US-Khazar Jew Mafia involvement in the Nuke Scene and FUKUSHIMA

The Goldsmiths, Part CCLXV

By R. D. Bradshaw

It was bad enough for the Japanese when the US-Khazar Jews launched a nuclear bombing campaign on them at Hiroshima and Nagasaki near the end of WWII to supposedly prompt them to unconditionally surrender.

It looks like that after undergoing these two horrible attacks from the Khazar Jew led United States that the Nips would have learned something about the horrors of messing with the nukes and would have fled from the later push by the Khazar Jew directed US for the Nips to buy and install so called “peaceful” nuclear reactors to dispense electricity to their islands. Well, the Nips never caught on and stupidly bought into the Khazar Jew lies and deception and ended up with Nuclear reactors sitting on top of earthquake prone default lines.

One such stupid blunder happened in Northern Honshu Island at a place called Fukushima. The Khazar Jew master crooks and their puppet corporations (like GE) sold several reactors for Fukushima. Of course, the Khazars made a barrel of profits on this sale to the stupid Japs. And Japan ended up with the crisis that hit there in March 2011 when an earthquake struck with a huge tsunami.

While these supposed forces were strictly products of nature, the truth is that the loving US, under Khazar Jew leadership, has been actively planning, building and using man-made powers to induce not only weather changes but earthquakes, volcanoes and other alleged forces of nature. So the US-Khazar Jew team may have caused the earthquake.

With that backdrop and regardless of the cause, it is not now clear at this point whether the Nips suffered a second act of US-Khazar Jew warfare when they installed the reactors or not. But it has to be on the table of possibilities. But regardless of what caused the earthquake and tsunami, the real world is that those things happened and four reactors suffered a meltdown and enormous crisis that the Japanese people did not deserve. In fact, no people deserve the horrors that the Nips have suffered at Fukushima since March 2011.


The Nuclear Problem

By now, three or possibly four reactors have melted into the earth and the proverbial China Syndrome is underway (except instead of melting to China they appear to be headed toward North America—well, at least much of the initial impact of this early incident has ended up affecting North America). This crisis has brought on the enormous dispensing of radioactive poisons into the atmosphere 24/7 (nuclear fallout similar to the fallout from a nuclear bomb).

Much of the fall out is of course picked up by the jet stream and ends up contaminating North America (this involves a little case of poetic justice since the US-Khazar Jew team of thieves and crooks built this stuff and profited from it, we have deserved the fall out first of all). Yet, too bad for the rest of the world because the Northern Hemisphere winds didn’t stop in North America. They continued on and by now have spread Fukushima radiation on to Europe and Asia and even into the supposed safety of the Southern Hemisphere. Yes, Khazar Jew profits have sent death and destruction all over the world by now.

And it hasn’t been only air pollution worldwide but much of the physical debris of the destruction ended up in the great Pacific Ocean. The latest is that the Nips have used massive amounts of water to supposedly try to cool the melting reactors and keep them from going into a reaction and who knows what would then happen to man, all for the purpose of Khazar Jew profits and gain. Too bad for life on planet earth but along with physical debris pushed into the Pacific, but this now nuclear radiated water is also flowing into the Pacific in massive amounts.

We already had a dead zone in the Pacific of billions of tons (or is it trillions or quadrillion tons) of plastics, garbage and trash setting in the middle of the Pacific. Thanks to the Khazar Jews and the incompetence of the Japs at Fukushima, we are now approaching a point to the death of much (and eventually all) of the Pacific. We have radiated fish all over the Pacific Ocean. Whereas The MOST HIGH gave us the oceans to sustain life on earth, we have so contaminated the Pacific that it is now or will soon be a detriment to life. Only a fool eats fish or ocean products from the Pacific.

But the Nips have suffered far more now from Fukushima than they ever dreamed possible from Hiroshima and Nagasaki (which were petty little nothings compared to the effects of Fukushima). Millions of innocent Japanese people now have or will have cancer and birth defects as the crisis continues. While the cancer and birth defect problems are real (and they are striking now in numbers), they are not as noticeable as the bleeding noses and general health problems surfacing in numbers of people throughout much of Honshu.

Not only has this insanity gave the world radiated fish from the Pacific, but with the atmospheric fall out, fruits, vegetables and dairy and animal products worldwide are now being radiated. Obviously, Japan and North America are the worst case scenario but the rest of the world is getting more than a fair share of Fukushima radiation.

