Only the TRUTH get Banned and Hidden from the people??? Why to cover the Crooks Asses who are Hiding the Truth Obviously Example The Holocaust, 911,7/7,JFK

Khazars Attack the Goldsmiths

By R. D. Bradshaw

NOTICE To People Who Formerly Read the Goldsmiths Articles at An email message from of Aug 8, 2011 to me said:

“A decision has been made to stop publishing your work at our sites. All of the feedback we get about your work is negative, and often quite passionately so. That is how we lose readers, and that is not acceptable.

“Much too often the majority of your work is far too off topic from the gold based commentary we provide, and that our readers look for.”

The above letter from tells why the Goldsmiths articles are no longer published there (the Goldsmiths articles focused entirely on the Khazar plutocrats who rule the US and manipulate the financial markets for profit and gain). At the start, this seems strange that of the some 100 or so articles/material published weekly at Goldseek that some number of people would write in to “passionately” oppose the Goldsmiths and want them removed and not address other so-called, non-gold articles.

With their focus on the plutocratic rule over America and the manipulation of the financial/gold markets to rip off investors and the public at large by the Rothschild Cabal of super rich bankers and their fellow cousin insiders (with the names and racial/gene connections of the conspirators defined), why would thinking people with brains above the idiot level be so passionately opposed to them? Logically, most thinking people would want to read material like this since the Rothschild controlled media never publishes stories like this (nor does the various financial advisory sources) to inform the public on what is going on and who really rules America and manipulates the financial/gold markets for profit and gain?

Goldseek publishes up to a hundred different articles weekly with all kinds of focus/subjects like stocks, bonds, various commodities, interest rates, unemployment data, inflation reports, Washington politics, Tea Party, Ron Paul, Fed actions, pension funds, state government issues, and a detailed, continuous, daily report and quotes on many different currencies from around the world. Rick’s Picks, Deepcaster, Lew Rockwell, and International Forecaster rarely have articles on gold (in fact, IF borrows/plagiarizes material/issues heavily from the Goldsmiths without giving credit; so if there is a problem with the Goldsmiths, why not IF?). Even the Jackass report recently had an article on Japan and why Japanese investments were good (so why were the Goldsmiths’ articles on Japanese investments bad?).  Surely, the Goldsmiths' focus on financial market manipulations is relevant to gold.

Therefore, why would a number of supposedly intelligent people, with no interest in the Goldsmiths’ articles on the Rothschilds and their cousin bankers, single them out for so called passionate opposition and wanting them removed? Numerous other articles at Goldseek often have material not on gold; so why would numbers of people “passionately” oppose the Goldsmiths and have nothing to say about other non-gold articles?

And with up to a hundred other articles more appealing to such “passionate” people, why would they waste time and attention on articles which they don’t like and/or of no interest to them? Why wouldn’t the normal supposedly intelligent reader simply bypass the Goldsmiths and read other articles of interest/relevance? After all, we do supposedly have rights to freedom of speech and freedom of the press. It must be relevant that numbers of supposedly intelligent people become so “passionate” over material they disagree with that they go to length to shut it down and not let others have freedom of speech or freedom of the press. Obviously, something smells here and it’s not cheese. Another explanation is needed.

In a way, I cannot complain over this Goldseek decision because almost no one in America today would dare publish material critical of so-called Jews like the Rothschilds and their other cousin leaders who rule the United States (who are not racial or religious Jews at all; but are Khazar Luciferians/Satanists from out of Central Asia); and certainly almost no one would ever name names and show their racial connections. published some 200 of these over the last three years. So I thank them for it. But the articles came free of charge to Goldseek and they were out nothing in publishing them.

And in fact, my mail from readers has been very complementary of the articles published at Goldseek and with many thanks and passion in support of what was written (some 150 different readers commented favorably in the last couple of years). As the weekly articles came out at Goldseek, from two to 20 other publishers weekly would pick them up with a citation and link to them at Goldseek (so weekly, Goldseek was getting a huge number of Internet visits/hits from Goldsmiths’ articles as any Internet search engine can quickly prove). But this type of supportive mail is from honest goyim who would generally not dare write a letter based on lies and deception (as would be the case with most dishonest and deceptive Khazar manipulators).

The Apparent Explanation

My early take on this email from Goldseek is that it must be the work of one or more of the Khazar agitators and trouble makers employed by B'nai Brith (BB)/Anti-Defamation League (ADL) or alternatively the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The Rothschilds set the BB/ADL up in the 1840s to spearhead a force in the United States to deflect any and all criticism directed at defining the Khazar (Jew-pretender) power structure of Khazar bankers, Khazar insiders/financial market manipulators, and Khazar leaders occupying positions of power in the United States government/society. The Rothschilds have funded its work ever since. Khazar fat cats also set up and financed a similar work at the SPLC.

In America, the ADL and SPLC say that you can name Khazars in politics or power; but the ADL/SPLC will attack you if you define them as Khazars/Jew-pretenders or if you show their racial/ethnic connections. Thus, it is allowable to cuss politicians like Barney Frank, Eric Cantor, Diane Feinstein, Joe Lieberman, etc; but it is not allowable to identify them as Khazars or Jews or define them as being racially/ethnically connected. The fact that they are Khazars, so-called Jews and/or are racially/ethnically connected (thus, cousins) is secret information that the ADL/SPLC does not want the dummies in dummy land to understand.

News had come to me earlier that Goldseek had received one or more of the usual Khazar letters and complaints over so-called anti-Semitism in my articles (despite the so-called freedom of speech and freedom of the press that we supposedly have). It seemed reasonable for me to suspect that the Khazars would in time begin a formal and stronger attack on me and the Goldsmiths at At the moment, this appears to be the case.

