The Real Occult Satanist Power Families of the SYNAGOGUE of SATAN

Aldobrandini,Breakspear,Farnese,Orsini & Somaglia Families 

An Ancient Evil Global Cabal of Ptolemaic Papal Bloodline Families 

Many people have heard of the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Windsors, the Bush's but  not many people have ever heard of the Ptolemaic Papal bloodlines of the Aldobrandini, Farnese, Orsini, Somaglia & Breakspear of the Vatican in Rome and Florence Italy lore and the real power behind the curtain right under Satan's all seeing eye on the Power Pyramid. They are all insanely wealthy and have many large Estates in Rome and all over the globe to preform there Satanic Rituals and Black mass sex Orgies at. One of the most famous of these Palaces of Perversion is the Villa Aldobrandini in Rome. There power base stems from the ancient Egypt to the present power base of the occult Vatican and are all Satanic members of the "SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN" The Ptolemaic Papal bloodlines are the Ultra Wealthy in Money and Power but are completely Morally Bankrupt and totally Corrupt also lacking completely in honesty and ethical behavior and work only towards one evil goal of the One World Government under the rule of there god Lucifer-Satan and his band of Fallen Angels, Nephilim Demons,and Human puppet of the Ptolemaic Bloodline descended from CAIN and there minions  .There Villas and Chateau's are probably haunted with the souls of the victim' which were most likely children... There Blood Rituals or Apocalypse Rituals are to BA"AL -Al Debaran-Lucifer-Satan.  The word apocalypse translates from the Hebrew to english as Burnt Offering and consisted off an alter with a fire under or inside it and the sacrifice victim burned to death on top of this sacrificial alter...God Speaks directly about this sect of the synagogue of Satan in Revelation 2.9  they are the "RICH"
I know your works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but you are rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.Revelation 2:9
Lets see what mainstream Wiki has to say 
from Wiki:
Aldobrandini family
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Escutcheon of the Aldobrandini family.

The Villa Aldobrandini in Frascati.
The Aldobrandini are an Italian noble family from Florence, with close ties to the Vatican. Its Roman fortunes were made when Ippolito Aldobrandini became pope under the name Pope Clement VIII. He arranged the marriage that linked the Aldobrandini with the Roman family of Pamphili. Additionally, they were also linked to marriage alliances with the Farnese (Ranuccio I, Duke of Parma, had married Margherita Aldobrandini) and Borghese (since Olimpia Aldobrandini married Paolo Borghese).

The family also lends its name to the Palazzo Aldobrandini on the Quirinal Hill. The Aldobrandini family, having reached the height of its powers when Ippolito Aldobrandini became Pope Clement VIII (1592-1605), began the building of the villa. In 1600 Clement VIII acquired the Orti Vitelli on the Quirinal hill and in 1601 donated the property to his Cardinal-nephew Pietro Aldobrandini. The old buildings of the Vitelli Family were demolished and construction began on the new villa and adjacent garden. The villa was never the family seat as the Aldobrandini family owned even more splendid residences elsewhere in Rome. The villa on the Quirinal hill served essentially for ceremonial functions.

More famous was the Villa Aldobrandini in Frascati. Also known as Belvedere for its charming location overlooking the whole valley up to Rome, it was rebuilt on the order of Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini over a pre-existing edifice built by the Vatican prelate Alessandro Rufini in 1550. The villa, aligned with the cathedral down its axial avenue that is continued through the town as Viale Catone, was rebuilt in the current form by Giacomo della Porta from 1598 to 1602, and then completed by Carlo Maderno and Giovanni Fontana. The villa has an imposing 17th -century facade and some other interesting architectural and environmental features, such as the double gallery order on the rear facade, the spiral-shaped flights, the large exedra of the Water Theatre and the magnificent park. Inside there are paintings of Mannerist and Baroque artists such as the Zuccari brothers, Cavalier D'Arpino and Domenichino. Outside there is a monumental gate by Carlo Francesco Bizzaccheri (early 18th century).

The Doria, Pamphilj, Landi and Aldobrandini families have become united through marriage and descent under the simplified surname Doria Pamphilj (which is now extinct since the death of Princess Orietta Doria Pamphilj in 2000). The Aldobrandini family palazzo and its collections of works of art and furnishings is now the Doria Pamphilj Gallery in Rome.

The family name lives on, however, via a branch of the Borghese family, descended from the marriage of Olimpia Aldobrandini with Prince Paolo Borghese in the 17th century. This line is descended from Don Camillo Borghese, Prince Aldobrandini (1816-1902), a leading member of the soi-disant Black Nobility, who in turn was the younger brother of the then Prince Borghese and head of that family. Princess Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini, also a non-lineal descendant of Napoleon on her mother's side, married into the Rothschild family.

The princely family is currently represented by Prince Camillo Aldobrandini (b. 1945), whose heir is Don Clemente Aldobrandini (b. 1982).

Notable Members of the Aldobrandini family are:

Alessandro Cardinal Aldobrandini (1667-1734), raised to the cardinalate 1730.
Bonifazio Bevilacqua Aldobrandini
Ippolito Cardinal Aldobrandini junior
Silvestro Cardinal Aldobrandini
Cinzio Passeri Cardinal Aldobrandini, a Cardinal-nephew of Clement VIII, raised to the cardinalate 1593.
Pietro Cardinal Aldobrandini (1571-1621), raised to the cardinalate 1593 by Clement VIII.
Not much about this Family that wields so much Global power and a vast vast fortune and has for many centuries. In fact they had power and great wealth centuries before the Rothchilds Rockefellers or any other powerful wealthy family you ever heard of recently.

The Aldobrandini Dynasty is one of the richest, if not the wealthiest and most influential families of the entire planet today The name Aldobrandini literally translates to Satan. It comes from the name Aldebaran which is Lucifer-Satan the Morning Star and leaders of the Falling Angel which were composed of 1/3  of the Angels in Heaven. 

Why would the people of that time period let these perverted families become Cardinals and Popes with such an obviously Evil and Satanic name as Aldobrandini-Aldebaran-Lucifer Its obvious they are 100% Anti-Christ Satanists, and were the early leaders of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN PERIOD!

Rothschilds are Trillionaires... But the Aldobrandini the Vatican the Jesuit Order are worth Zillions...when I say ZILLIONS, They ran North America for over a Thousand years. with shipping and trading WAY before America was America. Now the Rothschilds- Bauer(meaning farmers) were hired 900 years ago to work for the Aldobrandini and slowly gained power and influence and rose from farmer to goldsmith with Salomon Mayer Amschel Bauer who changed the family name from "Bauer" to "Rothschild" Meaning Red Shield. This is a typical Khazar Ashkenazi False Jews ploy of fraudulent changing there family name to gain power and status in new lands,they would sometimes even go as far as claiming to be of a different religion like Muslim or Christians to blend in to there new lives... And that is how the BAUER-Rothschilds became today's Global Bankers and owners of the Bank of England the IMF- International Monetary Fund, the BIS- Bank of International Settlements and The US Federal Reserve which up until recently sat firmly as the Worlds Reserve Currency and as personal Bankers of the Aldobrandini Family -Vatican- Jesuits. They own major shares in the HAARP, Geo-Engineering(Chemtrails) and I'll bet they are involved with CERN in one way or another either as owners or major financiers. Speaking of CERN a Quantum Physicist I heard in an interview stated that CERN scientist have everything they need to open a Gateway or Portal to another dimension inside the planet Saturn where the Fallen Angels are interdimensionally imprisoned. Saturn is an Occult Planet to the Luciferian Synagogue of Satan... Point being they can do this evil deed at any given time and could quite possibly rip or tear the fabric of spacetime in the process. They are involved in all these undemocratic technology that were never revealed or informed the 99% of humanity that would be affected medically and mentally and not in a good way.   Why because they are an occult- hidden agenda and there  behind what's called the Synagogue of Satan's  New World Order Genocidal Depopulation Agenda...They control the entire Planet from a base composed of three Cities or City States and they are Vatican City in Rome, Italy... City of London, London, England... and The District of Columbia Washington DC United States... They are separate and do not belong to there countries of origin. They have there own New World Order Government there own Laws and Rules and There own New World Commandement  there own Police Fire and Emergency services and finally  there own Military order of the Jesuit and the American Military run from the Pentagon in the District of Columbia It is talked about in the Book of Revelation and many other places in the Bible
The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. And God remembered Babylon the great and gave her the cup of the wine of the fury of His wrath.
And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
Revelation 17:18
And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great …
Revelation 18:2 
And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: for as much as iron …
Daniel 2:40,41 
Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom on earth, …
Daniel 7:23 
The Aldobrandini's are the same people that have these big massive Satanic Orgies Rituals. We know that Stanley Kubrick was present at this Castle for many of these Satanic Orgies Black Mass Ritual and this is exactly were he got his inspiration for the movie  Eyes Wide Shut starring Nicole Kidman & Tom Scientologist Cruise. There is a portrait of Stanley Kubrick inside the main hall with his autograph giving thanks to the Aldobrandini family for supporting his films.
Aldobrandini = Al Debaran
They have an Egyptian lineage from Ptolemy Egypt. There name is Arabic, which means they are also Moorish converts to Catholicism, but came from Egypt as well they married into the Venetian Este Family
There's a lodge called Al-dabaran.
It is to pay respect to Taurus-Molech-BA"AL. Have you ever wondered WHY, Picasso did all of those orgy paintings with Taurus as having orgies sex with many women.? It is not only because Picasso was funded by the Aldobrandini, he also participated in  many orgies in the Aldobrandini Estates Rome.
The Taurus is Picasso's paintings is the POPE!
Picasso is a Jesuit as well. A Co-Adjutor
The Palazzo Chigi 
The Palazzo Chigi is a palace or noble residence in Rome, overlooking the Piazza Colonna and the Corso. It was begun in 1562 by Giacomo della Porta and completed by Carlo Maderno in 1580 for the Aldobrandini family. In 1659 it was purchased by the Chigi family. It was then remodelled by Felice della Greca and Giovan Battista Contini. It has five floors, a broad stairway that leads to the living rooms, and a courtyard decorated with a fountain, designed by Giacomo della Porta. The fountain has been copied in many sites in Rome and other Italian cities.
In 1878 it became the residence of the Austria-Hungarian Ambassador to Italy. 1916 it was bought by the Italian state and it became the seat of the Minister for Colonial Affairs. Later it was the official residence of the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs. In 1961 it became the official meeting place of Council of Ministers whose President is the Italian Prime Minister.

