DEC-2009
null2009-12-10OttawaCommunication to the Court from the Registry dated 10-DEC-2009 re: File sent to Trial JA, (Motion Doc#94)
null2009-12-09VancouverLetter from the Federal Crown dated 09-DEC-2009 (made with consent of the other Defendants) proposing that the Plaintiffs' motion to appeal the Order of Prothonotary Lafrenière be dealt with in writing instead, and indicating that if necessary some of the solicitors for the Defendants will be available for a case management conference call on 14 or 15 December 2009 received on 09-DEC-2009
null2009-12-07VancouverMemorandum to file from Mun Y Chan, Registry Officer, dated 07-DEC-2009 Copy of Doc. No. 94 has been provided to Prothonotary Lafrenière whose decision dated 1-Dec-09 is the subject of Plaintiffs' motion to appeal placed on file.
null2009-12-07VancouverLetter from Plaintiffs dated 07-DEC-2009 pursuant to Rule 35(2) requesting that a special sitting, for a duration of two days, to be set for a judge to hear the Plaintiffs' motion dated 7-Dec-09 (Doc. No. 94) appealing from the decision of Prothonotary Roger Lafrenière made on 1-Dec-09 received on 07-DEC-2009
952009-12-07VancouverAffidavit of service of JF Carten sworn on 07-DEC-2009 on behalf of Plaintiff confirming service of Doc. No. 94, and the Affidavit of Carten and the Affidavit of Gibbs both sworn on 7-Dec-09 upon Defendants of Federal Crown by delivery on 07-DEC-2009 confirming service Doc. No. 94, and the Affidavit of Carten and the Affidavit of Gibbs both sworn on 7-Dec-09 upon Defendants of Provincial Crown by mail on 07-DEC-2009 confirming service Doc. No. 94, and the Affidavit of Carten and the Affidavit of Gibbs both sworn on 7-Dec-09 upon Defendant, Lang Michener LLP, by mail on 07-DEC-2009 confirming service Doc. No. 94, and the Affidavit of Carten and the Affidavit of Gibbs both sworn on 7-Dec-09 upon Defendant, Law Society of Alberta, by mail on 07-DEC-2009 confirming service Doc. No. 94, and the Affidavit of Carten and the Affidavit of Gibbs both sworn on 7-Dec-09 upon Defendants, Law Society of BC, Herman Van Ommen and McCarthy Tetrault LLP, by delivery on 07-DEC-2009 filed on 07-DEC-2009
942009-12-07VancouverNotice of Motion on behalf of Plaintiffs returnable (but no hearing date indicated at this time) for an appeal of the decision of Roger Lafrenière, Esq., Prothonotary dated 01-DEC-2009 Doc. No. 93 filed on 07-DEC-2009
null2009-12-07VancouverWritten directions received from the Court: Roger Lafrenière, Esq., Prothonotary dated 07-DEC-2009 directing that [re the Rule 35(2) letter and Notice of Motion submitted by the Plaintiffs on 7-Dec-09]: "The Plaintiffs' notice of motion dated December 7, 2009 to appeal the decision of Prothonotary Lafrenière dated December 1, 2009 shall be accepted for filing. The Plaintiffs are directed to serve and file their motion record no later than January 8, 2010. The Plaintiffs are dispensed from the requirement to reproduce the motion records of the moving parties and responding motion records that were before the Prothonotary, provided that an index of the material relied upon by the Plaintiffs on the appeal is included in the Plaintiffs' motion record. The matter shall be referred to the Judicial Administrator to fix a special sitting after the Plaintiffs file proof of service of their motion record on all Defendants. The parties shall submit, either jointly or separately and no later than 7 days after service of the Plaintiffs' motion record, a proposed deadline for service and filing of responding motion records and any comments regarding the duration, venue, and their availability for the hearing of the Plaintiffs' motion." placed on file on 07-DEC-2009 Confirmed in writing to the party(ies)
null2009-12-04VancouverLetter from Plaintiff, JF Carten, dated 04-DEC-2009 advising that he had successfully completed transmission of his letter of 3-Dec-09 to Mr Comba received on 04-DEC-2009
null2009-12-04VancouverLetter from Plaintiff, JF Carten, dated 03-DEC-2009 enclosing a copy of the Plaintiffs' letter dated 3-Dec-09 to all participants in the motions on which Prothonotary Lafrenière rendered decision on 1-Dec-09, drawing their attention to Plaintiffs' request for directions to the Court on the contents of the intended appeal motion record for their consideration, and asking the participants to comment on the length of the motion hearing, and expressing urgency in the matter received on 04-DEC-2009
null2009-12-03VancouverLetter from Plaintiffs dated 03-DEC-2009 requesting directions regarding the contents of the Motions Record to be filed in support of their intended appeal from the decision of Prothonotary Lafrenière rendered on 1-Dec-09 received on 03-DEC-2009
932009-12-01VancouverReasons for Order and Order dated 01-DEC-2009 rendered by Roger Lafrenière, Esq., Prothonotary Matter considered without personal appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Motion in writing Doc. No. 12 Result: granted Statement of Claim is struck out without leave to amend. Action is dismissed with costs payable by the Plaintiff to the Defendant, Lang Michener LLP. The Court's decision is with regard to Motion in writing Doc. No. 40 Result: granted Statement of Claim is struck out without leave to amend. Action is dismissed with costs payable by the Plaintiff to the Provincial Defendants. The Court's decision is with regard to Motion in writing Doc. No. 45 Result: granted Statement of Claim is struck out without leave to amend. Action is dismissed with costs payable by the Plaintiff to the Federal Crown Defendants. The Court's decision is with regard to Motion in writing Doc. No. 55 Result: granted Statement of Claim is struck out without leave to amend. Action is dismissed with costs payable by the Plaintiff to the Defendants, The Law Society of British Columbia, McCarthy Tetrault and Herman Van Ommen. The Court's decision is with regard to Motion in writing Doc. No. 59 Result: granted Statement of Claim is struck out without leave to amend. Action is dismissed with costs payable by the Plaintiff to the Defendant, The Law Society of Alberta The Court's decision is with regard to Motion in writing Doc. No. 70 Result: granted Statement of Claim is struck out without leave to amend. Action is dismissed with costs payable by the Plaintiff to the Judicial Defendants The Court's decision is with regard to Motion in writing Doc. No. 63 Result: dismissed Plaintiff's motion for default judgment against the Defendant, Themis, is dismissed witihout costs The Court's decision is with regard to Motion in writing Doc. No. 87 Result: dismissed Motion of Defendant, Themis, for an extension of time to serve and file a statement of defence is dismissed without costs Filed on 01-DEC-2009 copies sent to parties Transmittal Letters placed on file. Final Decision Certificate of Order entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1073 page(s) 82 - 82