Tragically, the Khazar Jews who have caused the problem have looked the other way and used their worldwide media powers to largely hide the crisis to the global populations. Yes, the Khazar Jew media rarely ever mentions the disaster and how it accelerates with each passing day. So there is a global ignorance of the problem. In general, most nations and peoples have backed off, covered their eyes and brain-thinking powers to say let the Nips solve it.

Too bad for man, but the Nips lack the expertise and competence to solve the problem. While the Japanese have lied regularly and often made gross mistakes in creating the problem and trying to solve it, they have also tried to do something to resolve it. Yet, regardless of their lies and efforts, the crisis is continuing and intensifying. Some say, it will go down in history as the greatest calamity ever facing man. For sure, it has or will end up killing multiplied millions if not billions of people.

And something that is especially hard for most of us to grasp, but we are approaching the death of the great Pacific. This is awesome to think about. But the oceans make over half of the world’s oxygen supply. Along with killing the food from the oceans, we will end up killing much of our new oxygen to breathe.

And what has man gotten for all of this? Well, it has made big profits and gain to the energy hungry Khazar Jews running things. Nuclear bombs and nuclear energy have been good to the Khazars in profits and gain as this article will demonstrate hereafter.

Once the question or observation came to my attention that just as people worldwide have suffered from nuclear energy, so also have the big super rich Khazar Jew families suffered who have been making the profits and gain. In this view, the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Oppenheimers, Roggenfeldters, Bronfmans, and so forth have likewise suffered and with end up dying along with the rest of us. In this article, I want to dispel this thinking completely because the super rich Khazar Jew families that created the problem and profit from it has not suffered like the rest of us. To some extent, they have been insulated from the problem.

In truth, we need not be concerned about the Rothschilds and other super rich Khazar families. I have written before about the greenhouses of British Lord Jacob Rothschild in England. These super rich fat cats have their own greenhouses where they grow their protected organic crops where their food supply is grown in a controlled environment with purified air, water, and nutrients. It is only we, the sucker goyim, who end up eating the contaminated food, drinking the contaminated water and breathing the contaminated air.

The Manhattan Project

So what is the story on the use of nuclear energy and the utter crises it has caused for man in our time? For this, we must turn to the days and the role of the Khazar Jews to envision, plan and build the first atomic bombs in a secret US work called the Manhattan Project.

As answers.Yahoo states, three scientists named Albert Einstein, Leo Szilard and Eugene Wigner in August contacted US president Franklin Roosevelt (real name Rosenfeldt) in August 1939 (before WWII even started) with the idea of creating nuclear bombs and nuclear energy from uranium. What few seem to realize is that all four of the people involved were Khazar Jews. Even Yahoo acknowledges this fact other than the idea that Roosevelt was also a Khazar Jew himself.

Rosenfeldt approved the scheme and appointed the US Army to ostensibly run it which in time became the Manhattan Project. had an article in early 2013 on 33 Conspiracy Theories that turned out to be turn said of the Manhattan Project:

“The Manhattan Project was the codename for a project conducted during World War II to develop the first atomic bomb. The project was led by the United States, and included participation from the United Kingdom and Canada. Formally designated as the Manhattan Engineer District (MED), it refers specifically to the period of the project from 1942–1946 under the control of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, under the administration of General Leslie R. Groves.
“The scientific research was directed by American physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer. The project’s roots lay in scientists’ fears since the 1930s that Nazi Germany was also investigating nuclear weapons of its own. Born out of a small research program in 1939, the Manhattan Project eventually employed more than 130,000 people and cost nearly US$2 billion ($22 billion in current value).
“It resulted in the creation of multiple production and research sites that operated in secret. With the total involved, this makes it one of the largest conspiracies in history. Entire towns were built for short periods of time, employing people, all under secrecy and top national secrecy at that. The government never admitted to it, the media never reported on it, and people had no idea for over 25 years. Project research took place at over thirty sites across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
“The three primary research and production sites of the project were the plutonium-production facility at what is now the Hanford Site, the uranium-enrichment facilities at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and the weapons research and design laboratory now known as Los Alamos National Laboratory. The MED maintained control over U.S. weapons production until the formation of the Atomic Energy Commission in January 1947.”

A Khazar Jew Project

Since the idea and effort was essentially a scientific one at the top, it was mainly Khazar Jew scientists who really put it together in actual places like the University of Chicago, University of California at Berkeley, Oak Ridge, TN, Hanford, WA, and Los Alamos, NM.

