The Taking Of Planet 1-2-3 | EU | Before It's News


How one person in 80,000 took over the Earth and a lot of people tweeted about it

I would imagine that most of you have by now seen the reportage about how sexuality educator Deanne Carson went on Australian news network ABC to talk about consent, and advised the broadcaster that parents should ask their babies for consent before changing their diapers.

It’s hard to fully explain one’s feelings on this sort of suggestion, but I’ll give it my best shot: if you want to extend the period of time a baby spends seeing itself as Ruler of the Universe prior to being disabused of such megalomania by life – or indeed, if you want to start your offspring’s Hitler II training early – then Carson’s opinion is entirely apt. Furthermore, the baby may well gain the impression that you have a slave complex, thus treating you as a sub normal lackey for as long as ye both shall live.

Finally, any parent will tell you that (once solids are introduced into diet) the aroma of captured urine and/or excrement is just awful, and so the baby will be delighted by the exchange of uncomfortable stink in favour of Essence of Forest diaper replacement and anti-chap cream. (And before anyone dismisses me as a grumpy old ignoramus, let me explain that pretending to the newborn that such is perfectly normal and not abhorrent to the nappy-changer in any way is hard to pull off, but very important).

This may seem like an eccentric opener to this essay, but there’s a long way to go yet. Let me put this to you: had any soi-disant expert offered the Deanne Carson opinion forty years ago (and just WTF is a sexuality educator anyway?) she would have been kept under very close observation and only rarely allowed out on her own. But today, it’s just another ”I don’t believe it” and move on thing.

To be more precise, it is a case of tolerating bad science that goes against all empirical studies alongside experiencially gained knowledge, intuition and natural instincts.

My opening thesis today is that promoting the unsupportably abnormal will – in the medium to long term – create a tendency in every controlling State to persuade mainstream opinion formers that the uninformed gullible commentator ”has a point”, because a few more stations down the line that same State will want to convince you of something even sillier.

This process was accurately expressed by Lenin as ”persuading useful bourgeois idiots” to give their support to nihilistic Bolsheviks. No good came of it.

Bonkers ideas are more easily accepted, but evidence of unspeakable evil is repressed. For totalitarian thinkers, this is a massive win-win.

As an illustration of this mind-boggling syndrome, the Senior School Labour idiot Hattie Harman once offered the insane opinion in 1972 that paedophilia is ”merely a part of the rainbow of sexual experience”.

What brought paedophilia to my mind was that its greatest defence against discovery has always been, just as with sapienocide, the sheer unimaginable horror of the practice: so too, people cannot believe that the Davosite screwballs are real. Because the goal is unthinkable and inhuman and therefore locked in a cranial cupboard somewhere. Ergo, what sexual degeneracy and genocidal megalomania have in common is a very genuine denial by the normal citizen based on the fear of, if you like, horror-fi: ”it doesn’t happen in real life”.

A telling phrase, that one: ‘in real life’.What is real life? Sooner or later, some people will come to regard asking for three-month old Gloria’s permission about stuff as normal, just as millions of Linekers excuse the allowed immigration of violent thugs on the basis of ”because they’re human beings”. What are human beings? The data suggest that perhaps 2-3% lack all the sapiens features of being ‘human’, that they tend to have all of the money and most of the power, and that a form of extreme megalomania develops over time to convince them that globally genocidal measures are necessary to get rid of the ”useless eaters” – a phrase used by Henry Kissinger, also allegedly a human being.

I’d just love to ask Salt & Lineker why someone being human makes them ”safe”, because our track record isn’t that great.

My view at the end of this last five year period is that the tiny but enormously powerful and ruthless 1% have been working on a process both unimaginable on the one hand and yet fully supported by a mountain range of data and evidence on the other. There is nevertheless, a need to go further.

The fact that one per cent of Homo sapiens are murderously psychopathic is a serious flaw in our ”nature”.

However, the gullibility of trust, apathy about consequences, denial of diabolical intent – and willingness to gang up against those who can see what the compliant daren’t take on board – is every bit as bad. (Over the last few days, I have experienced this on Musk’s X-rated Twitter).

My second thesis today is that there is a further problem – not just with the 87% who are Alright Jack – but also with the 12% of sofa warriors who disapprove of any ”negativity” in the Great Crusade.

You couldn’t make this up. The very same talk-but-not-walk Bravehearts who claim to be firmly opposed to lockstep thinking, and insist they are about to ‘die on this hill’ etc, are unlikely to ever make it to the hill because they never leave the sofa. The disapproval of lockstep conformity they criticise week in week out is then hijacked and used to silence those who see the enormous size of the task and thus stick to cold reality.

Two months ago, I wrote a post exhorting the ”Resistance” to join me in a high-profile organisation – well away from social media, but rather dedicated to an organised campaign of non-compliance against every anti-liberty tactic used by the 1% around the world from the Americas and EU via Africa and Asia to Australasia.

It’s not as if such tactics are in short supply.

