Coronavirus Proven Fake? - Updated Jan 31 7:30 p.m. CST 2020

Coronavirus Proven Fake? - Updated Jan 31 7:30 p.m. CST 2020

NOTE:  Do NOT miss the “Comments” section further below this actual report, as practically HALF of this story is told THERE!
We go through this every couple of years. Mad cow disease, bird flu, SARS, swine flu (H1N1), ebola, etc .  In the end, none of them ever racked up high body counts.  Will the latest SARS Coronavirus outbreak prove to be any different?  Is this all just NWO Zio-press fear porn to scare an unsuspecting public into submission to take highly toxic vaccines?
Remember this? – EBOLA 100% FAKE? CNN using CRISIS ACTORS to fake ebola outbreak in Africa!

All vaccine research eventually leads to Bill Gates and Nazi eugenics

Gupta: Health officials working on vaccine for Coronavirus

Update January 31 7:30 p.m. CST 2020 From Jim Stone

It is now proven Wuhan virus is man made because it

has 4 AIDS virus genes inserted into it



It became low lethality when it mutated. But with aids genes in it, well . . . . you don’t want to catch it EVER,
even if you survive the initiall illness. Despite it becoming less lethal after mutation, “They” are still pushing
the huge outbreak mantra - Lets all hope the mutation that made it less lethal is not programmed into it, only
to have it “wake up” at a certain set number of re-generations only to give huge populations airborne AIDS,
the fact they are not giving up on this being a major killer is starting to get spooky. 



Ok, so at this point it is safe to say it is a good thing it failed. Here is a comment from one of

my previous posts on this topic:

“Here’s what I think, and you can probably take this one to the bank: The U.S. DOD, WHICH
INCLUDES BILL GATES, blundered like Boeing, hired out incompetents to produce a killer virus to
start the next pandemic to ram a new eugenics vaccine into everyone’s @ss and the virus was
unstable and mutated INSTANTLY (you remember those mutation reports, right? they happened
early on) and after it mutated, it was WORTHLESS. So much for Crispr I guess and if you want a
job done right HIRE **** AMERICANS.”
it was convincing with a convincing death toll, then it mutated because whoever engineered it did not get
it stable enough, and now it is not high lethality. THANK GOD, and that reminds me:

About my comment “Wag the Plague” : Obviously the MSM, at first, did not think it was wagging

anything and the MSM, along with the people who did this and subsequently hyped it through the

roof on social media really thought they had created a monstrous disaster. If it had not mutated,

everything they are saying about a global pandemic would have been true.

I was quick to notice however (instantly) when it failed and erroneously thought it was a natural virus, and not
an attempt at a mass extermination. So now I’ll say something a little different:
We had all better hope this thing does not re-mutate to lethal. If it had 4 different HIV genes embedded
in it, and was originally highly lethal, it was an obvious attempt by somebody to create a mass killing
We know damn well who did this and THAT they did it if it has HIV genes in it, the HIV genes were to help it
implant and increase it’s persistence in the environment, and increase it’s lethality. Fortunately, because Bill
Gates hates hiring American, it struck out before making first base. Let’s hope this strike out does not go into
extra innings.
I really hate Bill gates, I cannot even begin to describe how much I hate him. I was heavily involved in tech
when he robbed the code from so many companies and destroyed them, and was amazed by how he kept
going back and forth over the ashes to make damn good and sure someone he targeted hit oblivion. And
when I discovered the truth about Palestine, and how thorough the IDF makes damn good and sure there is
no evidence of a crime when they are done (they murdered about 4,000 in Jenin and spent over a week
grinding them into the dirt with bulldozers to hide the evidence – ) when I discovered that from someone in
Jenin it reminded me of Bill Gates and what he did to everyone around him. It’s the same soul – that of the
heartless “everything for me and nothing for the goy” Jew.
That Bill Gates ran a simulation where this virus killed tens of millions three months before it showed up,
and THAT THIS VIRUS IS GENETICALLY ENGINEERED is not a surprise to me, no, not at all.

