Slick Willie Clinton a Khazarian Mafia Stooge Puppet

The Goldsmiths CCXXII

With a focus on the Plutocrats, Goldsmiths, Super-Rich Insiders, and their Allies and what they are conspiratorially doing to manipulate the financial markets, make more profits, rip us off and install a world government under their control

By R. D. Bradshaw

One of the biggest enigmas in US politics in modern times has to be the story of Bill Clinton, nicknamed Slick or Slick Willie, as he has been able to recover from political disaster more than one time to stage an incredible comeback into power, influence, authority and even with some measure of respect and admiration from the gullible voters.

Some persons thought that Slick was finished politically with the sodomite revelations over the Khazar Jewess Monica Lewinsky. But no, Slick survived. Then, near the end of his presidential tour in 2000, revelations surfaced of his pardon of a number of high-level, super-rich, convicted swindlers and crooks of the worst kind--like the Khazar Jew Marc Rich (pardons made without even consulting his own Justice Department and made with pay offs to him and/or his brother Roger Clinton). On leaving the White House in early 2001 (with the arrival of George W. Bush), it looked like Slick was finished in politics. And next, in his supposed retirement years, there was his heart problems and open heart surgery which looked like he was finished. But this did not stop him.

Surely, Clinton has been wounded to political death more than one time. Yet, his wounds always seem to heal and he recovers. Hence, he gained the nickname Slick. Of course, some political observers and procrastinators have been on the sidelines for the last few years thinking that Slick and Hillary are finished in their ruler ship of America. But are they finished in power over America?

The purpose of this article is to suggest that very soon, Slick and/or his wife Hillary (who in the 1990s were known together as the co-presidents) will return to power over America and the American people. It is suggested herein that Slick especially has a role to play over America in the vein of destiny. In short, he seems to be the worst possible choice (actually Satan’s choice) to lead America as she faces national destruction and her end.

In the way of a backdrop to set the stage for what is to follow, mention must be made to the presentation on Ezekiel and YHWH’s Judgment for the Good News People at That production has several meaningful references to the Slick and Hillary team and their destiny to be the final rulers as the United States becomes history.

A Prediction in early 2001 that Clinton was Coming Back

Back in early 2001, this writer went on record with some predictions of the future of the United States with Bill and Hillary Clinton. Here is what was written then in Volume I of Ezekiel and YHWH’s Judgment for the Good News People (at

Former president Bill Clinton deserves some mention next. For some years now, this writer has believed that Clinton would not leave the US presidency on January 20, 2001.

Frankly, it seemed very doubtful that the 2000 elections would even take place. However, developing hindsight seems to suggest that this writer has had it wrong. George W. Bush is now in the presidency and Clinton seems gone. But is he gone?

Later presentations herein will disclose that Clinton has not really left Washington. He is still there and still pulling the strings on not only the Democrat party, but even over the nation somewhat.

Therefore, is it possible that Clinton still has a US future? Well, this writer believes so and accordingly has prepared this study on the premise that Clinton will probably be the ultimate man to impose martial law and a US dictatorship.

…With things looking so bad, maybe somebody, waiting in the wings (like Clinton), could come into power very quickly. Therefore, here is a possible scenario with some hypothetical thinking. Here, let us suppose that the whole economy does soon come apart for Bush--over the Iraqi war or something else. Let us next suppose that a constitutional convention meets.

Let us furthermore suppose that a constitutional convention drafts a new constitution in a time frame parallel in some fashion with the unexpected death of Bush and/or a resulting political crisis in the US. Would such a convention choose Bill Clinton to return to the presidency? Likely yes!

Beyond a new constitution, the student of truth must be ever watchful of Hillary Clinton and her possibilities for the presidency (or vice-presidency) in the 2004 or 2008 elections.

It is inconceivable that the American people would elect Hillary, but it must not be ruled out (after all, the voting public is capable of anything). If she should come into power, it will mean a revival for Bill Clinton. He and Hillary will be even more ruthless and diabolical than they were in the 1990s.

There is still another possible way for Clinton to regain power over America. It is in the form of him ascending to the UN as UN Supreme Governor or Secretary General. He has had his eyes set upon the UN for some time, as will be addressed in a later appendix. Actually, the UN is his ultimate quest--even beyond the US. For sure, he has long had a goal of world government or dictatorship (to be later addressed).

