Nibiru is Near in the Nighttime Sky – It’s Here!

Current Location of Planet X Nibiru is Near in the Nighttime Sky – It’s Here!

From my friend, Soul Evolution. The correct date is November 9th, not September 9th… just a type error in his text inside the video.
The description from the video:
This is probably one of the most important uploads I have ever made because Planet X Nibiru has finally broken through the ecliptic and is headed our way, call it what you will but this a warning I’m putting out to everyone on You-Tube. I have my friend and her Astronomer friend to thank for actually finding Nibiru. They have been tracking it since January of this year through a telescope. It has only very recently become fully visible in the night time sky as of November 4th 2016. As the days go by I will hopefully be getting more footage sent to me from my friend so we can share it with the World. This object won’t hit us but as it goes past it will most likely exert a powerful gravitational influence on the Earth possibly causing tidal waves, Earthquakes and many erupting volcanoes. We also ran this through an Astronomical program as well and found that our “New Star” is not even on there at all. Once you identify the new star for yourself you are very welcome to check this out for yourself. This video now have different video footage and telescope still shots that were not included in my initial upload.


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