NOT DEAR BILL GATES: you may be able to smash competing operating systems by denying

manufacturers the use of yours if they put a competing operating system on ANY PC product they

sell while hiring only Punjabis and Hindus to do your code, while forcing end users to suck up any

damages your shitty products cause (that did not work for Boeing) but your attitude of shitting on

the American white male just failed you with this virus, and now you’re BUSTED WITHOUT



FACT: Bill Gates ran a simulation that had what should have been a mostly harmless coronavirus

kill tens of millions.

FACT: Now we know this outbreak, which was run in social media and the MSM as a total killer, is

a genetic engineering flop that mutated.


AND GET THIS: The Chinese are using HIV drugs to cure it! THEY KNOW.

Update January 31 9:00 a.m. CST 2020 From Jim Stone



Here is what happened – China had already built the hospital that was supposed to be built in the hoax
excavator video that looked so “amazing” but I noted the excavaters were doing nothing. They really were
doing nothing. To create the excavator video, the already built hospital was deleted from the scene,
and an AI generated excavator scene on bare dirt was dropped into it’s place.
The already constructed hospital was supposed to open in May of 2020, but since treating “virus patients”
did not require any advanced systems to be installed, they rushed 500 people onto the scene to put beds
in and open it before systems that would support things like brain surgery or the MRI’s and cat scans
machines were done. There are no operating rooms.




Here is the entire story, in one whack:

Update January 29 4:00 p.m. CST 2020 From Jim Stone

It has basically now been confirmed that Coronavirus will not leave China

“They” know what this virus is, and that it can predominantly only implant in Asian males. Even then, the lethality
is not very high but the fact that it is indeed race specific, and that it is known about, is more than interesting.
The abstract is long. Here’s a basic summary of what it says: It claims that chinese males have a type of lung cell
that the virus can implant in, in much higher amounts than any other group of people. It is a matter of simple
genetic variance, and the types of cells people have in their lungs based on their race. All races have the type of
cells the virus will implant in, but Chinese males have it at a ratio 5 times higher than other groups. The study
predicted a 15 percent mortality rate but as we now know, it is very likely to not be higher than 3 percent, even
in Asian males.
The study is interesting primarily because it does imply that whatever happened in China may have been a bio
weapon that missed.
Even if the virus at one time had the potential to kick off a pandemic, it is not going to happen. No one lives in
fear of the flu, and thus far Coronavirus in China is not even a half a percent as significant as the flu is in the
United States. With everyone on their guard now, wearing at least some protection, being cautious, and staying
as isolated as possible, coupled with a far lower mortality than originally predicted, the chances of anything big
happening might as well be zero.
Update January 29 1:15 a.m. CST 2020 From Jim Stone

Mexican coronavirus update

6000 cases in China, 132 deaths, 2.2% mortality rate, hospital not mentioned (which means it is not getting built)
They played a lengthy video where a guy coughed in a cab, got kicked out for it, and the driver called the police.
People are staying in their homes much more than usual also.
Flight Aware still shows business as usual, and up to this point, Coronavirus has killed 0.00165 percent of what the
2017-18 flu season did in the United States alone. WAG THE PLAGUE. If you want to scare people who can’t think
or do math, just say something is a disaster and it will automatically be so, while much much greater threats go totally
unnoticed.  . . .
Oh, as far as Mexico goes, all suspected cases of coronavirus except two have been dismissed, and the remaining
two are not confirmed. Air traffic in Wuhan has remained normal according to flightaware.
MY TAKE: IF there was ever anything significant at all to coronavirus, people in China clamped down on it so fast it
does not have a chance. After all, if everyone is wearing at least cough masks, those that have it will be far, FAR
less likely to spread it. This outbreak is going to stall and vanish.
Update January 28 7:00 p.m. CST 2020 From Jim Stone
The Corona hospital was a HOAX! When “done” Chinese state media posted an Alibaba stock photo of a pre-existing structure.
Update January 28 5:30 a.m. CST 2020 From Jim Stone

Wag the plague!

