“The day has come when Fellow Craftsman must know and apply their knowledge. The lost key to their grade is the mastery of emotion , which places the energy of the universe at their disposal. Man can only expect to be entrusted with great power by proving his ability to use it constructively and selflessly. When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The SEETHING ENERGIES OF LUCIFER are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy. He must follow in the footsteps of his forefather, TUBAL- CAIN, who with the mighty strength of the war god hammered his sword into a plowshare.” [Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree, K.T., The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff , Forward by Reynold E. Blight, 33rd Degree, K.T., Illustrations by J. Augustus Knapp, 32nd Degree, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, Inc., Richmond, Virginia, p. 48; Emphasis Added][1]
Tubal-Cain is VULCAN of the Pagans.[2] Folks, Rudy Giuliani in drag and Prima Donna Donald Trump acting out as a paramour was no comedy routine, but a serious secret society ritual of public humiliation played out before your eyes where subordinate members or initiates engage in playful transsexual activities with certain male blood elitist members of the group.
Satanic cross dressing former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is a “tough and no nonsense” conservative regular guest commentator on Fox News. He was the city mayor during 9-11 Twin Towers, and Building 7 collapse.
Giuliani said in 2001 that he had been forewarned that the Twin Towers would implode on the morning of 9/11. According to an interview he did with Peter Jennings of ABC News at 1 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2001, Giuliani said he had been told by officials in his own Office of Emergency Management that the twin towers of the World Trade Center were in danger of imminent collapse. Giuliani told Jennings:
“We were operating out of there (75 Barclay Street, where they had set up temporary headquarters) when we heard that the World Trade Center was gonna collapse. And it did collapse before we were able to get out of the building, so we were trapped in the building for 10, 15 minutes, and finally found an exit and got out.”[3]
In chapter 22 of his book 9/11 ContradictionsDavid Ray Griffin chronicles a number of major fires that were much worse than the ones that occurred in the WTC that day that did not lead to collapse. He also quotes a number of key officials on the scene on 9/11 who stated that they had no idea there was any chance of the buildings collapsing.[4]
This was even confirmed by the 9/11 Commission, which stated in its report that none of the fire chiefs present that day believed the complete collapse of either tower was possible. Even the report on the collapses by the National Institute of Standards and Technology – which supports the official story – states that the collapse was completely unexpected.[5]
If that’s true, why didn’t he warn the firefighters who were climbing the two towers to get people out? Giuliani wasn’t supposed to tell anyone.
He was an essential secret blood oath member of ultra secret operational unit of the VULCAN CULT and part of the Seething Energies of LUCIFER that brought the Twin Towers and Building 7 down on 9-11. A total of 343 firefighters died that day, along with 23 police officers that had not been warned of the buildings implosion.[6]
As result of that successful operation, Giuliani had been initiated into the higher orders of the secret Satanic group like an Age of New Centurions. The real ILLUMINATI Bunga Bunga orgy initiation rites, the real cross-dressing and sodomy- booty popping like the Old Centurions of ancient Rome take place in total blood secrecy tighter than like an EYES WIDE SHUT.
Corporate mass media is just not being truthful with the public. They are  not telling us any truths about Donald Trump. Investigative journalism has dropped the ball and will not lift the VEIL off of Trump to expose  the true nature and background of his man. The masses are confused as to how and why this narcissist, racist, arrogant, and vindictive individual leads the Republican Party Candidates as its nominee for President of the United States.
Adolf Hitler talked about these New Centurions, the likes of Donald Trump, there will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak. But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him.”
Donald Trump is nothing less than a sideshow and a counterfeit medieval medicine man offering cheap miracle and ILLUSIONARY fixes for America’s problems here and abroad. He is a dangerous white supremacist “primo uomo” or “primo don,” an American Psycho who truly believes that his SHIT CAN NEVER STINK!  I call him, PRIMO DON. 
