The Shocking Truth: The U.S. Medical System Is Woefully Unprepared for Ebola
We Need to Stop Pretending We’re Prepared … and Actually Get Prepared

The Shocking Truth: The U.S. Medical System Is Woefully Unprepared for Ebola

by Washington's Blog | October 4, 2014

Government spokesmen and mainstream talking heads keep saying that Ebola is no threat to the U.S., because our medical system is thoroughly prepared.

However, Reuters notes that American nurses say they are not prepared for Ebola:

Nurses, the frontline care providers in U.S. hospitals, say they are untrained and unprepared to handle patients arriving in their hospital emergency departments infected with Ebola.


A survey by National Nurses United of some 400 nurses in more than 200 hospitals in 25 states found that more than half (60 percent) said their hospital is not prepared to handle patients with Ebola, and more than 80 percent said their hospital has not communicated to them any policy regarding potential admission of patients infected by Ebola.

Another 30 percent said their hospital has insufficient supplies of eye protection and fluid-resistant gowns.

CBS News reports:

U.S. hospitals and health care workers …  say the staff at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas were unprepared to handle the patient — and that this is likely the case athospitals throughout the country.

Bonnie Castillo, director of the Registered Nurses Response Network, part of the nurses union National Nurses United, said a majority of union members surveyed say their employers haven’t offered appropriate training to deal with an Ebola outbreak.


85 percent said they were not provided any type of formal education to prepare for Ebola patients.

Betsy McCaughey, Ph.D. – former Lt. Governor of New York - writes at Fox News:

Most hospitals in the U.S. lack the rigor and discipline to control Ebola. That’s why common infectious diseases such as MRSA and C. diff are racing through these hospitals, killing an estimated 75,000 patients every year. Ebola is even deadlier. Yet the CDC has done little to equip hospitals, other than send around memos.


  • As Dr. Sanjay Guptanotes, there have been severe lapses in safety at the Centers for Disease Control and U.S. hospitals in treating infectious diseases

“CDC continues to work with reduced financial resources, which similarly affects state, local, and insular public health departments. … These losses make it difficult for state and local health departments to continue to expand their preparedness capabilities, instead forcing them to focus on maintaining their current capabilities.”

  • The CDC report alsonotesthat state and local public health departments on the front lines of any health emergency have shed 45,700 jobs since the 2008 financial crisis (at the same time, hospital staffs are beingreducednationwide.)
  • In 2010, the Obama administrationscrappedCDC’s quarantine regulations aimed at Ebola
  • The Department of Homeland Security inspector general issued a scathing report in September warning the department waswoefully unpreparedfor a pandemic

In addition:

  • Two national experts on the spread of infectious disease say thatEbola can spread through aerosols– so healthcare workers should wear protective respirators – but government officials refuse to evenconsiderthe possibility. In any event, the virus ismutating(and seethis), so an overly cavalier attitude is not productive

It’s time to stop pretending we’re prepared. It’s long past time we actually became prepared.

Stepdaughter Who Had Direct Contact with Ebola Patient: ‘No One Told Me Nothing’
"No one gave me any direction”

Stepdaughter Who Had Direct Contact with Ebola Patient: 'No One Told Me Nothing'

by Breitbart | October 4, 2014

Youngor Jallah, the stepdaughter of American Ebola patient Thomas Duncan, an individual she had direct contact with shortly before he was diagnosed with Ebola, said that no one has given her any instructions, and that she found out that her stepfather was diagnosed with Ebola on the news in an interview on Friday’s “AC360” on CNN.

“No one is giving me no instructions and gave me instructions, and no one is telling me nothing” she stated. And “no one [told] me I’m under quarantine.”

Jallah added “When the Health Department came, they said they are going to be coming here for 21 days. But we asked them ‘can we go outside to get our babies diapers?’ They told us ‘no. You guys should stay in here until we can ask our boss if you guys can go out or come out of the house.’ So maybe today, we are waiting for them, when they come today they [are] going to give us the answer.”