I just busted it GOOD. Read on!

Update to below: Now bedrock, I don’t believe there is a corona virus

outbreak at all

Since corona virus manifests itself just like the flu, how do they know the 109 dead are not from the flu?
A city the size of Wuhan would get that many, SEE THIS:

Diez En Punto update on Coronavirus

There are now 4, 600 confirmed cases and 109 deaths. That means mortality is dropping. For the first time
there was footage of people in proper biohazard gear, but the military walked around unprotected. They
played a couple confirmed hoax videos and mentioned the hospital, which had no progress other than a
parking lot being done. It was already painted with parking spaces.
With 4, 600 confirmed cases and 109 deaths, it means the mortality rate is 2.36 percent. I’d like to point
something out:

According to the CDC in 2017 – 2018 there were 80, 000 flu related deaths in the United

States. So what T.F. is the hoopla over coronavirus with it’s puny 109?

Before China matches a bad flu year in the United States, this “pandemic” is going to have to kill 346, 340
people. imagine the headlines they’ll pull with that, when a bad flu season claimed that many lives per capita
in the U.S. only a couple years ago.

When 346, 340 people in China are dead from this “outbreak” they’ll

match the 2017-18 flu season in the United States. what more can I say?

I don’t expect to be using the respirator.

Update January 27 5:00 p.m. CST 2020 From Jim Stone
I found something very interesting with regard to the Corona virus
It appears a Turkish insider knew about a shipment of viruses from the United States to China, and posted about it on Twitter on June 11 2019. Here is the tweet, here is the translation:
“America sent a plane full of biological weapons to China. Epidemics may begin in China soon.
And let them not forget that if there is a Turk on earth, there is hope.
My comment: The timing on that is interesting, and then, in Turkish alt media, there is this:

We were the first to announce coronavirus in China!

January 27, 2020 12:28 tsi
We first announced coronavirus in China on June 11 2019
“Coronavirus, which has been spread to many countries from Wuhan, China, is on the world agenda.
We announced months ago where and by whom this outbreak would be done.
On June 11, 2019, we warned on Twitter that the outbreak in China was necessary. This information was known
at the time, of course, and we were hesitant about whether to explain it. Then we decided to explain!
Coronavirus was built as a biological weapon and flown to China by the United States. Everything is known to
the plane’s tail number.
It’s not right to write everything.
It’s already written if necessary.
As we said there,
“Let them not forget that if there is a Turk on earth, there is hope.”
Those who know know, I assure you!
The hope of earth and space is THE TURK!
That’s all.

In the comments below, there is this:

Are we surprised?
Are we surprised? Of course not.
We’re watching with interest..
Mahmoud brother, if they knew this information wasn’t normal information, the Chinese would have fought. I think
this is information specific to Octane KeleÅŸ.
The fear of the virus will be that no one will get anything from there economically, which will badly damage China.
accordingly, anything made there will now cost more.
Also, if the demand for oil decreases and oil prices fall (the tension is not reflected in us, and we also increase
our currency) A friend of mine had already told me a few weeks ago that Russia’s economy would be
attacked by lowering oil prices. If economic production falls in China, China’s demand for oil will also
decrease, which will cause economic distress to many countries, especially Iran.
My comment: That’s a good point. China uses Iran’s oil. If for any reason China’s economy slows, Iran and
Russia are going to feel it. That would be a great reason to ship a virus to China, that white people seem to
be more resistant to than the Chinese – to weaken China, Russia, and Iran before a war . . . . .

The above is only pondering, I am not stating any of this as fact, but it is definitely one of

those things that make you go Hmmmm . . . . . .

Update January 27 3:30 p.m. CST 2020 From HypothesisFree

Houston, we may have a problem!
Coronavirus Hits 15% Fatality Rate, 83% Infection Rate for Those Exposed; Medical Journal Early Study; Global Stocks Crash

Harvard Epidemiologist Says Coronavirus Is ‘Thermonuclear Pandemic Level Bad’

Let’s hope Jim Stone’s source above is correct that this will only affect certain geographical areas!