Aldobrandini Madonna (Garvagh Madonna) - 1510

An inscription and the Aldobrandini family arms decorate this niche fountain in the grounds of the Lateran's hospital. The Fountain of Cement VIII
Villa Aldobrandini in Frascati

The Villa was built by a Cardinal in the 1500s. His family still owns the estate.
1598-1603: The cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini (1572-1621) orders to a pupil of Michelangelo, Giacomo della Porta, the construction of his summer residence: Villa Aldobrandini.
1599: Completion by Giusto (or Justus) Utens upon orders from the grand-duke Fernandino I of fourteen painted glasses intended for his villa Ferdinanda d' Artiminio, on Montalbano, built by Bernardo Buontalenti and representing the villas built for various members of the Medici family between 1451 and 1599. These paintings, unique testimonies on the art of the gardens, are today in Museo Storico Topografico in Florence.
1605: Construction of Villa Borghese, in the year when Camillo Borghese is elected pope (Paul V).

Clemens VIII

Pope Clemens VIII (Ippolito Aldobrandini) made a lot of use of the theme of his coat of arms (a stripe and a star) to decorate buildings he erected or restored (see S. Cesareo in Palazio or Palazzo di Campidoglio). The balustrades of Villa Aldobrandini in Rome have little globes showing the family symbols.

Clemens VIII completed the decoration of the southern nave of S. Pietro in Vaticano and outside the Basilica one can find small piers with the family symbols.

The large and imposing Villa Aldobrandini in Frascati is all decorated with stripes and stars, even the garden shows them.

Details of the decoration of Villa Aldobrandini

Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini and husband David Rothschild

H.E. Marquis / Margrave Don Camillo Aldobrandini.
( Marquess of The Holy Roman Empire )
The next article show us that many of the so called big guys of the truther movement like Alex Jones, Drudge and so on are all really the controlled opposition because never have I ever heard one of them speak of this league of people or mention them . In this article he calls the SYNAGOGUE of SATAN the Black Nobility  They are a 3 city Global Monopoly Control system of the Vatican in the City of Rome Italy, the District of Colombia Washington DC U.S.A.  and the City of London in London England
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. 
Revelation 3:9
Cobra’s short article,

White Nobility

I have received instructions to reveal some occult information to the public.

This is the first among several blog posts that will reveal to the general public some positive groups that have never been revealed yet and have worked towards the liberation of the planet, some of them for millennia.

The first of those groups is the White Nobility. During human history, not all aristocratic families have associated themselves with the Cabal. Many have resisted passively, some even actively. Noblesse oblige was not an empty phrase for them but an actual imperative to help the less fortunate remainder of humanity. The most famous among White Nobility families are the Medicis that helped to bring about the Renaissance which laid the foundation of our modern world.

Common ground for all those noble families is the occult tradition that goes back a few millennia into the mystery schools of ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt. Mysteries of the Goddess are their greatest secret and their main occult weapon against the Cabal. Many of White Nobility families have a strong connection with Mary Magdalene and the Grail mysteries and are connected with positive Templar groups. 

Black Nobility families that are associated with the Jesuits are allergic to the God feminine energy.and all belong to the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN... They would like to wipe it out from the surface of the planet and have tried to do so many times. Members of families such as Pallavicini, Orsini, Massimo, Borghese, Aldobrandini, Colonna, Pacelli, Odescalchi,  Ortolani  and Luzzatti are receiving their orders directly from the Archons - Fallen Angels  and are at the core of conspiracy against  God. They are waging an occult war against the White Nobility families that are trying to spread the Light and support feminine qualities such as compassion, receptivity, creativity, love…

Rothschilds are  Synagogue of Satan Nobility Wannabes (their lineage goes less than two and a half centuries back and do not understand completely the occult war that is going on in the highest circles as they are left out of the information loop. They are too immersed into the physical matter as well. Meanwhile, Rockefellers are plain commoners and do not have the slightest idea about what is really going on.

Most of the White Nobility families are now located in Italy and serve as a counterforce against the Black Nobility. They have lost most of their wealth in the last two centuries, but their positive occult tradition is still very much alive. Their names must not yet be disclosed to the general public, they work tirelessly in the background for the benefit of humanity. They are not associated directly with the Savoy family as some people think. Some of them are involved with creation of the new and fair financial system that will replace the current one very soon, another group is focused on revealing occult knowledge of the ages. I have received instructions from the Resistance to involve White Nobility in Operation Dreamland that is part of the Plan for the planetary liberation. Those among them who are interested in becoming part of this can contact me at . Victory of the Light!
This goes cap in hand with our previous article explaining in more detail about the power of these families.
To learn more about our Black and white nobility read The Hidden Empire here:

Members of the Aldobrandini Family

List of the members of the Aldobrandini family, listed alphabetically with photos when available. This list includes the names of each famous person in the Aldobrandini family, along with information like where each person was born. If you're doing research on historic members of the Aldobrandini family, then this list is the perfect jumping off point for finding out which notable people are included. The Aldobrandini family has held prominence in the world dating back many years, so it's no wonder that many people have a fascination with its members. While this is not an exact family tree, it does show a list of many popular members of the Aldobrandini family.

People here include everything from Pope Clement VIII to Silvestro Aldobrandini.

The information on this page of prominent Aldobrandini family members can help answer the questions, “Who was in the Aldobrandini family?” and "Who is part of the Aldobrandini family?

Pope Clement VIII
Photo: Freebase/Public domain
Pope Clement VIII, born Ippolito Aldobrandini, was Pope from 30 January 1592 to his death in 1605.more
Age: Died at 69 (1536-1605)
Birthplace: Fano, Italy

Pietro Aldobrandini
Pietro Aldobrandini was an Italian Cardinal and patron of the arts. He was made a cardinal in 1593 by his uncle, Pope Clement VIII. He took over the duchy of Ferrara in 1598 when it fell to the Papal States. He became archbishop of Ravenna in 1604. He bought the Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, and spent large ...more
Age: Died at 50 (1571-1621)
Birthplace: Rome, Italy
Profession: Cardinal

Silvestro Aldobrandini 

Silvestro Aldobrandini was a Florentine jurisconsult and the father of Pope Clement VIII. Silvestro Aldobrandini is depicted in a chapel named after Sixtus V in the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome.more
Age: Died at 58 (1500-1558)
Profession: Lawyer

Ippolito Aldobrandini

Ippolito Aldobrandini was a Catholic Cardinal. He served as Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church from 1623 to 1638. Pope Clement VIII, whose birth name was also Ippolito Aldobrandini, was his great-uncle.more
Age: Died at 46 (1592-1638)
Profession: Cardinal

Bonifazio Bevilacqua Aldobrandini 

Bonifazio Bevilacqua Aldobrandini was an Italian Cardinal. He was the uncle of Pope Gregory XIV.more
Age: Died at 56 (1571-1627)
Profession: Cardinal

Cinzio Passeri Aldobrandini

Cinzio Personeni Aldobrandini was an Italian cardinal. In some documents he is known as Cinzio Passeri Aldobrandini because, after settling in Romagna, the family varied its name according to the place from which they had moved - his father Aurelio Personeni was born in Cà Personeni and later Aurelio's ...more
Age: Died at 59 (1551-1610)

Olimpia Aldobrandini

Olimpia Aldobrandini was a member of the Aldobrandini family of Rome, and the sole heiress to the family fortune.more
Age: Died at 58 (1623-1681)

Camillo Giovanni Giuseppe Aldobrandini 

Birth:May 21, 1945 
Rome, Rome, Lazio, Italy
Profession: MP
Immediate Family:
Son of Clemente Aldobrandini, principe Aldobrandini and Luisa von Welczeck y Balmaceda, Princesa Aldobrandini 
Husband of <private> Gallarati-Scotti (Gallarati Scotti) 
Father of <private> Aldobrandini; <private> Aldobrandini and <private> Aldobrandini 
Half brother of Francesco Aldobrandini 

The Vatican - WHORE of BABYLON

1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying to me, Come here; I will show to you the judgment of the great whore that sits on many waters: 2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. 3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit on a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5 And on her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
Revelation 17:1-6


The Jesuit Vatican New World Order

Ptolemaic Papal bloodlines:


All controlled through the Jesuit Order and their Knights of Malta & Teutonic Knights all based in missile protected Borgo Santo Spirito in Rome.