Frankly, this writer cannot envision the end of Clinton’s power over America. Right now, for sure, he is jockeying into posture to return to the presidency or to the UN as a dictator. My guess is that he will somehow worm his way back to the presidency first and immediately impose martial law and a dictatorship under some pretext (as suggested in this study at hand) with a plan of graduating later to a UN dictatorship.

Since this writer believes that Clinton is coming back, many of the comments herein about him are made in the present tense. After all, he is still a US national leader and still pulling strings nationally over America. This man is not about to fade into the background, as other former presidents have done.

The backdrop in the 2004 elections was that the co-leaders Bill and Hillary Clinton didn’t feel the time was right for her to make her pitch for the presidency at that time. So they waited till 2008 when they thought the chances would be best. But then, a relative unknown named Barack Obama arrived on stage (as one backed by the Khazar Jew master manipulator George Soros and the fat cat Rothschild Khazars trying to rule the world). In that vein, it looked like Hillary could not capture the presidency in an election again until perhaps 2016 (when she would be getting too old to try to win).

Yet, with the election of Obama, it soon became apparent to people above the moron level that Obama was a disaster. True, he had been taught to read good from the teleprompter much like parrots are taught to speak good words. Never-the-less, it was clear to even Soros and the Rothschilds that Obama was really too incompetent to serve their needs. Even the US Rothschild controlled media let the cat out of the bag on the failures of Obama.

On Jul 20, 2011, had a report on “Bill Clinton Takes Charge Again at the US White House” which said: “Previously, I have had stories about Slick Bill Clinton being in charge at the US White House while teleprompter Obama backs off and appears lost in a crisis. Here is the latest on Jul 19 from Yahoo news with a picture of the slick meister and a headline that said: ‘Clinton urges unilateral debt decision.’ The remark added ‘The former president says he would move without Congress's approval and let the courts decide.’ Analysis: This may be the outcome since Slick is the man doing the talking and not Obama.”

The Rothschild controlled media told the tale about the Clinton-Obama reality. A debt crisis was going on and the public was in need of an update and information from the US President. So who arrived to take center stage and brief reporters and the public on TV? Well, it was not the teleprompter man. It was Slick. Obama stood in the background and appeared lost, stupid, and confused. Clinton did the talking and was clearly the man in charge.

Slick into Voodoo and Satanism and leading a Charmed Life

There is no question about it. Slick is truly leading a charmed life. Whatever mess he gets into, he is able to act like a snake and charm his way out of it. Here are some remarks from Volume 27, Ezekiel and YHWH’s Judgment for the Good News People (at

… at Slick Clinton’s inauguration in January 1993, a TV camera picked upon Slick as he gave a Satan sign to the assembled people with his left hand (some Catholic popes have also been seen in giving the same sign in greeting the masses). Most persons, unfamiliar with Satanism, never grasped what Bill did with his gesture.

The sign involved closing the thumb and second and third fingers while keeping the first and fourth fingers extended with the arm stretched out from the body and the hand slightly upraised. The way the deceptive Slick handled this sign was that he was waving to the public with his right arm straight up in the air while his left arm was much lower and extended only slightly upward.

The average viewer would not have picked upon it at all--because the viewing public’s conscious focus was on the right arm waving in the air. Interestingly, gestures with the left hand were signs of sorcery in Second Temple days and evidently have been carried forward until today (“Dead Sea Scrolls, A New Translation,” p. 136). Vulgar gestures of hate are often done with the middle finger of the left hand.

A news report in the May 1999 “Prophecy Flash” (p. 43-44, quoting the “Last Trumpet Newsletter”) focused upon allegations of Clinton links to Voodoo which began surfacing in about 1993 when the US president became a friend and confidante of exiled Haitian leader Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Washington, DC.

According to information compiled from interviews and documents examined in Haiti by Dr Joel Ruth, a noted historian and marine field archaeologist who had been working in Haiti since 1992, Slick contacted Aristide for “spiritual help,” evidently as soon as he entered the White House in early 1993.

This placed Clinton directly in contact with Voodoo since it is the accepted religion of 85% of the people of Haiti, including Aristide (although Voodoo was the accepted and prevalent religion in Haiti, it was not until about 2002 that Haiti formally recognized Voodoo as an official religion of Haiti--No. 15, 2003, “Discovering the Bible,” p. 16).