Update January 27 2:00 a.m. CST 2020 From Jim Stone
How am I supposed to not be skeptical of what is
going on in Wuhan when . . . . .
Last night, as of 2 AM CST, Wuhan airport had over 100 incoming and outgoing flights scheduled over a
relatively short time period (about six hours?) Scroll down to the flight aware link to see what I am talking
about, and what is scheduled now.
Additionally, including planes not leaving or arriving at Wuhan, Wuhan’s airspace had 53 aircraft over it
at 2 AM CST also.
Flight Aware looked like chaos.
FLYING, TAKING OFF, AND LANDING THERE. Furthermore, flight aware clearly shows that the
same planes that landed are subsequently taking off with new passengers. FIGURE THAT.
Update January 26 p.m. 2020 From Jim Stone

A few top comments for if the virus is real:

“”Beijing has said the country is entering a ‘crucial stage’ in dealing with the virus” TRANSLATION: “The virus
is completely out of control. We have no idea how to contain it or what to do and we have been lying to you
all along.”
“I just saw a clip where nurses complained of the hazmat gear having being sent from RepChina were in fact
All that attention being placed on building a hospital makes me think its a distraction and they’d be hiding
another area being prepared for mass graves. Sad to say”.
“Too late, when it is already global”
“Good luck with those paper masks. Not going to help, but at least it makes them feel protected”
“So ridiculous to build a hospital. The concrete wont even dry in 10 days.” My comment: The most they
could possibly accomplish in 10 days is a covered dying area. Done well enough to conceal trucks being
loaded . . . . .
“If that is real and this is not a psyop idiots are in charge. The mask those soldiers are wearing are surgical
masks, they contain the sneeze or cough of the wearer, filter nothing on the open sides. Eyes are also a point
of entry. There is a reason you play with them in Bio 4 facilities.” My comment: Follow my mask instructions
on this page. ( )
Gee, we’re supposed to believe China can build an enormous hospital in 10 days and have an astonishing
amount of construction gear on site in hours, AND THEN we’re supposed to believe that the exact same
government took well over a week to fly in a planeload of haz mat suits, when China is where ALL THAT
There is a “shortage of haz mat supplies in Yuhan, that has persisted for days in a zone that amounts to a
class 5 national emergency, in a country full of bullet trains and factories. I believe it. NOT.
This entire plot is playing out like it was written by sixth graders.
FIRST REALISTIC STORY: Soldiers bring 14, 000 haz mat suits into Yuhan
But there’s still a problem. They only have basic face protectors. In a real biohazard situation they should have
gas masks.
Chinese soldiers at least have standard issue gas masks, RIGHT? Why the piece of paper?
Still not really convinced, This story by the Daily Mail could have been faked. My bench mark will be if that
hospital actually gets built.
Daily Mail and others got punked by the fake “dead in the streets” summer time videos and published them
as real.
So I am still a skeptic, there has been proven deception with this “outbreak” already that is coming off like a
wag the dog, Rense posted a bunch of pictures of abandoned terminals and streets, but the problem was in
all of them it was dark outside and it is easy to get empty terminal shots and roads at 3 AM anywhere. Tightly
cropped pictures of lone people in crosswalks can be done in Mexico City during the day, it all depends on
when traffic lights send the surge of cars through.

The hospital being built will be the only proof of anything going on I’ll accept after all the

hoaxes, and I’ll only accept that proof from one source. That will happen tomorrow night. If

they don’t show progress by tomorrow night, the hospital is a hoax.

Interesting it is that this pandemic was first reported on day 1 of the


In “Wag The Dog” the fake war was done to distract the media because the president screwed an
approximation of a girl scout if I remember right . . . . . so a wag could be done right now to obscure the fact
that the impeachment is a total scam. If flight aware says all is normal, what is anyone critically looking
at this supposed to think?
Maybe there won’t be a normal flight schedule tomorrow . . . . . .
Update January 26 a.m. 2020 From Jim Stone

New Rumor:

I am going to shift gears and run with this, IF that hospital gets built. We’ll know

tomorrow night.