2009-11-23VancouverOral directions received from the Court: Roger Lafrenière, Esq., Prothonotary dated 23-NOV-2009 directing that the parties be informed that decisions regarding the motions will be made by the end of this month. placed on file on 23-NOV-2009 Confirmed in writing to the party(ies)
null2009-10-28OttawaLetter from Martin W. Mason dated 28-OCT-2009 "...... As the judgment of the Federal Court of Appeal in Crowe was not released until after all the motions had been filed and the appeal of the order of the Chief Justice had been commenced, we understand that is is not referred to in any of the filed materials. However, in our submissions the Crowe decision directly addresses the issues raised in our motion to strike, and indeed the other motions before the Court." received on 28-OCT-2009
null2009-10-06OttawaCopy of Judgment and copy of Reasons for Judgment in Appeal file dated 06-OCT-2009 rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Sexton The Honourable Madam Justice Sharlow The Honourable Mr. Justice Ryer placed on file. Original filed on Court File No. A-209-08
null2009-10-07OttawaLetter from Mr. Frederick Carten dated 07-OCT-2009 "...writing to request that Prothonotary Lafreniere deliver reasons with respect of the two matters that have been before him since July 2008." -scanned to CMT Vancouver & Office of the CJ. received on 07-OCT-2009
null2009-05-20VancouverLetter from Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd. ("Themis") to Federal Court dated 19-MAY-2009 requesting directions from the Court with respect to the motion in writing for an extension of time to file a Defence filed by Themis in late 2008. Letter will be placed before the Court (VAN) received on 20-MAY-2009
null2008-12-29OttawaLetter from Plaintiff dated 29-DEC-2008 (...) "The affidavit of Mr. Kenneth Dadson, sworn December 11, 2008, is false." (...) received on 29-DEC-2008
null2008-12-23OttawaLetter from Plaintiff dated 23-DEC-2008 " We do not agree that we have been personally served with the documents that the affidavit appears to allege." received on 23-DEC-2008
922008-12-11VancouverAffidavit of service of KENNETH DADSON sworn on 11-DEC-2008 on behalf of the Defendant Themis confirming service of Doc. #91 upon the Plaintiffs by personal service vis-a-vis process server on 09-DEC-2008 with Exhibits "A" filed on 11-DEC-2008
912008-12-11VancouverMotion Record containing the following original document(s): 87 88 89 90 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of the Defendant Themis filed on 11-DEC-2008
902008-12-11VancouverWritten Submissions contained within a Motion Record on behalf of the Defendant Themis concerning Motion Doc. No. 87 filed on 11-DEC-2008
892008-12-11VancouverAffidavit of HANNAH ROOTS sworn on 19-NOV-2008 contained within a Motion Record on behalf of the Defendant Themis in support of Motion Doc. No. 87 filed on 11-DEC-2008
882008-12-11VancouverAffidavit of SHANNON MacWILLIAMS sworn on 03-DEC-2008 contained within a Motion Record on behalf of the Defendant Themis in support of Motion Doc. No. 87 with Exhibits "A" to "F" filed on 11-DEC-2008
872008-12-11VancouverNotice of Motion contained within a Motion Record on behalf of the Defendant Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd. ("Themis") in writing to be dealt with in the Vancouver local office for an Order that Themis be granted leave to file its Statement of Defence filed on 11-DEC-2008
null2008-12-03OttawaMemorandum to file from Ottawa dated 03-DEC-2008 Spoke to Plaintiff and confirmed that the communication to the Court dated November 21 2008 was returned to the Registry by the office of the Chief Justice indicating that the Plaintiff's letter of November 20, 2008 had been "noted". placed on file.
null2008-11-26OttawaMemorandum to file from Ottawa dated 26-NOV-2008 the communication to the Court dated November 21, 2008 was returned to the Registry by the Chief Justice's office, indicating that the Chief Justice had noted the Plaintiff's letter of November 20, 2008 placed on file.
null2008-11-20OttawaLetter from Plaintiff dated 20-NOV-2008 "We are writing to request that you make appropriate inquiries to determine the reasons fodr the undue delay behaind the delivery of Reasons for Decision..." Copy forwarded to the Court received on 20-NOV-2008
null2008-10-20OttawaLetter from Plaintiff dated 19-OCT-2008 requesting the advice of the Court as to when Prothonotary Lafrenière will be delivering his decision in respect to the Plaintiff's motion for default judgment against the Defendant Themis Program Management and Consulting Limited. Also note that the Plaintiff advises the Court of the filing of materials by the Plaintiff in response to the direction of June 4, 2008, and the lack of a motion for extension of time being filed by the defendant Themis in response to the Court's direction of 26-SEP-2008 (faxed to Prothonotary Lafrenière on 22-OCT-2008) received on 20-OCT-2008
null2008-10-16OttawaLetter from Plaintiffs dated 16-OCT-2008 requesting advice as to when Lafrenière, P. plans to deliver his reasons for decision in respect of the various motions to dismiss brought by several of the Defendants; received on 16-OCT-2008
null2008-09-26VancouverOral directions received from the Court: Roger Lafrenière, Esq., Prothonotary dated 26-SEP-2008 directing that the Statement of Defence of The Defendant Themis cannot be accepted for filing since it was tendered late: see Rule 204. The Defendant will have to move for an extension of time. Defendant Themis was notifed by telephone on 26-SEP-2008 of the direction placed on file on 26-SEP-2008
null2008-09-22VancouverMemorandum to file from Vancouver office dated 22-SEP-2008 Phone message left with Mr. Sullivan's Assistant regarding his letter dated 18-SEP-2008 that documents mentioned as attachments to this letter were not attached. Letter and documents to be forwarded to the Court for direction when received. placed on file.
null2008-09-18VancouverLetter from Defendant (Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd.) dated 18-SEP-2008 requesting leave of the Court to file a Statement of Defence... received on 18-SEP-2008
null2008-09-10VancouverMemorandum to file from Vancouver office dated 10-SEP-2008 Spoke to Mr. Sullivan's Assistant by phone on 10-SEP-2008 and informed her that the file was case managed and any written Request could be referred to the Court. Statement of Defence returned at the request of the party. placed on file.
null2008-09-09VancouverLetter from Defendant (Themis Program Managementand Consulting Ltd.) dated 09-SEP-2008 regarding filing a Statement of Defence and seeking directions... received on 09-SEP-2008
null2008-09-04VancouverMemorandum to file from Vancouver office dated 04-SEP-2008 Statement of Defence dated 4-JUN-2008 and proof of service dated 2-SEP-2008 received on 3-SEP-2008. Registry notified counsel, Mr. Sullivan by phone and referred him to the Order of Court dated 11-APR-2008. Copy of this order was requested by counsel and sent by fax on 4-SEP-2008. placed on file.