Donald Trump & Sleazy Freddy Drumpf from Germany
 Donald Trump is really Donald Drumpf, and his real name reveals some of the true secrets behind his character. Trump appears not even to be his family’s legal name. Historically, the surname Drumpf doesn’t appear to mean anything significant. However, the name appears loosely associated with a “deceased person” – A DEAD ISSUE.[7]
Trump’s Grandfather, Sleazy Freddy
 Friedrich Drumpf
Basically, the Drumpf family is predominately of German ancestry. His grandparents, Friedrich (Fred) Drumpf and Elizabeth Christ were from Kallstadt, PfalzGermanyFred Drumpf immigrated in 1885 to United States from Hamburg aboard the ship “Eider” and became a U.S. citizen in 1892 in Seattle, Washington. From Seattle, Fred traveled to White Horse, Alaska to seek his fortune from the Klondike Gold Rush between 1896 to 1899. I call him, SLEAZY FREDDY[8]
In the Pacific Northwest, Fred ran sleazy and illegal operations, the White Horse Restaurant and Inn, and the New Arctic Restaurant and Hotel in Bennett, British Columbia. His business interests catered to the “deprived,” and shared space with opium dens and brothels.[9] There were rumors that authorities were getting ready to crack down on his type of dens of prostitutiondrug dealing and ill-repute. They say that Fred was always one step ahead of the law. Around May 1901, Sleazy Freddy cashed out and headed back to Germany with his money.[10]
Reportedly, Fred returned to KallstadtGermany and married his former neighbor, Elizabeth ChristSo, they said. However, it appears that Elizabeth (born 10/10/1880) was really the daughter of Christ Christ and Anna Maria Rathon. Christ Christ was Fred’s uncle, his father’s brother. Sleazy Freddy married his own NIECE. [11] Marriage between an uncle and niece is a vunculate marriage. In some societies, avunculate marriage is prohibited as a form of incest, while in others it is legal, even common.[12] In most states in America, sexual activity between an uncle-niece is penalized as incest.[13]
In the meanwhile, Fred changed his surname to Trump. Was Fred Drumpf running from the law? A trump is a playing card which is elevated above its normal rank in trick-taking games. In other contexts, the term trump card can refer to any sort of action, authority, or policy which automatically prevails over all others.[14]
Then again, Drumpf may be a variation of Trumpf– blow your own trumpet [horn]. It is an early English medieval surname derived from the pre 8th century Olde French “Trompeor“.[15] Friedrich’s Eider ship registration listed him as a Trumpf. Whatever it may be, Trumpt or Drumpf, neither name appears to have any historical significance (Coat of Arms) in Germanic or European history. In America, Sleazy Freddy had to play a trump card to hide his past, and shroud his true background.
Donald Trump’s Jewish Background
Donald’s great-grandparents, Christian Johannes Drumpf and Katherina Kober, had sons, Christian Drumpf and Christ Chirst.[16] Christian was Sleazy Freddy’s father. By his name, Christ Christ, may had converted to Judaism. Nevertheless, Donald’s great-grandmother, Kathernia Kober, may have been Jewish.[17]
What we know is that the surname Kober is German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): from a derivative of the personal name Jakob or Yakov. German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): from German Kober basket“, Middle High German kober, hence a metonymic occupational name for a basket maker or perhaps a nickname for someone who carried a basket on his back.[18] The Kallstadt, Pfalz – Rhineland-Palatinate area where they lived in Germany comprised the Jewish communities of MainzSpeyer and Worms became the center of Jewish life during Medieval times.[19]
Scandalous Fred C., Tammany Hall, Drudism & the Gaelic Viking Queen
Fred Christ Drumpf and Scottish Druid & Viking Roots
 Frederick Christ Drumpf
Sleazy Freddy Drumpf and Elizabeth Christ’s son was Frederick Christ (Fred) Drumpf. I call him, SCANDALOUS FRED C.
 Mary Anne Macleod, Druid Princess
He married Mary Anne Macleod of the Macleod Clan from the Isles of Lewis in ScotlandFred C. met Mary Ann while she was vacationing in New York. They say that her father was a poor fisherman. So, they say. She spoke Scottish GaelicDonald also speaks Gaelic[20] a language descended from Old Irish and the DRUIDS.[21] Primo Don was raised on old Druid myths, tales and legends of Norse Kings.
