White House Reporter After Ebola Press Conference: “We’re Screwed”

White House Reporter After Ebola Press
Conference: “We’re Screwed”
Hot mic catches journalists making candid comments

by Paul Joseph Watson | October 8, 2014

A hot mic caught reporters expressing their amazement at a White House Ebola press conference, with one journalist remarking, “we’re screwed.”

The video clip shows the end of a White House press briefing on the Ebola outbreak as officials begin to leave the podium.

“Shit!” exclaims one of the reporters, before another female journalist states, “The most interesting thing is the travel stuff.”

“Yeah, we’re screwed,” remarks another reporter.

“If the DC test comes back positive, I’m doing (inaudible) all weekend,” states the woman.

The male reporter then castigates his “stupid mic,” before commenting, “did you hear that everyone?”

Several patients have been tested for Ebola at Washington-area hospitals, but every case has proven negative so far.

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