It is no secret that the Khazar led ADL and SPLC both employ staff people to write letters to editors or comments of some sort to various media outlets in the vein of influencing and controlling public opinion. All it takes is one or two staff people--using either their more acceptable American names that they have stolen (like Brown, Smith, Jones, etc) or fake names if necessary, along with a host of different email addresses--to really create some so-called passionate responses to something that the Khazar masters want to oppose if it might identify their works of evil and influence the dummies in dummy land on who rules America and who manipulates and controls the financial/gold markets for profit and gain.

All it takes to mold thinking with most American publishers (to certainly include Goldseek) is one or two trained and skilled Khazar writers, using different names and different email addresses, to completely convey any message desired—of either praise or criticism. It takes no special ability to criticize the writings of any person (including all 100% of articles written at Goldseek or any other source which can just as easily be criticized as the Goldsmiths). And these Khazars can do it with skill, and get away with it with impunity.

For sure, the Khazar master snakes have not appreciated the Goldsmiths articles, naming the Khazar manipulators and exposing their corruption and evil in the US financial markets. As far as I know, my articles have been the only ones in the entire financial advisory field that has dared to criticize and define the Khazar masters who rule supreme in America. So now, it looks like this band of crooks ruling America and influencing, brainwashing and controlling public opinion with their controlled media powers has won another battle for supremacy of American minds.

But for those wanting to read this banned material, they can find it here at This website tries to have a new Goldsmiths article up, usually weekly, by Friday afternoons.

Response from some Goldsmiths Readers

Aug 28, 2011 Goldseek reader Writes about Removal of Goldsmiths

A Goldseek reader wrote about the Goldseek action to remove Goldsmiths:

“Robert...This doesn't surprise me.  The more I read your work (which was a very basic part of MY understanding of what's going on), the more I wondered how it was even able to stay on the internet, or that they haven't come after you, like Christopher Story (and MANY others).  You are indeed a very brave man and one of the true patriots of our country, and I thank you deeply.  I have seen the work of 'those' people who write the most virulent things.  They are the trolls that expose themselves on websites with comment sections.  No matter how outrageous their statements, they always manage to suck in people to argue with them.  Only occasionally do people have the smarts to ignore them and continue their conversations. I have to admit, I USED to get pulled in myself until I realized like you: Why are they even hanging out on this website if they so vehemently disagree or are so bothered by it?  One even told me that he came to that site (chemtrails) for entertainment because of how crazy we all were. (We must have scared them though, since at least in my neck of the woods, they spray only at night now) 

“One of the easiest ways to identify them is by their hate and over-the-top vicious aggression.  It's like the mark of the beast itself, it's SO obvious!  I get e-mails from a guy in PHX who sells Colliodal Silver generators who passes along info about the (fake) environmental groups who are trying to have colloidal silver banned. Even though it's been used for hundreds of years as a natural anti-biotic they got the EPA to list it as a PESTICIDE!  Now, the (fake) EPA has mandated that all the companies who were starting to put it in their products (such as clothes, keyboards and mouses, and other things that many hands touch)  have to label it on their product that it's a pesticide!!  They fined a company $280,000 who was unaware of the new rule.  Somewhat like the ambushing of the innocent Amish farmers for selling raw milk.

“THESE stories always manage to make the mainstream news so it will scare the crap out of everyone else, ala IRS stories. Of course any REAL environmentalist would be screaming about nuclear power, GMOs, Corexit, chemtrails, REAL pesticide/herbicide use, etc etc!!!  Give me a break!  They just don't want ANY competition to their poison pharmaceuticals, because colloidal silver is such a fabulous product.  I'll have to check about the medical equipment cos. who put it IV tubing and wound dressings etc, and see if they have to inform patients that they are using a pesticide on them!!

“Another scary thing.  Are you familiar with 'Dutchsinse' on YouTube?  He started about 6 months ago showing the HAARP rings and scalar squares on the weather radar and forecasting severe weather based on where he saw them. He's remarkable accurate. He also bought radiation meters (after Fukushima) and went across the country doing readings.  He also gives earthquake reports and very recently reported on some emissions coming from old volcanos at a few spots in CA and NV.  The USGS actually put out a report disputing his assessment, saying they were storms popping up. (I live near one of the spots in the Mohave desert and the humidity was 6% that day!)  This guy has been a weather nut since he was a kid. Even I could tell the smoke/steam came from a tiny pinpoint before it expanded.  

“Well, last weekend his best friend in St. Louis, where he lives, was ambushed and shot many times by 2 men with machine guns in a black Hummer.  They got in a back door and shot him in his bed. Somehow he's going to live. They didn't rob the place or seem to want anything else.  This freaked out all of Dutch's followers and HIM.  He left his home for awhile. But he is another who will not be silenced, and is right back doing his YouTube videos and went on a radio show also.  He talked about his friend and how his friend is the nicest person, NOT involved in drugs or anything of the kind.  

“So, my friend, thanks to you, I understand the brutal, evil, pyschopathic enemy we are dealing with here.  This past 2 weeks I've fallen down the 'smart grid and smart meter' rabbit hole.  Another technology that will make them trillions and slowly kill us at the same time.  I'll be 60 in Dec and lately I've just figured I'll go down fighting and trying to warn my kids and friends. I tell people I'll die fighting some ninja cop with a vaccine needle in his hand.  I guess us baby boomers were lucky to have ‘BELIEVED’ we lived in a land of freedom and liberty for most of our lives!  I'll write to the radio people I know and ask them to post your articles on their site.  Rense, and some others.  I'll also write to Goldseek and call them out. They MUST have been threatened. Is that site run by Chris Walzak?  

“Please hang in there!  Your work is more important than ever.