Pepe Orsini – Italy

Henry Breakspear – Macau, China

This is the true power finally.

This is the Guelph and the Ghibelline power over mankind.

The Cecil family were controlled by the powerful Jesuit family known as the Pallavicini.

Maria Camilla Pallavicini 
Maria Camilla Pallavicini is far more powerful than Queen Elizabeth II.

The Queen and Prince Philip are totally subordinate to the Papal Bloodline the Breakspear Family and their Jesuit UKHQ at 114 Mount Street.

Pallavicini Family Coat of Arms
Please go and study who funded Elizabeth I that astronomical amount of money to fight the Spanish, yes Pallavicini.

The most powerful man right now in the conspiracy over this World is a Roman by the name of PEPE ORSINI of the powerful Roman Papal Bloodline the Orsini also known as Orso and the ancient Maximus family.


There is no one more powerful than this figure who is really the GREY POPE.

The Papal Bloodlines are the secret shadow hierarchy of the Jesuit Order even behind the Black Pope touted at the #1.

These powerful bloodlines are the Breakspear, Somaglia, Orsini, Farnese & Aldobrandini.

You’ll notice David Rothschild marrying into the Aldobrandini with the pretty, Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini.

Another real head of this is Henry Breakspear who resides now in Macau in China.

Many of the Papal Bloodline heads now live in Asia and India. What does that tell you?

Current Black Pope, Adolfo Nicholas and Former Black Pope Hans Kolvenbach  

The current Black Pope, Adolfo Nicholas was brought forward for the position due to the Jesuits bringing about of Asia as the next power player of the agenda.

Both this Black Pope and the White Pope aren’t of Papal Bloodline, they are both commoners.

I’ve named the most powerful families on the planet. I’ve named the Grey Pope the one in between the 
White and Black but unseen

Saturnalian Brotherhood – The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of the Illuminati

House of Borja
House of Breakspeare
House of Somaglia
House of Orsini
House of Conti
House of Chigi
House of Colonna
House of Farnese
House of Medici
House of Gaetani
House of Pamphili
House of Este
House of Aldobrandini

Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulers Genealogy

These Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulers are in Full Control of the Company of Jesus, High Grey Council of Ten, and the Black Pope

This is some good info on the Black Pope:

The ‘Black Pope’, Superior Jesuit General (The President of the World), speaks at Loyola ‘Military Fortress’ University in his un-ratified 14th Amendment ‘Little Rome’ D.C United States Corporation.

A corporation under International Maritime Admiralty Law (Uniform Commerical Code) based upon Vatican Canon Law and perfected by the Roman Empire.

He lies about his power, he’s over the Pope as of 1814.

He only serves and works with the shadow Jesuits being the Papal Bloodline Orsini’s, Breakspear’s, Aldobrandini, Farnese, Somaglia.

Adolfo is not of Papal Bloodline, some Black Pope’s have been.

The next in power beneath the Jesuits is the Bourbon, King Juan Carlos of Spain. The Roman Monarch of the World, The King of Jerusalem and SMOM Military Navigator.

This is the true World’s Power System right now.

Adolfo serves as a military General protecting the Zoroastrianism and Mithraism mystery schools.

The Jesuits were created by the Papal Bloodline Farnese during the reign of Farnese Pope Paul III.

Farnese Pope Paul III.
Loyola was commissioned by Alessandro Cardinal Farnese.
The Borgia Crime Family created the Jesuits!!

After the terrible reign of Pope Alexander VI, the Romans were disgusted with the Spanish and vowed that there would never be another Spanish Pope. This animosity toward the Spanish was further aggravated by the Sack of Rome in 1527 in order to prevent the divorce of Henry VIII from Catherine of Aragon.

The Borgia answer to this Spanish animosity was the creation of the Order of Jesuits—a quasi religious/military strike force whose members were totally dedicated to their Spanish leader who bore the military title of general.

Like the White Pope, the general is elected for life and the Jesuit dynasty is a parallel or pseudo Papacy….Of course, the general is content to run the show from behind the scenes so as not to arouse the age-old Italian hatred for the Spanish.

The Jesuit general is referred to as the ‘”Black” Pope at the Vatican because he always dresses in black.

The Jesuits were officially founding in 1540 by Pope Paul III. Ignatius Loyola became their first general.

Don Francis Borgia was the great-grandson of Pope Alexander VI, and co-founder of the Jesuits. On his mother’s side he was descended from King Ferdinand of Aragon.

Francis Borgia
The Spanish control the Vatican through the Jesuits.

For the past 500 years, the Spanish Inquisition has controlled the Vatican by means of the Jesuits. All Jesuits answer to their General in Rome, and he in turn is content to run the show from behind the scenes, without any publicity or public acclaim so as not to arouse the age-old Italian hostility to the Spanish…

Every one knows about the fabricated Italian Spanish ( verbal)war and it still is used in Propaganda today to keep them all dumbed down.

So down with the Pope ? Were Sorry to inform you! But,  This rabbit hole is far deeper than anyone could have ever conceived of in there wildest nightmares!!!

This is the top of the Global Power Pyramid were it come to the flat top space between the Papal Bloodline Puppets and above them there Puppet Master god the All Seeing Eye of "Horus - RA -  BA"AL - Molech - Lucifer "  

From now on keep all your gold and silver for you and your family and neighbours. When this evil system is brought down money must be abolished and a completely new system from kindergarten right up must be created from scratch...We must learn to live again the way the LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST intended us to live. People have been led to believe that everything is scarce and will eventually run out This is a flat out deceptive Lie. This planet is plentiful as long as one tiny group doesn't hord everything on it and dole it out at there will and price.  GOD created the Earth plentiful with all materials and creatures. Now is the Time for the good in mankind to stand up and prove it to ourselves and to the Lord God Jesus Christ, That the good in humanity can overcome the evil of Satan. or die trying. .. The Book of Revelation I believe tell us of the ongoing battle between GOD and Satan from always trying to corrupt our GOD created perfection of our physical bodily form our DNA by manipulating ,lying and deceiving to our spiritual, personality consciousness our soul or psyche into doing his evil will  and not GOD's. All GOD want humanity to do is try refute Satan evil Temptation to Sin.  He knows we cant banish Satan ourselves and he knows the power Satan has over us as he gave him that power as well,  but he also gave us his only begotten Son Jesus Christ who was born a man was persecuted as a man, suffered as a man and died as a man and rose from the dead as the New Covenant the Lord GOG JESUS CHRIST so that we could get forgiveness for our sins through his sacrifice and resurrection. Isn't that just the greatest thing you've ever heard !!!  As far as Satan goes GOD tell us that he will take care of Satan Himself He's got eternal plans for that Old Serpent the Devil and his Fallen Fellow Demons Angels!!!  We just have to refute and resist  Satan's ongoing temptation of us now and until Christ Second Coming and his Final Judgement

The funny thing is That the Cardinals who pretend to pick the pope under lock and key say that God comes in the presence and selects the Pope. Ever thought if that were so, that would get 7 billion viewers on television if true?

What do they take us for ?

All the Ptolemaic Papal Bloodlines  named above have hand picked every Monarch and every Pope White, Grey and Black They also hand pick every President and Prime Ministers this is all done to maintain control  of there Holy Royal Roman - British Empire of the City and it all done  through shear evil oppression and tyranny. There JESUIT OATH proves the Tyranny, Oppression, Assassination, Kidnapping, Murder, and Ritual Mass Murder and there planned genocide Murder of 97% of humanity and they all swear to it in Blood and under threat of Death for revealing any of this to us the common folk...

