Wikileaks Is Gone

Wikileaks Is Gone

Friday, November 18, 2016 16:20
If by now you haven’t figured out that Facebook and Google are in cahoots with the corrupt government, then I feel for you, but for those who are well aware of the issues it’s high time you switched over to It is a website that is similar to Facebook but without all the censorship.
Wikileaks is gone….from a series of posts at Jim Stone Freelance (edited for clarity):
File 35468d804a564f8..• jog KB. 971×756 971:756 wikileaksi/VUsDxRzwY 11/17/16 (Thu) 18:38:35
I’m one of the 15 WikiLeaks personnel that were raided at the sarne time Julian’s intemet was cut at the Ecuadorian embassy. I was issued a national security letter and a gag order, and all my computer equipment was seized. We had several contingency communication plans in place, and I have been unable to contact Julian or any WikiLeaks personnel except for one through our alternative communication channels.
Julian is rnissing as are rnost of the WikiLeaks personnel that I had regular communications with. WikiLeaks personnel are NOT in control of the official Tvvitter account. The WikiLeaks IAMA on Reddit was NOT conducted by WikiLeaks personnel.
TthreeciDuproesSpaititya:ilzrtahveerialCoonastt prevented the deadman’s switch from being activated. There is a contingency plan, but
There has been an incredible charade to keep up the appearance that Julain is fine. Several trusted people are obviously under duress as I cannot imagine any reason why they would promote the charade.
•wittileakst/VUsDxRzwY 11/17/16 (Thu) 18:44:44
i Of our infrastructure. Do NOT submit leaks, you WILL be identified.
I will attempt to activate the deadrnan’s switch using the final contingency plan. You vvill have your proof if I succeed.
•Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 184458 ID: 000000 No.8281681   I want proofs. You’re not using tor for example which raises questions.
(this guy is a clown…Tor is US govt funded and all the exit nodes are controlled by security agencies)
• vvikileaks,NUsDxRzwY 11/17/16 (Thu), exit nodes are owned by intelligence agencies.
•wikileaksINUsDxRzwY 11/17/16 (Thu) 190147
Ifs very technical and complicated, but long story short, they exploited a loophole we did not consider.
• vvikileaksiNi_isDxRzwY 11/17/16 (Thu)loet that seized rny computer equipment and interrogated me claimed to be CIA and had CIA documentation. I suspect work with the CIA, but the GHCQ will.
I am breaking rny gag order by posting here, and they will try to track me down. I know I am forfeiting rny life by doing this, but I have to warn potential leakers.
• wikileaks1/ViJsDxR,,, 11/17/16 (Thu) 19:32:13
We have hundreds of thousands of emails and documents from secret think tanks. We have proof of child exploitation of children in Haiti and the U.K. by the Clinton Foundation. Child exploitation in EVERY COUNTRY is run by the same people at the top. We have proof that the drug rnarket is controlled by intelligence agencies to fund black projects. We received these leaks from several sources including the NSA, FBI. NYPD, France’s DGSI, Interpol. Scotland Yard, and Switzerlands MND. Our Podesta leaks were automated and they decided to let them continue because they knew the contents and did not deem them a threat to national security, and they wanted to keep up the charade that WikiLeaks was still operational. Phase 3, the Clinton Foundation mails, were also automated, however, they shut these leaks down due to national security (U.S.) security.
The destruction of WikiLeaks was an unprecedented global effort.
• wikileaks,UsENR,, 11/17/16 (Thu)
due to public outrage. The CIA is at war with the NSA due to an exponential rise in technology and surveillance capabilities. The NSA became aware of the CIA’s global governrnent manipulation, especially the manipulation of the U.S. and U.K. governments, and their global child exploitation and blackmail network. The CIA and the people they protect are the old power structure.   Phase 3, the Clinton Foundation email, would have dealt a huge blow to the old power structure which is why they prevented the release of the emails at all costs. If there was a, question about Julian’s safety, he would immediately appear at the balcony window to the public. He would not want the reputation and credibility of WikiLeaks to be in question.
Be careful out there.  
If by now you haven’t figured out that Facebook and Google are in cahoots with the corrupt government, then I feel for you, but for those who are well aware of the issues it’s high time you switched over to It is a website that is similar to Facebook but without all the censorship.


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