“Thank you,…”

This same Goldseek reader followed up with these addenda:

“Hi again RD.  Not too many people have the guts to call the 'elite-Illuminati-globalists' by name.  But ironcally a new radio show online started on named Nonconformity.  2 guys, Mike and Dave talk everyday about the 'Rothchild Banking Cartel Pigs'or The 'Rothchild Usury system'.  They tie their history with everything happening today.  They are VERY interesting and good to listen to.  They have some REALLY interesting stories.  Last week he did a show on how they infiltrated the anti-war movement during Vietnan and how Hollywood tied in.  They name names on every show. Today they talk about the gold theft today in Lybia.  Skip the first 5 min into.  They were being nutty, but they get real serious after that.  They're on live from 10am-12pm Eastern. The link is for today's show, but you can get free archives on the site.

“Hi again RD.  Not too many people have the guts to call the 'elite-Illuminati-globalists' by name.  But ironcally a new radio show online started on named Nonconformity.  2 guys, Mike and Dave talk everyday about the 'Rothchild Banking Cartel Pigs'.  They tie their history with everything happening today.  They are VERY interesting and good to listen to.  They have some REALLY interesting stories.  Last week he did a show on how they infiltrated the anti-war movement during Vietnan and how Hollywood tied in.  They name names on every show. Today they talk about the gold theft today in Lybia.  Skip the first 5 min into.  They were being nutty, but they get real serious after that.  They're on live from 10am-12pm Eastern. The link is for today's show, but you can get free archives on the site.  We'll have to let the guys at Goldseek hear this one!  This show is not mild!

“Have a nice day,…”

Aug 28, 2011 Goldseek reader writes about the Goldsmiths

“Dear Mr. Bradshaw.
“I never missed any of your columns on GOLDSEEK, and it shows how spineless they are to cave in to the Khazar pressure, but alas it is common today to put money ahead of principles, and kneel to the Jew.
“I will continue to read your weekly columns at the Analysis website, and I pass them along as much as possible.  I thought I was already informed of the Khazar menace, but your columns have really enlightened me especially in their nefarious financial schemes, scams and criminal enterprises.
“Please keep us informed with your weekly columns.
“Stay safe,”

Aug 28, 2011 New Subscriber--Thanks to Khazars and Goldseek

A new subscriber sent me the following remark:

“I've been reading your posts for some years now. What motivated me to subscribe was your recent notice ‘To People Who Formerly Read the Goldsmiths Articles at’”

Aug 28, 2011 Subscriber Writes about the Goldseek action

A subscriber wrote the following:

“Here’s a little something extra to offset the loss of exposure from Gold Seek, As far as I’m concerned, your weekly commentaries were the only reason to go there. The rest was mostly just noise.

“Thanks for all of your research, as well as the guts it takes to publish the findings. Unfortunately, the enemy has most folks locked in a trance state, as you know. I’ve pretty much given up trying to awaken people, since I’ve hit the brick wall so many times, but no doubt there is a small minority that benefits from, and greatly appreciates your ongoing insights.

“Take care and God bless.”

Sep 4, 2011 Reader writes about Goldseek action Removing Goldsmiths

A reader of the Goldsmiths at Goldseek sent the following:

“I'm so sorry to hear the bad news, RD
“i learned a bit about goldSeek yesterday:  when i punched up Chris Mullen's ‘closing report’ i found this about peter spina, the founder of the website
“now, when i saw this, i had a thought about you, something like:
well, I'll bet he ran into a few of RD's ‘friends’ over there!
“see what you think, sir, and keep up the fabulous work!”

My reply said:


“Thanks. Maybe there is a connection. But the Khazars take out their opposition routinely.

“Regards, RD”

In a follow up, this same reader added:

“yep, RD, coincidences doesn't make causation, but it is getting harder to speak this kind of truth.  e.g. here is what one of the agora (bill bonner, Addison w., et al)  has added to the bloggers in Australia:
“Post a Response
“Comment moderation policy: Port Phillip Publishing supports free speech and frank and open conversation. But we reserve the right to modify or delete your comments if we consider them to be offensive or in violation of any laws, including Australia's anti-discrimination laws (end paste)
“as I'm sure you know, other countries (France) have very strict laws in place regarding what is actually POLITICAL speech---don't want to offend TPTB, ya know! so, as long as you you insist on offending these shitforbrained moronic asswipes, beware!
“iI know you are clearly the world's greatest conspiracy theorist and as the conspiracies continue to run into ‘trouble’ via the internet, we will run into more ‘outlawing’ of political speech which may be 'discriminatory', i.e., directed at TPTB and the status quo, and those who are the true puppeteers of the pols
“i have seen some interesting commentaries recently about the c. church, also, in re certain ancient ‘designs’ for control/slavery
“thanks for all your great work, RD,”

Comment: The dummies in dummy land believe that they have such freedoms as speech and press, etc. But just try putting it over to the brainwashed dummies and the Khazars will shut you down at once. That’s the real world.

Sep 4, 2011 Another Reader writes about Goldseek and Goldsmiths removal

A reader sent me this:

“Dear Mr. Bradshaw,

“You were the first to open my eyes to these usurping serpents. The Goldsmith's series were my favorite article on GoldSeek. Beginning August of 2008, at the height of the great goyim heist, I have read every Goldsmith since. Since then I have read the Protocols, Pawns in the game and many more.

“James Turk created these interview videos from the London GATA convention. Please see the Peter Spina, founder of GoldSeek interview. Just Google James Turk and Peter Spina. You will soon see that this Spina kid has no spine. He seems very awkward and nervous.

“I am sure Spina was pressured and rolled over. He is not man enough to tell the truth. Please consider continuing the Goldsmiths series with Jeff Rense and others. To hell with the spineless Spina boy.