  They have stolen our rights to be what we really are supposed to be :

Massive balls of light spiritual beings TOing and FROing around the universe and being called Aliens -the Greys the Draco the Reptilians all are nothing more than the Fallen Angels and or there dead Nephilim Demons  deceiving humanity again. There are also now suppose to be living Nephilim on earth that look just like you and I but are in no way shape or form Humans ...In most Alien abduction stories the people describe the beings as looking like the Typical Little grey alien we have all seen on TV

The food they control us all to ingest then digest, is full of toxins and poisons like Sodium Fluorides(a nuclear waste by-product) It destroys our DNA mainly targeting our very spiritual Pineal Gland(third eye) in the very center of our brain but not part of the brain itself  but a pituitary type gland and Fluoride causes it to calcify and harden from an eyeball shape and textured gland to a hard salt like crystal rock in the center of your head, that no longer functions and can no longer bring you into your true self being. These Ptolemaic Papal Bloodlines of the Vatican know all about the Pineal Gland as the largest court on the Vatican Grounds is called the Pine Cone Court and it has a large sculpture of a Pine Cone  in the center of it... That new  deformed cross the White Pope carries also has a Pine Cone on it...This only goes to show that they know all about the occult importance of the Pineal Gland  the gateway for the soul to Heaven when the time of our death comes.  You are a remarkable soul in a physically spiritual 3D Body created in the image of GOD by GOD.
  Are You Wondering where 
your Spirit and Soul has Gone.
Adapt the truthful way of nature again for your spiritual acclaim and be in charge of your health and stop being subservient to Evil Pharmaceutical Chemical Bioweapons and Poisons, in addition to the Killing Doctors and Dentists of Jesuits Allopathic Medicine Practices Ask yourself this?  What Honest Moral Dentist or Doctor would knowingly and willingly subject there patient to treatments of Poisonous Sodium Fluoride and then tell them to go home and to  brush twice a day with a good name brand Sodium Fluoride Toothpaste like Crest or Colgate???  or what Moral Dentist would fill a child's or adults teeth with these life long highly Toxic Poison Silver Mercury Amalgam Fillings really what kind???

If Sodium Fluoride isn’t to lower your IQ by Dumbing Down your Pineal Gland (the spiritual cosmic consciouness gland in the Geocentric Center of the brain.  What exactly is it for then???  Its a Nuclear Waste By-Product  that has to be scraped out of the inside of those large smoke stacks at Nuclear Power Generating Station  and it is then so expensive to dispose of it; they sell it to our government to be put in our water to supposedly protect our teeth from cavities a complete and utter fabrication of a complete longstanding LIE. Rat Poison is 100% Sodium Fluoride

Take the Gold back from these thieves and claim it back for Humanity Take it from every single person in this Ptolemaic Papal Bloodlines of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN NEW WORLD ORDER Matrix, because it is all ours...  Make Plans to help do massive Citizens Arrests of all members when the name list are put out by the International Tribumal Into Crimes of Church and State ITCCS .

Our Health Physical and mental and our future life longevity is being stolen from every one of us and its called slow Kill MURDER and its being done on a Genocidal Global Scale RIGHT NOW agaisnt us to cull us down by up to 97% in total death that 6.7 BILION DEAD$#^@&*^  Why do these Insane Murderous Psychopath Bloodlines believe that they can do this evil and get away with it??? Its because they have been doing and getting away with it for Millenium after Millenium after Millenium !!!!... But this time is different I believe because Humanity is for the most part now awake and getting more informed daily about Who What When Where and Why they are the Evil they are... We now know there Modus Apparendie tactics of the Hegalian Dialect of Problem Reaction Solution and False Flag Terrorism  Operation like 9/11, 7/7/7 , Gulf of Tonkin, USS Liberty and so its getting harder and harder for them to pull there shit off and get away with it

Albert Einstein once said ” The Past, Present and Future run in the same space time concurrently : If you would like to predict what happened in the future all you have to do is remember it”.

They have hidden much great knowledge in there Vaults Libraries and Museums and It is Humanities to reclaim it all from the thieves just as are all the Churches and Cathedrals as well they were built with our human Blood Sweat and Tears Human labor and MONEY Stolen from Humanities Pockets,from each and every one of us... The Secret Vaults and Archives of the Vatican Alone contain thousands of Secrets Spiritual Texts and thousands of very very ancient never seen or heard of before by mankind in general... It is said there are literally miles and miles of shelve of book and texts in the Vatican Libraries, Basements and Catacomb, these too are Humanities  property and for HUMANITIES  EDUCATION not just these EVIL SYNAGOGUE BLOODLINES.

These need to be in your possession and instead, like gold, are locked away in the basement vaults of the Vatican and in the British Museum and many other so called Sacred Tombs Globally. 