null2008-08-19OttawaMemorandum to file from Bob Lemoine dated 19-AUG-2008 Further to the Plaintiff's letter dated August 15, 2008, it has been determined that paragraph 30 of the Plaintiff's written representations dated June 23, 2008 were incomplete, and so a copy of the Plaintiff's above-mentioned letter has been faxed to Mr. Prothonotary Lafrenière (CMJ) placed on file.
null2008-08-18OttawaLetter from Plaintiff dated 15-AUG-2008 "Would you kindly check paragraph 30, on page 10, of the Written Representations of the Plaintiffs, dated June 23, 2008, and advise if the full text is reproduced?" Faxed to Mr. Prothonotary Lafrenière received on 18-AUG-2008
null2008-08-08VancouverOral directions received from the Court: Roger Lafrenière, Esq., Prothonotary dated 08-AUG-2008 directing that "The Plaintiffs are granted an extension of time,nunc pro tunc,to serve the Plaintiffs' motion record dated June 23, 2008 on the Federal Crown Defendants. The Federal Crown Defendants shall serve and file their written representations in reply, in any, within 5 days of service of the Plaintiffs' motion record." placed on file on 08-AUG-2008 Confirmed in writing to the party(ies)
null2008-08-08OttawaLetter from Plaintiff dated 08-AUG-2008 "Further to my letter of August 6, 2008 in respect of the possible failure to meet conditions for service of the Plaintiff's Motion Record, dated June 23, 2008..." received on 08-AUG-2008
null2008-08-06OttawaLetter from Plaintiff dated 06-AUG-2008 "It has come to my attention that the Plaintiffs may have failed to properly serve on the Crown, the Attorney General of Canada and Mr. David Emerson, a copy of the Plaintiff's Motion Record dated June 23, 2008, that was accepted for filing on June 26, 2008. ..." (faxed to Mr. Prothonotary Lafrenière on 8-AUG-2008) received on 06-AUG-2008
null2008-07-22VancouverLetter from Defendant (HMQ) dated 22-JUL-2008 "Please be advised that we have not been served with the Plaintiff's motion record in response to our motion to strike the Statement of Claim. ..." received on 22-JUL-2008
null2008-07-10OttawaLetter from Plaintiff dated 10-JUL-2008 advising the Court of typographical errors in their motion record received on 10-JUL-2008
862008-07-09OttawaCertificate of search filed on 09-JUL-2008
null2008-07-07OttawaCovering letter from Plaintiff dated 04-JUL-2008 concerning Doc. No. 85 placed on file on 07-JUL-2008
852008-07-07OttawaMotion Record containing the following original document(s): 83 84 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of Plaintiff filed on 07-JUL-2008
842008-07-07OttawaAffidavit of John Frederick Carten sworn on 04-JUL-2008 contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff in support of Motion Doc. No. 63 with Exhibits 1 - 15 filed on 07-JUL-2008
832008-07-07OttawaWritten Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff concerning Motion in writing Doc. No. 63 filed on 07-JUL-2008
null2008-06-26OttawaCovering letter from Plaintiff dated 24-JUN-2008 concerning Doc. Nos. 81 82 placed on file on 26-JUN-2008
822008-06-26OttawaAffidavit of service of John Frederick Carten sworn on 24-JUN-2008 on behalf of Plaintiff confirming service of Doc 81 upon all Defendants moving to strike by express post on 24-JUN-2008 filed on 26-JUN-2008
812008-06-26OttawaMotion Record containing the following original document(s): 79 80 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of Plaintiff filed on 26-JUN-2008
802008-06-26OttawaAffidavit of John Frederick Carten sworn on 23-JUN-2008 contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff in support of doc. 79 with Exhibits 1 - 75 filed on 26-JUN-2008
792008-06-26OttawaWritten Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff concerning all pending motions to strike by various Defendants filed on 26-JUN-2008
null2008-06-13VancouverLetter from Defendants, CJC; JT; NS, AL; BM; JO; JM; JD; BR; AK; SLoV; DW and RVD, dated 13-JUN-2008 advising of counsel retained, of those Defendants not served with Statement of Claim waiving service, and of seeking leave to have Motion to Strike to be dealt with at the same time as such motions brought by other defendants received on 13-JUN-2008
782008-06-13VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Jonathan van Netten confirming service of Doc. No. 72 upon Defendant, Lang Michener LLP by telecopier on 13-JUN-2008 filed on 13-JUN-2008
772008-06-13VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Jonathan van Netten confirming service of Doc. No. 72 upon Defendant, the Law Society of Alberta by telecopier on 13-JUN-2008 filed on 13-JUN-2008
762008-06-13VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Jonathan van Netten confirming service of Doc. No. 72 upon Federal Crown Defendants by telecopier on 13-JUN-2008 filed on 13-JUN-2008
752008-06-13VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Jonathan van Netten confirming service of Doc. No. 72 upon the Provincial Crown Defendants by telecopier on 13-JUN-2008 filed on 13-JUN-2008
742008-06-13VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Jonathan van Netten confirming service of Doc. No. 72 upon Defendants, Law Society of BC; McCarthy Tetrault LLP; Herman van Ommen by telecopier on 13-JUN-2008 filed on 13-JUN-2008
732008-06-13VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Jonathan van Netten confirming service of Doc. No. 72 upon Plaintiffs by process server on 13-JUN-2008 filed on 13-JUN-2008
722008-06-13VancouverMotion Record containing the following original document(s): 70 71 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of Defendants, CJC; JT; NS, AL; BM; JO; JM; JD; BR; AK; SLoV; DW and RVD filed on 13-JUN-2008
712008-06-13VancouverWritten Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendants, CJC; JT; NS, AL; BM; JO; JM; JD; BR; AK; SLoV; DW and RVD concerning Motion Doc. No. 70 filed on 13-JUN-2008
702008-06-13VancouverNotice of Motion contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendants, CJC; JT; NS: AL; BM; JO; JM; JD; BR; AK; SLoV; DW; RVD in writing to be dealt with in the Vancouver local office for an Order to have this Motion dealt with at the same time as similar motions brought by other defendants; striking the Statement of Claim without leave to amend and dismissing the action againisr the Moving Defendants; allowing 30 days from date of order for Moving Defendants to serve and file Statement of Defence if Statement of Claim is not struck or action is not dismissed; costs this motion filed on 13-JUN-2008
692008-06-13VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Hugh Gwillim confirming service of Book of Authorities of the Provincial Defendants upon all other defendants by process server on 11-JUN-2008 filed on 13-JUN-2008
682008-06-13VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Hugh Gwillim confirming service of Book of Authorities of the Provincial Defendants upon Plaintiffs by process server on 11-JUN-2008 filed on 13-JUN-2008
