Showing posts from February, 2020
Coronavirus vaccination – a ‘cure’ far worse than than the disease.
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Coronavirus vaccination – a ‘cure’ far worse than than the disease. Thursday, February 27, 2020 23:59 The coronavirus vaccine as a source of dangerous invasion This article is based on the research of Annie Logical. Her far-reaching, many-branched piece, “Corona Virus Fakery And The Link To 5G Testing,” can be found at vigiliae[dot]org. (The vigiliae link is at the end of this article.) In prior pieces, I documented two of the experimental technologies that may be unleashed on the public, in the rush to develop a coronavirus vaccine. DNA vaccines inject synthesized genes. The recipient’s genetic makeup is altered PERMANENTLY in unknown ways. RNA vaccines carry the potential to trigger autoimmune reactions: the body attacks aspects of itself. As if that weren’t enough, there is another element deployed in DNA vaccines. It’s called electroporation. An online dictionary provides a definition: “the action o...
Coronavirus Con: Vaccinate, Depopulate & Chip Mankind
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Coronavirus Con: Vaccinate, Depopulate & Chip Mankind February 29, 2020 Vaccine manufacturers, govt agencies and financial institutions are embedded in a revolving door of a vast industry that is constantly pushing the 'pandemic' button in the hope of a world wide vaccine programme. Compiled by JL (largely from Makia Freeman) ( Here's how this con job goes and although it repeats itself under different names, year after year (Corona, HIV, AIDS, SARS, Ebola, Zika, Mad cow etc etc.) Most of the uninformed public react as programmed, simply because fear is PROVEN to trigger a narrowing of the mind, a lowering of IQ, a stimulation of the child ego (that looks for an adult to save it) and a reflexive obedience toward perceived authority. The con job goes like this. Step 1 ) P oison the population purposely to create disease that does not and would never occur naturally. Step 2 ) Portray the p...
5G#Launches In "Wuhan" Weeks Before #Coronavirus#Outbreak
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What they are covering up is what you need to know. The fact is, this is a Biological Weapon of War. This is a Global Threat. We are witnessing the beginning effects of a Bio-Depopulation Weapon that is a Global Pandemic Threat. Japan closing schools for months, Italy locking down cities….take these warnings serious, think for yourself, ask questions. The Global Currency Reset is going to follow. Maybe a Global War just to make it interesting. Listen to AMTV with this new information you won’t hear any where else. “Bill Gates” Once in a century pandemic that he has dreamed of! AMTV ELITES WARN OF GLOBAL PANDEMIC!! WHAT YOU’RE NOT BEING TOLD! China has a new scam when it comes to the coronavirus that’s putting us all at risk.
Coronavirus White Hat Weapon? Democrats Have Gone Full Socialist!
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Q: Are You Awake Yet? Coronavirus White Hat Weapon? Democrats Have Gone Full Socialist! - Great Video! ANTARCTICA is where the Nazi’s set up the laboratories for their break away civilization. It is the nerve center for DNA research, cloning & memory transfer research as well as biomedical engineering. The involvement of the United States is primarily Rouge CIA and Deep State Globalists. You can bet futuristic air & space travel research is also located under the ice. Those many Trillions of missing dollars have been used to build Deep Underground Bases connected by hi speed rail systems all over the world. These sicko’s biggest fear is some day they will wake and find that we are united as one. that will be their darkest day. Sheep no more WWG1WGA Lately, Pelosi looks like the walking dead. Probably can’t get her adrenochrome. Why doesn’t Trump open that can of Antarctica? Who vacations in Antarctica? Who goes there but the Lizards?!! Saw the President this morning ”...
Coronavirus Bioweapon Mystery Solved: It’s All in the Name!
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Coronavirus Bioweapon Mystery Solved: It’s All in the Name! Monday, February 24, 2020 12:12 Here’s why they really named it “Corona-Virus” Screenshot from: Here’s why they named it the “CORONA Virus” State of the Nation Coronavirus: An Alt Media definition Coronavirus : A highly contagious and deadly virus that is put on super-steroids whenever and wherever they flip the switch on 5G … while amping up the flu vaccination programs … and chemtrailing overhead with toxin-laden aerosols that further trigger influenza symptoms. The “corona aspect” of this virus is directly related to one of the greatest silent killers of the modern age—the generation and conveyance of electricity used to power the planet. * * There are multiple instances where the production and conveyance of electrical energy create a corona in high-voltage systems. The “corona discharge” can be seen as a bluish glow which is explained as follows: A...
4 Key Proteins of COVID19 Have Been Replaced, Which Can Precisely Attack Chinese
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4 Key Proteins of COVID19 Have Been Replaced, Which Can Precisely Attack Chinese 武汉病毒4个关键蛋白被替换 可精准攻击华人 (Jennifer’s note: The article below was originally published at a Chinese military website on Jan. 26, 2020, and was removed later. Searching with its Chinese title can still find the following URL , at which the article was published. The following full article and photos are copied from an archived copy of the article. The English translation was mainly done with google auto-translation.) 来源:西陆网 | 原文发表时间:2020年1月26日 (注:原文已被删除,用谷歌搜索仍能发现原文网址: ,但点击后显示此页面不存在,以下来自删除前的备份。) A screenshot of the original article at 西陆网原文截图。 Several articles have analyzed the navel coronavirus in Wuhan, saying that the virus will not be a natural product. Recently, the evidence finally came. On January 21, the journal "Science in China: Life Sciences" p...