The Ptolemaic Dynasty

The Ptolemaic dynasty was founded by Ptolemy son of Lagus, a general of Alexander the Great. On Alexander's death in 323 he was appointed satrap of Egypt, and eventually declared himself king in 304. The dynasty lasted until the death of Cleopatra VII and the Roman conquest of Egypt in 30, an episode which is still one of the best-known chapters of ancient history.
The intervening period is one which is, by comparison to most of pharaonic Egypt, very well, if not fully coherently, documented. While Ptolemy I and Cleopatra VII are perhaps the best-known rulers, most of the Ptolemaic kings and queens emerge as distinctive and interesting (if not necessarily attractive) individuals. Ptolemaic Egypt was one of the two great powers of the Hellenistic East for most of its existence. During this period Egyptian armies ranged further east and further north than at any other time in Egyptian history. Alexandria was the center of the Hellenistic intellectual world. The period also saw the final flowering of pharaonic Egyptian art and architecture. Many of the great temples we see today, at Edfu, Esna, Kom Ombo, Dendera, Philae and elsewhere, are basically Ptolemaic monuments.
The Ptolemaic era is unjustly neglected. Both Egyptophiles and Hellenists have traditionally seen it as decadent, a judgement that in my opinion has no basis. The last major general survey written in English appeared in 1927. The number of Ptolemaic scholars is small, and very few universities have specialist departments. However, in recent years significant surveys have appeared, particularly in German, and one of these has been translated into English. Additionally, the exciting discoveries of sunken cities in the waters off Alexandria have attracted world-wide attention.
Alexandria: The Ptolemaic Dynasty
The achievements of the Greeks in the ancient world, by no means few, may have reached their peak in the city of Alexandria. No less a ruler than its namesake, Alexander III of Macedonia (Alexander the Great), Alexandria dominated the eastern Mediterranean world culturally, politically, and economically for more than nine hundred years, the latter three hundred of which it competed with even the eastern capital of the Byzantine Empire, the famous Constantinople. Few cities in the world can claim success of this magnitude for close to millenium, and even fewer still flourish to this day. Part of the reason for Alexandria's success was its location, both geographically as well as politically. Situated on the coast of the Mediterranean, it was the true bridge between Europe and Africa while still being a world all to itself. It was largely separate from the political upheavals of the Hellenistic kingdoms, and then later shaded by the Pax Romanum, as well as being quite far from the chaos of the barbarian invasions that contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire. Freed from many of the fetters that chafed against its peers, and enriched by both maritime trade and its Greek intellectual tradition, Alexandria soon earned the title "Queen of the Mediterranean."
Part of Alexandria's power and majesty came from its status as the new capital of Egypt. In 320 BC it replaced Memphis as the seat of rulership for the Ptolemaic dynasty and it remained so throughout the Byzantine period. The rest was largely due to its monopoly on the papyrus industry for the entire Mediterranean world, as well as its hold on the manufacture and export of medicines, perfumes, jewelry, and art. Additionally, many materials and goods prized by the ancient world from the east came into Alexandria and were exported from there.
The arrival of the Greeks brought an unprecedented amount of change in Egypt as they overlaid the existing society with that of their own. At first glance, the Grco-Macedonian period seems to lack the romance and awe of the Pharaohs who came before, but it was during this time, between Alexander's conquest and the Arab takeover of Alexandria in AD 642 that Egypt made some of its most significant contributions to the classical world, as well as absorbing its influences. Change came in many sectors of Egypt and Egyptian life. A new system of roads and canals was created which, coupled with the Nile travel already mastered by the Egyptians, resulted in the ability to move goods and people all over the Nile Valley and the Delta like never before. Better travel resulted in better communications across Egypt, which in turn resulted in greater military security as well as the faster spread of new cultural and social patterns.
Alexander the Great took Egypt from the Persians in 332 BC and made it a part of the the Greek Empire. In the first part of 331 BC, shortly after being crowned Pharaoh in Memphis, he sailed northwards down the Nile and there, prompted by a dream, he began his most lasting contribution to civilization. On the natural harbor near Rhacotis he built a fortified port and named it, in a moment of egotism, Alexandria. Alexander then connected the island of Pharos, located in the center of the bay, to the mainland with a 1,300-meter causeway, the Heptastadion. Thus two great harbors were created for his city and towering over it all, the Pharos Lighthouse, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Yet Alexander, true to his nature, did not say long enough to see a single building built of his new city. Instead, he traveled to Siwa and then back to Memphis before setting out on his conquest of Asia. He never returned, dying in Babylon at the age of 38.
Following Alexander's death, his generals divided the Empire, each setting up their own kingdoms. One of them, Ptolemy, took Egypt as his share and made Alexandria his capital, ruling as Ptolemy I Soter and thus established the last dynasty that would rule Egypt with the title of Pharaoh. He brought Alexander's body with him to be buried in the city, reuniting the famed conqueror with the city that bore his name. For the next two-and-a-half centuries, the Ptolemaic dynasty of the Greeks would successfully rule Egypt, mingling Hellenic traditions with the mighty legacy of the Pharaohs.
It was under the Ptolemaic Dynasty that Alexandria truly became the cultural and economic center of the ancient world. Egypt was ruled from Alexandria by Ptolemy's descendants until the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 BC. The early Ptolemies raised the quality of Egyptian agriculture by reclaiming cultivatable land through irrigation and introduced crops such as cotton and better wine-producing grapes. In addition, they increased the wealth of their population by increasing foreign trade, making more luxury goods available to more people. In return, Egypt enriched their lives as the new rulers absorbed their adopted culture. Egypt had enchanted the Ptolemies, as it had all its foreign rulers before them. Ptolemy and his descendants adopted Egyptian royal trappings and added Egypt's religion to their own, worshipping the gods of Eternity and building temples to them, and even being mummified and buried in sarcophagi covered with hieroglyphs.
This adoption of Egyptian culture was really the secret to Ptolemy's rule (and that of his descendants). Alexander came and left, burning with the desire to bring the rest of the world under his influence, but Ptolemy saw a need to become one of the people he intended to rule. Indeed, the famed Satrap Stele, on which is carved a decree from Ptolemy from the same period as his installation as ruler reads, "I Ptolemy, the satrap, restore to Horus, the avenger of his father, the territory of Patanut [Egypt], from this day forth for ever..." In addition to showing respect for the Egyptian religion and beliefs (something previous conquerors had failed to do), this inscription reminded the people exactly who it was who had liberated Egypt from the Persian Empire, thus ensuring much support for the new ruler and the dynasty that would follow him.
This was quite literally a golden age for the citizens of Alexandria, and for Egypt as a whole. Although Alexander never lived to see its glory, it nevertheless became the racial melting pot he is said to have wanted for his capital city. Ptolemy decided early on that Alexandria would be not just another port capital, but the home of a new age in Greek science and art. It may seem surprising to find such an impulse in a military man, but Ptolemy was more than just another general. He was a great writer of histories, including detailed accounts of Alexander's campaigns, and this love for learning did not die with him. Ptolemy's son and heir, Ptolemy II Philadelphus, for instance, had a passion for science, and Ptolemy III as we shall see, was a manic collector of books. The Greeks had long had a tradition of enlightened rulers, and despite being on foreign soil, the Ptolemies would be no exception. Ptolemy invited scholars and artists from all over the known world to come to Alexandria, not to be mere court window dressing, but to foster the learning culture of Alexandria. The arrival of many of these learned people, and later the successors they found amongst the citizens of their new home, resulted in one of the most famous images of historic Alexandria: the Library.
The Library at Alexandria was conceived largely as an attempt to bring together in Alexandria the whole of the earlier Greek science, art, and literature. Ptolemy I, though respectful as he was of the Egyptian culture, nevertheless believed the Greek culture to be superior in many respects, and thus the preservation of it in Alexandria was of utmost importance. The models for this project may very well have been the research center created by Aristotle at the Lyceum, as well as Plato's Academy. Between these two centers of learning, later joined by the Library, something very close to the modern university was being created, for these centers did not just archive information, they made it accessible to those who sought it, and in return, added to it. And add to it they did. At one point the Library held close to fifty thousand books, not much when compared to the university libraries of today, but for the ancient world it is an astonishing number.
It was the mission of the librarians, as well as of those rulers who supported it, to rescue and archive all Greek knowledge and to obtain copies of every known work. Stories abound about Ptolemy III Euergetes I, grandson of Ptolemy I, who seized cargoes of books from ships docked at Alexandria, had copies made of each volume, returned the copies to the shipmasters and kept the originals for the library. He also borrowed the complete works of Aeschylus, Euripides, and Sophocles from the Athenian collections and never returned them. Yet this is not to say that the Ptolemies hoarded knowledge. The libraries were open to all those who could read and who wished to learn. And learning was easy indeed thanks to the widespread teaching of the Greek alphabet. With only thirty symbols, as compared with the multitudes of hieroglyphs, virtually anyone could learn it, and almost everyone did. A new age of learning had dawned, and Alexandria stood at the bulwark of it.
The eventual fate of the Library is unknown. A significant portion of it is said to have been destroyed during Julius Caesar's war against Pompey, though how significant this portion was, or even the size of it, is not certain. The Library may have perished during the 270s, along with the palace quarter. At the very least, it does not appear to have existed at the time of the Arab conquest in the seventh century AD. Stories do abound, as they always will, that part of the library was rescued and remains hidden, waiting to be discovered.
For the next three centuries the Ptolemaic Dynasty would hold sway over Egypt, surviving both family feuds and external conflicts while living an unusual combination of Hellenic and Egyptian life. And under them Alexandria grew mighty and prosperous, the center of an empire that extended around the coast of Syria to the Aegean Sea. In fact, if Alexandria had been any more prosperous, it might have replaced Rome as the center of the world, as Rome was neither as strategically located nor as culturally diverse. But all this is not to say that Alexandria was a city completely at peace with itself. With the large numbers of people and cultures coming through the city, it was inevitable that conflict would arise. Certainly racial tensions, by no means an invention of the twentieth century, played a strong part. Additionally, a number of more tradition-minded Egyptians resented the presence of the Greeks, nations brought their feuds with them to the streets and businesses of Alexandria, and there was always the wildly unpredictable Alexandrian Mob to lend spice to things.
Little by little however, the glory days of the early Ptolemies came to an end. The later successors to the throne did not live up to the standards set by their forebears and moreover, internal strife took its toll. The Egyptians grew more restless year by year and finally, beginning in 206 BC, Upper Egypt openly rebelled. Suppressing these revolts took more out of the treasury than the Ptolemies could afford and this, combined with the less-than-sound foreign policy of the later Ptolemies, brought Egypt increasingly under the influence of Rome.
Read more:

History of the Egyptian Kingdom of the Ptolemies (B.C. 323 to 30) 
George Rawlinson M.A, Canon of Canterbury and Camden Professor of Ancient history at the University of Oxford
Ancient History of Chaldaea, Assyria, Media, Babylonia, Lydia, Phoenicia, Syria, Judaea, Egypt, Carthage, Persia, Greece, Macedonia, Parthia, and Rome., The Colonial Press, New York, 1899.
 The kingdom of the Ptolemies, which owed its origin to Alexander the Great, rose to a pitch of greatness and prosperity which, it is probable, was never dreamt-of by the Conqueror. His subjection of Egypt was accomplished rapidly; and he spent but little time in the organization of his conquest. Still, the foundation of all Egypt's later greatness was laid, and the character of its second civilization determined, by him, in the act by which he transferred the seat of government from the inland position of Memphis to the maritime Alexandria. By this alteration not only was the continued pre-eminence of the Macedo-Greek element secured, but the character of the Egyptians themselves was modified. Commercial pursuits were adopted by a large part of the nation. Intercourse with foreigners, hitherto checked and discouraged, became common. Production was stimulated; enterprise throve; and the stereotyped habits of this most rigid of ancient peoples were to a large extent broken into. In language and religion they still continued separate from their conquerors; but their manners and tone of thought underwent a change. The stiff-necked rebels against the authority of the Persian crown became the willing subjects of the Macedonians. Absorbed in the pursuits of industry, or in the novel employment of literature, the Egyptians forgot their old love of independence, and contentedly acquiesced in the new regime.
In the history of nations much depends on the characters of individuals; and Egypt seems to have been very largely indebted to the first Ptolemy for her extraordinary prosperity. Assigned the African provinces in the division of Alexander's dominions after his death (B.C. 323), he proceeded at once to his government, and, resigning any great ambition, sought to render his own territory unassailable, and to make such additions to it as could be attempted without much risk. It was among his special aims to make Egypt a great naval power; and in this he succeeded almost beyond his hopes, having after many vicissitudes established his authority over Palestine, Phoenicia, and Coele-Syria; and also possessed himself of the island of Cyprus. Cilicia, Caria, and Pamphylia were open to his attacks, and sometimes subject to his sway. For a time he even held important positions in Greece, e.g., Corinth and Sicyon; but he never allowed the maintenance of these distant acquisitions to entangle him inextricably in foreign wars, or to endanger his home dominions. Attacked twice in his own province, once by Perdiccas (B.C. 321), and once by Demetrius and Antigonus (B.C. 306), he both times repulsed his assailants and maintained his own territory intact. Readily retiring if danger threatened, lie was always prompt to advance when occasion offered. His combined prudence and vigor obtained the reward of ultimate success; and his death left Egypt in possession of all the more important of his conquests.
In one quarter alone did Ptolemy endeavor to extend his African dominion. The flourishing country of the Cyrenaica, which lay not far from Egypt upon the west, had welcomed Alexander as a deliverer from the power of Persia, and bad been accepted by him into alliance. Ptolemy, who coveted its natural wealth, and disliked the existence of an independent republic in his neighborhood, found an occasion in the troubles which at this time fell upon Cyrene, to establish his authority over the whole region. At the same time be must have brought under subjection the Libyan tribes of the district between Egypt and the Cyrenaica, who in former times had been dependent upon the native Egyptian monarchy, and had submitted to the Persians when Egypt was conquered by Cambyses.
The system of government established by Ptolemy Lagi, so far as it can be made out was the following. The monarch was supreme, and indeed absolute, having the sole direction of affairs and the sole appointment of all officers. The changes, however, made in the internal administration were few. The division of the whole country into nomes was maintained; and most of the old nomes were kept, a certain number only being subdivided. Each was ruled by its nomarch, who received his appointment from the crown, and might at any time be superseded. The nomarchs were frequently, perhaps even generally, native Egyptians. They administered in their provinces the old Egyptian laws, and maintained the old Egyptian religion. It was from first to last a part of the established policy of the Lagid monarchs to protect and honor the religion of their subjects, which they regarded as closely akin to their own, and of which they ostentatiously made themselves the patrons. Ptolemy Lagi began the practice of rebuilding and ornamenting the temples of the Egyptian gods, and paid particular honor to the supposed incarnations of Apis. The old privileges of the priests, and especially their exemption from land tax, were continued; and they were allowed everywhere the utmost freedom in the exercise of every rite of their religion. In return for these favors the priests were expected to acknowledge a quasi-divinity in the Lagid monarchs, and to perform certain ceremonies in their honor, both in their lifetime and after their decease.
At the same time many exclusive privileges were reserved for the conquering race. The tranquillity of the country was maintained by a standing army composed almost exclusively of Greeks and Macedonians, and officered wholly by members of the dominant class. This army was located in, comparatively, a few spots, so that its presence was not much felt by the great bulk of the population. As positions of authority in the military service were reserved for Graeco-Macedonians, so also in the civil service of the country all offices of any importance were filled tip front the same class. This class, moreover, which was found chiefly in a small number of the chief towns, enjoyed full municipal liberty in these places, electing its own officers, and, for the most part, administering its own affairs without interference on the part of the central government.
One of the chief peculiarities of the early Lagid kingdom peculiarity for which it was indebted to its founder-was its encouragement of literature and science. Ptolemy Lagi was himself an author; and, alone among the successors of Alexander, inherited the regard for men of learning and research which had distinguished his great patron. Following the example of Aristotle, he set himself to collect an extensive library, and lodged it in a building connected with the royal palace. Men of learning were invited by him to take up their residence at Alexandria; and the " Museum " was founded, a College of Professors, which rapidly drew to it a vast body of students, and rendered Alexandria the university of the Eastern world. It was too late in the history of the Greek race to obtain, by the fostering influence of judicious patronage, the creation of masterpieces; but exact science, criticism, and even poetry of an unpretentious kind, were produced; and much excellent literary work was done, to the great benefit of the moderns. Euclid, and Apollonius of Perga, in mathematics; Philetas, Callimachus, and Apollonius of Rhodes, in poetry; Aristoplianes of Byzantium, and Aristarchus, in criticism ; Eratostlienes in chronology and geography; Hipparchus in astronomical science; and Manetho in history-adorned the Lagid period, and sufficiently indicate that the Lagid patronage of learning was not unfruitful. Apelles, too, and Antiphilus produced many of their best pictures at the Alexandrian court.
The character of Ptolemy Lagi was superior to that of most of the princes who were his contemporaries. In an age of treachery and violence, he appears to have remained faithful to his engagements, and to have been rarely guilty of any bloodshed that was not absolutely necessary for his own safety and that of his kingdom. His mode of life was simple and unostentatious. He was a brave soldier, and never scrupled to incur personal danger. The generosity of his temper was evinced by his frequently setting his prisoners free without ransom. In his domestic relations he was, however, unhappy. He married two wives, Eurydice, the daughter of Antipater, whom he divorced, and Berenice, her companion. By Eurydice he had it son, Ptolemy Ceraunus, who should naturally have been his successor; but Berenice prevailed on him in his old age to prefer her son, Philadelphus; and Ptolemy Ceraunus, offended, became an exile from his country, and an intrigue against the interests of his brother and his other relatives. Enmity and bloodshed were thus introduced into the family; and to that was shortly afterwards added the crime of' Incest, a fatal cause of decay and corruption.
Ptolemy Lagi adorned his capital with a number of great works. The principal of these were the royal palace, the Museum, the lofty Pharos, upon the island which formed the port, the mole or causeway, nearly a mile in length (Heptastadium), which connected this island with the shore, the Soma or mausoleum, containing the body of Alexander the temple of Serapis (completed by his son, Philadelphus), and the Hippodrome or great race-course. He likewise rebuilt the inner chamber of the grand temple at Karnak, and probably repaired many other Egyptian buildings. After a reign of forty years, having attained to the advanced age of eighty-four, he died in Alexandria, B.C. 283, leaving his crown to his son, Philadelphus, the eldest of his children by Berenice, whom he had already two years before associated with him in the kingdom.
Ptolemy II., surnamed Philadelphus, was born at Cos, B.C. 309, and was consequently twenty-six years of age at the commencement of his sole reign. He inherited his father's love for literature and genius for administration, but not his military capacity. Still, he did not abstain altogether even from aggressive wars, but had an eye to the events which were passing in other countries, and sought to maintain by his arms the balance of power established in his father's lifetime. His chief wars were with the rebel king of Cyr~n6, his half-brother, Magas; with Antiochus I and Antiochus II, kings of Syria; and with Antigonus Gonatas, king of Macedon. They occupied the space of about twenty years, from B.C. 269 to 249. Philadelphus was fairly successful in them, excepting that he was forced, as the result of his struggle with Magas, to acknowledge the independence of that monarch.
The home administration of Ptolemy Philadelphus was in all respects eminently successful. To him belongs the credit of developing to their fullest extent the commercial advantage which the position of Egypt throws open to her, and of bringing by these means her material prosperity to its culminating point. By reopening the canal uniting the Red Sea with the Nile-a construction of the greatest of the Ramesside kings - and building the port of Arsinoë on the site of the modern Suez, lie united the East and West, allowing the merchandise of either region to reach the other by water carriage. As this, however, owing to the dangers of the Red Sea navigation, was not enough, he constructed two other harbors, and founded two other cities, each called Berenic6, on the eastern African coast, one nearly in lat. 24*, the other still farther to the south, probably about lat. 13*. A high-road was opened from the northern Berenice to Coptos on the Nile (near Thebes), and the merchandise of India, Arabia, and Ethiopia flowed to Europe for several centuries chiefly by this route. The Ethiopian trade was particularly valuable. Not only was ivory imported largely from this region, but the elephant was hunted oil a large scale, and the hunters' captures were brought alive into Egypt, where they were used in the military service. Ptolemais, in lat. 18* 40', was tile emporium for this traffic.