null2008-06-13VancouverBook of Authorities consisting of 1 volume(s) on behalf of Provincial Defendants received on 13-JUN-2008
null2008-06-09OttawaLetter from Plaintiff to Manon Pitre, Acting Registrar dated 09-JUN-2008 expressing Plaintiff's concern that original documents are being sent to the Vancouver Registry from the Ottawa Registry, and expressing the Plaintiff's distrust of the Vancouver Registry. Plaintiffs ask that all those materials be returned to Ottawa unaltered after Prothonotary Lafrenière has completed his tasks received on 09-JUN-2008
null2008-06-04OttawaMemorandum to file from Kevin Kelly dated 04-JUN-2008 The contents of the Order were read in their entirety to Ms. Gibbs and faxed to a number that was furnished by her. placed on file.
672008-06-04OttawaOrder dated 04-JUN-2008 rendered by Roger Lafrenière, Esq., Prothonotary Matter considered without personal appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Motion in writing Doc. No. 63 Result: adjourned, with leave to the Plaintiffs to file additional affidavit evidence and supplementary written representations in support of the motion by July 8, 2008. Filed on 04-JUN-2008 certified copies sent to the Plaintiff Transmittal Letters placed on file. entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1024 page(s) 339 - 341 Interlocutory Decision
null2008-05-27VancouverLetter from Defendant dated 27-MAY-2008 advising that all correspondence with regard to these parties, including any court documents, should be sent to my attention at the following address in Vancouver, not in Ottawa. Department of Justice, BC/Yukon Regional Office, 900-840 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2S9 Mélanie Chartier, Counsel received on 27-MAY-2008
null2008-05-16OttawaCovering letter from Plaintiff dated 15-MAY-2008 concerning Doc. Nos. 63 64 65 66 placed on file on 16-MAY-2008
662008-05-16OttawaMotion Record containing the following original document(s): 63 64 65 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of Plaintiff filed on 16-MAY-2008
652008-05-16OttawaAffidavit of John Frederick Carten sworn on 14-MAY-2008 contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff in support of Motion Doc. No. 63 with Exhibits 1 to 6 filed on 16-MAY-2008
642008-05-16OttawaWritten Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff concerning Motion in writing Doc. No. 63 filed on 16-MAY-2008
632008-05-16OttawaNotice of Motion made ex parte contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff in writing to be dealt with in the Vancouver local office for Default Judgment against the Defendant (Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd.) filed on 16-MAY-2008
622008-05-14EdmontonSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Bruce Comba confirming service of Doc. 61 upon Plaintiff by Priority Post Courier on 14-MAY-2008 confirming service Doc. 61 upon Co-Defendants by mail on 14-MAY-2008 filed on 14-MAY-2008
612008-05-14EdmontonMotion Record containing the following original document(s): 59 60 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of Defendant, Law Society of Alberta filed on 14-MAY-2008
602008-05-14EdmontonWritten Submissions contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendant, Law Society of Alberta concerning Motion in writing Doc. No. 59 filed on 14-MAY-2008
592008-05-14EdmontonNotice of Motion contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendant, Law Society of Alberta in writing to be dealt with in the Vancouver local office for an Order striking those portions of the Statement of Claim relating in any way to the Law Society of Alberta, without leave to amend; and dismissing the action as against the Law Society of Alberta filed on 14-MAY-2008
582008-05-14VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Michael G. Armstrong confirming service of doc.57 upon all parties by mail on 14-MAY-2008 filed on 14-MAY-2008
null2008-05-14VancouverBook of Authorities consisting of 1 volume(s) on behalf of The Law Society of BC, McCarthy Tetrault, and Herman Van Ommen received on 14-MAY-2008
572008-05-14VancouverMotion Record containing the following original document(s): 55 56 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of The Law Society of BC, McCarthy Tetrault and Herman Van Ommen filed on 14-MAY-2008
562008-05-14VancouverWritten Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of The Law Society of BC, McCarthy Tetrault LLP, and Herman Van Ommen concerning Motion in writing Doc. No. 55 filed on 14-MAY-2008
552008-05-14VancouverNotice of Motion contained within a Motion Record on behalf of The Law Society of BC, McCarthy Tetrault, and Herman Van Ommen in writing to be dealt with in the Vancouver local office for an Order striking portions of the Statement of Claim...and/or dismissing the action against those defendants... filed on 14-MAY-2008
542008-05-14Vancouver****** CANCELLED ****** Tender of payment into Court on behalf of Plaintiff pursuant to Order filed on 27-APR-2006 in the amount of $90,000.00 filed on 14-MAY-2008
532008-05-14Vancouver****** CANCELLED ****** Tender of payment into Court on behalf of Plaintiff pursuant to Order filed on 27-APR-2006 in the amount of $21,500.00 filed on 14-MAY-2008
522008-05-13VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Mélanie Chartier confirming service of Doc. #47 & relevant authorities upon the Provincial Crown Defendants by courier on 13-MAY-2008 filed on 13-MAY-2008
512008-05-13VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Mélanie Chartier confirming service of Doc. #47 & relevant authorities upon the Defendant, the Law Society of Alberta, by courier on 13-MAY-2008 filed on 13-MAY-2008
502008-05-13VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Mélanie Chartier confirming service of Doc. #47 & relevant authorities upon Defendants, the Law Society of BC, McCarthy Tetrault LLP & Herman Van Ommen by courier on 13-MAY-2008 filed on 13-MAY-2008
492008-05-13VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Mélanie Chartier confirming service of Doc. #47 & relevant authorities upon the Defendant, Lang Michener LLP, by courier on 13-MAY-2008 filed on 13-MAY-2008
482008-05-13VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Mélanie Chartier confirming service of Doc. #47 & relevant authorities upon the Plaintiffs by mail on 12-MAY-2008 confirming service Doc. #47 & relevant authorities upon the Plaintiffs by courier on 13-MAY-2008 filed on 13-MAY-2008
null2008-05-13VancouverBook of Authorities consisting of 1 volume(s) on behalf of the Federal Crown Defendants (re: Motion Doc. #45) received on 13-MAY-2008
472008-05-13VancouverMotion Record containing the following original document(s): 45 46 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of the Federal Crown Defendants filed on 13-MAY-2008