Official recognition allows Voodoo priests to publicly marry and baptize adherents (and obviously, official recognition allows the summing up of demon spirits by offerings and blood sacrifices in public/state-run ceremonies). Aristide (who was restored to his Haiti presidential dictatorship, as noted below) said in a presidential decree (evidently in 2002) that Voodoo is an essential part of the national identity of Haiti (ibid, p. 16).

As a part of helping his spiritual advisor Aristide, Clinton ordered a US invasion of Haiti in order to restore Aristide to power. So, after ordering the US military to invade and conquer Haiti (to re-establish Aristide’s dictatorial rule), Clinton went to Haiti himself on March 29, 1995, ostensibly to celebrate Haiti’s “return to democracy,” as the American press labeled his visit.

However, the March 29, 1995, issue of the “Haiti Observateur” (a local Haitian newspaper) carried a headline which said Clinton Assistera A Une Ceremonie Vaudou En Haiti, translated to mean “Clinton to assist in a Voodoo ceremony in Haiti.”

Ruth confirmed the newspaper account with local Haitian officials who said that the incident took place at Aristide’s residence in Tabarre at a concealed place called “the magic well.” According to the account circulated locally in Port-au-Prince, Aristide dedicated the “secret well” and shed the blood of a newborn infant in gratitude to the gods for returning him to power--just before Clinton arrived.

The “Haiti Observateur” story said that the well became the scene of eerie nightly Voodoo ceremonies with drums and incantations, as the site was further empowered and sanctified. Some 300 local Voodoo priests (known as houngans and black magicians-- “bocors”) selected March 31, 1995, for Clinton’s visit because in Voodoo, numbers are turned backward (thus 31 becomes 13). This story from Haiti was completely ignored by the controlled US media.

It isn’t only that Slick is active in the occult, Hillary seems to have the same bent as Volume 27 of this same source has the following:

Slick’s wife Hillary also has some definite problems of her own (though she is now a US Senator of New York state). She seems involved in New Age Spiritualism and perhaps even in Witchcraft, if the press reports heard in the US are true, as they appear to be. For example, Hillary claims that she has had contact with the spirit of the dead Eleanor Roosevelt.

In terms of US history, Bill and Hillary (neither of whom seems to have consciences) have to be the most wretched and evil of all persons to occupy the White House. While the Slick Meister and his wife may claim to be Christians, one has to wonder about both of them--and especially Hillary who might can correctly be classified as a New Age Christian.

The Clinton's Ancestry

The following remarks are taken from Volume 36 of Ezekiel and YHWH’s Judgment for the Good News People (at

The basis for the next several comments is some research done by William F. Dankenbring for two articles in the Jan-Feb 1999 “Prophecy Flash” (p. 3-21). Dankenbring tried to obtain some definite information on Clinton’s genealogy for his Clinton articles. But for some strange reason, Slick’s genealogy records are much like his medical and draft records. All of them are sealed and hid from public scrutiny.

However, Dankenbring did find some data that is most fascinating--particularly, in view of some previous comments herein raising the question that Clinton must have some Amalekite blood in his mongrel genes, since he is so totally depraved. Dankenbring’s work, quoting various authorities, seems to confirm this suspicion.

While Clinton’s line “may” connect in some way to some blue-bloods and people like William Henry Harrison and Benjamin Harrison, the most significant thing about Slick appears to be that he is a relative of the Rothschild banking family--just as Hillary Rodham has links to the Rothschild’s banking empire in Germany.

Hillary has suggested that she has Jewish ancestors in her forays into New York state, seeking support for her Senate campaign (Oct 1999 “Internet Vortex.” p. 20). Hillary’s Jewish links are true, per Christian leader Texe Marrs, who says that Hillary’s Rodham name was originally Rosenberg, before a name change. Also, Bill Clinton is known to call her a dirty Jew when he gets mad.

So while Hillary tries to make a Jewish connection to Bill (when she likewise calls him a dirty Jew, as will be described in comments to follow), the probability is great that she (like Slick) also does indeed have Amalekite genes since she is so incredibly wicked.

An interesting feature of Dankenbring’s work was his illustration of the names of William Jefferson Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton in Hebrew numerics. Both names add to 666 in Hebrew (Jul-Aug 2000 “Prophecy Flash,” p. 57-58).