She also reported that she learned of her stepfather’s diagnosis by watching the news on TV and that after she learned of the diagnosis “no one gave me any direction” on how to prevent herself from being further exposed to the disease.

Sarasota patient with Ebola-like symptoms moved from isolation

10 News Staff, WTSP 11:21 a.m. EDT October 4, 2014


(Photo: Sarasota Memorial Hospital)

Sarasota, Florida -- The patient admitted Friday at Sarasota Memorial Hospital with symptoms similar to Ebola is feeling better and has been moved out of isolation.

According to Kim Savage, media relations at Sarasota Memorial, the patient remains in stable condition and the hospital is using universal precautions to manage his care.

According to Savage, the patient was not tested for Ebola because his symptoms and travel history did not meet the CDC risk criteria for testing. That determination was confirmed by the Florida Department of Health, which authorizes and coordinates testing for the CDC.

Original Story

Sarasota Memorial Hospital went on high alert Friday when a patient who recently arrived from West Africa came to the emergency department with symptoms similar to Ebola.

The patient has been admitted for treatment and observation, according to the hospital.

Doctors who evaluated the patient – both emergency medicine and infectious disease specialists – say he does not meet the CDC criteria for Ebola testing and that it is "highly unlikely" he has the virus. The patient's travel itinerary did not include any high-risk Ebola countries.

As a precaution, Sarasota Memorial activated infection control protocols, including placing the patient in isolation and reporting the case to Florida Department of Health officials.

Supervisors at the health department confirmed the patient did not meet the risk criteria for Ebola testing.


MSNBC: Ebola’s Worse Because of the Second Amendment
Surgeon General will have zero impact on Ebola

MSNBC: Ebola's Worse Because of the Second Amendment

by Kurt Nimmo | | October 4, 2014As Rahm Emanuel advised, Democrats should never let a good crisis go to waste.

That’s what they’re doing over at MSNBC. Exploiting the Ebola crisis to trash Republicans who are opposed to Obama’s choice for surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy.

Back in March we wrote about Murthy, who “is a rabid anti-Second Amendment ideologue who believes firearms ownership is a public health issue. Murthy is the president and co-founder of Doctors for America, an organization that melds healthcare and support for gun control legislation.”

Murthy’s organization, Doctors for America, believes the Second Amendment is a health issue.

“For few other issues would we tolerate this state of affairs. If tens of thousands of Americans died every year of an infectious disease and there was no policy response, there would be a public outcry. If research clearly demonstrated that there were simple solutions to prevent all these deaths and still nothing changed, public health experts would be furious. It is time for us to recognize that we must take action to save thousands of lives and demand change from our politicians.”

Naturally, this brought a strong response from advocates of the Constitution and the Second Amendment, including Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. Murthy’s nomination was opposed by the NRA and held up by Republicans.

On Friday, Krystal Ball and Anne Thompson, writing for MSNBC, said the United States needs a Surgeon General to deal with the Ebola crisis:

If only there was someone around who could educate the American public about the actual level of risk. Someone who was trusted as a public health expert and whose job it was to help us understand what we really need to worry about and what precautions we should take.

Actually, that is one of the primary responsibilities of the United States surgeon general. There’s just one problem: Thanks to Senate dysfunction and NRA opposition, we don’t have a surgeon general right now. In fact, we haven’t had a surgeon general for more than a year now — even though the president nominated the eminently qualified Dr. Vivek Murthy back in November 2013.

The Surgeon General is the operational head of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, a “uniformed service” of the government. The Surgeon General spends most of his or her time handing out public health awards and decorations and proselytizing the public on what the government considers health issues. Probably the most famous and well-known of these is the warning printed on the side of a pack of cigarettes and on alcoholic beverage bottles.