462008-05-13VancouverWritten Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of the Federal Crown Defendants concerning Motion in writing Doc. No. 45 filed on 13-MAY-2008
452008-05-13VancouverNotice of Motion contained within a Motion Record on behalf of the Defendants Deputy AGC, HMTQ & all other Federal Crown Defendants in writing to be dealt with in the Vancouver local office for an Order "striking out the Statement of Claim, without leave to amend it, and dismissing the action against HMTQ and all Federal Crown Defendants; and costs..." filed on 13-MAY-2008
442008-05-13VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Hugh Gwillim confirming service of doc.#42 upon the Law Soc. of BC, McCarthy Tetrault, Law Soc. of Alberta,Lang Michener, Her Majesty the Queen by mail on 13-MAY-2008 filed on 13-MAY-2008
432008-05-13VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Hugh Gwillim confirming service of doc.#42 upon Plaintiff by mail on 09-MAY-2008 filed on 13-MAY-2008
422008-05-13VancouverMotion Record containing the following original document(s): 40 41 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of the Provincial Defendants filed on 13-MAY-2008
412008-05-13VancouverWritten Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of the Provincial Defendants concerning Motion Doc. No. 40 filed on 13-MAY-2008
402008-05-13VancouverNotice of Motion contained within a Motion Record on behalf of the Provincial Defendants in writing to be dealt with in the Vancouver local office for striking the Statement of Claim, without leave to amend it, and to dismiss the action against all Provincial Defendants with costs on a substantial indemnity basis. filed on 13-MAY-2008
392008-05-12OttawaOrder dated 12-MAY-2008 rendered by Roger Lafrenière, Esq., Prothonotary Matter considered without personal appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Motion in writing Doc. No. 18 Result: dismissed The Court orders that the motion is dismissed, without prejudice to the Plaintiffs' right to re-apply for default judgment on better evidence, or to move for an extension of time to serve the Statement of Claim on Themis rogram Management and Consulting Ltd. Filed on 12-MAY-2008 certified copies sent to Plaintiffs and to Vancouver and Edmonton Local Office Transmittal Letters placed on file. entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1022 page(s) 371 - 373 Interlocutory Decision
382008-05-09OttawaCertificate of search filed on 09-MAY-2008
null2008-05-09OttawaCopy of Notice of Appeal (Appeal Court File No. A-209-08 ) appealing the Order of The Chief Justice dated April 28, 2008 filed in the Court of Appeal on 09-MAY-2008 on behalf of Plaintiff placed on file on 09-MAY-2008
null2008-05-08Ottawa****** ANNULÉ(E) ****** Lettre de la partie demanderesse en date du 08-MAI-2008 " Nous souhaitons convertir le dossier de requête déposé hier au greffe de la Cour fédérale dans le dossier cité en titre en vertu de la règle 369 des Règles des Cours fédérales..." reçue le 08-MAI-2008
372008-05-07OttawaOrder dated 07-MAY-2008 rendered by Roger Lafrenière, Esq., Prothonotary Matter considered without personal appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Motion Doc. No. 32 Result: " THIS COURT ORDERS that 1. The Plaintiffs are granted leave to bring this motion. 2. The Registry is directed to refer the Plaintiffs' motion for default judgment against the Defendant, Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd., to the Court for disposition. 3. The Plaintiffs are granted an extension of time to June 30, 2008 to serve and file motion records in response to any motion to dismiss that may brought by one or more of the Defendants and the motion to dismiss filed by the Defendant, Lang Michener, LLP." Filed on 07-MAY-2008 certified copies sent to parties and to Vancouver and Edmonton Local Offices Transmittal Letters placed on file. entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1022 page(s) 178 - 179 Interlocutory Decision
null2008-05-01OttawaLetter sent by Registry on 01-MAY-2008 to Plaintiff from Madam Pitre, A/Registrar, "In response to your letter dated April 24, 2008, and your voice mail message..." Copy placed on file.
null2008-05-01OttawaLetter from Plaintiff dated 01-MAY-2008 " [...] I am enclosing by fax transmission a copy of Exhibit "9" that I failed to append to Affidavit sworn April 16, 2008. [...] Please send by mail the following documents to the Plaintiffs: 1. [...] 2.[...] 3.[...] 4.[...] 5.[...] received on 01-MAY-2008
null2008-04-29OttawaMemorandum to file from Karine Turgeon dated 29-APR-2008 " Following the reception of the Plaintiffs' letter dated April 23, 2008, advising the Registry of errors in the written representations submitted (doc #34) within Motion Record doc #35, I inserted the revised page in each copy of the motion record received." placed on file.
null2008-04-23OttawaLetter from Plaintiff dated 23-APR-2008 " We have noticed two typographical errors on page 1 of the Written Repre- sentations of the Plaintiffs dated April 16, 2008, that were a part of the Motion Record we sent [doc #32][...] The typographical error are as follows: 1. In the last line of the first paragraph, the word "the" should be replaced by the word "that". In the third line of the second paragraph, the date March 14, 2008, should read May 14, 2008. [...] Opposing legal Counsel have been advised of these issues by fax and will be further advised by mail." received on 23-APR-2008
null2008-04-18OttawaLetter from Plaintiff dated 17-APR-2008 being a cover letter to docs# 32 to 36 - "[...] We believe that only the Chief Justice has the authority to grant the Order requested under Rule 383.1. We further believe that due to high sensitivity...this matter should be placed before the Chief Justice or justice designated by him to handle the case. [...]" received on 18-APR-2008
362008-04-18OttawaAffidavit of service of John Frederick Carten sworn on 16-APR-2008 on behalf of Plaintiff confirming service of doc #28 (Reply to Statement of Defence of HMQ in Right of Canada) upon Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada by registered mail on 03-APR-2008 confirming service doc #29 (Reply to Stat. of Defence signed by Hugh Gwillim - Provincial Def.) upon HMQ in right of Canada, HMQ B.C.(see affidavit for other people served) by registered mail on 04-APR-2008 confirming service doc #30(Reply to Stat. of Defence of McCarthy Tetrault and Herman Van Ommen) upon McCarthy Tetrault and Herman Van Ommen by registered mail on 07-APR-2008 confirming service doc #31 (Stat. of Defence of Law Society of Alberta) upon Law Society of Alberta - Emery Jamieson, L.L.P. by Registered mail on 07-APR-2008 confirming service doc #32 (#32 to #35, Plaintiffs' Motion Record) upon Defandants HMQ in right of Canada, Law Society of British Columbia, Herman Van Ommen, McCarthy Tetrault, Law Society of Alberta, Lang Michener L.L.P., and Provincial Defendants by registered mail on 17-APR-2008 with Exhibits 1 to 9 filed on 18-APR-2008