While not all 100% of the scientists and key development people directly working on the project were Khazar Jews, most were. Thus, we had Khazar Jews like Robert Oppenheimer, Edward Teller, Felix Bloch, David Bohmm, Niels Bohr, Enrico Fermi, Lise Meitner, and Rudolph Peierls, as well as Eugene (Paul) Wigner and Leo Szilard putting together the first uses of nuclear energy for nuclear bombs. Edward Teller would go on at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories to put forth work on the so called peaceful uses of nuclear energy (like in power plants).

My take has been for years that not only did the Khazar Jews create and produce nuclear bombs and the concept of nuclear energy, but Khazar financiers immediately jumped in and took over the uranium supplies. Khazars like the Roggenfeldters and Rothschilds already controlled the petroleum industry so it is entirely logical that they would in turn take over uranium and nuclear energy. And they did.

So the US had almost 100% knowledge and control over nuclear bombs and nuclear energy in the WWII days and immediately thereafter (though there was some participation and exchange with the UK and Canada on the Manhattan Project).

But this almost exclusive US domination was to soon change. It came about very early as Khazar Jew traitors and crooks sold/gave the Soviet Union the nuclear energy secrets to build their own bombs. In this Khazar Jew espionage for the USSR, history was made by such Khazar Jews as Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, David Green glass, Morton Sobell, and Klaus Fuchs. The Rosenbergs were both tried and executed for treason in 1951-53.

Once the Khazar leadership (under the Khazar Jew Joseph Stalin) gained the nuclear secrets from the Khazar Jew spies in America, this technology was soon passed to Communist China.

“Peaceful” Nuclear Energy

The whole so called peaceful uses of atomic energy occurred in the 1950s through the work of the above cited Edward Teller and other Khazar Jew scientists at US research facilities under the Khazar president Dwight Eisenhower. Once this technology was created, largely by Khazar Jews at the expense of US taxpayers, it was then transferred to so called US corporations owned/controlled by Khazar Jews for exploitation and profit and gain.

In that vein, big Khazar corporations like General Electric and Westinghouse were in business to make some big profits selling this work of evil and disaster to nations around the world--like the US, Europe and Japan. Never mind that this stuff was dangerous and would ultimately in time kill millions/billions, profit and gain was the order of the day.

By 2011 and the disaster that has hit man at Fukushima, it is correct to say that the Khazar Jews planned, created, built, sold, profited from and controlled nuclear energy and the uses of it in power plants around the world from step one. This is not to say that Khazar Jews were 100% exclusive in promoting and profiting from this source of evil. It is conceivable, though not completely certain, that some minority of goyim were involved in the chain from conception by Einstein and others back in 1939 to the Fukushima crisis in 2011. Certainly, the Japanese have been incompetent in handling the disaster from their point of view.

Surely, there were some goyim involved besides just the Japanese. But by and large, the whole nuclear power concept and implementation was a work by Khazar Jews usually for profit and gain purposes. Thus, in fairness, it must be said that it has been a Khazar Jew operation from day one.

Insanity Conducted for BENEFITS (PROFITS), NOT Safety

This backdrop on the Khazar Jew created nuclear power industry brings to mind some words by this writer in the Goldsmiths CXCIX (at, as published on Jun 23, 2011. Here is what the Goldsmiths 199 said:

Nine members of the International Atomic Energy agency (IAEA) met in Malaysia in early June to discuss with officials and the local Malaysian media and public figures the question of the storage and processing of radioactive products in Malaysia. Apparently, the big money powers were trying to induce the Malaysians to accept these poisons in exchange for money. The IAEA had this task force/panel on hand to pacify the Malaysians with a lot of crap and make them see that money is far more important than the health and safety of people.

Malaysia is a Muslim nation which is not directly run by the Rothschild Cabal bankers as is true with many of the Sunni Muslim Arab states. So, had a reporter present or at least gained a story from a reporter named Tashny Sukumaran. Tashny wrote a bomb shell of a report from Putrajaya which Free Malaysia Today published. Of course, the Rothschild Cabal controlled media never reported on the story; but Sukumaran gave this background on the meeting:

“…the panel met with the Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (Fomca). ‘the panel gave no assurance that the radioactive waste produced by the refinery would be removed from the site,’ said Fomca research and policy executive Foon Weng Lian. Fomca met with the panel to insist that no thorium – the radioactive element found in virtually all rare earth deposits – be stored at the plant being constructed in the Gebeng industrial zone in Kuantan. ‘They said they will look into the best option for storage of the thorium. Even if it is being stored here, they will recycle as much as possible,’ said Foon.