The material prosperity of Egypt which these measures insured was naturally accompanied by a flourishing condition of the revenue. Philadelphus is said to have derived from Egypt alone, without counting the tribute in grain, an annual income of 14,800 talents (more than three and a half millions sterling), or as much as Darius Hystaspis obtained from the whole of his vast empire. The revenue was raised chiefly from customs, but was supplemented from other sources. The remoter provinces, Palestine, Phoenicia, Cyprus, etc., seem to have paid a tribute; but of the mode of its assessment we know nothing.
The military force which Philadelphus maintained is said to have amounted to 200,000 foot and 40,000 horse, besides elephants and war-chariots. He had also a fleet of 1500 vessels, many of which were of extraordinary size. The number of rowers required to man these vessels must have exceeded, rather than fallen short of, 6oo,ooo men.
The fame of Philadelphus depends, however, far less upon his military exploits, or his talents for organization and administration, than upon his efforts in the cause of learning. In this respect, if in no other, lie surpassed his father, and deserves to be regarded as the special cause of the literary glories of his country. The library which the first Ptolemy had founded was by the second so largely increased that he has often been regarded as its author. The minor library of the Serapeium was entirely of his collection. Learned men were invited to his court from every quarter; and literary works of the highest value were undertaken at his desire or under his patronage. Among these the most important were the translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into the Greek language (which was commenced in his reign and continued under several of his successors), and the "History of Egypt," derived from the native records, which was composed in Greek during his reign by the Egyptian priest Manetho. Philadelphus also patronized painting and sculpture, and adorned his capital with architectural works of great magnificence.
In his personal character, Philadelphus presents an unfavorable contrast to his father. Immediately upon attaining the throne he banished Demetrius Phalereus, for the sole offense that he had advised Ptolemy Lagi against altering the succession. Shortly afterwards he put to death two of his brothers. He divorced his first wife Arsinoë, the daughter of Lysimachus, and banished her to Coptos in Upper Egypt, in order that he might contract an incestuous marriage with his full sister, Arsinoë, who had been already married to his half brother Ceraunus. To this princess, who bore him no children, he continued tenderly attached, taking in reference to her the epithet "Philadelphus," and honoring her by giving her name to several of the cities which he build and erecting to her memory a magnificent monument at Alexandria, which was known as the Arsinoeum. Nor did he long survive her decease. He died in B.C. 247 of disease, at Alexandria, having lived sixty-two years, and reigned thirty-eight, or thirty-six from the death of his father.
Ptolemy III., surnamed Euergetes ("the Benefactor"), the eldest son of Philadelphus by his first wife, succeeded him. This prince was the most enterprising of all the Lagid monarchs; and under him Egypt, which had hitherto maintained a defensive attitude, became an aggressive power, and accomplished important conquests. The greater part of these were, it is true, retained for only a few years; but others were more permanent, and became real additions to the empire. The empire obtained now its greatest extension, comprising, besides Egypt and Nubia, the Cyrenaica, which was recovered by the marriage of Berenio:6, daughter and heiress of Magas, to Euergetes; parts of Ethiopia, especially the tract about Adule; a portion of the Opposite or western coast of Arabia; Palestine, Phoenicia, and Coele-Syria; Cyprus, Cilicia, Pamphylia, Lycia, Caria, and Ionia; the Cyclades; and a portion of Thrace, including the city of Lysiniaclicia in the Chersonese.
Friendly relations had been established with Rome by Ptolemy Philadelphus, as early as B.C. 273. Euergetes continued this policy, but declined the assistance which the great republic was anxious to lend him in his Syrian wars. It would seem that the ambitious projects of Rome 'and her aspirations after universal dominion were already, at the least, suspected.
Like his father and grandfather, Euergetes was a patron of art and letters. He added largely to the great library at Alexandria, collecting the best manuscripts from all quarters, sometimes by very questionable means. The poet, Apollonius Rhodius, the geographer and chronologist, Eratosthenes, and the grammarian Aristophanes of Byzantium, adorned his court. Alexandria does not seem to have owed to him many of her buildings; but he gratified his Egyptian subjects by important architectural works, as well as by the restoration of various images of their gods, which he had recovered in his Eastern expedition.
After a reign of twenty-five years, during which he had enjoyed almost uninterrupted success, and had raised Egypt to perhaps the highest pitch of prosperity that she ever attained, Euergetes died, according to the best authority, by a natural death; though there were not wanting persons to ascribe his decease to the machinations of his son. He left behind him three children-Ptolemy, who succeeded him, Magas, and Arsinoë, who became the wife of her elder brother.
The glorious period of the Macedo-Egyptian history terminates with Euergetes. Three kings of remarkable talent, and of moderately good moral character, had held the throne for a little more than a century (101 years), and had rendered Egypt the most flourishing of the kingdom which had arisen out of the disruption of Alexander's empire. They were followed by a succession of wicked and incapable monarchs, among whom it is difficult to find one who has any claim to our respect or esteem. Historians reckon nine Ptolemies after Euergetes. Except Philometor, who was mild and humane, Lathyrus, who was amiable but weak, and Ptolemy XII. (sometimes called Dionysus), who was merely young and incompetent, they were all, almost equally, detestable.
Ptolemy IV., who assumed the title of Philopator to disarm the suspicions which ascribed to him the death of his father, was the eldest son of Euergetes, and ascended the throne B.C. 222. His first acts, after seating himself upon the throne, were the murder of his mother, Berenic6, who had wished her younger son to obtain the succession; of his brother, Magas; and of his father's brother, Lysimachus. He followed up these outrages by quarreling with the Spartan refugee Cleomenes, and driving him into a revolt, which cost him and his family their lives. He then contracted an incestuous marriage with his sister, Arsinoë, and abandoning the direction of affairs to his minister, Sosibius, the adviser of these measures, gave himself tip to a life of intemperance and profligacy. Agathoclea, a professional singer, and her brother, Agathocles, the children of a famous courtesan, became his favorites, and ruled the court, while Sosibius managed the kingdom. To gratify these minions of his pleasures, Philopator, about B.C. 2og, put to death his wife, Arsinoë, after she had borne him an heir to the empire.
The weakness of Philopator, and the mismanagement of the State by Sosibius, who was at once incapable and wicked, laid the empire open to attack; and it was not long before the young king of Syria, Antiochus III., took advantage of the condition of affairs to advance his own pretensions to the possession of the long-disputed tract between Syria Proper and Egypt. It might have been expected that, under the circumstances, he would have been successful. But the Egyptian forces, relaxed though their discipline had been by Sosibius, were still superior to the Syrians; and the battle of Raphia (&C. 217) was a repetition of the lessons taught at Pelusium and Gaza. The invader was once more defeated upon the borders, and by the peace which followed, the losses of the two preceding years were, with one exception, recovered.
The Syrian war was only just brought to a close when disaffection showed itself among Philopator's Egyptian subjects. The causes of their discontent are obscure; and we are without any details as to the course of the struggle. But there is evidence that it lasted through a considerable number of years, and was only brought to a close after much effusion of blood on both sides.
Notwithstanding his inhumanity and addiction to the worst forms of vice, Philopator so far observed the traditions of his house as to continue their patronage of letters. He lived on familiar terms with the men of learning who frequented his court, and especially distinguished with his favor the grammarian Aristarchus. To show his admiration for Homer, he dedicated a temple to him. He further even engaged, himself, in literary pursuits, composing tragedies and poems of various kinds.
Worn out prematurely by his excesses, Philopator died at about the age of forty, after he had held the throne for seventeen years. He left behind him one only child, a son, named Ptolemy, the issue of his marriage with Arsinoë. This child, who at the time of his father's death was no more than five years old, was immediately acknowledged as king. He reigned from B.C. 205 to 181, and is distinguished in history by the surname of Epiphanes. The affairs of Egypt during his minority were, at first, administered by the infamous Agathocles, who, however, soon fell a victim to the popular fury, together with his sister, his mother, and his whole family. The honest but incompetent Tlepolemus succeeded as regent; but in the
critical circumstances wherein Egypt was now placed by the league of Antiochus with Philip of Macedon (see Book IV.), it was felt that incompetence would be fatal; and the important step was taken of calling in the assistance of the Romans, who sent M. Lepidus, B.C. 2oi, to undertake the management of affairs. Lepidus saved Egypt front conquest; but was unable, or unwilling, to obtain for- her the restoration of the territory whereof the two spoilers had deprived her by their combined attack, Antiochus succeeded in first deferring and then evading the restoration of his share of the spoil , while Philip did not even make a pretense of giving back a single foot of territory. Thus Egypt lost in this reign the whole of her foreign possessions except Cyprus and the Cyrenaica-losses which were never recovered.
Lepidus, on quitting Egypt, B.C. 199, handed over the administration to Aristomenes, the Acarnanian, a man of vigor and probity, who restored the finances, and put fresh life into the administration. But the external were followed by internal troubles. A revolt of the Egyptians, and a conspiracy on the part of the general, Scopas, showed the danger of a long minority, and induced the new regent to curtail his own term of office. At the age of fourteen, Epiphanes was declared of full age, and assumed the reins of government, B.C. 196.
But little is known of Epiphanes from the time of his assuming the government. His marriage with Cleopatra, the daughter of Antiochus the Great, which had been arranged in B.C. 199 as a portion of the terms of peace, was not celebrated till B.C. 193, when he had attained the age of seventeen. Shortly after this the monarch appears to have quarreled with his minister and late guardian, Aristomenes, whom he barbarously removed by poison. A certain Polycrates then became his chief adviser and assisted him to quell a second very serious revolt on the part of the native Egyptians. Towards the close of his reign lie formed designs for the recovery of Coel6-Syria and Palestine, which lie proposed to wrest from Seleucus, who had succeeded his father, Antiochus. But before he could carry his designs into effect, lie was murdered by his officers, whom lie had alarmed by an unguarded expression, B.C. 181.
