Benjamin Fulford: Carpe diem seize the day and mount a final assault on the Khazarian mafia – 14 November 2016

Benjamin Fulford: Carpe diem seize the day and mount a final assault on the Khazarian mafia – 14 November 2016

Monday, November 14, 2016 9:50
In the war against the Khazarian mafia, the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States is as the Russian victory at Stalingrad was for World War 2: a tide turning victory. However, it also means the war is far from over.
This is how a source who was in a secret meeting in Antarctica on US November 8th election day described the situation:
“The whole election strategy changed when John Kerry went to Antarctica as ordered. He was told by the special elite, the Gnostic Illuminati, who are still in control of this planet, to tell Obama and Clinton to back off and let Trump win. As we know, Hillary is only a front for the cabal and will most likely self-terminate within a few months at the most. Bill Clinton is at the end game now. His quadruple bypass surgery is not able to pump blood through his lifeless body anymore. We are informed that he will be gone by year end”.
This order to Kerry was followed by a special-forces attack on a Khazarian base in Denver that successfully stopped cabal efforts to steal the US election on behalf of their zombie proxy Hillary, CIA sources say.
The Pentagon, for their part, say “Mass arrests began right after the election, butt hurt Hillary cried a river when told to concede or she’ll be arrested, [President] Obama was ordered to stay in DC, finish ISIS, stop delaying the Global Currency Reset, and meet Trump to ensure a smooth transition.”
In addition to this the US military is advising President Elect Donald Trump to “not appoint neocons, Jews [all Jews must recuse themselves from senior government positions until it can be confirmed they are not working for the Khazarian mafia], bankers, or Bush minions to the cabinet or White House.”.
In addition, the Pentagon sources say “Soros-funded protests have sped up the Trump plan to…terminate the Bush-Clinton cabal before inauguration.”
The attack must continue relentlessly on all fronts until humanity is freed from Khazarian control.
The Manchu occupation of China is a good analogy to the how the Khazarians control the West. In Manchu China, native Chinese who passed the civil service exam were allowed to progress up the bureaucratic ladder to a certain point but all the positions at the very top were filled by Manchus. In the West it is the same, intelligent, hard-working technocrats can rise to positions like deputy director but the top first, second and often third positions in most large, powerful organizations are held by Khazarian mobsters or their proxies.
The Khazarians have been removed from the Pentagon, and Gnostic Illuminati sources say FBI Director James Comey has also been confirmed to be clean despite false wikileaks claims that he received funds from the Clinton Foundation. The State Department and other branches of the government must now in turn be cleansed of gangsters if the US is to be freed.
Also, the Trump election means the Khazarian controlled TPP and TTIP trade deals are now dead. “Trump is now poised to remove rigged corporate tribunals from NAFTA and all trade deals in a massive defeat for the Khazarian mafia,” the Pentagon sources say.
The Pentagon is also planning a huge data dump about 911 in order to force Donald Trump to convene a 911 tribunal, the sources say. The New York Times will also be “forced to report on 911 and other Khazarian crimes,” they say.


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