The Macleod Clan descended from the bloodline of Olaf the BlackOlaf was a mid 13th century sea king who ruled the Isle of Man (Mann) and parts of the Hebrides. Basically, Olaf was a Viking King who spanned both the pagan and Christianization of the Vikings. Olaf the Black was not just a Viking, he was Scottish, native Celtic, and the last of the Norse kings.
The MacLeods originally quartered the Black Galley in their arms, which was the symbol of the old Norse Kings of Man. In the seventeenth century, they adopted instead a quartering of the “Three Legs of Man.” Their eponymous ancestor was Leod, son of Olaf the Black.[22]
The name of this symbol is the Tryskelion , it means an object with three legs. We have the first signs of this symbol in the prehistoric ages, when in some excavations somewhere in Asia, a vase from XII century BC., was discovered where a warriors has the symbol of the Tryskelion painted on his shield.
To be objective nobody has yet found where this symbol came from and why. Around the VII century B.C., another vase was found in Sicily with a painting of Minerva that kills the giant Enciladus who has the Tryskelion painted on his shield.[23]
“Olaf though represents much of what the late Viking age was. He was a raider that terrorized people all over the Atlantic. His journey to Spain, if it happened at all was probably … was probably accompanied by copious amounts of death, rape and plunder. But, in subsequent years it was turned into a pilgrimage where he visited the miracles of St. James (Santiago in Spanish).”[24]
Goldberg’s necklace symbol is an Aryan pagan rune often called “Triskeleon” and also referred to as a three legged swastika or “Drei Bein Hakenkreuz.”[25][9] This symbol suggests the act of running and running symbolized man’s energy and determination to crush enemies. In ancient Greece, there was a symbol similar to the one used on the Isle of Man. This was also a Triskeleon that was often used on the shields of warriors. It depicted three women’s legs in a swastika pattern.[26]
Scandalous Fred C. moved in the circle of a corrupt powerful New York political fixer and power broker attorney, Abraham (Bunny) Lindenbaum. Or Bunny moved in Fred C. Drumpf’s circles. They were more than just client and attorney. The two were joined at the hip. Bunny’s first retainer came from Fred C.[27]
Scandalous Fred C. and Bunny were political insiders of Tammany Hall through Brooklyn‘s Madison Club.[28] Tammany Hall, also known as the Society of St. Tammany, the Sons of St. Tammany, or the Columbian Order, was a New York City Democratic political machine entangled and mired in racketeering, corruption, graft and patronage.[29]
Let’s pause for a moment. It’s doesn’t make too much sense for a Scottish fisherman’s daughter to be vacationing in New York in the first place, then land one of the biggest and richest fishes in the sea.
Let’s go into Tammany Hall for a moment, because it seems very unlikely if not impossible for Scandalous Fred C. to get anything done at the levels he moved in- in New York without the collaboration and combination of Tammany Hall politicians, officials and police.
The Sons of St. Tammany, or the Columbian Order
Before the Revolutionary War, secret societies were established to promote Liberty and to defy the tyranny of the English Crown. Among the early groups were: The Sons of Liberty, and the Sons of Tammany, fronts for French Freemasonry.[30]
The Columbian Order
The Columbian Order goes back to the noble founding of the country in 1492 by a Knight of Christ (Knight Templar)[31]Christopher Columbus.[32] The Columbian Order is linked and dedicated to the noble European western expansion of America, and the notion among patriots that the British didn’t appreciate and share Christopher Columbus’ western imperialistic Masonic/Knightly world vision.