The latest rumor is that the biolab in Wuhan was developing a new bioweapon virus that was based
on a combination of the common cold and SARS. Due to the long incubation period, a worker at the
lab got infected and did not know it. The virus is communicable during the incubation period, so that
one lab worker may have infected high numbers of people before even realizing anything was wrong.
Rumor has it that it has a tendency to be race specific, and hits black people much harder than white

Keep in mind that this is all rumor, I am still sticking with what Mex media is saying and

more strongly considering the “dead in the streets” videos were hoaxes. The fact

remains that they all were hoaxes. So this latest rumor could be a hoax also, after all,

during this now “total lock down” Wuhan airport is Quite busy, as would be expected for

Chinese New Year.

Update January 25, 2020 From Jim Stone

Wuhan virus common sense:

Obviously, if there’s a supposed outbreak somewhere that might soon visit a town near
you, it makes sense to FINALLY spend the $10 on a gas mask. Anything that has a carbon
filter will do, (carbon is not necessary) but to trap the carbon in the filter, it has to be a
hepa filter which will get viruses. Obviously you have to cover your eyes also, cold viruses
enter through the eyes easily. Anyway, they are proceeding with the story line. I was in a
panic when the site was down earlier – the main points repeated:
It makes little sense to not spend as much as $20 for a decent mask. Masks are dirt cheap and you should have one anyway. If this passes as a hoax, you lost nothing and are a step more prepared.
There is a very high probability they want to advance this all the way to a gun grab. I find
it VERY odd that this outbreak happened on impeachment day 1. That right there
says B.S., the Chinese government HATES Trump.
I think the Chinese government is the one being honest with this. I think the numbers really are quite low. I still think the hospital build is a Western fronted hoax. We’ll have to say what Diez En Punto says on their next report (I’ll see that on Monday) if by then they don’t have updates and extreme progress shown, it’s a hoax.
HOWEVER, IF THAT HOSPITAL REALLY DOES GET BUILT, HEADS UP. That’s the key thing that might flip me on this topic but for now, I am sticking with “this is a get everyone vaccinated hoax fronted by the usual culprits”.
Big problem and it is the browsers doing it. [Jim Stone's website] Server appears down on all browsers but both huawei devices access the site fine [I, Beforeitsnew user HypothesisFree can view Jim's website using Knoppix Linux off a bootable DVD, and its native Chromium web broser]. One of the devices is a fake huawei and it still works because it has huawei software. I do not know who can see this [Jim Stone's website] but if the main site is blocked I will probably have to use a backup but all have been idled.
Diez En Punto covered the Corona virus in detail tonight, here is what they 
said: Wuhan virus has a 3.1 percent mortality, about 1/3rd that of SARS and 41 
people have died. 1, 314 people in China have Wuhan virus, and it is confirmed via 
electron  microscope, there are no kits needed for detection.
There are fewer than 30 other documented cases worldwide.
They claimed the hospital that was being built in 10 days was really being 
built, and that they’d follow it day by day.
My guess is they got punked because they had no data I did not get. It will 
be telling if there are no updates after they specifically said they’d be doing daily 
progress updates on that hospital.
My conclusion: If that hospital ends up getting built, China is lying out it’s 
butt about the number of cases of Wuhan virus.
You don’t build that much accommodation for a low lethality outbreak. 3.1 
percent is bad, but certainly no where near Sars and a far cry from Ebola.
It was an interesting update from a source I consider credible. We’ll have 
to see where this goes.
Update 11:00 p.m. CT January 24, 2020 - 
VERY INTERESTING: Wuhan is where 5G was rolled out
What if 5g wrecked immune systems and thereby boosted the virulency 
of the normal cold? One of the main points about 5G was that it would wreck
 immune systems and make people sick. Silicon valley does not want it and
 THE KICKER: People in Wuhan say 5G sucks and  that 4G was better. FIGURE THAT.
I remember now that Wuhan was where the tech was going to be put
in place first but forgot all about that with this “pandemic”.
What if all we are seeing in Wuhan is sickness from exposure to excessive
 5G radiation, and weakened immune systems?
Things that make you go Hmmmmmm . . . . .
Update 3:00 p.m. CT January 24, 2020 - 

Wuhan is not on lockdown and has not been on lockdown after all

There is a possibility the entire coronavirus event was a wag done to distract Americans from Trump’s impeachment. If that is not the case, why does Flightaware say Wuhan airport is operating?