This bureaucrat attached to the Pentagon will have zero impact on Ebola. MSNBC is either unaware of this or is merely exploiting Ebola to criticize Republicans in the Senate for refusing to confirm the nomination of Murthy, who is an anti-Second Amendment ideologue.

Never let a good crisis go to waste. Instead of addressing the real issue – the government is encouraging Ebola patients to enter the United States under a politically correct “right of return” and thus seriously endangering public health – MSNBC is turning a deadly disease into a political football.


The Dallas Ebola Case: An Immigration-Related Process Conspiracy?

By Prof Jason Kissner

Global Research, October 03, 2014


To begin, consider that people like Dr. Sanjay Gupta keep saying that the Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan had “told the nurse” who attended to him upon his first arrival at the Texas Presbyterian Hospital Emergency Room that he had “traveled “to” Africa.”

That’s certainly a very odd thing for a Liberian national, having just arrived from Monrovia, Liberia to the United States for the very first time in his life, to have supposedly said, is it not?  Of course, it fits the CDC Checklist used prior to, and including, Duncan’s case, so that must have been exactly what Duncan said, right Sanjay?

Duncan’s status as a Monrovian Liberian national has not exactly been blasted across the MSM news; in fact, the MSM news for the most part has been adhering studiously to the asinine “traveled to Africa” view even though it is grossly misleading.

So why adhere to the view?  The chief contention of this article is that we might be observing the unfolding of a “process conspiracy” pertaining to Ebola and the highly contentious immigration issue.  The phrase “process conspiracy” is operationalized here as a conspiracy rooted in a policy or policies consciously designed to shape practice in ways such that the output exacerbates the very problems the policy/policies was (were), on the surface, designed to contend with.

The specific object of the Globalist Ebola process conspiracy is here theorized to involve diminishing the linkage, in public consciousness, of Ebola with nationality status.  Globalists have huge immigration plans for the U.S., and they do not want Ebola (or any other infectious disease, for that matter) getting in the way of those plans.  That is why their Ebola policy protocols—as absurd as they are (discussed shortly)— read the way they do,  that is why we have been exposed to a cloud of lies emanating from Dallas and dispersed through the MSM, and that is why Duncan was discharged with antibiotics soon after his first visit to the Emergency Room of Texas Presbyterian.

Because the theory is a process conspiracy theory and therefore rooted in subverted policy, it has application not just to Duncan, but to future Duncans as well.  The argument proceeds as follows.  First, a brief observation concerning risk is offered which, even though obvious, is necessary because without it the argument will make little sense.  Second, the CDC’s Ebola Screening and Isolation polices are examined, and, on the basis of the risk observation, shown to be not only wholly inadequate to the task they were allegedly crafted to meet, but quite likely to make the Ebola contagion problem even worse.  Third, evidence is provided in support of the idea that the Ebola process conspiracy theory offers a simple, and very plausible explanation, of certain important assertions of fact, and inconsistencies, emanating from Dallas that are otherwise rather difficult to explain.  Throughout, the connection to the issue of nationality status will be obvious.

On the risk issue, people who are Liberian nationals and residents of the hot zone Monrovia clearly present much greater risk than randomly drawn “travelers to” Liberia, simply because  the exposure time is likely to be much greater for the former set of people.

Now we turn to consideration of the CDC’s policy guidance on screening and isolation of Ebola patients—and keep in mind that, astonishingly, these (click here and here) are purportedly new policy statements issued in the wake of the Duncan Dallas case, and yet they still do not meet the very problem Duncan-type cases present.

The screening/isolation problem presented by Duncan type cases is this:  under CDC policy guidelines, what are hospitals supposed to do when they encounter potential Ebola cases that are asymptomatic, but which involve persons who have not merely “traveled to” certain countries in Africa, but in fact are also nationals of one of those countries who have lived, perhaps even in outbreak areas, at a minimum since the outbreak began?