The Columbian Order is sacred to memory of Columbus, and the idol of Goddess Columbia that represents the feminized Columbus– representing Mother Earth and the Motherland. The District of [Goddess]Columbia, the seat of power of the United States, is Masonic grounds dedicated to her.[33]
The Saint Tammany Society
Tammany, also known as Tamanend (1628-1698) was the chief of the Lenni Lenape tribe who made the first treaties with William Penn, Founder of the State of Pennsylvania. He is remembered as a man of honor. The name Tamanend means “The Affable.”[34] Tammany led Penn to the future site of the city of Philadelphia and was said to have been the chief who sold the island of Manhattan to the Dutch.[35]
On December 16, 1773, a group of men—all members of the Sons of Liberty met in Boston to protest the tax on tea imposed by England. When their protest went unheeded, they disguised themselves as MOHAWK INDIANS, proceeded to Boston harbor, and dumped overboard 342 chests of English tea. The Sons of Liberty became the “Sons of St. Tamina,” or the “St. Tamina Society.”[36]
The Sons of Saint Tammany were formally organized in New York City on May 12, 1789.[37] For the next 35 years after the Boston Tea Party, each of the original Sons of Liberty and Sons of St. Tamina groups went their own way. In 1813, at historic Fort Mifflin, near Philadelphia, several of these groups came together and formed one organization known as the Society of Red Men.[38] By the mid 1830’s the Tammany Society had been reconstituted as the Improved Order of Red Men.[39] The Improved Order was modeled after the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (Brotherhood of Death) and used the legend of Hiram Abiff of Masonic legend as its third degree.[40]
I believe that it safe to assume that the Society of St. Tammany, the Sons of St. Tammany, or the Columbian Order is a secret Masonic Order whose hidden power reached all the way up to the White House. The Sons of St. Tammany certainly had Masonic LodgesPresident Andrew Jackson seems to have been a Member of St. Tammany Lodge No. 1, Nashville, Tennessee, as early as 1800. It was the first Lodge in Tennessee, organized in 1789, under a Dispensation from the Grand Lodge of North Carolina.[41]
The Columbian Order also had its Masonic LodgesColumbian Lodge in Boston is one of the oldest Masonic Lodges in the United States, instituted in 1795 by Paul Revere.[42]
The Society of St. Tammany or Columbian Order- Secret Masonic Lodge
Tammany Hall did not become a disciplined political machine until it came under the direction of John Kelly (1872-86), the first of ten successive Irish-American bosses. . Irish men dominated Tammany Hall and virtually monopolized district leaderships, remaining in power despite the changing population of their neighborhoods.  Many Jews and Germans were admitted/initiated into the secret Tammany Society.[43]
Primo Don, Statue of Olaf the Black, Secret Diamond- Masonic Triangle Hands Gesture
What better way was there for Scandalous Fred C. by a “Thump Card” then to marry an old world pagan Gaelic Viking and Driud Princess out of the ancestry land, Scotland to cement himself and his family inside the machinery of Tammany Hall. Wouldn’t you believe that it was not beyond the likes of a shameless and Scandalous Fred C.
Scandalous Fred C & Society of Tammany or Columbian Order
Scandalous Fred
Bunny Lindenbaum presided over New York Major Robert Ferdinand Wagner, Jr.’s city planning commission.[44] Mayor Wagner’s mayoral administrations from 1954 to 1965 had been for the most part of the Tammany Hall rackets.[45],[46] In 1954, Scandalous Fred C. was the subject of a Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee investigation for being involved in widespread corruption in the federal Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD),
“Fred C. Trump of Jamaica, N. Y., and William Tomasello [Brooklyn Mobster] of address now unknown to the FHA. These gentlemen, according to McKenna [HUD investigator], paid $34,500 for a piece f land, which they rented to their building corporation for $560,600 a year for the next 99 years. Should he apartment house they built there ever go into default, then he FHA has the privilege of paying them $1,515,000 for the land.
McKenna said that was only the beginning. He alleged that the Messrs. Trump and Tomasello obtained loans of $53,500,000 more than the apartments cost. Then, said McKenna, they collected rents from their tenants of $1,700,000 before they made the first payment on their mortgage. They loaned $729,000 to affiliated corporations and they still have $3,000,000 in the bank, he added.” [47] (see also, Irving Weifeld, HUD Scandals, Transaction Publishers, New BrunswickNJ (1992) )
That was just the tip of an iceberg of the enormous amount of taxpayer money involved in Fred C’s federal and state real estate racketeering enterprise during the 1940s, 50s and 1960s. It is utterly staggering. Of course, a great deal of money was funneled through Bunny Lindenbaum, and the Brooklyn Mob. During that time, the three Mafia groups in New York City (Brooklyn) included the Reina family, the Castellammarese Clan and the Profaci (Joseph Colombo) family.[48]
Chicken Hawk Primo Don Drumpf
 Primo Don & Adolf Hitler, Masonic/ILLUMINATI Hand Symbol
As usually, Primo Don Drumpf, the tough talking, aggressive, no holds barred and no nonsense presidential candidate, is beating the war drums. His plan to defeat ISIL and America’s enemies is all out military force, bomb them.[49] During America’s Vietnam War AggressionDrumpf was eligible for the draft. Drumpf avoided total military service with not one, but five deferments. The final was a medical determent for bone spurs in a foot, or both feet. I don’t believe Drumpf knows the difference. The Chicken Hawk, Primo Don, is not answering any more questions about the draft.[50] He doesn’t believe his shit can ever stink no matter what he does or have done in the past.
