Revealed! Leaked Cover of Rothschilds’ The Economist 2017 Decoded!

Revealed! Leaked Cover of Rothschilds’ The Economist 2017 Decoded!
This weekend I came across a leaked cover of the Economists’ “THE WORLD IN 2017” edition entitles Planet Trump. Previously I have had NanoGirl AKA Sharon Barrington on hand to lead the analysis of what is an illustration always abundant with symbology. This year is no different & I go over the cover in the video below. The reason myself & others take the time to decode this annual production by The Economist is the fact that is was set-up & still part owned by none other than the Rothschild family.

So, lets get into PLANET TRUMP!

This year the artist behind the illustration, on the command of his paymasters, has given us yet another feast of symbols to try and analyse so as to try and get some idea of what the Rothschild’s see coming in the year ahead, or more to the point, what they have planned for us!
Its all tarot cards this year & i will list the cards and their meanings below.
I give my own out-there take of what they may or may not mean in the video but its up to you what you think it all means.
So, lets begin…

THE TOWERsnap_01

In the opening image we have The Tower card. On the left side of the image we can see the red flag with hammer & sickle on it. Could this be a hint at Putin bringing back together the old Soviet Union as the propaganda machine the west is constantly bombarding us with?
On the right of the image is a cross.
Clash of civilizations?
TAROT DEFINITION… The Tower is a card about change. Just as with the Devil and Death, the Tower is not as frightening or as ominous as the pictorial representation in most decks. Trying to hold too tightly to the status quo can be disastrous now.  Roll with the changes. (cont..)


This one seems pretty straight forward with Trump about to put his nationalist stamp on the world.
TAROT DEFINITION… Judgment can be a card about jumping to conclusions, decisions and judgments. which are too hastily made. If you are prone to such things, this is a clear signal to slow down and give things more thought and to give people “more chances.” This can be a real time of spiritual awakening. (cont..)


TAROT DEFINITION… The World can signify that you are figuratively feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders, which is not an easy place to be. It’s an excellent time to review how well you do at “asking for help” when you need it. Remember you don’t have to do everything on your own. (cont..)


TAROT DEFINITION… The Hermit is an extremely spiritual card, and often has to do with institutions and large organizations – everything from a bank to the entire Christian Church. This card indicates spirituality even if you are an atheist. It’s in whatever sense the word “spirit” makes sense to you, even if for you “spirit” equates to “emotion.” You may be trying hard to figure out what the “truth” is about someone (or some matter), don’t feel that you have to do it all on your own, ask for help if you need it to gain different perspectives, more information, etc. (cont..)



TAROT DEFINITION… Death does not necessarily, or even usually, indicate physical death. In fact, in general, it is considered irresponsible for readers to predict physical death, as we are creatures with free will, and such things are not written in stone. This card simply indicates transformation and change. This is definitely a time of deep transformation, likely to be both inner and outwardly in your life. Situations, things, and people that you have counted on or gotten used to may no longer be available to you in quite the same way as they once were, and this transition can be difficult for some people. (Cont…)


TAROT MEANING… The Magician is about making higher – and better – use of all of one’s power. Spiritual, emotional, and otherwise. This is another card that often signifies new beginnings and great expectations. This is a very powerful, positive omen in a reading. This card reminds us that we have the power to make a difference, in our lives and in the greater world, if we simply make a point to try. (Cont…)


TAROT MEANING… The Wheel of Fortune tells you that in general, it looks as though things are changing. In most cases, this indicates positive, needed changes but for some people, change itself is very difficult and can almost be traumatic. This is a very spiritual and “Karmically” oriented time. Change is part of the cyclical nature of life. (Cont…)


TAROT DEFINITION… When the Star appears, you are likely to find yourself feeling rather inspired. You will be feeling more hopeful about the future, and more confident that your needs – whether these are emotional or financial needs or both – will be met. This is also a very spiritual card. You may find yourself for a time feeling at one with all of creation. Savor it. (Cont…)
Most people who use social media have figured out that Facebook and Google are in cahoots with the corrupt government, for those who are well aware of the issues it’s high time you switched over It is a website that is similar to Facebook but without all the censorship.
Let me know what you think it all means in the comments below!


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