There is no quarantine in place if that’s the case, and a few Chinese are managing to get through saying they
are free to leave the city.  This stinks of a psy op, Flightaware is not hoaxing the fact there are still flights
incoming and outgoing as usual. Anyone claiming there are not, including the MSM, is lying.

[Original story begins here]

The latest from Jim Stone January 24, 2020:
BOOOOOM: I just figured out how to prove much of the pandemic story line fake
If all the videos posted online to Twitter about people laying dead in the streets are

real, why are a majority of them shot during the summer, with lush green leaves on

the trees? China’s trees don’t have any leaves now. It is winter there. That means the

videos are random, and no leaves on the trees does nothing to confirm the videos

really are of a pandemic. 
Read the rest here:
Earlier posts from Jim Stone:

LOOK PEOPLE, the elite are NOT going to release a disease they can be killed by,

the “disease” will be in the shot.
I believe I have enough info to put the Wuhan/Corona story

Mike Adams has now been largely shut down (Natural News). He claims there

is a secret court that is shutting down vaccine truth web sites.
There is no secret court. It is called corruption in the system. That is why this site is

based in Iceland. When they moved to shut it down 3 years ago, it failed because

they did it via corruption in the system and not a court order, which iceland would

not issue. So they were stuck by the direct IP access still working and had to re-

enable the DNS servers to save face. I got the take down order from internic and

id nothing to clear it, the fact I had direct IP and hosting in Iceland took care of the

problem by itself. That’s called planning.
I told everyone repeatedly to get hosted in Iceland with an Iceland extension.

Apparently no one listened, or very few did. Yes, it would not have been convenient

which led to procrastination in many cases, procrastination that did not pay off.

ANYWAY: So here’s the plan: Shut down vaccine truth sites. This site is partially a

vaccine truth site and shutdown attempts will fail. That’s beside the point, many

are not protected well enough.
Launch a B.S. disease that Bill Gates himself projected 3 months ago, specifically

for coronavirus, that produced close to 100 million dead.

With vaccine truth sites shut down, then mandate the vaccines, and put the
killing agents in the shot. 
I’ll bet a dime to a dollar I nailed it.
By the way, if Cloudflare is blocking you from viewing Infowars, you have to hit it
with a static IP. I have already tested this. DHCP setups won’t work, and most people
can’t tell what they have. To hit Infowars now, it has to be a static IP or cloudflare will
oust you, (at least in my case). I have options here, I can bust through lots of
difficulties and had to do a little troubleshooting to get through to Infowars today.
Results may vary, my problem may have been system or provider specific but DHCP
vs static made the difference for me.
One has a guy having a stroke. Another has a guy that was shot. I got that far
into it and declared HOAX.