Primo Don, Scandalous Fred C, Israel & Zionism
Masonic Secret Finger Sign of Preservation- Columbian Order Primo Don & KGB Royal Arch Freemason Vladimir Putin
“The only [candidate] that’s going to give real support to Israel is me,” said Donald Drumpf“The rest of them are all talk, no action. They’re politicians. I’ve been loyal to Israel from the day I was born. My father, Fred Trump, was loyal to Israel before me.”[51]
Primo Don and Scandalous Fred C. with Masonic/Brotherhood of Death hand over hand Skull and Bones (“X”) Signal.  The sign, or letter X, has a long history of use in the Ancient Mystery Religions, in apostate Judaism, in Freemasonry, and in the Occult. The ILLUMINATI elite use it to this day to symbolize key phenomena and mark significant events.
Logo of the MOSSAD & the Brooklyn Jewish Center 
Primo Don didn’t go into how or why his father had been so loyal to Israel since the day he was born (1946), but his close personal association with Bunny Lindenbaum may provide some answers, and clues. Bunny Lindenbaum was an orthodox and fanatical Zionist Jew. He was president of the Brooklyn Jewish Community Council, and the Brooklyn Jewish Center (BJC). The BJC is connected directly to United Synagogue of America, the World Zionist Congress, United Jewish Appeal, National Jewish Welfare Board, and the MOSSAD.[52]

High Priest Samuel “Sandy” Lindenbaum- Secret ILLUMANTI X Skull and Bones Cross
Big Time NY Real Estate Super Tower Lawyers, Bunny Lindenbaum, and his son, Sandy Lindenbaum were high priests of the secret ultra orthodox Lubavitch Movement and the Educational Institute Oholei Torah, the Flagship school of Chabad – Lubavitch, it owns the BJC edifice.[53] Basically, the Chabad Lubavitch Movement is connected with the Ancient Babylonian Talmudic Pharisaic Universal Noahide Laws of Nimrodic God Baal. The Babylonian Talmudic High Priests of the Order of the Pharisaic sun god worshippers of Baal are known as the Mystical Hassidic Chabad Lubavitch.[54]
Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, the head of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in 1943, writing in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, “Pharisaism became Talmudism …the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered. When the Jew studies the Talmud, he is actually repeating arguments used in the Palestinian academies.” [55] In other words, the Talmudic Lubavitchers are reborn Pharisees. Many Pharisees belonged to the Jewish occult group, the Satanic “Cabal“.[56]
According to the Chabad Lubavitch radical theology, the non Jew “infidels” must be exterminated, adding “may the name of the wicked rot.” Among them was Jesus of Nazareth. They claim that while the Jews are the “Chosen People” and were created in God’s image, the Gentiles do not have this status and are effectively considered subhuman.” [57]The Chabad are allowed to exist as a powerful international force because they serve Israel in two ways: working with Mossad in intelligence and criminal activities, and a source of extremist ideology to fuel Zionist crimes. It was also a scheme to permanently alienate, divide and polarize the races.[58]
Bunny Lindenbaum BJC’s United Jewish Appeal assisted Jewish refugees arriving in the United States.[59] His BJC’s World Zionist Congress collaborated with the Nazis to allow a limited number of Jews to emigrate to other countries.[60]
HUD investigators found that Scandalous Fred C. pocketed $4,070,000 in the Post World War II Brooklyn 1949 Beach Haven Apartment Complex Project.[61] That’s a great deal of money in 1949. The Shore Haven Apartment Complex in Bensonhurst, and Beach Haven complex near Coney Island involved 2,700 rental units.[62] At Beach HavenFred C. financed a shul with three classroomsShul is a Yiddish word for synagogue. An example of shul is where Jewish people go to worship.[63] The Beach Haven “community consisted mostly of young couples and there were 350 children in the Talmud Torah.”[64]  
George H. W. Bush  Sr. & George W. Bush Jr. & Donald J. Trump Have each one upon becoming POTUS have fully endorsed into Law the Tyrannical NOAHIDE LAWS for the Zionist Dictatorial Wing of the Mystical Hasidic Chabad Lubavitch Jews of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN...  These Noahide Laws are fully enacted Laws that just have not being enforced by the Justice Department or Police Department  but they will be enforced fully and strictly at their designated time in the future NEW WORLD ORDER One World Dictatorship Under Satan's Rule 
George H. W. Bush Sr.
