This is the stuff they were doing in the days of Noah. The bible says it will happen again in the end times. God will put a stop to it. They just want to corrupt Gods creation because they can not create anything. Only God can create life!
Trump signed a bill just before this year, NO CLONES ARE LEGAL NOW.
Mine was school system, beware speech class. Miller elementary school, Escondido CA . Tunnels under. Also hospitals. Died while getting my tonsils out at 6 years old, with my 2 older sisters. I wasn’t released until 3 weeks later. Bleeding internally, scars on face. I was beat to a pulp. I remember Heaven, I did not fracture. I was protected by the blood of the Lamb. God took me from my body and showed me amazing things. I’m not the only one with this story. We were taught how to fight supernaturally. Spiritual warfare.
On the cartoon Futurama, they have an episode where Hermes comes back from a trip with a plasma-like parasitic brain slug on his head. His personality is completely changed. He spends the rest of the show trying to recruit more victims for the brain slug. The writers are freemasons. Most of their shows reveal clues we are now learning with the great awakening. It’s worth a look-see.
What evil and demonic people we have within our government, our music industry, and in Hollywood (Pedowood). Sick and lunatic people everywhere.
They may have a body and soul ( thought, emotions) but they will never have a spirit. The Spirit is only from Almighty God. Unless it an evil spirit that possesses the body. Very evil! I would say guard your spirit. Make sure you don’t go too deep into this unless you know who you are in Christ. To be honest I have wondered about how much Q + knows about time travel. It has come to my mind. I have never taken it seriously.
Demon souls perhaps in these are genetically grown clones? they shortened the telomeres these guys are freaking evil! messing with the DNA man you are so give yourself a death sentence because God is not gonna be happy with this think about fallen angels hello?
This is a level of evil that is hard to believe and understand. BTW: The Rock just started introducing the Chief players. He said “It’s time to unleash hell” Cannot make this S**t up!!
think spiritual read the bible, all of it not just cannon and integrate it. it all makes sense, I study the bible all the time, I am about to become more than human the RIGHT WAY, through GOD’S grace. HE has given ME THE POWER to become a son of God…and I am BECOMING, and not like the Baphomet imitator, but like JESUS…
“So it’s like the consciousness of the person is there, but the personality is not.” HRC immediately comes to mind, when she was before some committee hearing on Benghazi, and when asked what she was doing on the night the Embassy was attacked, she couldn’t stop laughing! I don’t think I was watching an early model, as described, but it was like watching a demon coming through. Well, that may not have been her clone at that hearing. That’s probably just her. She had that same hideous laughter when she was a very young lawyer, bragging about getting an accused rapist of a young girl off the hook. Demons Inside. Naturally.


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