Main bone of contention. The storage of radioactive waste in Gebeng – which is surrounded by a population of 700,000 living within a 30km radius – has been the main bone of contention for local residents and environmentalists who oppose the plant being built. The RM700-million refinery is being constructed by Australia’s Lynas Corp, which plans to ship rare earth ore mined from Western Australia’s Mount Weld to the Gebeng plant by September.

“Regulators Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) has also insisted that the Australian miner will not be allowed to store thorium onsite. Lynas had earlier said that it had ‘perfectly good permission (from the government) to store it onsite, safely, forever’ if plans to recycle its thorium waste for further industrial use did not find a commercial application.

“The review panel that was in Kuantan earlier this week will present its recommendations to the government by the end of the month. International Trade and Industry Minister Mustapa Mohamed has promised to make public the panel’s findings and recommendations in the interest of transparency. However, Lynas does not expect its plans to be derailed regardless of the government review, and maintains that the plant is safe. The plant anticipates revenue of RM8 billion per year from 2013 onwards.”

In a recap on the complete story entitled There’s no Safe Radiation Level, Energy News (at summarized the overall story by Tashny Sukumaran as follows:

“International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) today admitted there is no such thing as ‘safe’ levels of radiation. [...] CAP (the Consumer Association of Penang) vice-president Mohideen Abdul Kader told reporters after meeting the IAEA panel that they had agreed to carry out a cost-benefit analysis before allowing the plant to start operations.

“Mohideen also said that the IAEA’s radiation standards were merely an ‘international consensus’ as studies had not found a safe level of radiation. He also cited a study from the National Academy of Science which said that one out of five workers would suffer from cancer if exposed to what the IAEA deemed an allowable radiation level. ‘The panel said there should be sufficient justification for the project,’ said Mohideen, ‘as their standards are not based on what is safe but how great the benefit.’”

The subtitles and bottom lines of this story were: “There are no such things as ‘safe’ levels of radiation” and “The IAEA standards are not based on what is safe but how great the benefit,...” I hope the reader here picked upon this bombshell involved in the story. It is that IAEA standards are not based on what is safe; instead they are based on “benefits” which translates to money. Of course, the owners of the company pushing this will make big bucks from locating it in Malaysia. And in return, they will graciously employ some local people to work at the plant. In other words, money will benefit primarily the owners (surely to include some of the Rothschild Cabal bankers who are big owners in nuclear energy) and some payroll funds for local people.

Secret of this Story Applying to the US government in its Regulatory operations.

Categorically, this exact same philosophy seems to govern the entire modus operandi of the US government and likely most other governments which are ruled by the Rothschild Cabal master money manipulators. This philosophy is that government laws and regulations are not put into effect on the basis of safety (or the health and well being of people). They are put into effect on the basis of “benefits.” In other words if benefits are there, safety, health and well being of people can be ignored.

And what are the benefits? Well, the primary and guiding benefits are always what will make the most money and profits for the Rothschild Cabal and pave the way for world government by the Cabal bankers who own much of the US economy and directly supervise it—all the way from politicians to government lackeys which they own/control through the Cabal media powers which elect government leaders.

And how do the Rothschild media and prostitute government leaders sell these benefits to the dummies in dummy land? Why, of course, they talk about how local people will get jobs and someway-somehow benefit from the Rothschild process of ruling over them.

Take on the Financial Regulatory Agencies

Take the situation with the financial regulatory agencies and how they function. It’s always on the same premise. Government regulatory activities are not made on the basis of what is good for the people. They are made on the premise of what is good (benefits) for the ruling Rothschild Cabal bankers. In order to sell these programs, the Rothschild media paints a picture of supposed good for the people (but the good is actually not for the people, but for the Rothschild Cabal masters).

With the great depression of the 1930s, Congress and executive regulatory functions were hyped up with a whole series of major changes which were “supposedly” going to prevent another collapse and great depression. So today, since 2008, we are in another great depression which will intensify and worsen as I have long maintained. And again, the Congress, the treasury and the president have all come out with all kinds of new laws, regulations and procedures to supposedly correct things.