Amazingly, as the above-linked policy recommendations show, national origin and indeed even residence in hot zones is in no way independently factored into risk assessments for purposes of screening and isolation! But let’s pay especial attention to the second document just linked, which is the “Ebola Virus Disease” “algorithm” document, which is actually nothing more than a truly insidious flowchart of gruesome death.  First, look at the subheading, which states “Algorithm for Evaluation of the Returned Traveler.”  Can you believe it?  Where is the “Algorithm” for evaluation of newly arrived hot zone nationals?   Second, don’t be misled by the language in the “No Known Exposure” box.  That language does state “Residence in or travel to affected areas** without HIGH- or LOW-risk exposure”, but the critical fact is that Duncan-type cases are asymptomatic, and, as the “Algorithm” chart shows, with those types of cases there are no arrows leading anywhere else.  And, in any event, the degree of exposure row only applies with respect to those people who have already been isolated.  Indeed, the most that can happen with Duncan-type cases under the Algorithm document is, incredibly, a mere referral to “the Health Department.”

The first CDC document linked above functions similarly; but at least specifies a few more symptoms.  In the final analysis, though, it too talks only about travelers “to” hot zone countries, and so says nothing at all about how to contend with asymptomatic Duncan-type hot zone nationals.

So what is going on?  Let’s have a look at some Ebola charades at Texas Presbyterian Hospital, Dallas.  Check out these weird accounts via CNN:

“Hospital officials have acknowledged that the patient’s travel history wasn’t “fully communicated” to doctors, but also said in a statement Wednesday that based on his symptoms, there was no reason to admit him when he first came to the emergency room last Thursday night.

“At that time, the patient presented with low-grade fever and abdominal pain. His condition did not warrant admission. He also was not exhibiting symptoms specific to Ebola,” Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas said.

The patient, identified by his half-brother as Thomas Eric Duncan, told hospital staff that he was from Liberia, a friend who knows him well said.

A nurse asked the patient about his recent travels while he was in the emergency room, and the patient said he had been in Africa, said Dr. Mark Lester, executive vice president of Texas Health Resources. But that information was not “fully communicated” to the medical team, Lester said.

What on earth can it mean to say that the patient’s travel history was not “fully communicated” to doctors?  How hard is it to communicate “the patient is from Liberia”?  Here is where we need to notice that, according to a friend, Duncan told hospital staff that he (Duncan) was from Liberia—not merely that he had “traveled” there.  And how hard is it, really, to communicate these things to others?  Add to this that, in all likelihood, Duncan’s friend probably did tell CDC that Duncan was from Liberia (because the friend wanted to get Duncan help early).

But given that the hospital officials now say that “[h]is condition did not warrant admission at the time”, what difference would it have made if Duncan’s “travel history” had been fully communicated to doctors?  It’s not like CDC guidelines would have had the hospital behave in any way other than the way it did—and the hospital itself asserts that in any event Duncan was asymptomatic on his first visit.

To see what is at stake here, reflect on what would have happened if the hospital had flouted CDC policy guidelines and, of its own initiative, isolated Duncan on the basis of Liberian and Monrovian origin.  People would certainly have asked why Duncan was being isolated, and what could the hospital have said?  Under CDC standards, the hospital would have had to have said that Duncan was symptomatic (and can you imagine the chaos and panic that would have caused)—but he wasn’t, according to the hospital.  The alternative would have been to say that even though he was not symptomatic, he was being isolated anyway because his status as a Liberian and Monrovian citizen amounted to a grave risk factor.

So the hospital was in a bind, you see, because the U.S. Government doesn’t want people to even think about Liberian and Monrovian citizenship as an Ebola risk factor because that could conceivably completely destroy the One Party State’s immigration reform goals—especially given psychological associations with mystery viruses and other illnesses believed to have arrived from south of the border.  These things are probably why we got a bunch of weasel-wording from the hospital, and that is probably why Duncan was sent home with antibiotics after his first visit.  The hospital chose to follow the CDC, and so Duncan, now characterized, per the CDC, as a mere “traveler to” an affected country, was loosed on Dallas and therefore the entire world.

