The Netanyahu Speech: A 10-point deconstruction

The Netanyahu Speech: A 10-point deconstruction

Posted by Jim Fetzer on March 5, 2015

The speech was a masterpiece artfully woven of lies, deceit and deception

Washington vs. Gaza

The distance between Bibi’s words and reality was like that between the Capitol and Gaza

(1) Iran has not attacked another country since 1775. Washington was inaugurated in 1789.

(2) The sanctions imposed are war crimes. They violate the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

(3) Iran is not pursuing a nuclear weapons program. Our intel agencies and Mossad agree.

(4a) Iran is entitled to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes. So the US is violating the NPT.

(4b) Iran has signed the NPT; Israel has not. The US is also violating it with new weapons.

Here is a YouTube in which I elaborate upon the points that I am making here.

(5) Israel is the terrorist state. It commits atrocities in Argentina, which it blames on Iran.

(6) Israel was complicit in 9/11, brought to us by the CIA, DoD Neo-Cons and the Mossad.

(7) The Holocaust is but a prop. 6,000,000 Jews did not die in gas chambers using Zyklon B.

(8) He is playing politics with Congress. He claims, “When Bibi speaks, the world listens!”

(9) The leaders of Israel despise non-Jews. Consider the words of PM Menachem Begin.

(10) We are doing the dirty work for Israel. Listen to Wesley Clark. The time has come to end it.


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