By his marriage with Cleopatra, Epiphanes had become the father of three children, two sons, both of whom received the name of Ptolemy, and a daughter, called after her mother. The eldest of these children, who took the surname of Philometor, succeeded him, and reigned as Ptolemy VI. His age at his accession was only seven, and during his early years lie remained under the regency of his mother, whose administration was vigorous and successful. At her death, in B.C. 173, the young prince fell under far inferior guardianship-that of Eulacus the eunuch and Lenaeus, ministers at once corrupt and incapable. These weak men, mistaking audacity for vigor, rashly claimed from Antiochus Epiphanes the surrender of Cocl6-Syria and Palestine, the nominal dowry of the late queen mother, and, when their demand was contemptuously rejected, flew to arms. Their invasion of Syria quickly brought upon them the vengeance of Antiochus, who defeated their forces at Pelusium, B.C. 170, and would certainly have conquered all Egypt, had it not been for the interposition of the Romans, who made him retire, and even deprived him of all his conquests.
By the timely aid thus given, Rome was brought into a new position with respect to Egypt. Hitherto she had merely been a friendly ally, receiving more favors than she conferred. Henceforth she was viewed as exercising a sort of protectorate; and her right was recognized to interfere in the internal troubles of the kingdom, and to act as arbiter between rival princes. The claims of such persons were discussed before the Roman Senate, and the princes themselves went to Rome in person to plead their cause. The decision of the Senate was not, indeed, always implicitly obeyed; but still Rome exercised a most important influence from this time, not only over the external policy but over the dynastic squabbles of the Egyptians.
The joint reign of the two kings, Philometor and Physcon, which commenced in B.C. 169, continued till B.C. 165, when the brothers quarreled and Philometor was driven into exile. Having gone to Rome and implored assistance from the Senate, he was re-instated in his kingdom by Roman deputies, who arranged a partition of the territory between the brothers, which might have closed the dispute, could Physcon have remained contented with his allotted portion. But his ambition and intrigues caused fresh troubles, which were, however, quelled after a time by the final establishment of Physcon as king of Cyrene only.
During the continuance of the war between the two brothers, Demetrius L, who had become king of Syria, B.C. 162, had made an attempt to obtain possession of Cyprus by bribing the governor, and had thereby provoked the hostility of Philometor. No sooner, therefore, was Philometor free from domestic troubles than, resolving to revenge himself, he induced Alexander Balas to come forward as a pretender to the Syrian crown, and lent him the full weight of his support, even giving him his daughter, Cleopatra, in marriage, B.C. i5o. But the ingratitude of Balas, after he had obtained the throne by Ptolemy's aid, alienated his patron. The Egyptian king, having with some difficulty escaped a treacherous attempt upon his life, passed over to the side of the younger Demetrius, gave Cleopatra in marriage to him, and succeeded in seating him upon the throne. In the last battle, however, which was fought near Antioch, lie was thrown from his horse, and lost his life, B.C. 146.
Ptolemy Philometor left behind him three children, the issue of his marriage with his full sister, Cleopatra, viz., a son, Ptolemy, who was proclaimed king, under the name of Eupator (or Philopator, according to Lepsius), and two daughters, both called Cleopatra, the elder married first to Alexander Balas and then to Demetrius II., the younger still a virgin. Eupator, after reigning a few days, was deposed and then murdered by his uncle, Physcon, the king of Cyrene, who claimed and obtained the throne.
Ptolemy Physcon, called also Euergetes II., acquired the throne in consequence of an arrangement mediated by the Romans, who stipulated that he should marry his sister Cleopatra, the widow of his brother, Philometor. Having become king in this way, his first act was the murder of his nephew. He then proceeded to treat with the utmost severity all those who had taken part against him in the recent contest, killing some and banishing others. By these measures he created such alarm, that Alexandria became half emptied of its inhabitants, and he was forced to invite new colonists to repeople it. Meanwhile he gave himself tip to gluttony and other vices, and became bloated to an extraordinary degree, and so corpulent that he could scarcely walk. He further repudiated Cleopatra, his sister, though she had borne him a son, Memphitis, and took to wife her daughter, called also Cleopatra, the child of his brother, Philometor. After a while his cruelties and excesses disgusted the Alexandrians, who broke out into frequent revolts. Several of these were put down; but at last Physcon was compelled to fly to Cyprus, and his sister Cleopatra was made queen, B.C. 130.
On the re-establishment of Physcon in his kingdom, he resolved to revenge himself on Demetrius for the support which he had given to Cleopatra. He therefore brought forward the pretender Alexander Zabinas, and lent him such support that he shortly became king of Syria, B.C. 126. But Zabinas, like his reputed father, Balas, proved ungrateful; and the offended Physcon proceeded to pull down the throne which he had erected, joining Antiochus Grypus against Zabinas, and giving him his daughter Tryphaena, in marriage. The result was the ruin of Zabinas, and the peaceful establishment of Grypus, with whom Physcon lived on friendly terms during the remainder of his life.
Physcon died in B.C. 117, and was succeeded by his eldest son, Ptolemy IX., commonly distinguished by the epithet of Lathyrus. Egypt now lost the Cyrenaica, which was bequeathed by Physcon to his natural son, Apion, who at his death made it over to the Romans. The ties which bound Cyprus to Egypt also became relaxed, for Lathyrus, and his brother, Alexander, alternately held it, almost as a separate .kingdom. The reign of Lathyrus, which commenced B.C. 117, did not terminate till B.C. 81, thus covering a space of thirty-six years; but during one-half of this time he was a fugitive from Egypt, ruling only over Cyprus, while his brother took his place at Alexandria. We must divide his reign into three periods-the first lasting from B.C. 117 to 107, a space of ten years, during which he was nominal king of Egypt under the tutelage of his mother; the second, from B.C. 107 to 89, eighteen years, which he spent in Cyprus; and the third, from B.C. 89 to 81, eight years, during which lie ruled Egypt as actual and sole monarch.
Lathyrus left behind him one legitimate child only, Berenice, his daughter by Selene, who succeeded him upon the throne, and remained for six months sole monarch. She was then married to her firm cousin, Ptolemy Alexander II, the son of Ptolemy Alexander I, who claimed the crown of Egypt under the patronage of the great Sulla. It was agreed that they should reign conjointly; but within three weeks of his marriage, Alexander put his wife to death. This act so enraged the Alexandrians that they rose in revolt against the murderer and slew him in the public gymnasium, B.C. 80.
A time of trouble followed. The succession was disputed between two illegitimate sons of Lathyrus, two legitimate sons of Sel~n6, the sister of Lathyrus, by Antiochus Eusebes, king of Syria, her third husband, and probably other claimants. Roman influence was wanted to decide the contest, and Rome for some reason or other hung back. A further disintegration of the empire was the consequence. The younger of the two sons of Ptolemy Lathyrus seized Cyprus, and made it a separate kingdom. The elder seems to have possessed himself of a part of Egypt. Other parts of Egypt appear to have fallen into the power of a certain Alexander, called by some writers Ptolemy Alexander III, who was driven out after some years, and, flying to Tyre, died there and bequeathed Egypt to the Romans.
Ultimately the whole of Egypt passed under the sway of the elder of the two illegitimate sons of Lathyrus, who took the titles of Neos Dionysos (" the New Bacchus "), Philopator, and Philadelphus, but was most commonly known as Auletes, the "Flute-player." The years of his reign were counted from. B.C. 80, though he can scarcely have become king of all Egypt till fifteen years later, B.C. 65. It was his great object during the earlier portion of his reign to get himself acknowledged by the Romans; but this he was not able to effect till B.C. 59, the year of Caesar's consulship, when his bribes were effectual. But his orgies and his " fluting " had by this time disgusted the Alexandrians; so that, when he increased the weight of taxation in order to replenish his treasury, exhausted by the vast sums he bad spent in bribery, they rose against him, and after a short struggle, drove him from his kingdom. Auletes fled to Rome; and the Alexandrians placed upon the throne his two daughters, Tryphaena and Berenice, of whom the former lived only a year, while the latter retained the crown till the restoration of her father, B.C. 55. He returned under the protection of Pompey, who sent Gabinius at the head of a strong Roman force to reinstate him. The Alexandrians were compelled to submit; and Auletes immediately executed Berenic6, who had endeavored to retain the crown and had resisted his return in arms. Auletes then reigned about three years and a half in tolerable peace, under the protection of a Roman garrison. He died B.C. 51, having done as much as in him lay to degrade and ruin his country.
Ptolemy Auletes left behind him four children-Cleopatra, aged seventeen; a boy, Ptolemy, aged thirteen; another boy, called also Ptolemy; and a girl, called Arsinoë. The last two were of very tender age. He left the crown, under approval of the Romans, to Cleopatra and the elder Ptolemy, who were to rule conjointly, and to be married when Ptolemy was of full age. These directions were carried out; but the imperious spirit of Cleopatra ill brooked any control, and it was not long ere she quarreled with her boy-husband, and endeavored to deprive him of the kingdom. War followed; and Cleopatra, driven to take refuge in Syria, was fortunate enough to secure the protection of Julius Caesar, whom she fascinated by her' charms, B.C. 48. With his aid she obtained the victory over her brother, who perished in the struggle. Cleopatra was now established sole queen, B.C. 47, but on condition that she married in due time her other brother, the younger son of Auletes. Observing the letter of this agreement, Cleopatra violated its spirit by having her second husband, shortly after the wedding, removed by poison, B.C. 44. The remainder of Cleopatra's reign was, almost to its close, prosperous. Protected by Julius Caesar during his lifetime, she succeeded soon after his decease in fascinating Antony, B.C. 41, and making him her slave for the rest of his lifetime. The details of this period belong to Roman rather than to Egyptian history; and will be treated in the last book of this Manual. It will be sufficient to note here that the latest descendant of the Ptolemies retained the royal title to the end, and showed something of the spirit of a queen in preferring death to captivity, and perishing upon the capture of her capital, B.C. 30.


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