This 666 linkage for Bill Clinton has to be very intriguing--especially, in view of his Voodoo and black magic ties. “Prophecy Flash” (in both its Jan-Feb 1999 and Jul-Aug 2000 issues) proceeded with a question asking if Clinton will indeed be the predicted Beast man or the “Antichrist?” The conclusion was that time will tell!

The Clinton-Rothschild Ties

The Clinton articles in the “Prophecy Flash” suggest that Clinton, along with Mayer Amschel Rothschild, were both descended from an earlier 13th century “Rabbi Meir” (also spelled Meyer or Mayer) of Rothenberg, Germany.

If this connection has merit, it could go a long way in explaining why the Amalekite Jew bankers-masters chose to leave him in the White House after the Lewinsky scandal exploded.

It may also disclose the wisdom of Hillary Clinton when she gets mad and starts cussing Bill out for some of his depraved escapades. Just as he commonly calls her dirty Jew names (as noted above), she responds in the same fashion with him (as also noted above).

Hillary’s favorite epithets for Bill are that he is a “Jew b-st-rd” and/or a “Jew mother f-ck-r” (Aug 2000 “Internet Vortex,” p. 1). Maybe, Hillary knows things about Bill not commonly known by the public.

In the same, just cited, Jul-Aug 2000 “Prophecy Flash” (p. 52), editor William Dankenbring quotes J. R. Church, who had information from a descendant of the Rothschilds that Bill Clinton was a Rothschild relative and did attend some of the family functions as a boy (while wearing a Jewish skullcap).

Certainly, Clinton has worshipped with Jews in synagogues on more than one occasion. He has demonstrated his pro-Amalekite stance for many years and could very well be part Jewish (interestingly, the same thing seems true for rock n’ roll king Elvis Presley, whose maternal great-great grandmother, Nancy Burdine Tackett, was Jewish, April 19, 2002, “Forward,” p. 12).

The Royal Boy Chosen

Church claims that at the Rothschild get-togethers, the “rabbis” present would kiss Bill Clinton’s hand and call him the “Segulah Yeled Eklatosh” (which reportedly means “the royal-boy-chosen”).

According to the Rothschild family, old Mayer Amschel Rothschild had a heavenly visitor in 1773 (which was just about the time that Mayer was working with Adam Weishaupt on organizing the Illuminati) who informed him that the NT YESHUA was not The MESSIAH and that his own family would produce The MESSIAH in the last half of the 20th century.

Apparently, some of the Rothschild insiders have looked upon the modern Bill “Slick” Clinton, as this anticipated “Segulah Yeled Eklatosh.” Maybe, this is the reason that they seem to have sided with him for his eight years in the presidency. Too, this could be part of the reason why the Amalekites allowed George W. Bush to win the 2000 elections--so that Bush can be blamed for the coming collapse (instead of Clinton).

Maybe, in their due time, the Amalekite bankers/masters intend on bringing Bill Clinton back into power (as the royal boy chosen)--either in America or at the UN. For sure, Slick still has a future and his role in history is not over in 2003. Manifestly, Bill Clinton absolutely shows evidence of Amalekite ancestry, based simply on his deeds of evil. Yes, Slick Clinton must be an Amalekite (and the same thing applies to Hillary).

More on the Edomite Tie

While it would be easy to laugh at this whole report, a prudent man should back off and be careful. It is not as farfetched as it seems on the surface. There are some more peculiarities about Bill which do indeed suggest that he has Amalekite Jewish ancestry.

Slick seems to be very passionate about liberal, left wing, red causes--as is genetically true with the typical Amalekite. Like the Amalekites, Bill has consistently supported Edomites and Edomite causes around the world. Specifically, he has joined in to place hate on one of the most important enemies of the Amalekites of all--namely, Saddam Hussein of Iraq.

Next, Clinton sided with Edomite gangsters to bring Yugoslavia and President Milosevic down. As outlined elsewhere herein, Edomites around the world hated and opposed the Serbs. The Irishman G. Gordon Liddy illustrates the extremely irrational hatred that Edomites have had for the Serbs in the Balkans’ war. Clearly, Slick pursued and pushed this conflict to appeal to the Edomites…

Clinton-Nero Similarities

The above cited Dankenbring articles go on to suggest that this just mentioned “Rabbi Meir family” descended from the sexual pervert Nero. Nero was not only a 666, but he surely was one of the most evil men in recorded history. According to Talmudic tradition, Nero was a proselyte to Judaism at one time (Git. 56a, quoted in the Jul-Aug 2000 “Prophecy Flash,” p. 53).

