WHO's Terrorist Teddy Announces New COVID Tyranny After Many Governments Won't Comply With WHO's Foolish Dictates (Video)

WHO's Terrorist Teddy Announces New COVID Tyranny After Many Governments Won't Comply With WHO's Foolish Dictates (Video)

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the World Health Organization’s Director-General who isn’t even a trained medical doctor but was a terrorist in his own country and bankrupt them, has decided he knows what’s best for governments of the world to do in spite of the fact that they don’t want to follow his directives.  Now, he’s issuing new dictates, which one can only hope that governments will ignore, but I’m not holding my breath.

Rhoda Wilson has the story.

Last week, in a nondescript, seemingly windowless, room that appeared to be more like a bunker than a press briefing room, the hopeful World Health Dictators held a media briefing on global health issues.  The Dictators issued “standing recommendations for covid” and announced similar was soon to follow for Mpox, which was previously known as Monkeypox.

We are naming some of those present at the briefing as they are involved; it has been more than three years since the rollout of the crimes against humanity began, and none of them can claim to be innocent:

  • Dictator General Tedros the Terrorist;
  • Professor Preben Aavitsland, from the Department of global public health and Primary Health Care at the University of Bergen in Norway, is chair of WHO’s advisory committee that recommends the “standing recommendations.”
  • Dr. Mike Ryan, an Irish epidemiologist, is Executive Dictator for emergency planning;
  • Dr. Sylvie Briand, from the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, is the Dictator of epidemic and pandemic preparedness and prevention;
  • Dr. Maria van Kerkhove, a modeller and an honorary lecturer at Imperial College London, is covid-19 technical lead.

Tedros the Terrorist began by threatening the world with covid: “Three months ago I declared an end to covid-19 as a global Health Emergency although I said that it remains a global health threat.”  He said the number of cases, hospitalisation and deaths had declined but only because fewer countries were submitting data to WHO. “In the past month only 25 per cent of countries and territories have reported covid-19 deaths to WHO and only 11 per cent have reported hospitalisations and ICU admissions,” he said.

We have to wonder which countries make up the 25 per cent that are still complying with the demands of unelected officials from WHO, a non-governmental organisation that has proved itself to be a sham. Tedros doesn’t say.

“WHO is currently tracking several variants,” Tedros the Terrorist announced, “including EG.5 for which we are publishing a risk evaluation, today.  The risk remains of a more dangerous variant emerging that could cause a sudden increase in cases and deaths.”

Then Tedros attempted to shift the blame onto others: “When I declared an end to the covid-19 emergency in May I announced that I was establishing a Review Committee to advise me on standing recommendations to support countries to manage covid-19 in the long term. Today, on the advice of the committee, I’m issuing standing recommendations for countries in seven major areas.  This recommendation reinforces the advice WHO has provided to countries in its strategic preparedness and response plan published in May.”

The “standing recommendations for covid-19” are in effect for all “States Parties” from 9 August 2023 until 30 April 2025, WHO states.

At this point, the author of this article, Rhoda Wilson, is thinking: “I hope the 25 per cent of compliant countries are listening and resolving to stop submitting their data.  Their actions only serve to encourage WHO into thinking their fantasy of becoming a one-world health dictatorship is coming true.”

Here are Tedros the Terrorist and his committee’s demands:

  1. All countries should update their National covid-19 programmes using the WHO strategic preparedness and response plan.
  2. All countries should sustain collaborative surveillance for covid-19.
  3. All countries should report covid-19 data to WHO or in open sources, especially on death and severe disease genetic sequences and data on vaccine effectiveness.  (Open sources.  Is it just a coincidence that Data Commons, hosted by Google, collects data from open sources into one worldwide database?  This would prove useful not only for censorship but also for collecting data that countries are not voluntarily submitting to WHO.)
  4. All countries should continue to offer covid-19 vaccination.  (And so. perpetuate the genocide.)
  5. All countries should continue to initiate support and collaborate on research to generate evidence for covid-19 prevention and control.
  6. All countries should deliver optimal clinical care for covid-19 including access to proven treatments and measures to protect health workers and caregivers.  (They ignored and demonised proven treatments, instead opting for harmful and lethal treatments and advocating for proven to be ineffective non-pharmaceutical interventions the first time around.  Is WHO calling for the same again?)
  7. All countries should continue to work towards ensuring equitable access to “safe, effective and quality assured” vaccines, tests and treatments for covid-19.  (It takes a special kind of character to be able to lie in the face of overwhelming and irrefutable evidence of the proven to be harmful “vaccines.”  For the word “equitable,” we can guess it means “they are targeting the people in the poorer countries” this time around.  The African nations, for example, should be at least equally subjected to the genocidal vaccines, if not more so to catch up with Western nations so they are equally affected.)

Proving that WHO knows that the game is up and it is beating a dead horse but is not willing to give up yet, Tedros the Terrorist said: “We recognise that many people in governments view covid-19 as a thing of the past. So why are these recommendations still important? For those who lost someone they love, for those who continue to be at risk of severe disease or death, for those who continue to suffer from post covid-19 condition or long covid, for them covid-19 is still a daily threat and a daily trauma.  WHO will not forget about covid-19.”

And here’s why WHO will not give up.  Governments cannot forget about covid, the Dictator General said, because “these recommendations will not only help to protect against covid-19 it will also help countries to prevent and respond to other diseases … the Review Committee is also discussing standing recommendations for Mpox which it will deliver later this week.”

By attempting the psychological manipulation of human feelings – for those who are suffering from the trauma of covid – is he hoping that people trust WHO more than they trust their governments and we will pressure our politicians to comply with the world health dictatorship?  We know it is not covid that is the threat. We also know that it is not only our governments but similarly, and even more so, it is WHO that has become the daily threat to our freedoms and well-being.  Frustrate and disrupt their plans.  Do not comply and inform your government officials to do the same. #ExitTheWho

World Health Organisation: Media briefing on global health issues 26 July 2023, 9 August 2023 (53 mins)


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