“Forever grateful for opening my eyes, ...”

Comment: I got along alright with Spina. But from the beginning, Chris Mullen and I had problems. It is alleged that he has an IQ problem and is not very swift on things going on.

Sep 4, 2011 Another Reader Writes about Goldseek and Goldsmiths

Here is another email from a reader:

“I'm sorry to hear of your cancellation on Goldseek. I guess it was only a matter of time until ‘they’ were able to influence Goldseek. I am in the process of reading The Viper's Venom  ‘Barbarians Inside the Gates’ Book 2 by Donn de Grand Pre.  It is one of the scariest thinks I've read and backs up everything you say with even more force than you use. I don't know if you have read that book but if not please do so. Mr. de Grand Pre was an insider at the highest levels since the 70's. He backs up everything he says with footnotes and a full background of the people involved.

“You should set up an RSS feed so that you can release your editorials to anyone who is interested. It is scary and seems to indicate that we are even lower than sheeple. I don't see how we can overcome them. They seem to have all the bases covered.
“Thanks for your time


Sep 4, 2011 Another Reader writes about Goldsmiths and Goldseek


“do no not worry morrey----mory yo comb will be lore on limb soon---hang soon. satan will lose----rejoice!”

Sep 4, 2011 Another Reader Responds on Goldseek and Goldsmiths

“Mr. Bradshaw:

“Don't be offended by what Goldseek did. It's a useful site, but few of its offerings even come close to matching yours.

“You're in a category all your own. Great men fly solo high above the pack in rarer air. The web features very few individuals like you who tell it like it is. Every one of your posts is excellent, and I'll continue to study them closely at

“I apologize for not being able to subscribe. I'm a disabled old guy on a fixed income. But I do send you my best wishes, respect and encouragement.

“One final note: your posts seem to corroborate Biblical prophecies, especially those found in APOC. 13:16-17, relating to a one-world banker controlled dictatorship, already slated for destruction by God during the Three Days of Darkness…”

Sep 4, 2011 Still One more Email on Goldsmiths and Goldseek

A Goldsmiths reader at sent me this email:

“Hello Robert,

“Sorry to hear this news, but I was surprised that you were even given that much time to voice your views. In regards to the website Goldseek, you were one of three that I followed regularly whom I considered closer to the facts. It's a shame but we are used to the up hill battle . You see why I said the laundry lady was the least of our worries, our own piers are confused. I know you'll keep up the good work. Remember Markopolos and his persistence at Madoff.”

Sep 4, 2011 Reader in China writes about Goldsmiths and Goldseek

Reader in China sent me the following email on the recent Goldseek removal of Goldsmiths:

“Dear Friend,
“terribly sorry to hear that and desperately disappointed about goldseek. Unfortunately I'm unable to support you financially, but my thoughts are always with you.
“Please let me know the E-mail address of goldseek. I'd like to send them
some words.”

My reply to this person in China said:

“Dear …

“Thanks for writing from China.  You can write the Goldseek editor as follows:
“Best wishes, RD Bradshaw”

The reader in China sent me this info copy of his letter to Goldseek as follows:

“Dear Goldseek editor!
“It recently came to my attention that you no longer are willing to publish RD Bradshaw's thoughts about the Goldsmiths.
“Rest assured that I am deeply, deeply disappointed by your decision.
“Your arguments to wipe RD Bradshaw from your editors list seem to me weak, if not irrational. To me it looks like that the cabal can, by a scratch of a pen, declare anybody to a ‘persona non grata’ who comes to close to their game (which is continuously fleecing the sheeple and a one world government under their jurisdiction).
“On the contrary. You should be grateful supporting people like RD Bradshaw to get inside information closer to the uninformed and naïve public.
“In the case of RD Bradshaw - in my humble opinion - you miserably failed and underlined your intentions not to challenge the powers present, who do not act to benefit the human race (as you definitely must know).
“For me the question arises: On which side you're on?
“Yours respectfully

“… - China
“p.s. Please refrain from answering. I judge you by your actions and not by your words.”

This reader in China followed up and sent me the following:

“Dear friend,
i can't help to notice your E-Mail company. Since I consider your E-Mail company as part of the cabal, I wonder why you rely on them to get your messages out.
“I always feel very uneasy to corespondent with a client of that company. The same goes for their search engine.

“Startpage ( ) might be a better solution, despite of the fact that they rely on the on top mentioned company's database, they are using a https connection and not storing your IP.
“Maybe you should take into consideration a different E-Mail supplier, like lavabit (see Privacy Policy Premium users here:
“Another alternative would be to keep your present E-mail with an portable E-mail client like Thunderbird ( ) including Enigmail for encryption via PGP ( ).

“You can keep everything neatly on a ssd microchip of 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64GB, small enough to place your entire written documents, including pictures and movies under your  prepuce (just kidding).
“It is also not advisable to use Windows OS or any Microsoft Products.

“Alternatives are plenty, like LINUX which comes in different editions. I prefer LINUX Mint 11 ?Katya? ( ). If you never tried LINUX, rest assured that todays LINUX versions are as easy to operate as Windows OS, and about 40,000 applications are available, all legal and at no cost. Any file created under Windows OS can be viewed and edited under a LINUX application,  and any LINUX application file can be converted into a Windows application readable and editable file. You even can run a Windows OS under LINUX in a box ( ) or vice versa.
“To close the matter I would like to supply you with a little video clip about the company in question. It shows you how China thinks about this company.
“Wish you all the best for the future.
“p.s. Please you not think I am a disrespectful person because I do not reveal my real name. I hope you understand.”

