Highly Respected Health Whistleblowers are Warning the Public.

Highly Respected Health Whistleblowers are Warning the Public.

By ProjectSpeakOut.com

Highly Respected Health Whistleblowers are Warning the Public.

The medical industry has always been corrupt, however, it is 100 times worse today. Do Not Trust Most Hospitals to do the right “health” protocol for anything.

Medical Whistleblowers say this: Believe it or not – most doctors would rather kill you for money than to help make sure you survive and are healthy from Covid. Medical schools are creating a flood of “Non-empathetic” (money-hungry) doctors and nurses into the world each year.

Hospitals are Making a KILLING Murdering People. Do Not Trust the Lying Staff of Most Hospitals. The New World Order gang utilizes the most trusted industry to make money by killing people. The New World Order gang highly incentivizes the medical industry to KILL you! Yes, the hospitals get compensated for killing you.

Hospital staff will utilize vulnerable loved ones’ emotions. Hospitals are financially incentivized to murder people with Covid. Relatives are often bullied and their loved ones are dying needlessly.

Most hospitals are killing fields for money. Hospitals will get up to 500,000 each time a person dies of Covid inside the hospital. How do you know if your hospital is a killing field? Answer: You don’t, but BEWARE.

Hospitals still REFUSE to utilize highly effective medicines called Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine for covid patients. Most hospital staffs use psychological warfare (negative words) to purposely kill the patient faster. Most hospital staffs are liars and preach death among their captive patients for money. A patient is often treated like a non-person.

Redemesivir is a killer drug that hospitals utilize on Covid patients. This drug shuts down the kidneys. DO NOT TRUST THE LYING STAFF OF MOST HOSPITALS.

Doctors and nurses will make a covid patient hostage until the person dies. Cancer is full of medical corruption – another killing field. Beware – most oncologists are con artists and liars for profit. Most of the American health care system is a DEATH CULT.

Medical Whistleblowers are WARNING People. Seasonal Flu Vaccines utilize the toxic mRNA poison. Also, it is inserted into our food supply. Do not trust any vaccine given to your children. DO NOT COMPLY! Do not be fooled by any type of mandate. Beware, drug companies will hide their toxic poison in many types of products.

Beware of Trojan Horses.

Mandates insert fear into people and decrease freedoms unless YOU comply. Work around their fear tactics. It is better to lose some freedoms than to DIE unnecessarily. Corrupt Demons will dangle a carrot to fool you into complying. DO NOT COMPLY.

The Medical Industry earns HUGE profits mutilating the sexual organs of children.

Transgenderism is nothing but a profit maker for the medical industry plus it creates infertility in boys and girls. The medical industry is becoming more and more corrupt and it will not end anytime too soon.


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