A reader’s letter from a man named Thompson in Texas, in the November 8-14, 1999, “Washington Times” (p. 39), pointed out some more aspects of the strange correlation between Clinton and Nero--viz:

Both made history because of women. Nero caused his own mother to be murdered to please his mistress. In order to marry the mistress, he divorced his first wife and had her put to death. He kicked his second wife so badly that she died of injuries. He wanted to marry a third woman, but she refused. So he had her put to death. He married a fourth woman after murdering her husband.

The decadent people of Rome knew and understood the facts about Nero. Yet, they loved the scoundrel--just as the same situation prevails with Clinton. The decadent people of America know and understand his wickedness. But they love him for it.

When two-thirds of Rome was burning in flames (evidently, from fires that Nero had set), he watched and recited poetry. When he was accused of the fires, he turned the blame around and allegedly placed it upon the Christians and began a state persecution of them. He neglected the military. So they turned against him and he had to flee Rome.

What the letter did not mention was the serious charges of Nero’s sexual perversion (he was reportedly a homosexual or correctly a bisexual and even Clinton is a known sodomite). Clinton has had much in common with Nero. Both have been wicked beyond description and both have had some brains (as illustrated earlier for Nero in how he handled Simon Magus).

In any case, it might be that Nero’s horrible and terrible persecution and oppression of the early Christian followers of Simon Magus may have been a type or demonstration of what Clinton will now do with the politically incorrect people in America (if he regains power in the US or at the UN).

While the Dankenbring articles in question never focused on Nero’s genealogy, one must pause and wonder if he too could have been a secret Amalekite? This is very plausible.

Another Clinton Possibility

To set the stage on what all has been happening with Bill Clinton, as discussed above and in former chapters, it would be well to note a few more strange things about his background, as brought out in some editorial comments to a reader’s letter in the Jun-Jul 1998 “Prophecy Flash” (p. 94).

This issue of the “Prophecy Flash” magazine had some articles on the actions of angels or messengers to leave their estate and come to earth to copulate with the daughters of Adam, resulting in the production of “nephilim” or demon seed, as editor William Dankenbring characterized it.

This angelic history was put into the perspective of possible similar, end time miscegenation, involving angels and human women in the context of UFO abductions and reported sexual encounters. The question was asked if Satan would make one final stab at reproducing seed in his own spiritual likeness and image.

Editor Dankenbring noted that it is interesting in this light that one current world leader was apparently born out of wedlock, took the name of a later step father, and there appears to be some confusion or disagreement as to who his real father might have been; although his mother was a well known party girl who enjoyed a good time and probably had many lovers.

Evidently, Dankenbring was writing in a light mood. But his words certainly were very well chosen and most appropriate--at least, in application to the then President of the US--Slick Willy Clinton. Certainly, among world leaders today, Slick stands out as being the most evil and Satanic of all.

Though it is logical to discount Dankenbring’s hypothesis on the demon seed theory, the point he makes is very pungent and pregnant with enormous possibilities in the context of the evil and depraved Clinton. Thus, he may not directly be the seed of a fallen angel. But his background is such that one must wonder where his paternal genes really came from.

Since his mother is now deceased, no one probably alive today can state with any certainty about who his genetic father might have been. In this sense, the possibilities of him having strong Amalekite ancestry gains considerable credibility. He certainly is as evil and wretched as any Amalekite alive today.

One more interesting Clinton link to the Amalekites surfaces because of his propensity for name changes (just as the Amalekites change their names with regularity). Early in life, Bill abandoned his birth name and chose the name of his step father (Clinton). As he matured, he realized that his then name of William Jefferson Davis Clinton would be a political handicap; so he dropped the Davis.

The Prologue mentioned a number of supposed Christians who are actually Amalekites. People like the Roosevelts and Bill and Hillary Clinton were cited. From commentary presented heretofore, it is plain enough that the persons defined as Amalekites all have Amalekite Jewish ancestry. Yes, the Roosevelts and Clintons are all Jews and more particularly Amalekite Jews.

The Clintons’ Plan for the Future

To set the stage for what the Clintons will do, if and when they are able to maneuver things to return to power, it must be said that Clinton has historically had a curious penchant for diabolically evil political movements and especially those involving socialism. We all know about his background and his love for and devotion to the Khazar Jew created Communism and Communist movement. But what few understand is his similar love for and devotion to the Khazar Jew created National Socialist (Nazi) movement.

