This video’s says it all “Ebola a Genocidal Hoax” or an all around LIE ???


Mystery Man Immune to Ebola?
Video has people asking why man was unprotected while workers wore respirators

by | October 16, 2014

A man in plain clothes sans hazmat suit and any protection whatsoever helped suited up workers transport Ebola victim Amber Vinson from Dallas Love Field.


The video has people asking why the man was unprotected while the workers wore respirators.

“His role is to oversee the process of transport including on the tarmac,” Randy Davis, vice president at Phoenix Air, told NBC News. “Part of our protocol is to have one person NOT in a bio-Hazard suit. ”

From NBC:

Davis said the man, who he did not name, is the team’s medical safety coordinator. Standard protocol is for him to wear street clothes, Davis said, because the suits can block field of vision and hearing. Davis said the man has been trained on keeping safe distance from patients and is ready to “suit up” if needed.

The man went so far as to handle a red hazmat bag. “He took what appeared to be a not-yet-used red bag from the worker in protective gear, then handed it to the workers as they bagged up items from the ambulance ride.”


Ebola? Man Dies Vomiting on Plane From Nigeria to NYC

Ebola? Man Dies Vomiting on Plane From Nigeria to NYC

Image Credits: Sebástian Freire / Flickr (Medical workers)

by | October 16, 2014

In a troubling report that has surfaced amidst growing fears of an Ebola outbreak in the US, a man has died following a vomiting fit en route to New York City on a commercial flight originating from Nigeria. The CDC has yet to go on record confirming or denying whether or not the man may have been infected with Ebola.

The New York Post reports:

A plane from Nigeria landed at JFK Airport Thursday with a male passenger aboard who had died during the flight after a fit of vomiting — and CDC officials conducted a “cursory” exam before announcing there was no Ebola and turning the corpse over to Port Authority cops to remove, Rep. Peter King said on Thursday.

The congressman was so alarmed by the incident — and by what he and employees see as troubling Ebola vulnerabilities at JFK — that he fired off a letter to the federal Department of Homeland Security demanding more training and tougher protocols for handling possible cases there.

The unnamed, 63-year-old passenger had boarded an Arik Air plane out of Lagos, Nigeria, on Wednesday night, a federal law enforcement source said.


Ebola Terror Attack: As Many as 5,000 Americans Infected!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014 22:29

(Before It's News)

Glenn Canady

“Learn the Secret to Eternal Life!”

Note by Glenn:  Strongly recommend all patriots join iQLife now so you make money while spreading the truth in the future!  Please friend me on my Facebook if you spread massive truth and let’s work together!  The best way to reach me and get my daily emails about breaking stories is to Join Project Nsearch.  I will be announcing free home solar systems there soon and a way to make $500 to $3000 for each system given away!  When you join, login and go to the “Ebooks” menu option and you’ll get my free ebooks, “How to Spread 1,000 Times More Truth” and “Suppressed Health Secrets” as well as getting the very latest news about free energy devices powering homes and vehicles right now!  Be sure to LIKE my “Glenn Canady” Facebook page too and the “Veterans Today Truth Wariors” page where we’re take massive action against the NWO as a team!  Lastly, subscribe to my Youtube channel, new Twitter account and share all my BIN Articles!  We are being lied to by our fake news more each day!  Let’s WIN this thing by spreading more truth from US Intel than ever before!   We WILL do it together!

This is a must read article by Gordon Duff of VeteransToday.  This article caused a hack attack on VeteransToday from a rogue Army unit in Sierra Vista, Arizona which took down their servers after only 2 reads!  It’s that hot!  For some good news in all of this, please click this link to learn about Dr. Rima and her success in Sierra Leone with Nano Silver which is NOT colloidal silver!

Emergency Ebola Update – Listen or You May Die!

VT Issues First Ebola Warning (Subject to National Security Hack!)

Even We Are Onboard

by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Editor’s note: Veterans Today came under a massive assault from the US Army Signals/Hacker Corps at Ft. Huchuca after this was published.

Only 2 reads, and down the site went.  Something on here is very secret.  Information on this site is directly sourced from an intelligence agency of a close US ally who is very upset that they have discovered the US involved in something extremely dirty and very dangerous.g

This is what we have reason to believe:  There is an organized terror plot on behalf of financial entities to spread Ebola through the United States.  We believe airlines and hospitals are part of it, that Homeland Security and the TSA are involved.

I look on this as an analog of the “Crotch Bombing” in Detroit, Christmas some years ago when a filthy, mumbling and penniless (son of a millionaire CIA asset) Nigerian flew from Yemen to Ghana to Nigeria to Amsterdam to Detroit without tickets, a passport or visa, luggage or even a recent bath.

He flew first class.

At some point during his trip, airport security officials gave him a bomb, we believe at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam.

Note by Glenn: You MUST go read the rest of the article on VT for details released about as many as 5,000 Americans infected in this Ebola Terror Attack by people within the United States!  Get the story out everywhere so the truth is known!  RED ALERT!  Share this story by posting to your facebook wall, twitter, all facebook groups, email lists, and all social networks.  You can help save the planet because these stories are being censored by the “tip of the spear” of alternative media!  

Full Article:


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