352008-04-18OttawaMotion Record containing the following original document(s): 32 33 34 Number of copies received: 4 on behalf of Plaintiff filed on 18-APR-2008
342008-04-18OttawaWritten Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff concerning Motion in writing Doc. No. 32 filed on 18-APR-2008
332008-04-18OttawaAffidavit of John Frederick Carten sworn on 16-APR-2008 contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff in support of Motion Doc. No. 32 with Exhibits 1 to 6 filed on 18-APR-2008
322008-04-18OttawaNotice of Motion contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff in writing to be placed before the Court in Ottawa for an Order 1. For leave of the Court to proceed with this Motion; 2. An Order pursuant to Federal Court Rule 383.1 that the Chief Justice of the Federal Court assign a judge to act as the CMJ; 3. An Order setting aside the Order of Prothonotary Lafrenière dated April 11, 2008, [...] that the application for default judgment against the Defendant, Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd., be held in abeyance [...] 4. An Order varying that part of the Order of Prothonotary Lafrenière placing a deadline of May 30, 2008, for the Plaintiffs to respond to any Motion to dismiss brought by one or more of the Defendants [...]and that the Plaintiffs have until June 30, 2008, to file any Response that may be required [...] filed on 18-APR-2008
null2008-04-29OttawaLetter from Plaintiff dated 29-APR-2008 advising the Court that the Plaintiffs intend to fully co-operate with the order of Chief Justice Lutfy dated April 28, 2008 received on 29-APR-2008
null2008-04-28OttawaOral directions received from the Court: Roger Lafrenière, Esq., Prothonotary dated 28-APR-2008 directing that the direction is in relation with the Motion Record received at the Registry on April 18, 2008, on behalf of the Plaintiffs, and is addressed to the Registry. The direction reads as follows: " The Plaintiffs' motion record should be accepted for filing, provided there is a proof of service [...]". placed on file on 28-APR-2008
null2008-04-09OttawaCovering letter from Plaintiff dated 07-APR-2008 concerning Doc. No. 31 placed on file on 09-APR-2008
null2008-04-07OttawaCovering letter from Plaintiff dated 07-APR-2008 concerning Doc. No. 30 placed on file on 07-APR-2008
312008-04-09OttawaReply to Statement of Defence on behalf of Law Society of Alberta on behalf of Plaintiff Filed on 09-APR-2008
null2008-04-09OttawaCovering letter from Plaintiff dated 07-APR-2008 concerning Doc. No. 30 placed on file on 09-APR-2008
302008-04-09OttawaReply to Statement of Defence on behalf of McCarthy Tetrault and Herman Van Ommen on behalf of Plaintiff Filed on 09-APR-2008
null2008-04-07OttawaCovering letter from Plaintiff dated 04-APR-2008 concerning Doc. No. 29 placed on file on 07-APR-2008
292008-04-07OttawaReply to Statement of Defence signed by Sol. Hugh Gwillim,on behalf of HMQ (B.C.) on behalf of Plaintiff Filed on 07-APR-2008
null2008-04-07OttawaCovering letter from Plaintiff dated 02-APR-2008 concerning Doc. No. 28 placed on file on 07-APR-2008
282008-04-07OttawaReply to Statement of Defence on behalf of Her Majesty in Right of Canada on behalf of Plaintiff Filed on 07-APR-2008
null2008-04-28OttawaMemorandum to file from Bob Lemoine dated 28-APR-2008 in communicating the order of the Chief Justice to the Plaintiffs, Ms. Gibbs (Plaintiff) advised me that it is the Plaintiffs intention to ignore that order that the Plaintiff's will not deal with the Vancouver Registry in any way placed on file.
272008-04-28OttawaOrder dated 28-APR-2008 rendered by Chief Justice Lutfy Matter considered without personal appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Order dated 11-APR-2008 Result: Mr. Prothonotary Lafrenière is designed as Case Management Judge in this matter Filed on 28-APR-2008 certified copies sent to parties Transmittal Letters placed on file. entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1020 page(s) 284 - 285 Interlocutory Decision
null2008-04-24OttawaLetter from Plaintiff dated 24-APR-2008 "We are writing to alert you to the fact that your court staff appear to be deliberately interfering with the administration of justice in regard to the above matter, if we are correct, there as been a violation of s. 139 of the Criminal Code..." received on 24-APR-2008
262008-04-09VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Hugh Gwillim confirming service of Doc. No. 25 upon Plaintiff by personal service on 03-APR-2008 filed on 09-APR-2008
252008-04-09VancouverDefence on behalf of the Provincial Defendants (BC) filed on 09-APR-2008
null2008-04-09VancouverCopy of a Letter from Provincial Defendants (BC) dated 09-APR-2008 requesting leave pursuant to R. 55 to make a motion to extend time for the filing of a Defence received on 09-APR-2008
242008-03-28VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Mélainie Chartier confirming service of Doc. No. 23 upon Plaintiff by courier on 28-MAR-2008 filed on 28-MAR-2008
232008-03-28VancouverDefence on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen filed on 28-MAR-2008
222008-04-11VancouverOrder dated 11-APR-2008 rendered by Roger Lafrenière, Esq., Prothonotary Matter considered without personal appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Motion ex proprio motu Result: "The action shall continue as a specially managed proceeding. No further steps shall be taken by the parties in this proceeding except with leave of the Court. The Statements of Defence of Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and the Provincial Defendants shall be accepted for filing. The Plaintiffs' Replies to the Statements of Defence of the Defendants, McCarthy Tétrault and Herman Van Ommen, the Law Society of Alberta, Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, and the Provincial Defendants shall be accepted for filing upon proper proof of service being submitted. The Plaintiffs' ex parte motino s in writing for default judgment against Her Majesty Queen in Right of Canada (Doc 3) and against Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd (Doc 18) shall be held in abeyance pending further order or directions of the Court (i.e. the Case management judge) Any Defendants who intend to bring amtion in writing to dismiss the action shall serve and file a joiont or separate motion record no later than May 14, 2008. The Plaintiffs shall serve and file their motion record(s) in response to the motion in writing filed on behalf of the Defendant, Lang Michener LLP (doc. 12), and any motion(s) to dismiss filed in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Order, no later than May 30, 2008" Filed on 11-APR-2008 certified copies sent to parties Transmittal Letters placed on file. entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1018 page(s) 311 - 313 Interlocutory Decision

