Do you know who your real Enemy is???

Do you know who your real Enemy is??? TAKE THE TEST


Can You Answer These Questions? As You Know, our Enemy is very clever, devious, and manipulative. They have LIED to us ALL our Lives. Knowledge is Power!

Shall we take the test now?

  • What is the true reason for installing the Federal Reserve?
  • A very corrupt president assisted the enemy to set up the Federal Reserve Act.  What political party did this president represent?  
  • Why were two billion American buffaloes exterminated?
  • Do you believe our History books could be full of lies? Why would they lie to us?
  • If you can place faces on the Khazarian Mafia, who comes to mind?
  • The Khazarian Mafia is the world’s largest crime syndicate. How did they gain so much wealth and power?
  • What is the DEEP STATE?
  • Can you define Fascist?
  • What is a Communist?
  • What is a Nazi?
  • WHAT entity rules the world?
  • What was the #1 Main Reason the FBI was created?
  • J. Edgar Hoover was the first director of the FBI, he was a cross-dressing homosexual pedophile. What “gifts” did Mafia mobsters bring to Mr. Hoover for protecting them?
  • What organization or entity controls the CIA?  Hint: Not the USA or Congress.
  • WHY do secret organizations honor “LUCIFER”?
  • What race of people is targeted for extermination? The answer is shocking!
  • Russia could have crushed Ukraine in the first week the so-called war started. Why is Russia dragging out this pretend war?
  • What is the main agenda of the New World Order?
  • Who are the LEADERS of the New World Order?
  • Who or what controls the mainstream media’s fake news?
  • What is the horrific agenda of the World Health Organization? (WHO)
  • Do you believe humans landed on the Moon? We haven’t been back in over 50 years. Why? NASA says they lost the technology we had back then!!!!!!!
  • What organization writes the news for the nation of media talking heads? Every reporter in every TV station across the nation reveals the same news broadcast. Where does their teleprompter news come from?
  • All presidents of USA are 33-degree Freemasons except one. Can you name the president?
  • Why is it 33 degree and not 32-degree or 34-degree?
  • What entity brought down the World Trade Towers? Hint: Not an Arab country.
  • Why was Building 7 (CIA offices) brought down on the same day?
  • How much Gold was stolen in the basement of the World Trade Towers?
  • Can you define a Zionist?
  • What is an Eugenicist?
  • Why did the CDC lie to the world?
  • Why is the FDA complicit in assisting criminals in the commercial drug business?
  • Why haven't Congress at least questioned those who have lied and assisted in murdering millions of people with the fake vaxx? (CDC, FDA, Hospitals, Doctors, )
  • Hitler’s mother was Jewish. History says Hitler hated Jews. His lover, his best friend and his closest bodyguards were Jewish. Can you explain?
  • Hitler and many of his closest comrads SECRETLY traveled to another country after the war – where did Hitler along with many of his closes comrads go?
  • Why did they lie to us about Hitler committing suicide?
  • Who STOLE Hitler’s massive ART collection? Hint: Last name starts with a “B”. Much of this familie’s wealth came from this STOLEN art collection.
  • All Secrets Societies such as; the Freemasons, Pilgrims Society, Illuminati, and The Vatican have something horrific in common – what is it?
  • Why is the “Left” promoting the LBGQ+RSTUVWXYZ lifestyle (right now) when this group of people is a very TINY percentage of the population?
  • Child Sex Trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry. WHO are the entities that are the largest trafficker of children?
  • Why is Pedophilia common among the so-called “Elite” ?
  • Why do these billion-dollar organizations traffic children?
  • What do these well-organized entities do with the millions of children?
  • About 100,000 children came across our southern border in the last couple of years. They have all disappeared. Where did they go?  What do they do with them?
  • There is no doubt. All the banks will close soon. What will you do?
  • Can you survive without electricity, grocery stores, fresh water, or gas?  For how long?
  • Do you believe humans should be taught how to be self-reliant? Self-reliant is to survive without the use of Corporations or the Government.
  • What are MedBeds? Why will they be FREE to use?
  • What is Nesara? How will this legal action highly benefit all people on the planet?
  • Do you believe Fauci is a criminal? If so, why hasn’t he been arrested for mass murder?
  • Do you believe giant Professional Sports games are ligitimate? Do you know it is a multi-billion dollar (underground) gambling racket?
  • Did you get the Covid (fake) vaxx?  If you did, do you regret it? Do you feel the mainstream media lied to everyone? (Safe and Effective?)
  • Where did the Covid pnuemonia virus originate (bioweapon). Hint. Not China.
  • Do you think the mainstream media can lie and fool people? If you believe they lie and fool people, then the next question is WHY are they told to lie to us nearly every day? Gaslighting Americans appears to be their favorite trick.
  • Do you still believe that we live on a spinning ball that spins over 1,000 mph?
  • Why are most of our food supply toxic? Sprayed with poisonous toxins. 
  • Monsanto is a toxic seed company – GMO. Why does the USA allow Monsanto (Bayer) to poison humanity? The company called Bayer purchased Monsanto. Bayer is a German “Nazi” company. Do you know where they got their start during World War II? The answer might surprise you.



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