The recent establishment of new powers for the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank is a perfect illustration. I don’t think anyone with brains above a single digit actually believes that the placement of these new powers with the Fed will be better for the nation or the collective people. As far as I can see, everything the US government is doing to correct things is done to benefit the Rothschild Cabal banking crooks and not the nation or the people. The same reality is true with the establishment of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Surely, no one with brains can say that this agency benefits the people; though ostensibly that is its purpose.

The Bottom Line

One of the huge problems we have in our so called free-market, capitalist system is the continuous manipulation of the markets by the Rothschild Cabal bosses and their cousin insiders. This whole system has been designed and functions to make them money and not to benefit or serve the American people.

When it comes to profits and gains for our ruling Khazar Jew money changers, health and safety are not big issues when compared with profit and gains for the Khazars.

Back to Fukushima

So we have an absolute nuclear crisis as four of the reactors at Fukushima have now melted into the earth—the so called China syndrome. What will happen next is still open to question and speculation. The only thing that can be said is that the effort of the super rich Khazar Jew money changers in Wall Street and around the world has been to make money and expand their control of the world. They now have gobs and gobs of money/profits from nuclear energy (with the US taxpayers carrying the costs of development).

In the meantime, the fat cat Khazars produce their own organic food supplies from air, water and soil controlled greenhouses while we, the stupid goyim, are eating their technology to damage/hurt/destroy us over time. And why do we have this technology and why is it pursued full time with such an enormous push and vigor? The answer is easy. It has made and does make big profits and gains for our ruling Khazar Jew money changers.

So while the Khazars have been making big profits from nuclear energy, the stupid goyim they rule over are slowly dying from the pollution and poisoning caused by the Khazars. Though many do not die immediately, but the ultimate effects are like asbestos, cigarette smoke and rat poison. Radiation kills in cancer and death. But the death might not come till years later; maybe even 40 years later as in the case of asbestos.

My Take on What Should Now Happen

I have said before and must say again my take.

The first thing to do is close all nuclear power plants and quit making them. As far as the governments and corporations involved in making, selling, installing and uses these forces of evil, they will lose a lot of money. And all I can say is GOOD. They should lose their rear ends for the evil that they have put on man. And if some of them go bankrupt and fail, all I can say is GOOD. They deserve it.

Second, the next thing to do is for the top brains of the world (if there are any out there) to be brought together to address the Fukushima crisis and marshal global resources to try to contain it and stop its destruction of planet earth and life on earth. The way things are going is that the Pacific Ocean will soon be dead and much life on earth will soon follow suit. The Japs and TEPCO are incompetent and incapable of solving this problem on their own. The world must come together and address it and devote all possible resources to solving it at once.

Third, the Nips must start evacuating people from Northern Honshu. I don’t know where they are going, but again the Nips had better address the where and find a place for them. This evacuation must accompany Japanese plans to be prepared to evacuate all of Honshu and Hokkaido if a solution to the crisis is not found SOON. Again I don’t know where millions of Japanese will go. But the government there had better be making plans on it—RIGHT NOW.

Fourth, all of the living individual people involved from day one of the Khazar President Dwight Eisenhower till today--who have had a role in the planning, financing, making, selling, installing and using these plants of death--should be indicted, arrested and prosecuted for murder (and/or as a minimum manslaughter in some instances) and maiming of people throughout world. No country should harbor them and protect them from prosecution and trial. If found guilty (as i believe that they are so guilty of murder and maiming), they should be hung at the gallows till dead. I would gladly throw the switch to bring them down. And this applies to both the Khazar Jew masters involved as well as the dumb goy idiots who have participated in this insanity.

The Bottom Line

There is no happy conclusion to this mess created by the Khazar Jews so that they could make profits and bring on world government under their personal control. While we all can and should be extremely angry at what the Khazar Jews have done to man, the truth is that many supposedly responsible and competent goy idiots have closed their eyes and went along with the Khazars in their madness and insanity to make profits and rule the world. These goyim—useful idiots—should be prosecuted and punished along with the mad Khazars doing the deeds of evil.

All of the participants—the Khazar Jew masters running things and the useful idiot goyim working for them—should face justice and/or the hangman’s noose. It’s too bad that under our present world leadership and direction, justice will not be done. Honest, intelligent and rational goy people should rise up and demand and use force to stop the insane march by the Khazars for profits and world rule. But the useful idiot goyim in the present arrangement will never do what they should do.


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