The Weather Crisis–Global Warming

The Goldsmiths, Part CCXLVII

By R. D. Bradshaw

The last couple of Goldsmiths have touched upon the present weather/climate crisis around the world and how powerful forces are working to upset weather in order to bring on profits, gain and world government. My take for years now has been that these forces are being managed and directed by our Khazar Jew master banker rulers from the City in London. I have noted earlier that the UN has a world summit meeting on tap in Rio set for Jun 20 to address the weather crisis or mess (which I argue has been caused by the Khazar Jew master bankers).

Some Backdrop on where we Are today

The developing weather crisis (or rather by now, the crisis has developed and is no longer developing) probably can be traced back to the 1940s when man became convinced that he could take over the heavens/atmosphere and control it. His first big push came with seeding clouds to supposedly make it rain. Did it ever make any rain? Well, l lived through those years and I have serious doubt that there were any successes. If there were any successes, they were rare and not anything to take note of despite the huge effort put into the practice.

We then progressed to the point of saying that man could turn hurricanes and storms and make them go away or go in another direction. So we spent gobs of money on sophisticated aircraft to fly above storms and drop chemical poisons on them to supposedly turn them. Were any storms ever turned? I don’t know; but I doubt it. I do know that once this process started that storms increased in number and intensity.

This reminds me of some conversation I had with some aged Saipanese on Saipan Island in about 1979. At that time, Saipan and the Marianas were having or being threatened by maybe one or two typhoons a year. Some of the old timers told me that back in the 1920s and 1930s (before new changes came) that there might be only one typhoon every ten to twenty years. But following WWII and the US nuclear tests in the Pacific, in the early 1950s, typhoons had increased to the then level of one or two a year.

Over the next twelve years or so that I spend much time on Saipan, I saw the typhoons increase from one or two a year to five to ten a year. Old timers who had brains enough to wake up and see that something was happening would and could tell you that it was not the way it used to be. Something unusual was going on.

By about the mid 1990s, or perhaps by about 1997-1998, we began having huge storms and upset weather patterns on the West Coast in particularly California. At that time, the Khazar Jew media introduced Americans to something that none of us had ever heard of before in our lives. The powers that be told us that these storms were being caused by “El Nino.” The intervening years with a change in weather were defined as La Nina.

Well, I had never heard of these terms and explanations for upset weather ever before in my life. I spent some years in military intelligence and had been to the US Army Intelligence School at Fort Holabird, Maryland and I had never been introduced to El Nino or La Nina though weather is a crucial part of military intelligence. It was strange that before the 1990s, US military intelligence knew nothing about El Nino or La Nina back when I was involved in it. Yet, here we were in the 1990s; and the Khazar Jew media was passing this stuff off as normal, usual, common occurrences.

Since I have a curious mind, and hopefully an IQ above the single digit, I had to look into El Nino. I found some vague references to it in the vein of being a warm ocean currant from the South Pacific which came against the West Coast of South America in Chili on occasion. While this warm currant produced warmer weather than usual, I did not find any references to really upset weather and huge storms from El Nino in Chile.

Another phenomenon of the mid 1990s was that all of a sudden we had aircraft flying at about 20,000 feet dispensing a strange, thick cloud of something that would not readily disperse and vanish. These clouds at first might could be called con-trails from big jets; but since they not quickly dissipate and vanish, they were not con-trails.

Well, we now know from analysis of their fall out that they have at least consisted of chemicals of aluminum, barium, strontium and perhaps something else. So informed people watching them came to call them chem-trails.

Why they have been happening all across our skies almost daily since the 1990s is totally unknown to the American public. Our supposedly loving and caring political establishment knows nothing about them and never discusses them. Our loving free speech Khazar Jew mainline media never knows anything about them and never raises questions about them. The Khazar rulers and media take and MO are to let the dummies in dummy land stay dumb.

More on this Revisit to the Clinton-Gore Years

But there have been some other strange phenomena on the weather of the 1990s deserving mention in this Goldsmiths. All of a sudden, with huge storms across much of America and the constant almost daily spraying of chem-trials, our Vice-President Al Gore became famous for being obsessed with something he called Global Warming. Now while Al was never as clever and cunning as the evil Franklin Rosenfeldt, nor as slick as the Slick Meister Clinton, Al was certainly no fool or idiot. Yet, here he was in the 1990s running around and screaming Global Warming when we were having massive storms and indeed much cooling if anything.

I lived in Idaho and Eastern Washington in those days. And this area is heavily traditional Republican (which means that the people here are also blind followers of our ruling Khazar Jew master bankers, like the Democrats; but are not totally in tune with the liberal left wing Democrats, like the Slick Meister and Al Gore). Needing something to laugh at and ridicule with Gore, Republicans in Idaho and Eastern Washington pounced on Al Gore’s obsession with Global Warming.

Every time Al would cry about Global Warming, dyed-in-the wool Republicans would mock and make fun of what a supposed idiot that he was. While I knew that Gore worked for and took orders from our Khazar Jew master rulers, I too at first took it that he seemed to be wrong on his cries about Global Warming.

But Al Was Right

So as we transition to the year 2012, people with brains above the idiot level must at last acknowledge that Gore was right. He has now been vindicated fully and completely because we indeed are having global warming. In earlier years, I had annually seen Idaho winter temperatures plunge to 20 below. Last winter, the lowest we had for just a very few isolated days was a single digit from 5 to 10 above. For almost all winter, our temperatures hung at 20 to 30. In terms of snow, we only had something over a foot though it snowed with a fine mist much of the winter. We should have had ten to fifteen feet of snow.

For informed people above the idiot level, any average calculation of Idaho temperatures brings one to a realization of warming and not cooling. Yes, our past winter was evidence of global warming. Al Gore has been or should be vindicated in at least Republican Idaho. So how did Al know back in the 1990s that we would have global warming?

Now to the Real World

The famous Khazar Franklin Rosenfeldt told us how the real world works (contrary to how the idiots in wonder land believe). FDR said that if it happens it was planned that way. And that explains the wisdom of Al Gore on what is now happening on Global Warming, the present moderate Idaho temperatures, and the Earth Summit Meeting coming in Rio in June 2012.

I don’t know to what extent our Khazar Jew master banker rulers were responsible for our stupid attempts years ago to alter and change weather, but I do know that if there was a chance for profit and gain with cloud seeding back in the 1940s, we can bank on it that Khazar Jew bankers were involved. Anything and everything with profit and gain attached to it brings them on board like ants go to sugar.

Weather not only affects the futures’ markets which today sell future contracts on the weather but also profoundly affect futures’ contracts on food production worldwide. This real world situation has made it a certainty that our ruling Khazar Jew master bankers are intimately involved in our stupid efforts to mess with and change climate and weather. So even if the US Air Force and US DARPA (DOD Advance Research Projects) are busy with HAARP (as noted in the Goldsmiths 236), we can bank on it that our Khazar Jew master rulers are also involved.

Folks, we are getting ready for the Khazars to reach their ultimate goal—world government under their personal control. This Rio conference in June will be a major step in that direction. Yes, Al Gore was right. We are having global warming and man will use that reality to justify his stupid march to world government (along with other reasons since the march to world government will need more than just one reason).


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