So now every video from China that has someone laying in the street is because of the coronavirus. GREAT. Just keep this in mind:
In one day in this one city alone, you could probably dredge up video of five separate incidents where someone is laying somewhere after getting hit by a car. It looks like
the hoaxers discovered this, and are not being careful at all, the second one I saw
(that got me to call B.S.) has about three litres of blood coming from the guy’s head.
That’s not coronavirus, that’s a gunshot. This has not been described as an ebola
None of the hoaxes are helping with my perceptions of things, other than to
serve as confirmation that it is all probably B.S.
The actual official numbers now state 600 infected. I am not even going to
consider this, I’d rather cower in fear of the flu, which kills thousands yearly
in the U.S. alone, and I can’t even do that. This is an agenda game, and if it is
not I can’t be blamed for thinking so after all the past hoaxes. fool me once . . . . .
oops, even the first one did not fool me.
Claim: People collapsing in the streets from Coronavirus
Or Wuhan virus. Whatever. Complete with pictures of people who might have
simply had a stroke. You have to die sometime, and with over a billion people in
China, photo ops are always available. Who knows if it is legitimate or not?  The
main story lines now is that it came from a snake, and that it escaped from a
biolab. Other stories are that it came from bat soup, because “Bats carry
coronavirus”. However, cows do to. And dogs And cats And birds (oh my) so we’ll
have to see where this one goes. The bottom line is that someone needs a serious
scare to get everyone to submit to a “vaccine”, who could that be? 
And the coronavirus already has a vaccine for it, ready to go. Need I say more?
Furthermore, if we reach zero Co2 all life stops. The reality is that Co2 levels were low
enough at the beginning of the industrial age to severely hinder plant growth. The
extra Co2 is actually helping.
As of this morning, (Jan 23) total confirmed deaths worldwide are at 17. Don’t believe

the B.S. that is being spewed about massive death rates.
FACT: 17 deaths worldwide do not amount to enough to confirm any virus did
anything, that’s a number so low it is statistical chatter.
Top two rumors: China is freaking out, has quarantined two cities and is doing
aerial spraying.
The other rumor: Wuhan, where the outbreak was supposedly started, has a level
4 bio lab which was doing research on the world’s top pathogens.
I know this stuff is being said but am still calling bunk on this, once you get past
hype and rumor, the numbers do not add up.

If the following went viral, we could stop the NWO in its tracks, so please share this FAR and WIDE!
Why Didn’t Vaccine Champion Bill Gates Vaccinate His Own Children?
All 50 states now require children to be vaccinated for multiple diseases before they’re allowed to begin kindergarten. California requires vaccinations before kids can attend preschool or go to daycare, with no religious exemptions allowed.

FDA Admits Vaccines Contain Aborted Fetal Cells with Potentially 560 DNA Cancer Genes

WHO now openly admitting that vaccines cause more polio than actual wild virus

Scientist Jailed After Discovering Deadly Viruses Are Delivered Through Vaccines

Neonatal Nurse on Vaccines: We are Destroying an Entire Generation of Children

“It is assumed that the Israel Institute for Biological Research in Ness Ziona develops vaccines and antidotes for chemical and biological warfare”

Top scientists Gatti and Montanari revealed, for the first time, what no one knew: Vaccines had more than aluminum salts adjuvants, Polysorbate-80, and other inorganic chemicals in them, they also harbored stainless steel, tungsten, copper, and other metals and rare elements that don’t belong in shots given to fetuses, pregnant women, newborns, babies and toddlers developing their lungs, immune and nervous systems.”

They are CLEARLY and WITHOUT QUESTION making vaccines mandatory because they are not vaccines, they are “gene therapy shots” that are giving us all a downgrade. That way a far less capable group that claims neanderthal Khazar roots can once again be on top! . . .
If you can sequence the entire male human genome from ANY vaccine, it’s purpose is modification of an individual’s potential, NOT DISEASE PREVENTION. If you can sequence the entire human genome from a vaccine, IT IS NOT AN ACCIDENT. IT IS NOT A TAINTED BATCH. IT IS INTENTIONAL, folks we just got irrefutable proof of the fact that the vaccines are for the sole purpose of modifying the recipient, and VERY EVIL PEOPLE DECIDED WHAT THOSE MODIFICATIONS WERE TO BE AND IT SHOWS IN THE APOCALYPTIC RATES OF TOTALLY F***ED UP KIDS. We have been maimed beyond belief. But IDIOT PARENTS just got a new Google Pixel and are surfing snapchat, while 7 year old bobby spins in the background blowing spit balls. THEY KNOW the vaccines did not do it, because Google said anyone who thinks the vaccines wrecked Bobby is an anti-science conspiracy nut!
Breakthrough for Vaccine Laws! Vaccines Cannot Be Lawfully Forced Upon the People!
My 4 cornerstone reports:

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