My reply said:

“Dear Friend:
“Thanks for your note on search engine.  i need to change and maybe soon.
“Yes, big brother in both the US and China are busy monitoring our every thought and spying on us by reading all of our email messages, phone calls and you name it.  Thus, it is wise to not use one's name because it will only go into their files.
“Regards, RD”

Comment: The government already spies on everything we do and every message we send by phone or electronically. Too, the big Khazar companies like Google, Yahoo, etc also are in the spying business usually for profits as they compile data on us and sell it to others. This writer from China is trying to take us away from this private business spying. He can’t do anything about the government spying as they intercept all messages and record them from all sources.

Sep 4, 2011 Reader in Germany Responds to Goldsmiths 198 and Action of Goldseek

A reader in Germany sent me the following:


“Thank you for your information. Please take notice of the sorrows we have in Germany:


“Declarations of war against Germany 1939 – 2011. World War II > 1933 - 1945

1.) 24. March 1933 > The Jews declare war on Germany (in the English newspaper ‘DAILY EXPRESS’: Judea of declares war on Germany)
- - -
2.) 1 September 1939 - Poland
3.) 3 September 1939 - Great Britain
4.) 3 September 1939 - Australia
5.) 3 September 1939 - New Zealand
6.) 3 September 1939 - France
7.) 6 September 1939 - South African union
8.) 10 September 1939 - Canada
- - -
9.) 9 April 1940 - Norway
10.) 9 April 1940 - Denmark
11.) 10. May 1940 - The Netherlands
12.) 10. May 1940 - Belgium
13.) 10. May 1940 - Luxembourg
- - -
14.) 6. April 1941 - Yugoslavia
15.) 6. April 1941 - Greece
16.) 22. June 1941 USSR (Soviet Union)
17.) 9. December 1941 - China (Chungking government)
18.) 9. December 1941 - France (De Gaulle Committee)
19.) 11 December 1941 - The USA (after German declaration of war)
20.) 11 December 1941 - Cuba
21.) 11 December 1941 - Dominican republic
22.) 11 December 1941 - Guatemala
23.) 11 December 1941 - Nicaragua
24.) 11 December 1941 - Haiti
25.) 12. December 1941 - Honduras
26.) 12. December 1941 - El Salvador
27.) 17. December 1941 - Czechoslovakia (government-in-exile retroactively starting from 15. March 1939)
- - -
28.) 19. January 1942 - Panama
29.) 22. May 1942 - Mexico
30.) 30. August 1942 - Brazil
31.) 1. December 1942 - Ethiopia
- - -
32.) 16. January 1943 - Iraq
33.) 7. April 1943 - Bolivia
34.) 9. September 1943 - Iran
35.) 13. October 1943 - Italy (Badoglio government)
36.) 27. November 1943 - Colombia
- - -
37.) 27. January 1944 - Liberia
38.) 21. August 1944 - San Marino
39.) 25. August 1944 - Romania (after fall Antonescus)
40.) 8. September 1944 - Bulgaria
41.) 31. December 1944 - Hungary (Contra government)
- - -
42.) 2. February 1945 - Ecuador
43.) 8. February 1945 - Paraguay
44.) 12. February 1945 - Peru
45.) 15. February 1945 - Uruguay
46.) 16. February 1945 - Venezuela
47.) 26. February 1945 - Egypt
48.) 26. February 1945 - Syria
49.) 27. February 1945 - Lebanon
50.) 28. February 1945 - Saudi Arabia
51.) 1. March 1945 - Turkey
52.) 3. March 1945 - Finland (rear wall. starting from  September 15, 1944)
53.) 27. March 1945 - Argentina
- - -
“(Source: The large Ploetz, publishing house Ploetz, Freiburg 1991) The publishing house Ploetz conveniently forgot the Jewish declarations of war so I would like to reierate that here. The Jews had already declared war on Germany in March, 1933. That was the first of all declarations of war and the first of all three Jewish ones.!*
“The constellation of this table shows two facts very clearly, (1) that the German Army of that time was invincible for any army of a single nation whosoever, (2) that the responsibility for the extension of a justified local war to a world war is with the allies.

“In the year 1945 there existed only 60 nations on our globe! Of these 52 had declared war on Germany. Not one of these 52 nations has yet to signed a peace contract (2010). The state of warfare against Germany was thus solidified.

“1948 the UNO (United Nations Organization) was founded by 50 nations. These established the ‘Enemy State Clause’ against Germany, through which a constant policy of blackmail and robbery is exercised against Germany. Compared to the past, there are no longer 50 nations blackmailing Germany – there are now 190.

“The allied occupation troops have never left Germany. Furthermore, the Allies have kept about 100 nuclear missiles aimed at the heads of Germany’s citizens for about 50 years.

“Result: Germany has no sovereignty at all. German democracy is a masquerade and the acting politicians are nothing but allied slaves and actors.
“Source: Geheimpolitik-3

“In einer eMail vom 28.08.2011 20:05:00 Westeuropäische Sommerzeit schreibt…”

My reply said:

“Dear Friend:
“Thanks for your update.
“Best wishes, RD”

This reader responded with one more message as follows:


“Thank you for your notice. Yes, there is little oppositon although we now have the right weapons as you can see:

Adolf Hitler — Agent of Freemasonry and Zionism

“Chapter 1

“On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of the German Reich. When he assumed power he was surrounded by four paramount advisers and their financial sponsors. Behind him was Henry Ford; beside him Hjalmar Schacht and Rabbi Leo Baeck, and ahead of him, Franz von Papen. An interesting picture appears when one takes a closer look at these four advisers.

1. Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947) was a Freemason of the Scottish Rite, 33rd degree. In 1919 Ford published a book called ‘The International Jew’. In Germany, ‘Der International Jude’ was soon printed many, many times. In official history books Henry Ford is always presented as an anti-Semite. He was actually the contrary, namely a Zionist agent with orders to bring anti-Semitism to Germany and middle Europe and by the exiling of Jews he was to help create the state of Israel.

Edwin Black writes in ‘Nazi Nexus’ on page 4: ‘..., Ford showed friendship to Jewish people – both the Jewish Eastern European immigrant factory workers who he treated with equality and his Jewish friends such as his next door neighbor, Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, who received a free custom-built automobile each year as a birthday present.’ 1.} According to Wikipedia, Rabbi Franklin was a member of the ‘Anti-Defamation League’, which in turn is merely an underground organization of the B’nai B’rith Lodge and further of the High Degree  Freemasonry.

I located a crucial reference from ‘‘ regarding these underground secrets where it is written: ‘What most people did not realize was that the Ford Motor Company was a subsidiary of the Rockefeller owned Standard Oil Company.’ 2.} In the book ‘Secrets of the Federal Reserve’ by Eustace Mullins, I learned that the Rockefeller family was linked closely to the J.P. Morgan and Rothschild families, particularly with regard to the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913. Thus the proof became complete.

2. Hjalmar Schacht (Horace Greely) January 22. 1877 – June 3, 1970) was a Freemason of the Scottish Rite. He was connected to the English Scottish Rite Freemason Montagu Norman, and consequently to the Bank of England and the financial world of the City of London. As Eustace Mullins wrote in ‘Secrets of the Federal Reserve’, the Bank of England is under the control of the Rothschild family.

3. Rabbi Leo Baeck (May 23, 1873 – November 2, 1956) was a Freemason of the Scottish Rite, 33rd degree and a promoter of the Zionists’ plans. Gerd Schmalbrock wrote: ‘Dr. Leo Baeck was a Freemason of the 33rd degree, leader of the German conference of Rabbis and Großpraeses of the German district of the Jewish order Bnai Brith. In order to expose the deeper wisdom of the National Socialists, he was assigned, by Hitler, to be President of the Reich’s Deputation of the German Jews.’ 3.

4. Franz von Papen (29 October 1879 – 2 May 1969) was a Knight of the Holy Grave, one of the highest orders of the Vatican. He was assigned to lead the promotion of Hitler in such a way that during the distribution of the powers no disadvantage could occur for the Vatican.

Hitler himself was not only a member of the Thule Order but also a member of a magic 99-Order. Details of the working methods of this order can be found in Franz Bardon’s book ‘Frabato the Magician’. After closer examination of this constellation it can be stated that Hitler was an agent of Zion, of the Vatican and of the Bank of England (City of London).

“There exist many pieces of evidence for this, the most important of which are:

1. On 2 November 1917 Mr. Arthur James Balfour (high degree freemason) wrote on behalf of the English government to lord Rothschild that one will support a national homestead of the Jews in Palestine. This document proves beside many others that the family Rothschild was regarded as center of the Zionist movement. Lord Rothschild (high degree freemason) was inheritance of Cecil Rhodes (high degree freemason), who wanted to put the English world domination up by a special secret company, which he established together with Lord Milner.

2. In 1925 the book ‘Mein Kampf’ by Adolf Hitler was published. Throughout its entire seven hundred plus pages Jews are condemned wholesale. He writes as if the average Jewish citizen had invented the Protocols of Zion and the World Revolution. This is idiotic because it is not about the Jewish people, rather about very specific Jews. Specifically it is about those in the secret societies who intended to shape the world, for instance Karl Marx (Scottish Rite, 33rd degree).

Where are their Names? The supposedly greatest Jew hater of all times has nothing to say about Adolphe Cremieux, Theodor Herzl, Parvus-Helphant, Leo Trotzky, Kaganovich, the Warburgs, the Rothschilds, Trebitsch-Lincoln, Bernhard Baruch, Mandell House and Walter Rathenau, just to name a few of the most important. That is absolutely ridiculous. These names simply had to be known to him because they had already been referred to by Ford in his book ‘The International Jew’ and well known then to anyone interested in politics. He openly stirs up hatred against Freemasonry which is supposed to serve the Jews, yet secretly he meets foreign High Degree Freemasons to prepare for the takeover of power. The name of the B'nai B'rith Lodge, pertaining to the centre of Freemasonry, is omitted altogether in his book.

“That is conscious suppression of the truth and betrayal of both the German and the Jewish people! Hitler’s smear campaign was exclusively against Jews, but he had concealed the names of the Zionists who, with greatest brutality and disregard for the Jewish community, had planned the World Revolution and the foundation of the State of Israel. This is striking evidence that he worked together with the Zionists and that he was a first class liar, hypocrite and public traitor.
3. On August 25, 1933, the Ha’avara-agreement between Hitler and the Zionists was concluded. On March 24, 1933 the Zionists declared war on Germany and five months later Hitler signed an agreement with them!

4. On September 10, 1933, a State-Church-agreement, the Reichskonkordat, was concluded between Hitler and the Vatican.

5. With the beginning of World War II the above mentioned freemasons of the Scottish Rite received great support by the chain of the brotherhood.

“On 3 September 1939 Great Britain declared war on Germany. The responsible Prime Minister at that time was Mr. Arthur Neville Chamberlain. On 10 May 1940 he was replaced by Sir  Winston Churchill (Prime Minister from 10 May 1940 to 27 July 1945), high degree freemason, warmonger and mass murderer. One adviser was the high degree freemason Loyd George, who already in 1919 was one of the main helpers to knock down Germany by the Treaty of Versailles.

