Anonymous Just Sent Another Important Message to Donald Trump

Anonymous Just Sent Another Important Message to Donald Trump

Wednesday, November 23, 2016 20:42

by Joe Martino; Collective Evolution
‘Divide.’ That seems to be the keyword around collective consciousness as we steer our attention away from the 2016 election campaign and on to what will happen next.
Media and elite push to divide the masses by trying to convince us to focus on who is to blame for this election. Gender, age, socioeconomic status, left, right, alt-right, and even nationality. But it’s all a massive distraction.
We exist in an important time in humanity’s history where if we realize the WE that we truly are, we can shift ourselves enough to move out from under the tyranny of a global elite that has existed for decades.
So I urge you, see through the battles the media is trying to create, see each other as fellow souls, humans on this journey and focus on what we can do to create a better future vs fighting.
There is a momentum building amongst the people that is becoming unstoppable. While many are scared, I feel optimistic. I feel that we are on a path that will not end in anything but a positive outcome for us all. There may be some chaotic times, but I feel it’s what we may need to fully wake us up from our slumber.
Anonymous Message to Donald Trump

So what are you going to really do for the American people Donald Trump? Because right now, you should see yourself as the apprentice and learn from the mistakes of those before you. Will you protect the American people, protect their food, protect their security, their health, education, their human rights, their privacy, or are you just going to be like many others who could have made a great name for themselves.
Remember, your actions will show the people who you truly are deep down, and Anonymous will be only to eager to keep on the watch and expose anything we feel the people should be aware of.
We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
We do not forgive,
We do not forget,
Expect us.

Can He Do It?
Here is an important excerpt taken from our previous article about Anonymous’ first message to Donal Trump
‘The obvious question now becomes ‘does Trump even have the power to do this?’
Given the little amount of power a president actually has, making large scale change can be difficult, but as stated by us previously, we have to be consciously open to things within the system changing, or else we will stay stuck in this cycle.
With a shift in consciousness in the midst, things will change, so we cannot always assume that everything is automatically an agenda, our discernment has to be stronger.
I’m going to come out and say something that isn’t yet a popular view amongst the alternative media movement but that I think is important. I do believe Trump’s election is a sign of the cabal losing control.
Perhaps, not, perhaps he is part of the same game?
However I do not believe everything will suddenly change or that they can’t get a solid grasp on the situation and control it heavily once again. I see it as momentum, as the system of control’s foundations get weaker, it’s up to us to stay the course, to stay true as people and demand what we want, consciously be open to change, look within our hearts to create the world we all know is possible. Organize, act and move forward.
For about 1.5 years we’ve been talking about how things aren’t what they used to be for the cabal and that they don’t have as much power as they once did. Of all the insiders and whistleblowers I’ve spoken too, they all tend to agree that there are differences between many within ‘the elite’ and all of them don’t want to go in the same direction. Some want out of the suppression and misinformation they’ve been thrusting upon humanity. This isn’t just a US thing, it’s global. It’s not even just an Earth thing, it’s galactic.
Regardless, it’s a very confusing time out there right now as we’re in transition towards conscious freedom. To understand more about what is going on, you can check out a film we made on the entire topic of what is going on in our world right now and why it’s a special time.’

Every Day is Earth Day


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