George W. Bush Jr.
Donald J. Trump
Lindenbaum and Scandalous Fred C. were clandestinely using HUD and state funds to build a haven and Jewish power base in Brooklyn for eastern European Mystical Hasidic Chabad Lubavitch Jews at enormous and substantial profits at the taxpayers’ expense.
Chabad Hand Over Hand (“X”) Signal
Today, Chabad is among the world’s largest Hasidic groups, and it is the largest Jewish religious organization. The vast network of Chabad institutions have placed the movement at the forefront of Jewish communal life today.[65] A spokesman for the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement says the sect is ZIONIST in its support for Israel.[66] Scandalous Fred C and Bunny were secretly working with SS Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing, Israeli Defense Force (IDF), MOSSAD and the newly formed CIA.
Fred C., Donald Drumpf & Racial Discrimination
It took decades but in October 1973, the federal Fair Housing Act finally caught up with Scandalous Fred C. and Primo Don with a major racial discrimination lawsuit.
“… the Government contended that Trump Management had refused to rent or negotiate rentals “because of race and color.” It also charged that the company had required different rental terms and conditions because of race and that it had misrepresented to blacks that apartments were not available.”[67]
A few months after the government filed the suit, Drumpf gave a combative (His Shit Don’t Ever Stink) press conference at the New York Hilton in which he went after the Justice Department for being too friendly to welfare recipients, and made some wild, negative and racial stereotypical statements about Black people. He “accused the Justice Department of singling out his corporation because it was a large one and because the Government was trying to force it to rent to welfare recipients,” the Times reported. Drumpf added that if welfare recipients were allowed into his apartments in certain middle-class outer-borough neighborhoods, there would be a “massive fleeing from the city of not only our tenants, but communities as a whole.”[68]
However, Bunny Lindenbaum and his father ran the largest and most costly corporate welfare fraud-embezzlement system in this nation’s history. Primo Don is a product of that corporate welfare bread line straight out of state and federal treasuries. His shit don’t stink. Any notion that Primo Donna Donald is a self made billionaire is a fallacy and grand ILLUSION.
Nevertheless, in defense of the immense racial discrimination lawsuit, the Drumpfs hired one of most loathsome, controversial, despicable, perverted and WICKED characters in American history to fix things, a New Centurion– ROY COHN of the CIA.
