While other Members of Parliament got ready to defend themselves “Hannibal Cannibal Cowardly Harper” cowers in closet

Ottawa assault: PM went(cowers) to closet, MPs made spears from flagpoles

A legislator said Conservative caucus members fashioned spears from flagpoles.

By Ed Adamczyk   |   Oct. 24, 2014 at 12:20 PM 

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. UPI/Debbie Hill

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OTTAWA, Oct. 24 (UPI) -- As details emerge of Wednesday's assault on Canada's Parliament building in Ottawa, a legislator said weapons were being made by Parliament members in hiding.

An alleged Islamist sympathizer was shot and killed in the massive Parliament building after killing a soldier stationed at a nearby war memorial. While those inside hid in locked rooms, Parliament members fashioned spears from flagpoles to defend themselves.

The unidentified legislator told the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail members of the Conservative caucus made spears from flagpoles in the room in which they were barricaded.

"There were 15 flags up at caucus and all but two were taken down," the legislator said.

"These guys were up there, holding these spears, ready to impale anyone who came in," another source told the newspaper.

Over 150 members of the caucus were in the room at the time. They believed Prime Minister Stephen Harper, a Conservative, had been escorted out of the Parliament building, when in fact he was sequestered in a small closet for about 15 minutes before he could be removed from the building.

"Someone knew there was a closet there so they stuck him in there. So for a lot of people it was as though he was gone," the source said.

Some Parliament members said they would keep their flagpole spears as mementos. The legislator added, "Everyone was taking their spears home. I'm going to frame mine."

The gunman, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, was shot and killed by Parliament Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers, who received a standing ovation when Parliament convened Thursday.

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2014/10/24/Ottawa-assault-PM-went-to-closet-MPs-made-spears-from-flagpoles/6551414166728/#ixzz3H60oaxOI


Commentary by Canadians Under News Tyranny 

OUR great Prime Minister The COWARD that he is runs and hides in a closet instead of taking charge of the people with him and already in the building to in some fashion or another mount some form of resistance against the shooters until police arrive and can get to them and escort them out of the danger zone… COWARD Harper is taking a coat hanger home as his memento of his cowardly act as De-Facto PM

These are the incompetent cowardly people we have not elected in our fixed elections as our leaders

They are DEFACTO Members of a DEFACTO Government  set on destroying Canada and mostly the Canadian people sovereignty as a whole…

They don’t care one iota for you or I and could care less if we live or die

They are stealing our Water our Oil our Hydro our Lumber our Minerals  They have stolen through Privatization all of Canada’s Natural Resources and most of all our Human Resources… A perfect example of this is the 407ETR Toll Highway in Toronto which was built with the promise that when it was paid for the toll would end something not mentioned at all any more as if it is totally forgotten that it was ever promised…Before that happened HARRIS sold it for a mere $3.1Billion to supposedly Canadian and Spanish Foreign (Rothschild) investor with a 99years iron clad lease The privatization of Highway 407 has been the source of significant criticism, especially regarding the increases in tolls, plate denial, and false charges. There using the Canadian Government as collection agent and I’m sure its costing Canadians taxes as well for the government to do this dirty deed not done cheap

The point being people is we have to stop this insanity that’s right in our faces before its too late.

First Secure our Elections Physically counting the Ballots Making sure none were added and none were missing by a Election committee chosen in the same fashion as jury duty each election they must swear an oath of honesty with heavy consequences for any crime against a fair honest election

Second Take money out of Politics especially The Criminal traitor Lobby funding there agendas by making it a crime to accept in any way money from lobbies or bribes of any kind to further any agenda and the penalties if found guilty are very severe sentences

Third Set up a special computer ballot were all Canadians can vote  on every issue and our new leaders just have to follow the will of the people as any Member who’s caught going against the will of the people’s computer ballots will again suffer severe penalties, A new system of what percentage of vote this bill or that bill needs to pass will have to be made… Like it takes say 90%+for total pass from 70% up to 90% is say a half pass with certain changes needed From 50%to 70% semi pass with much discussion and many changes needed and so on this is just a fictitious Idea but I believe you al get the point we need anew system with a lot more checks and balances because it seems as the old saying goes Power corrupts Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely and nobody giving this power from the lowly police officer on the beat to the Prime Minister –President have all proven unable to handle power without adding there own corruption spin to it as with our system now …

Shit we have to do something and the people now in power have to go!!! Hopefully we can arrest them all for there long long list of crimes against the Canadian people but that wishful thinking for now Until then we must all keep spreading the TRUTH about what’s really going on around us every day which most cannot see but for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear we must tell everyone we talk to a little truth everyday and it will spread and is spreading fast more and more are opening there eyes everyday soon there will be a fundamental shift in everybody thinking and perception of what’s really going on


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