Behind the stagecraft of Secret State-created confusion are stubbornly repeated lies, wild overspending, planned mass migration, health panic feamongering, food chain destruction, and ‘Earth on Fire’ nonsense. It is all designed to enable and justify the creation of a higher-order One World Government….something that will continue to be tested and put in place.

This has included digitalisation of cash, consolidation of the financial sector into fewer, larger banks, the creation of 24/7 tracking of humanity via smartphones (also to be the medium for access to electronic cash and other rationing measures, with reward and chastisement for social behaviour ‘points’ as per the Beijing model) and the final preparations for complete AI use in all areas of cultural organisation – in which specific context, the alleged energy-weapon use against Hawaii two weeks ago at last began to make compelling sense when Governor Green announced that his gubernatorial responsibility would become the world’s first society run entirely by AI.

As of today, 4,720 people have read the Slogpost. Just two replied.

Fast forward to Twitter, and an anodyne tweet I sent to one fairly high-profile lady evoked a ‘like’ from her, but then a follow-up saying she was fed up of me sending miserable tweets and why didn’t I lighten up. This in turn set off a Slog-kicking fest led the author of this gem:

As you might imagine, the last observation (the only correct one in the entire fan letter) made me laugh; is having a Grammar School as the Alma Mater some kind of stigma now? Hang your head in shame, O Slog.

To conclude:It’s been my opinion for several decades now that Man emerged as a new species with a great many improvements, but just as many important mistakes. The last seven years since Brino Brexit have confirmed it for me. But the last few months lead me to believe that the situation may be far worse than I thought.

Specifically, our species is

  1. Not good at mass media message discernment
  2. too easily persuaded that all fear is potentially deadly
  3. jumps to conclusions and joins up, quite often, all the wrong dots
  4. lacks rational left-brain thinking when frightened
  5. too prone to the hoax, the scam, voices of authority and respect for leaders
  6. contains a tiny minority, the profoundly mentally unhinged who acquire all the power and wealth, attracting lackeys to protect them
  7. still too quick to resort to (military) violence to solve every issue
  8. once stampeding, has a herd instinct that is impossible to stop
  9. far too impressed by technical complexity
  10. a believer in myths while ignoring the empirical.

Funny how there’s always ten. But like it or not, the result of a larger brain atop an increasingly strong and healthy body has been, if we’re being honest, a highly intelligent but often gullible killing machine. Homo sapiens needs to be far more self-honest about its weaknesses, and learn that in the nuclear/bioweapon/energy weapon age, it is highly dangerous to have delusions of grandeur about being the New Planetary Roman Empire with all its dictatorial cruelty.

Going all the way back to Deanne Carson and her odd take on baby stuff, a large number of those who see themselves as eternal Time Lords were given all the wrong signs by their mothers in early infancy. Adolf Hitler is a classic example: his mother Klara was dominated by her overbearing husband, a customs official…but she doted on little Dolfi. Josef Stalin had the exact same mix: an overbearing father and a mother who so adored her son, she believed he was destined to be a religious leader of historic significance.

I began with early infants and their at times tragic fantasy>reality thing because it’s yet another human trait to dismiss its own errors.

Denialism is central to our wiring. After all, the one inevitability in life is death. But the average thirty-something male has a sexual thought every eighteen seconds, while being brain-blind to mortality. Thus have we learned little or nothing from previous Communist and Nazi excesses, but in particular we have been far too tolerant of corrupt and poor quality elected officials: these Central Office clones leave a big power vacuum all-too-soon filled by cynical bureaucrats, delusional security spooks, climate fanatics, psychopathic pharma and military adventurers.

In that context, there are four key urgences:

  1. We need to tear up half-baked politicised education systems based on acceptance and compliance
  2. We need strong regulation of hitech in general and AI/transhuman robotics in particular
  3. The most delicate area of all, we must find libertarian and rule-of-law obedient ways of removing all dangerously murderous personalities from financial, economic, political and judicial life
  4. About the worst thing we could get right now would be one World Technocratic government by monsters dictating to us from their own perverted geopolitical perspective. These are the people who should be in padded cells, not pampered in plush Palaces.

Are those who utter blood-curdling threats of revenge on social media media ever likely to start really tackling all of this, and ridding us of the outcome? No: to be blunt, in the last few weeks I’ve become convinced that too many Twitter people like sounding off and sounding tough, but not actually the blood, toil, tears and sweat thing.

Sad but true: Twitterbites against the megalomanic depopulators are, to some extent, the equivalent of some model-persuaded sea levels nut peeing into the Pacific Ocean in a bid to turn his mistake into reality.

Rebuilding civilisation is, ultimately, a bricks-and-mortar process in which every jerry-built Temple to anthropological ignorance and closed thinking has to be torn down and replaced with a completely different construct. This takes persistence, care, the ability to listen and the ability to deal with maddening frustration.

Awarding oneself a grandiloquent avatar name from the safety of a sofa is not required on voyage.

John Ward is 75 years old and more than a little fed up of social media designed to lie rather than explain, self-styled experts, and conformity disguised as resistance. He is wary of avatars like Impaling Bloodaxe Avenger.


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