2008-04-04OttawaCovering letter from Plaintiff dated 31-MAR-2008 concerning Doc. No. 21 placed on file on 04-APR-2008

212008-04-04OttawaMotion Record containing the following original document(s): 18 19 20 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of Plaintiff filed on 04-APR-2008

202008-04-04OttawaAffidavit of John Frederick Carten sworn on 31-MAR-2008 contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff in support of Motion Doc. No. 18 with Exhibits A,B,C filed on 04-APR-2008

192008-04-04OttawaWritten Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff concerning Motion in writing Doc. No. 18 filed on 04-APR-2008

182008-04-04OttawaNotice of Motion made ex parte contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff in writing to be dealt with in the Vancouver local office for Default Judgment as against Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd. filed on 04-APR-2008

172008-04-09VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Michael G. Armstrong confirming service of doc.16 upon Plaintiff by mail on 09-APR-2008 filed on 09-APR-2008

162008-04-09VancouverDefence on behalf of Law Society of British Columbia filed on 09-APR-2008

2008-04-09VancouverMemorandum to file from Vishva Hajirakar dated 09-APR-2008 that on this day I received a statement of defence from the Law Society of British Columbia. Upon review of the file it was noted that proof of service of the statement of claim is not on the file. I queried Counsel as to when the Statement of Claim was served. Mr. Armstrong indicated they were served on 11-Mar-2008 with the Statement of Claim. As such, the statement of defence has been accepted for filing placed on file.