“Beside that Churchill was supported by King Georg VI of England, the freemasonry interest of whom was represented by the three sons of King Georg V on one side and the Anglican Church  on the other side, because all the higher representatives of this church are members of freemasonry. There exist even lodges of Freemasonry which accept exclusively members of the Anglican Church (Internationales Freimaurerlexikon, page 280), similar to the B'nai B'rith which accepts only Jews as members. The connection of Hitler, Hjalmar Schacht and Montagu Norman thus received a considerable support from that direction.

“On 11 December 1941 the United States declared war on Germany. Responsible was President Franklin D. Roosevelt (high degree freemason, warmonger and mass murderer). who supported his freemason brother Ford in so far that he never mentioned with a single word the fact that the Ford Motor Company together with Opel (General Motors) produced 90 per Cent of the German war material. Because of his death he had to lay down his position on 12 April 1945.

“As George Armstrong writes in his book ‘The Rothschild Money Trust’ on page 106 Roosevelt governed by a so called ‘kitchen cabinet’: ‘The 'kitchen cabinet' is composed of the men behind the scene who actually run the government. The Roosevelt administration up to this hour has been directed by his 'kitchen cabinet'. No important step has been taken, no important appointment made, no important speech delivered, that has not first had the approval of one or more members of his 'kitchen cabinet'. They are here stated with their background, in the order of their apparent importance, as follows:

Barney Baruch, Jew; New York stock gambler;
Felix Frankfurter, Jew; New York; Judge U. S. Supreme Court;
Henry Morgenthau, Jew; New York; Secretary of U. S. Treasury;
Sam Roseman, Jew; New York judge; Roosevelt biographer;
Ben Cohen, Jew; New York attorney;
Harry L. Hopkins, New York; non-descript;
—all deflationists, warmongers, and un-American.’

“Barney or Bernard Baruch (B'nai B'rith brother and freemason) was the adviser of seven American Presidents and especially known for the publication of the Baruch-Plan for the domination of the world by the nuclear lobby ( Henry Morgenthau Jr. (B'nai B'rith brother and freemason) became famous for his Morgenthau-Plan to which Roosevelt agreed by signing it. Harry L. Hopkins was one of the advisers to President Roosevelt at the conference of Jalta, where half of Europe was transferred to communism by the representatives of freemasonry. Harry Hopkins, the closest and most influential adviser to President Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II, was a Soviet agent, as Christopher Andrew has disclosed in his book ‘The Sword And The Shield’.

“Mr. Armstrong has forgotten to mention another party of the 'kitchen cabinet', namely the agent of Hitler's Pope Pius XII, Cardinal Francis Spellman. About Cardinal Spellman wrote Mr. John Cooney, ‘The American Pope’, Times Books, pp. 124, 125: ‘The astounding proposal Roosevelt put forth was that Spellman act as a clandestine agent for him in the four corners of the world. It would be the archbishop’s job to contact chiefs of state in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and Africa. He would carry messages for the President ... and act as Roosevelt’s eyes and ears.… The President offered him an opportunity to wield more power than any other American religious figure had ever had.’ (Citation taken from Bill Hughes ‘The Secret Terrorists’.)

“Follower in the position of the President became the high degree freemason Harry S. Truman. He gave the proof of his freemason character by the order for the dropping of the atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, supported by his adviser and high degree freemason Henry Morgenthau. During the Nuremberg War Criminal Trial, when the Allies decided to hang up the German government, of course nothing was mentioned about all these facts.

“The mentioned chain of brotherhood of freemasonry was completed by the brethren of the Vatican, because there cannot be any doubt that thousands of priests of the catholic orders are members of freemasonry. During World War II Pope Pius XII was responsible. In 1937 Pope Pius XII entered into negotiations with his fellow-communist Franklin D. Roosevelt. From the date of these negotiations until 1949 the Pope used neither the word communism nor the term socialism (Please read the chapter „Papst Pius XII’ in my book „Geheimpolitik-2). Thus it is clear that the Pope agreed with the transference of half of Europe into the slavery of communism by Roosevelt and Churchill at the Jalta Conference.

6. On May 3, 1940, the English army was beaten at Dunkirk by the German army. On Hitler’s orders the remaining 330,000 British soldiers are permitted to return to England, but probably had to promise to come back later and totally destroy Germany. The English army complied. An extremely unique case in man’s history. Please refer at the chapter ‘Dunkirk and After’ in Captain A.H.M. Ramsay’s book ‘The Nameless War’.

7. On January 18, 1941, Hitler received an offer of cooperation from the Zionist underground organization N.M.O (National Military Organization, Irgun Tzwa'i Le'umi) Menachem Begin happened to belong to this group. Hitler accepted the offer and the visible result was the foundation of the Theresienstadt camp in the spring of 1941. H.G. Adler reports extensively on this in his book ‘Theresienstadt 1941 – 1945’.

8. On January 20, 1942, the infamous Wannsee conference took place. Using this conference as their basis, the international press and many history books concluded that ‘complete extermination of the European Jews’ had taken place. An investigation of the document however brings to light quite a different fact. It actually does not contain a single sentence about murdering Jews but merely a section indicating the fact that Hitler’s SS (Schutzstaffel) had a plan to build up a Jewish elite. Another typical case of truth distortion by the Allies against Germany.

“1945: Adolf Hitler escapes to South America by the help of the Vatican and Freemasonry. The centres of the conspiracy where thus: 

1. the English Mother lodge of Freemasonry, including the Royal house of England, the Anglican Church and the high finance (City of London),
2. the American branch of the English Mother lodge of Freemasonry and the high finance,
3. the Vatican with the various orders like Knights of the Holy Grave, Jesuits, Opus Dei etc. and the connections to international Freemasonry,
4. the Zionist movement including the B'nai B'rith lodge and the ADL, the Jewish high finance and the messianic support movements from the various Christian sects.