That, ladies and gentleman, is ObamaCare, and that is what “comprehensive immigration reform” means to the Global Elite.

Dr. Jason Kissner is Associate Professor of Criminology at California State University. Dr. Kissner’s research on gangs and self-control has appeared in academic journals. His current empirical research interests include active shootings. You can reach him at crimprof2010[at]

WhiteHouse.Gov Petition Demands: “Ban All Incoming and Outgoing Flights to Ebola-Stricken Countries”
The strategy, if there ever was one, has obviously failed now that an infection has been identified on U.S. soil

WhiteHouse.Gov Petition Demands: “Ban All Incoming and Outgoing Flights to Ebola-Stricken Countries”

by Mac Slavo | | October 4, 2014

As Americans across the country struggle to understand what is being done to stem the possibility of an Ebola outbreak in the United States, many have come to the conclusion that the first and most effective method of prevention is to keep it out of America to begin with.

That strategy, if there ever was one, has obviously failed now that an infection has been identified on U.S. soil.

This prompted one concerned citizen to launch a petition at the We The People web site calling for a complete ban on air travel to and from Ebola stricken countries.

Have the FAA ban all incoming and outgoing flights to ebola-stricken countries until the ebola outbreak is contained

The Ebola virus has reached unprecedented epidemic proportions in West Africa, and has been joined by another unrelated concurrent outbreak in the Congo. Experts had stated it was ‘highly unlikely’ that ebola would show up on American soil.

But now it has, in the City of Dallas, Texas, brought here by an individual who entered our country from the West African nation of Liberia, where ebola is rampant.

The citizens of the US are scared. We do not want any more ebola-infected individuals bringing the epidemic to our shores. The longer we allow people to enter our country from ebola-stricken areas, the higher the chance another person infected with ebola will arrive here, putting ALL of our citizens at risk.

Please tell the FAA to ban ALL incoming flights from any/all ebola-stricken regions.

Created: Oct 01, 2014 (Petition Link at

The publicly posted petition highlights growing concerns that the President, the Centers for Disease Control and medical personnel around the country have failed to develop a clear and concise strategy to prevent the virus from reaching America and isolating it should it be detected in patients on U.S. soil.

Though the CDC maintains that screening procedures for Ebola are in place at the nation’s major travel hubs, it’s clear that the only screenings being conducted are the intrusive TSA security checks that most Americans have been subjected to for several years. Insofar as screenings for those originating their travels in West Africa and arriving in the United States, nothing of the sort is happening.

Ebola Patient Zero Thomas Duncan reportedly boarded a plane in Liberia and lied on his exit questionnaire when he was asked if he had been in contact with any infected people. Duncan traveled on at least three separate airplanes and spent time on layovers during his 23-plus hour journey.

It has been noted that Duncan may have realized he had been in close proximity to the virus and chose to board an airplane so that he could seek better medical care at  a U.S. hospital.

In the process, Duncan may have infected scores of others who were in his immediate area at airports, on flights, and when he arrived in the United States.

Current news reports out of Liberia indicate that hundreds of other residents are heading to the airport in the hopes that they can catch a flight out of the country, prompting fears in America that it is only a matter of time before more Ebola infections are identified.

President Obama has thus far maintained that the outbreak does not require travel restrictions.

The petition was created on October 1st and has over 2,000 signatures as of this writing. Over 100,000 signatures will be needed by October 31st before the President and administration policymakers are required to post an official public response.

You can read the publicly posted petition and digitally sign it here.

AAA ebola petition


CDC Continues Policy Of Incompetence
The partner of the Ebola infected man says the CDC has not given her any guidance at all

by | October 4, 2014

Paul Joseph Watson covers the latest Ebola news and plays a clip where the partner of the Ebola infected man says the CDC has not given her any guidance at all.



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