Feminists Promote Gender Stereotypes on Period Pad Messages Posted in Public

Feminists Promote Gender Stereotypes on Period Pad Messages Posted in Public
Like KKK and nazis, feminists using stereotypes to promote their agenda

by Kit Daniels | Infowars.com | March 11, 2015

A feminist in Germany is writing messages on period pads and posting them around her city, one of which stereotypes men as being more disgusted with periods than they are with rape.


The feminist, ElonĂ«, says she is using the period pads to spread her message against “rape culture” and other feminists are now posting period pad messages in their cities as well.

“Imagine if men were as disgusted with rape as they are with periods,” one of ElonĂ«’s period pad messages reads.

But could you imagine the justifiable outrage if a man posted an over generalized, stereotypical message across his city targeted at women?

For example, if a guy posted a message on street signs stating “Imagine if women were as disgusted with abortions as they are with dirty dishes,” people would get upset and they would have every right to be.

For one thing, besides stereotypically linking women to cleaning, the message implies that all women in general are pro-choice, which isn’t the case at all.

In the same vein, the 3.6 BILLION men on the planet do not unanimously agree they are more disgusted with periods than rape, but that’s not what the feminists want you to believe.

That’s stereotyping and stereotyping is at the core of not only sexism but racism as well.

The current feminist movement is all about subjugating men and promoting “us vs. them” gender wars under the guise of “equality” and it shares many similarities to racism that unfortunately thrived throughout the 20th century and still festers today.


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