Besides the fact that Slick has supported and promoted numerous programs in the US, popular in the Khazar Jew Nazi government under Adolf Jacob Schicklgruber (like gun control), it is strange that on more than one occasion he expressed some form of admiration for Schicklgruber. He is known to be both a student and an admirer of Adolf Hitler (Oct 1999 “Internet Vortex,” p. 20). Some have taken this to mean that secretly Slick is pro-Nazi as well as pro-communist.

And, in the context of him being 666, Slick appears to have ideas, hopes and ambitions of becoming the world’s first global governor, dictator or leader. Truly, this is an ambitious scheme. But he is a very ambitious man. It is likely that this thinking has been in his mind for some time and that it has been one primary motivational reason for his strong support for internationalism and the demise of the United States.

For years now, Clinton has been jockeying himself into a position to become the UN Secretary General or ideally, the world’s first governor (dictator) if things break just right for him (and especially if for some reason he does not return to the US presidency with a new constitution). Here’s what Volume 36 of Ezekiel and YHWH’s Judgment for the Good News People (at said on his ambitions:

Quoting the Nov 4, 2002, “New American,” the Jan-Feb 2003 “Prophecy Flash” (p. 28) noted that Bill Clinton advertised himself as being a “citizen of the world” in a speech at the British Labor Party’s annual conference in Blackpool, England on Oct 3, 2002. At this meeting, he repeatedly called for an “integrated global community” which would result if all nations would join together to make the UN more meaningful.

The article said that “Perhaps Bill Clinton is campaigning to become president of the world, maybe secretary-general of a beefed up UN. If so, he should deliver his October 3rd speech worldwide. Its ‘America Last’ theme would win him friends among the many who both despise national independence and hate the United States.”

Hillary Clinton’s Plans

Just like Bill has had ambitions for a higher office, Hillary, likewise, is a very ambitious woman who has her sights now set upon being the US president (or maybe, the first lady of the world--if she cannot obtain the US presidency).

She has suggested or implied this thinking on at least one or more times in her life (per a discussion on the Rush Limbaugh program of Dec 7, 1999). All of the talk about her wanting to be a US Senator and now US Secretary of State is just talk. She has had some so-called success, but her sights are much higher. Hillary definitely wants to be president.

The Bottom Line

The conclusion here seems obvious to this writer. Through hook or crook, the Clintons are coming back into power. Their next sights are set again on the US White House. Whether they achieve that aim or not won’t alter their even bigger ambitions of the top slot at the United Nations (at least for Slick). He may not take over at the UN (frankly, this writer doubts he will make it); but he definitely is shooting for that post.

But certainly, in the interim, they both are jockeying for rulership over the US. This could happen in at least three different ways—as follows:

First, if time allows and the whole US situation does not fall apart in the next several months, there is a high probability that the Rothschilds and other Khazar Jew masters may decide to abandon Obama for the 2012 elections. While US Jews have generally loved Obama, the leadership in London and in Tel Avi do not seem to be equally as happy. As the US economy continues to deteriorate, the Khazar Jew media will need a fall guy to blame for the problems. Obama can be it.

Second, just as things are falling apart and wiping out Obama’s hopes for the November 2012 election, things may accelerate and the Khazar Jew masters decide that they will wait no longer for their hopes with the Clintons. In that vein, they may call a constitutional convention and arrange for Bill or perhaps Hillary to come to power under a new constitution. A new constitution is very plausible to allow a return to power by the Slick Meister (as Rush Limbaugh calls Bill).

Three, if things really fall apart and time will not permit the Khazar Jews to go the route of an election or a constitutional convention, the Khazar Jew masters may decide to take Obama out the same way they took John F. Kennedy out or even how they took Richard Nixon out. Unless Obama is awful stupid, he needs to be alert as to what his Clinton/Khazar Jew friends might do to him in 2012 to allow them to get rid of him and Biden. Of course, neither Slick nor Hillary has the power on their own to take Obama out. But the Khazar Jews do have the means to do it. And they can do it and get away with it since they own the media and the US power structure.

And number four, we must not rule out a move by Slick Clinton at the US level over the people of the world. It’s hard to fathom that he could be the coming world ruler (under the Khazar Jew masters as described in Understanding Money and War XIX at the left menu herein). But almost anything is possible.


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