Glenn Beck Presents: Ukraine: The Final Piece

The media and the Left drove the narrative from the start on the July 25 phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky. They wanted us to see only one thing. It’s time to look at more. Glenn Beck connects the dots between the phone call that led to the impeachment of President Trump and why an investigation into Hunter Biden is so important. Ultimately, this was never about Trump. It wasn’t even about the Bidens. This is about a violation of constitutional power by Barack Obama that will horrify even his most ardent supporters. Glenn pulls back the curtain on the theft of billions in international funds to Ukraine by following the clues in the phone call. Those clues could lead to mountains of corruption, and Hunter Biden might be the lynchpin to uncovering the entire thing.
This is definitely worth watching. However, if you watch the end where he links the IMF actions to the President’s phone call and subsequent release of the aid, you will understand the reason for impeachment.
  1. Obama used the Bidens to wage a secret proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. The Deep State did not expect Trump to win. This is why Trump has alluded to a world war if Hillary had won.
  3. I believe Rudy Giuliani gave Glenn Beck the Latvian documentation.
  5. I believe this presentation was held back until after the impeachment acquittal.
  7. Hannity announced tonight that the Department of the Treasury has provided Hunter Biden’s information to the Senate. I expect Senate hearings to begin shortly.
  9. I do not know why President Trump held back releasing this information. I do know that much of the Deep State participated in this illegal war and did not hold Obama accountable.
  11. This means that any Democrat who had knowledge of this information and voted to impeach the President is guilty of treason. And yes, I want them to be hanged for their crimes. Vengeance is a small part of this justice; as the President said today, no President must be subjected to this treatment in the future. That means an example must be made to ensure the future of our Republic.
David DeGerolamo


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