China Virtually Out of Control

China Virtually Out of Control - Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret. +Videos

By Dave Bertrand, Ret. 
Friends and Associates:
 Professor Francis Boyle, a Bio-Weapons Expert having worked for the government, confirms from his research and that of others, that the Coronavirus is in-fact a Bio-Weapon designed to attack a specific genome of Asian males, plus the virus has an HIV footprint. Basically….an advanced SARS Virus created in a lab, stored in a Canadian lab and then stolen by Chinese operatives, taken to China and [either]  accidentally released or intentional….

The stories by fakestream media of bat soup or snakes, etc is total BS….
Alex Jones contends it is a timely release to target military age men, since China has a history of a “one child policy” and [potentially] wants to target America. Hmmmmm….
I don’t think so, It's much more likely it the "Synagogue of Satan' s Elite  New World Order Global Criminal Cabal" aka."The Deep State" aka."Globalist"who are targeting China (which also happens to be the Deep States Model Nation) to create a worldwide economic collapse and further destroy Trump’s trade agreement, while punishing the Chinese people for Rioting and the Government for supposedly cooperating with Trump.
Now that Trump has secured “phase one” of a trade agreement with China, and was acquitted in his impeachment trial and the heat now being turned way up on the DemocRats swamp creature of the Deep State still had to deal with all these mass riot all across CHINA for there coming New World Order, One World Dictatorship...Did the Deep State operatives in the Chinese Government try to use this outbreak to also stop the riots... Well With the timely release of this bio-weapon which has all the signs of being a man-made pathogen which was stolen from a Canadian lab by Chinese operatives it sure looks suspect???  Who then on purpose or accidentally did released IT "N2019 CoV"  approx between December 1st to 15  on the innocent population of Wuhan City China. By the way Wuhan is the first city in the world to also be totally 5G capable, and that 5g can produces flu like symptoms
 "Bring out your Dead! Bring out your Dead!"
STAND 2020
Remember…..Every Country on the planet have these "Synagogue of Satan' s Elite  New World Order Global Criminal Cabal Operatives" or aka. Deep State [Globalists] that DO NOT answer to no one but  a powerful Satanic Super Elite that control their respective countries Governments they control the world’s Banking System, IMF, BIS, all Alphabet Intelligence Agencies in every country including China, they are the United Nations, and YES they (actually) worship Lucifer by acts of Pedophilia, Sodomy and Child Sacrifices along with other perverted sick warped  dark Satanic practices.
The evil and corrupt Deep State oligarchs and government heads around the world are desperately trying to stop Trump and the upcoming [DECLAS] because over 100,000 sealed indictments are going to nail each and every one of them.
In America, the Dems are trying to keep Trump in turmoil and the Senate too busy to begin investigating the corruption. The DoJ has an ongoing investigation, coordinating with AG Barr, and soon enough…..things will begin to happen.
“Q” said last year, [The Senate Is The Key] which means, the senate was ready for a pending impeachment which opened the door to the Biden / Obama investigation, now underway.
The simple fact of the matter and why so many (out here) believe nothing is going to happen, since not much has happened, is because the Obama holdover(s) i.e., U.S. Federal Judges across the nation had to be replaced and now the Senate has confirmed ~191 new judges, which was extremely important when the arrests begin across the country.
Note: Remember….the “Achilles’s Heel” of the Deep State is child / sex trafficking and pedophilia. Thousands of arrests around the world have happened and continues to happen. How many of [them] are turning-over valuable information about their counter-parts and those above them in high level government positions? Also…..remember, 9 of the 12 NYPD detectives that planned to go after Hillary and Bill Clinton for what they discovered on Weiner’s laptop are now DEAD.
The other major points about the process being slow….it was important to [Trap] the Deep State and maneuver certain ones via dis-information tactics, Q Posts, and their own media.
THE ONLY WAY to acclimate and educate the public was to force the hand of the Deep State to expose themselves, of which one reason for Trump NOT to fire Mueller was meant to force the Dems towards impeachment, which “Q” told us would happen ["Senate Holds The Key"]. (The key to the Biden’s and Obama et al).
What followed the impeachment is now about the Biden’s and what REALLY happened in Ukraine…..all meant to educate the general public, since arrests last year, or before, would have inflamed most of the  public and Trump would have been found guilty last week, based-on “baseless arrests, acting like a dictator,” they would say. 
The public would be ignorant, not understanding the deep secrets of corruption surrounding many of those in Congress, let alone why leadership were fired from the FBI, CIA and DIA.
The entire operation by the Trump Administration and his closest military intelligence advisers is just about complete and the investigations are ongoing and soon enough…..justice will prevail.
The Deep State (Swamp) has been a tedious and quiet, behind the scenes operation, and the enemy knows what is coming, therefore…..anything and everything is possible, including the potential deaths of millions in the next month or two… a China virtually out-of-control and under pressure by rogue elements that control the world’s financial system.
—Dave Bertrand  

“Professor Francis A. Boyle joins The Alex Jones Show to deliver an urgent message to President Trump regarding the coronavirus outbreak as well as provide his analysis of the virus as a bioweapon.”


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