2008-04-09Vancouver Copy of a Letter from the Defendants, BC Crown defendants dated 09-APR-2008 requesting pursuant to R. 55 to be allowed an extension of time to serve and file their defence received on 09-APR-2008

2008-04-03Ottawa Letter from Defendant dated 03-APR-2008 "...There are numerous Defendants in this action. I have spoken to counsel of some other Defendants and I believe that they too will be bringing similar motions although those motions may well be filed in British Columbia. It would seem useful if possible that one judge be assigned to deal with all of the motions when they are provided." received on 03-APR-2008

152008-04-03OttawaSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Eric R. Williams confirming service of Doc. 14 upon Plaintiff by mail on 03-APR-2008 filed on 03-APR-2008

14.  2008-04-03OttawaMotion Record containing the following original document(s): 12 13 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of Defendant filed on 03-APR-2008

13.  2008-04-03OttawaWritten Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendant concerning Motion Doc. No. 12 filed on 03-APR-2008

12.  2008-04-03OttawaNotice of Motion contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendant in writing to be placed before the Court in Ottawa for an Order An order striking those portions of the Statement of Claim relating to Lang Michener LLP...and other relief filed on 03-APR-2008

11.  2008-03-28VancouverSolicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Michael G. Armstrong confirming service of Doc. No. 10 upon Plaintiff by mail on 28-MAR-2008 filed on 28-MAR-2008
10.  2008-03-28Vancouver Defence on behalf of McCarthy Tetrault and Herman Van Ommen filed on 28-MAR-2008

2008-03-28VancouverMemorandum to file from Julie A. Gordon, A/SRO dated 28-MAR-2008 upon receipt of the Defence on behalf of Herman Van Ommen and McCarthy Tetrault it was noted that no proof of service has been filed regarding these defendants. I queried counsel, Mr. Armstrong, who advised that Van Ommen was served 5-MAR-2008 and McCarthy Tetrault was served 10-MAR-08. The Defence was accepted for filing placed on file.

9.  2008-03-28OttawaCertificate of search filed on 28-MAR-2008

2008-03-19Ottawa Letter from Defendant dated 19-MAR-2008 writing with respect to the motion for default judgment filed against Her Majesty the Queen. Refers to improper service further to section 25 of the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act, other related matters received on 19-MAR-2008

8.  2008-03-27Edmonton Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Bruce Comba confirming service of Doc. 7 upon Plaintiff by mail on 27-MAR-2008 filed on 27-MAR-2008
7.  2008-03-27EdmontonDefence on behalf of Law Society of Alberta filed on 27-MAR-2008

2008-03-13OttawaMemorandum to file from Audrey Boucher dated 13-MAR-2008 spoke to plaintiffs concerning incomplete motion record. They will send missing documents to complete their motion record. placed on file.

2008-03-11OttawaLetter from Plaintiff dated 08-MAR-2008 enclosing a notice of motion, an affidavit and a draft order for default judgment received on 11-MAR-2008

2008-03-14OttawaCovering letter from Plaintiff dated 13-MAR-2008 concerning Doc. No. 3 placed on file on 14-MAR-2008

2008-03-14OttawaDraft Order concerning Motion Doc. No. 3 received on 14-MAR-2008
6.  2008-03-14OttawaMotion Record containing the following original document(s): 3 4 5 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of Plaintiff filed on 14-MAR-2008

5.  2008-03-14OttawaWritten Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff concerning Motion in writing Doc. No. 3 filed on 14-MAR-2008

4.  2008-03-14OttawaAffidavit of John Frederick Carten sworn on 08-MAR-2008 contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff in support of Motion Doc. No. 3 filed on 14-MAR-2008
32008-03-14OttawaNotice of Motion made ex parte contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff in writing to be placed before the Court in Ottawa for Default Judgment filed on 14-MAR-2008 Draft Order\\Judgment received.

2.  2008-02-07OttawaService copy of Statement of Claim with proof of service upon Respondent HMQ on 06-FEB-2007 filed on 07-FEB-2008

2008-02-06OttawaLetter sent by Registry on 06-FEB-2008 to Plaintiff returning certified copies of the claim and advising that service on the Crown has been effected. Copy placed on file.

2008-02-04OttawaLetter from Plaintiff dated 31-JAN-2008 enclosing copies of him claim for certification and for service under Rule 133 received on 04-FEB-2008

2008-01-30OttawaLetter from Plaintiff dated 28-JAN-2008 requesting a change to our indexing of the case (with indication of completion from the Registry) received on 30-JAN-2008

2008-01-21OttawaLetter sent by Registry on 21-JAN-2008 to Applicant returning a cc of the Statement of Claim and a Postal Money Order to the Applicant, Mr. Carten. Copy placed on file.

2008-01-21OttawaCovering letter from Plaintiff dated 18-JAN-2008 concerning doc. #1 and a Postal Money Order (the money Order has been returned to Mr. Carten since it was made payable to the Federal Court of Canada vice the Receiver General of Canada. The fees were paid by credit card.) placed on file on 21-JAN-2008

2008-01- to file from Andrée Bernier dated 21-JAN-2008 "I called Mr. Carten concerning the fact that we received only one copy of the statement of claim. I informed him that he needed more copies for the service of it to all the plaintiffs. He asked me to proceed with the filing of the document and that he will send us more copies for us to certified them." placed on file.

1.  2008-01-21  Ottawa Statement of Claim filed on 21-JAN-2008 Tariff other action - $150.00


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