“Which where the main aims of all these conspirators?

a) Aim no. 1+2: Half of Europe should come under the slavery of communism (Jalta Conference).
b) Aim no. 1+2+3: Germany should be robbed as far as possible. The soil should be reduced as much as possible and twenty million people should be driven out from their homes. Further the German people should be in slavery for at least hundred years (60 years are over, please compare the chapter „Declaration of War’).
c) Aim no. 3: The world should become catholic and robbed in favour of the Vatican.
d) Aim no. 4: The state of Israel should be established and kept alive by oppression of the world (Holocaust museums).

“Any historical researcher who does not take into consideration membership in secret societies of the power the elite, i.e. bank managers, politicians and heads of the big companies, is not at all able to discover much more than fifty per cent of the entire truth.

“Or like Christ said: ‘There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing secret that will not become known and come to light.’ (Luke 8/17). I became particularly encouraged to study this line of thinking by the book ‘Adolf Hitler – Founder of Israel’ by Hennecke Kardel.

“Result: Beware of criminal Freemasons!
“This is a chapter from the book ‘Secret Politics-3’. To complete this picture please have a look on the following links:

“Declarations of War against Germany 1939 - 2011 (None dare call it conspiracy)

“The Wannsee-Protocol (The false interpretation by the Allies)

“The structure of World Domination
H.G. Adler: ‘Theresienstadt 1941-1945’, Verlag J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen 1955
Christopher Andrew: ‘The Sword And The Shield’
George Armstrong: ‘The Rothschild Money Trust’ (1940)
Franz Bardon: ‘Frabato’ (Wuppertal 1979) [English: Frabato the Magician]
1.} Edwin Black: ‘Nazi Nexus’, Washington 2009, page 4
John Cooney ‘The American Pope’ (New York 1984)
Karlheinz Deschner: ‘Mit Gott und dem Führer’ (Köln 1988)

Adolf Hitler: ‘Mein Kampf’, München 1927
H. Kardel: ‘Adolf Hitler – Begründer Israels’ (Genf 1974) [English: Adolf Hitler – Founder of Israel]
Eugen Lennhoff/Oskar Posner: Internationales Freimaurer-Lexikon (Wien 1932)
Aron Monus: Les Secrets de L'Empire Nietzschéen (Hodmezovasarhely 1992)(deutsch: Verschwörung: Das Reich von Nietzsche)
Eurstace Mullins: ‘Secrets of the Federal Reserve’ (New York 1952) [Deutsch: Die Bankierverschwörung, 1987)
Captain A.H.M. Ramsay: ‘The Nameless War’, 1952
D. Rüggeberg: ‘Geheimpolitik – Der Fahrplan zur Weltherrschaft’ (Wuppertal 1990) [English: Countdown to World Domination]
D. Rüggeberg: ‘Geheimpolitik-2 – Logen-Politik’ (Wuppertal 1994)
3.} Gerd Schmalbrock (IKC-Presse, Gladbeck, ‘Ihr Programm’, Nr. 83 v. 19. Nov. 1979).’
“Wuppertal, 23 April 2011”

“In einer eMail vom 29.08.2011 16:00:50 Westeuropäische Sommerzeit schreibt

I located a crucial reference from ‘_www.reformation.org_
> ( ‘ regarding these  underground secrets where it

- Show quoted text -

> (_

- Show quoted text -

> (
> The  Wannsee-Protocol (The false interpretation by the Allies)
> (
> The  structure of World Domination
> _
> (
> *
> Literature:
> H.G. Adler: ‘Theresienstadt 1941-1945’, Verlag J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck),
> Tübingen 1955
> Christopher Andrew: ‘The Sword And The Shield’
> George  Armstrong: ‘The Rothschild Money Trust’ (1940)
> Franz Bardon: ‘Frabato’  (Wuppertal 1979) [English: Frabato the Magician]
> 1.} Edwin Black: ‘Nazi  Nexus’, Washington 2009, page 4
> John Cooney ‘The American Pope’ (New York  1984)
> Karlheinz Deschner: ‘Mit Gott und dem Führer’ (Köln 1988)
> 2}
> (
> Adolf  Hitler: ‘Mein Kampf’, München 1927
> H. Kardel: ‘Adolf Hitler – Begründer Israels’ (Genf 1974) [English: Adolf
> Hitler – Founder of Israel]
> Eugen Lennhoff/Oskar Posner: Internationales Freimaurer-Lexikon (Wien 1932)
> Aron Monus: Les Secrets de L'Empire Nietzschéen (Hodmezovasarhely
> 1992)(deutsch:  Verschwörung: Das Reich von Nietzsche)
> Eurstace Mullins: ‘Secrets of the  Federal Reserve’ (New York 1952)
> [Deutsch: Die Bankierverschwörung,  1987)
> Captain A.H.M. Ramsay: ‘The Nameless War’, 1952
> D. Rüggeberg:  ’Geheimpolitik – Der Fahrplan zur Weltherrschaft’ (Wuppertal
> 1990) [English:  Countdown to World Domination]
> D. Rüggeberg: ‘Geheimpolitik-2 –  Logen-Politik’ (Wuppertal 1994)
> 3.} Gerd Schmalbrock (IKC-Presse, Gladbeck,  ’Ihr Programm’, Nr. 83 v. 19.
> Nov. 1979).”

Comment: This German man has laid out WWII and the Khazars that caused it and the deaths of millions. I must add that while Harry Hopkins was not thought to be a Khazar Jew, his wife was one of them, just as Rosenfeldt was a Khazar Jew though pretending to be a Christian. It’s sad that our Khazar masters have lied and deceived us from step one till today and will continue to do so for the immediate future.

The End.


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