When the American Financial Collapse Happens; The NEW UNITED STATES MONEY is approved and Ready to Go

Office of the Treasury for The United States of America

Current Appointed Treasurer
Juan Antonio Ceniceros
Affirmation [1]
Letter of Acceptance [2]
Also within the office of the Treasury

Bank of North America


International Conflict Resolution

Bank of North America Authorization to Issue Continental Dollar

Office of the Treasury hereby appoints GPOD3 as the bond issuing agent

Declaration of Value of the Continental Dollar, as amended 08-26-2016

The legal tender of the Government of The United States of America

This just proves that the entire system is rigged from the word go, Like, the money is made, for after a financial collapse that has not occurred yet??? Well, They obviously have foreknowledge and quite probably are totally complicit with the complete mechanics of the entire collapse agenda of basically the entire world's economy. The simple fact is it's the Elites Bankers - The Rothschild Dynasty who are the main physical players in this the BIGGEST Financial Fuck in Global History. This mammoth conspiracy has been going on in the background behind the Wizard's Curtain so to speak since its beginning in the times of the Egyptian Pharaoh's perhaps even earlier. What is known is that certain families of great wealth gained control of the thrones of north western Saharan Africa and the upper and lower Nile regions. For centuries in Egypt these Bloodline families ruled unchallenged. It is known that these wealthy powerful influential families slowly migrated easterly right up north around  Syria up into Western Europe and Eastern Europe into Russia and beyond, to round the entire Mediterranean Sea, or round up to the horn of Africa and right up to the top of Scotland Iceland and finally North America and the whole world today. The ruling Scum Slime Elites and Royal Families of today are of the same Bloodlines lineage as the ancient Families of Egypt and beyond.To the British Royals their pedigree heritage and Family lineage are there most valuable document possession proving there Bloodline purety and ties to past Royal Bloodlines on down there family tree. The other hereditary trait they values along with their pedigree is there Blue Bloodedness better known today as the RH or Rhesus Factor  they value this particular trait so much so, that they risked serious incestuous abominations and genetic deformities in their offspring by solely inbreeding with close family relatives in order to keep the RH bloodline factor as pure as possible. This is where I believe the Biblical tie can  now be made and that connection goes all the way back to Genesis and the birth of Cain and Abel. It is now believed by many including myself  that the Biblical pregnancy and birth of Cain and Abel was the result of the Rape of Eve by deception and manipulation which was fairly easy for Lucifer a divine Angelic being of light and because at that time Eve was an Innocent and Lucifer-Satan took advantage of the situation period. Eve still not understanding what had just happened to her and of course as sex is very pleasing she ran to teach Adam the pleasure she had just learned. After unbeknownst to Adam or Eve that Eve was indeed conceived with child, but not just once but twice, once"CAIN" by Lucifer-Satan and once "ABEL" by Adam. Now the Biblical account of the Garden of Eden story talks of an apple being eaten but no rape or sex, in fact what its says really does not fit our theory as it states: Gen. 4: 1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord. 2 And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground." And the only line that might corroborate our theory is the line "I have gotten a Man from God" as Satan played GOD to Innocent Eve or this could simply be that the original Genesis Tale was changed by the Pharisees, Scribe or Sanhedrin or possibly later by the Vatican. Regardless there's one and only one reason to alter the Biblical narrative "CONTROL"... But You're probably familiar with the classic way parents explain sexual reproduction to their children as "the birds and the bees." Another classic is the "brought by a stork" explanation for where babies come from. What is that but the colourful use of figurative language to explain a mature subject to the immature? The story told about Adam and Eve being tricked by a snake into eating an apple from a tree is like that. The story resembles the truth. For the mature, though, there's more to be known and understood about the Garden scenario and its consequences, much more for those with eyes open to See and ears able to hear the truth you will understand and comprehend the meaning of the Garden story and the whole bible for that matter. Now where this RH Rhesus Monkey Factor play into the Bible is the Famous "MARK OF CAIN" which we now believe is the RH Negative Blood Factor which is basically incompatible with the rest of the other 95 % of Humanity. RH Negative people will tell you themselves that they feel like alien or a the very least not part of the human race they generally have a lower body temperature there generally more telepathic and psychic than RH Positive people and we cannot forget the biggest difference the fact that without medical intervention a RH Negative women cannot carry to term a fetus from an RH Positive male, her body will Kill it like its an invading alien foreign body like a virus or bacteria. There are no other animals in the entire animal kingdom that cannot mate with every other member of its species except these RH Negative Humans. All these different traits of RH Negative Blood make it a very likely candidate for the "MARK of CAIN" and as the Elite Scum behind the coming False Flag Alien Invasion and the Financial collapse. They have been behind every Evil Event that has taken place we now know for centuries. They follow the Hegelian Dialect  of "PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION" "DIVIDE and CONQUER" and "ORDO AB KAOS" in other words they play these dialect like a concert violinist play his violin with great precision first they divide us by instigating every sore spot they can like Race,Religion,Abortion, Roe vs Wade,Minorities and of course the biggest devider of all the Republicans vs Democrat getting us totally and almost equally divided in opposing views. Then come the problem phase where they create different problem for agendas they already have the solution to Alien invasion Financial collapse or maybe even Nuclear War who know there depth of depravity, and when the people complain about the problem. Then by all these evil means and threats of collapse invasion and war they hope to bring about wide scale riot and looting and a total state of mass confusion and KAOS... And then they can give us there Solution by Installing Martial Law and Mass Imprissonment and relocation into the many FEMA camps and the execution of any and all dicident of there one world government of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN"S New World Order Global - Cabal It wont be called Global Criminal Cabal anymore because the Criminals will be in charge now all under there god LUCIFER_SATAN that old Serpent DICTATOR

That's if Evil succeed in Deceiving Us All 


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