Tammany Society Boss, Carmine G. De Sapio
During the 1950s and 60s, Tammany Hall BossCarmine G. De Sapio, was credited with handpicking Robert F. Wagner Jr. as mayor of New York City and W. Averell Harriman as governor of New York State. Pundits in Washington asserted that the Tammany boss had the muscle to name the Democratic candidate for president.[69]
Roy Cohn used to invite Carmine G. De Sapio and other Tammany Hall leaders out for cruises to talk over secret society business- who was in, who was out, who wanted what from whomScandalous Fred and Primo Donna Donald were always on the in when it came to the Sons of Tammany or the Columbian Order.[70] Roy Cohn, as an aide to Senator Joseph “reds under the bed” McCarthy, was accused in the early 1950s as an associate of the post-WWII Nazi/Fascist underground of Hitler’s general and financier, scar face SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto SkorzenyHjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht; and Goebbels propagandist, Werner Naumann, while visiting Europe.[71]
Cohn was an initial director of Permindex alone with Clay Shaw, a corporation set up in 1958 which is suspected of having been a front organization in the planning of the John F. Kennedy AssassinationCohn supposedly “ran the little boys“, a government “whitemail” pedophile ring for the CIA.[72] During the mid-1960s, Cohn was the leading lawyer, fixer, manager, and protector of Italian and Jewish mobsters [Mayer Lansky]. The Cohn apparatus controlled magazine and newspaper circulation, the selection of judges, real estate rackets, and many other corruptible aspects of public life which were of interest to the powerful.[73]
He was a close mentor of G. David Schine. They were bitter political enemies of Robert Francis KennedyDavid Schine had been the GM of the Schine family owned Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, when RFK was shot in it’s basement pantry in June, 1968.[74]
Cohn was a closet Jew and homosexual partner and friend of FBI director, J. Edgar Hoover.[75] Roy Cohn was also a friend of New Centurion Lewis Rosenstiel, Chairman of Schenley Industries. Ms. Rosenstiel claimed that in 1958 she and her husband went to a party at a New York hotel, where they met Hoover and CohnHoover, whom Cohn introduced as “Mary,” was supposedly wearing a wig, a black dress, lace stockings, and high heels.
Hoover went into a bedroom, took off his skirt to reveal a garter belt, and had a couple of blond boys–one wearing rubber gloves–“work on him with their hands.” [76]
Cohn and Hoover then watched while Lewis Rosenstiel had sex with the boys. A year later Ms. Rosenstiel attended another party at the same hotel; this time Hoover wore a red dress and a black feather boa. He had one of the blond boys, who were now dressed in leather, read to him from a Bible while the other “played” with him. Hoover then grabbed the Bible, tossed it down, and told the first boy to join in.[77]

Hoover of the FBI was an essential clog in the wheel of the New Age Centurions. He was the primary boss of America’s crime investigation body. Hoover was raised a Master Mason on November 9, 1920, in Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, DC. In 1955, he was coroneted a Thirty-third Degree Inspector General Honorary and awarded the Scottish Rite’s highest recognition, the Grand Cross of Honour in 1965. Hoover was just as devoted to and protected the New Centurions and his secret Tammany Society or Columbian Order Masonic Brothers.[78]
In the September 5, 1969 issue of LIFE Magazine, it was reported that J. Edgar Hoover punished three of his FBI agents in New York for cooperating with the United States District Attorney in New York, Robert Morgenthau, in his prosecution against New Centurion Roy M. Cohn on a number of felony charges. The LIFE report has this to say:
“During the McCarthy inquisitions of the early 1950’s, Cohn, as Senator McCarthy’s chief counsel, had worked closely with (Louis B.) Nichols and the FBI in developing cases against suspected Communists. Agents spent weeks screening FBI security files and extracting them in memos for Cohn during the prolonged hearings. Through these years Cohn’s friendship with Director Hoover also developed, and this was further cemented by their mutual regard for the multimillionaire boss of the huge Schenley distillery complex, Lewis Rosenstiel. (Cohn to this day addresses Rosenstiel variously as ‘commander-in-chief’ or “supreme commander” and Rosenstiel refers to his younger friend as “field commander” or ‘sergeant major’).”[79]
Lewis Solon Rosenstiel was also a New Centurion. He was an indicted Jewish bootlegger during prohibition linked to the most notorious and prolific organized crime syndicates and figures in American history, particularly Jewish Gangster Meyer Lansky. He most likely had been the go-between man for Lansky and Hoover[80] Lewis Rosenstiel was also a New World Order/ILLUMINATI member of Rhodes Roundtable, the Council on Foreign Relations.[81]
In Conclusion
Donald Drumpf made his PACT with the DEVIL a long time ago, and he doesn’t mind showing you who his father is and his people are, and who will run the White House– LUCIFER. People like Primo Don is like a number of people in this country that walk between the raindrops and never believe that they will ever get wet. People around the world are beginning ask us if we are really serious about entertaining the notion of Donald Drumpf running for the highest elected office of the United States, President and Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces. And, are we really interested in and care about TRUTH and JUSTICE in America and World, anymore? Telling TRUTH to POWER.
When it comes to the battle with Donald Drumpf, in particular, for TRUTH and JUSTICEWHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?


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